The Girl He Marked

Book 4 Chapter 39

Book 4 Chapter 39

Ines' POV.

Meeting my sister's mate is a double—edged sword. I'm so happy for her, truly. It's amazing to see her

smiling and laughing and just…blissfully happy.

But it also sucks to be single and mateless. I want what she has. Seeing it up close and personal is

simply a reminder of what I haven't got. I really hope that I meet my mate soon.

I meet Ellie at our favorite bar in town. The cocktails are 2—4—1 before 6 PM and you are served


It's a busy night in town. People are out and enjoying themselves. There's a mixture of human and

supernatural in the bars, which is perfect for a good time.

Ellie is hitting the alcohol hard tonight and I'm all for it. I'm single as fuck and alone whilst everyone

around me is finding their mates and happiness. Excuse me for wanting to drink my problems away for

one night.

Ellie knows about shifters since a member of her family was turned by one. We've been friends for a

while now and she's great, but she can't handle her liquor.

'Don't you think we should slow down' I suggest when she finishes her third mojito.

She rolls her eyes at me and grabs the drinks menu.

'Um, no Let your hair down and pick another cocktail, girl.'

After a moment's hesitation, I do as she suggests and order another cocktail.

The night continues like this, me suggesting that we slow down and Ellie refusing to.

We move from bar to bar and eventually, to the clubs. We dance until we're sweating and have to stand

outside and cool off.

At 3AM, the clubs shut, and we're kicked out onto the street. Police are patrolling the area, keeping an

eye out for predators and fights.

Ellie and I burst out into the street. We walk down the road, heading for the taxi rank. After seeing how

many people are in the queue for the taxis, I pull out my phone and start ordering us a cab from a

different company.

I look up just as Ellie loses her footing. She flies forwards and into the road. My heart stops as I lurch

forwards on instinct, trying to reach her.

I'm not fast enough and I'm too far away. She goes headfirst into the road and bounces off the hood of

a slow—moving car.

The driver slams the brakes on and Ellie slides from the bonnet to the ground.

'Eleanor!' I shout and run over to her. 'Are you okay'

She's lying on her back on the tarmac. The car is inches from her body. The door opens and the driver

steps out.

'I'm so sorry! She came out of nowhere! She fell into my car, is she okay'

I get down on my knees to look at her. Ellie blinks blearily up at me and then gives me a lop—sided


'I feel weird,' she mumbles. 'And my arm hurts.'

There's the crackling of radio interference and then I hear an officer calmly call for an ambulance. I look

up and spot the officer approaching us.

'Ma'am Can you tell me where and what is hurting, please' He asks Ellie and crouches by her.

I step back and let him take over. I back up without looking, though. I trip on the curb behind and fall

backward. I land hard on my butt on the pavement, groaning in pain.


I look up at the police officer from the pavement. He's frowning at me.

'I'm going to take you to the station. Stand up and put your hands behind your back.'

Confused, I struggle to get to my feet. 'Pardon'

The officer sighs and approaches me. We've gathered quite a crowd, now. He grabs my upper arm and

hauls me to my feet. I protest, but he's gripping me tightly. He spins me around and, a second later, the

cold bite of metal is on my wrists and clicking noises reach my ears.

I'm in cuffs!

'I'm going to take you to the police station. I'm taking you in for being drunk and disorderly.'

He tells me my rights and advises this will probably end in an overnight stay at the police station and a

small fine in the morning.

I ask to wait until my friend is taking away in an ambulance, I want her to be okay.

The police officer puts me in the back of the car, locks the door and goes to sit with Eleanor. I watch

from the window and wait for the ambulance to come.

It arrives quickly and the paramedics put Ellie in the back. Once they've driven off, the officer returns to

the car. He gets into the front and starts the engine.

'She's got a mild fracture in her humerus, but she'll be okay.'

I'm taken back to the police station, booked and put into a 2 x 2 cell.

This is really not how I expected tonight to go.

I sit down on the cot bed and get comfy. It's going to be a long night.


In the morning, I'm awoken by the bright light shining through the bar window near the ceiling.

My mouth is dry, and my eyes feel like sandpaper. I sit up and crack my neck. I roll my shoulders and

slowly stand up.

I kicked my heels off last night, so I pad across to the barred door barefoot.

'Excuse me' I call out, waiting for a reply. 'Hello'

A police officer appears in my line of view.

'I'm sorry, but do you know when I'll be released please'

'One moment,' he replies bluntly. He comes back about five minutes later. 'We're waiting for the station

Sergeant to arrive. He will decide when you are released. I think he'll want to take your statement, too.'

'Okay,' I reply glumly. 'Please could I have some water I'm parched.'

The police officer nods and disappears down the corridor. Ten minutes later, he still hasn't returned.

Another officer comes past, this time it's a woman.

'Excuse me Please could I have some water I'm so thirsty.'

'I'll be right back.'

Unlike the other officer, she actually returns. She hands me a small cup of water. I thank her and take it

gratefully. She surprises me by pulling a packet of gum from her pocket and giving me a piece.

'Thank you!' I tell her and pop the piece in my mouth.

Feeling refreshed, I return to the bed and lie down on it. I don't know how long I lie there, wondering

how Ellie is and contemplating what a mess last night was.

That's the last time I got out drinking with her for a while, she's a damn liability.

I sit up when I hear the clicking of polished boots against the concrete floor. A handsome face appears

at the door and, a moment later, the door hisses and opens.

Fully revealed to me, the police officer leaves me speechless. The most handsome man I've ever seen

stands in the hallway with his hands on his hips.

He's wearing the typical police uniform, but he has the symbol of Sergeant on his right arm.

'Ines Willows' He asks firmly.

Goddess, his voice is as perfect as the rest of him.

'Yes,' I respond quickly and get to my feet. Original from NôvelDrama.Org.

'Grab your things and follow me. We need to take your statement.'

I hurriedly pick up my shoes. I slip them on and follow him down the corridor, wincing at the loud clicks

my heels make.

He takes me to an interrogation room and holds the door for me whilst I enter. I take a seat and he sits

down opposite me.

He gets comfortable in the chair whilst I admire his biceps straining against his black uniform.

'So, tell me,' he starts casually. 'What is my mate doing in a police cell'


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