The Girl He Marked

Book 4 Chapter 40

Book 4 Chapter 40

I swallow hard and meet his honey—colored irises.




The word resonates around my brain and fills my mind, making it hard to concentrate on anything but


An amused smile forms on his face, causing my gaze to drop to his lips. They are full and plump and

oh, so kissable…

The smile widens, revealing straight teeth. I drag my gaze back up to appreciate the exquisite bone

structure that is his face. He honestly could model.

I bet he gets harassed by prisoners all of the time. He probably spends his life being sexualized and

here I am, simply adding to it.

'Miss Willows, I need to take your statement of what happened last night. Please could you confirm

your date of birth'

I recite my birthday to him, letting him know that I am twenty—three. He hands me a notepad and a

pen for me to write my statement. Our fingers touch when he hands me the pen and my heart jolts in

my chest.

I focus on writing down what happened. Making my account succinct and clear, I place the pen down

and slide the notepad back to him.

'Due to extenuating circumstances, I have managed to get your fine cleared. You are free to go after

this, Miss Willows.'

'Extenuating circumstances' I ask.

He smirks at me. 'The fact that you are my mate.'

Hearing the words said out loud makes it all the more real. Before, I could kid myself that I had

imagined this and made it all up in my head. Maybe I was the only one feeling the bond.

Obviously, we truly are mates.

'I am Lance, by the way,' he introduces himself. 'Sergeant Lance Owens.'

'Nice to meet you, Lance. I'm Ines,' I respond quietly.

I can't stop staring at him. I know it's rude and a little creepy, but he's just so damn attractive.

'Can I give you a ride home, Ines'

Spend more time with you Yes, please!

'Um, yes. I'd like that, please,' I tell him shyly.

His smirk turns into a smile, and he stands up from the table. I follow suit and he leads me out of the

building and into a lift at the end of the corridor. It takes us down to the car park below.

I get to sit in the passenger seat this time. He pulls out of the station and into the main road.

'Whereabouts do you live' He asks me as we drive in the direction of the city center.

'Over on Westbrook,' I reply, and he takes a right at the next roundabout.

'How long have you been a police officer' I ask him, wanting to know more about him.

'About four years, now. Started fresh out of uni.'

'Do you enjoy it'

'Most days, I love it. Like all jobs, you have days that you wish you were doing something else. What

about you Do you have a job'

'I'm a guidance counselor at a clinic in Davenford.'

'That's cool. Do you enjoy it'

I shrug. 'I enjoy the sessions and the patients. The clinic has been screwing me over lately, though.

They've cut my hours, so that sucks.'

'I'm sorry. Have you looked for another job elsewhere'

'Not yet. I was waiting for a breaking point, but I guess I've reached that now.'

'It can't hurt to have a look, right You need to work somewhere that people appreciate you.'

Before I know it, he's pulling up in front of my flat. He cuts the engine and turns to face me in the car.

'So, do I get to see you again' I ask lightly. 'Preferably somewhere else other than the police station.'

His lips twitch and he smiles. 'Yes, you do.'

'Like…on a date' I ask shyly.

He smirks at me. 'I'm not supposed to date criminals.'

I pout at him. 'I wasn't even charged!'

'I know.' He chuckles and shakes his head. 'I want to take you out to dinner. Does tonight work for you'

I can't help but grin. I'm so excited at the prospect of seeing him again so soon.

'Yes! Definitely.'

His grin matches mine. 'Perfect. I'll be round at seven'


For a second, we both hesitate. He leans in suddenly and pecks my cheek. I feel my face starting to

heat up from the tingles erupting across my face. I hurry up and get out of the car before he sees how

red I have turned.


I get all flustered choosing my outfit for the date. When Lance knocks on my door at exactly the right

time, I'm not quite ready.

I answer the door with my make—up half done and my hair in a knot on top of my head.

'Hey! I'm so sorry, I just need five more minutes, I'm not quite ready yet.'

He smiles and looks me up and down. 'No problem. You look great, anyways.'

I shoot him a grateful smile and open the door wider.

'Thanks. Come on in.'

Lance patiently sits and waits for me in my living room. I finish getting ready in a rush. I manage to

come out, satisfied with my appearance, about six or seven minutes later.

'I'm sorry about that,' I apologize again. 'I wasn't sure what to wear and it all kind of went downhill from


He smiles and comes over to me.

'You look amazing. You are well worth the wait.'

My heart flutters at his compliment.

'Thank you,' I respond and shyly look down.

It's hard to maintain eye contact with those intense green orbs. Lance takes my hand and leads me

downstairs. He takes me over to his car and holds the door open for me.

'It's only a five—minute drive to the restaurant, but I didn't want to make you walk in case you decided

to wear heels,' he explains and glances at my feet. 'Which you did.'

'Thanks, that's very considerate of you,' I reply, smiling widely.

Once at the restaurant, we're taken to our table and given the menus. It's basically a posh fish and chip


'I've never been here before, but I've heard good things,' I tell Lance as I browse the menu.

'I promise, it's amazing. I'm sorry that it doesn't seem very fancy for a first date, but I wanted to take

you somewhere that had good food.'

I lower my menu to be able to meet his eyes.

'Food over fanciness, every time,' I respond. 'I'll take a good Maccy's over a gourmet meal on a dish

the size of a side plate any day.'

'Me, too.'

As promised, the food is incredible. To reduce the restaurant to a fish and chip bar would be

blasphemy, the food is far too good to be considered take—out.

When we've paid up, we walk hand in hand around the city for a bit. Lance tells me funny stories of

people he's encountered and arrests he's had over the years.

He mentions how much he loves steak and I invite him round on Saturday night. I make a mean steak

and I want to cook it for him.

My wonderful mate walks me all the way to my door. He waits patiently for me to unlock it and step

inside. When I turn back to face him, we are suddenly much closer.

My breath catches and my eyes drop to his lips. So full and kissable. I don't realize that I'm leaning in NôvelDrama.Org content rights.

until Lance is leaning, too.

We meet somewhere in the middle. Our lips collide and my heart starts beating twice as fast. Warmth

and tingles spread around my body at his touch.

Our bodies automatically get closer, pressing against one another with equal intent. Lance's hands rest

on my hips and my grip his jacket.

The kiss is passionate but reserved, as if we're both conscious that this is our first date and we're still in

the hallway of my building.

When we finally break the kiss, our lips are swollen, and our pupils dilated. Lance says goodnight with

a husky rasp, and I watch him go, reluctantly.


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