Her, his desire


” I have a business for you ” Nathan said trying as much as he could not to flare up. Leon chuckled slightly nodding his head like Nathan is seeing him right now. ” I know right? So what business does Nathan Rogers have for me?” Leon asked. ” I will send you his information, I need you to deal with him squarely and keep him captive till I see him ” Nathan replied. Sadie glanced at him, she opened her mouth to say something but nothing came out. Is Nathan really serious about that? As angry as he is looking, she finds it hard to offend him and get him angry the more. ” Oh wow! Okay! I don’t want to get on your nerves the more, seems you were angered and talking to me is fueling it the more so, I will be waiting for the information and then, we will get to meet again. Good bye best friend ” Leon rasp, ended the call before Nathan could say anything. Nathan balled his hand in a fist with his jaw tightened throwing his phone beside him. ” Uhhmn, Nathan….” ” You were planning on keeping it away from me right?” He asked cutting Sadie off. Sadie opened and closed her mouth. She thought it wasn’t necessary telling Nathan about Mr Lin’s escapade with her since she could handle it. ” I.. I am sorry please stop being mad at me, believe me. He didn’t touch me in any way ” she said with a sigh. Nathan drew her closer to himself, all his anger just vanished with just hearing her voice. He is still very mad but cannot stay mad at her. Sadie is a part of him, a very important part of him. ” Do not ever hide this kind of stuff from me again, you are mine ” He kissed her forehead with those damn feelings rushing through him. He can never do without Sadie. That is something he knows. She is his medicine. ” Okay, am I forgiven?” She asked. Nathan pretended to be thinking of it then shook his head. ” Not yet until you serve your punishment on our bed, I will so punish you that you will beg me for more ” Nathan said shamelessly. Sadie blushed like a kid who was given her favourite chocolate with her cheeks turning tomato. ” Nathan ” she called playfully hitting his hard chest while he chuckled claiming her lips kissing her passionately. He cannot get enough of her. Kaleb cleared his throat and at the same time cursing under his breathe. Can’t they pity him? He’s still single, damn this couple!!! ??? OUTSIDE NEWYORK CITY:

ELENI TOWN, CALIFORNIA ??? ” How are you feeling Dad?” Max asked his father. Kelvin sighed but smiled at Max. ” I am fine now son, slowly getting out of the shell I was trapped in ” he replied sincerely. He has been doing his best to forget about his family he had lost. It has not been easy but he’s glad, glad that he has Max beside him. ” I am happy you are recovering Dad, I am so happy ” Max said. Kelvin chuckled lightly patting Max’s shoulder. ” Tell me Son, how are things going in our the companies?” He asked. ” Everything is going well, all thanks to Uncle Dave ” Max replied. Kelvin nodded in understanding, Dave was the man that saved them fifteen years ago. As much as Kelvin was in a long coma, he knew Dave has been their guardian angel. He is forever grateful to him. Who knows, if Dave never came to their rescue. They’d be dead and forgotten. ” How about you tell him to come over for dinner some times? I want to meet him ” Kelvin said. ” That’s not a case Dad, uncle Dave will be glad to finally meet you in consciousness” ” That’s great, what’s for dinner?” Kelvin asked. ” I don’t know either, let’s go and find out ” ” Okay ” Kelvin stood up from the bed and they headed out together. ” And son ” ” Yes Dad ” ” I haven’t seen you bring in any woman, are you not planning on settling down and giving me grandchildren?” Kelvin asked throwing Max by surprise. Max scratched the back of his head chuckling nervously. Huh? He doesn’t even have a single girlfriend. A lot of ladies are throwing themselves on him because of his money and looks but he can’t go for any of them They are all golddiggers, all women are. Well, except for his mother and sisters. Thinking about his mother and sisters brought back old memories. Since he grew up, he has been searching for the person that plotted that evil against them to no avail. No information about anything. ” Dad! I will settle down when the time is right ” he replied simply. .. ” When will that be? You are twenty seven Max or did you want me to die without seeing your children?” Max sighed, he really doesn’t want to be blackmailed right now with death. ” Don’t talk about death Dad, I will get married as soon as I find the right woman for me okay? And you are not dying ” He said and paused stretching his arms dramatically. ” I am hungry Dad, let’s go eat ”

*************** ” Watch where you are going” a lady yelled at Alex but it was too late, they bumped into each other. Her books ended up falling down. ” What the hell? Are you blind? Can’t you look where you are going to?” She screamed angrily. Alex bent down to pick up the books for her. He has been distracted since he came back from the station after visiting his dad thinking of how he’d go about looking for the money his dad owe the bank. In just twenty four hours, his dad has become so different. He was looking so dirty and unkept, that added to his worries. ” I am sorry I didn’t mean t….. Lani?” He called in a surprise tone. Lani glanced at him with her eyes bulging out. ” Alex ” she called blinking her eyes. Her cheeks reddened immediately. After two years, she thought the feeling will go away but damn! ” Aren’t you going to give me a hug?” Alex said with a chuckle spreading his arms wide for her embrace. Lani smiled shyly hugging him with her heart beating very fast. She has had a crush on her best friend’s brother since they were teenagers but she couldn’t say. Although Sadie knew about it but none of them told Alex because he had a girlfriend. ” Look at you Lani, you’ve grown more beautiful in just two years ” Alex complimented. If only Lani isn’t standing right in front of him, she could have let out an excited scream. Her crush just said she is beautiful. ” T.. thank you ” ” You are welcome beautiful ” he replied winking at her. Lani cleared her throat trying to act normal but her heart and mind kept betraying her. Traitors!!! ” Uhmm, so you’ve been home? ” She asked clearing the awkwardness that was beginning to come up between them. ” Not really, I came back just yesterday” he replied. ” Oh ” Lani said nodding her head. ” Where are you off to?” He asked. ” Home ” ” Alright then, how about I drop you off?” Lani shook her head immediately, he can’t risk staying in a car with Alex, she will be suffocated. ” No thank you, I will just go on my own and besides. I came with a friend” she lied. ” Are you sure?” ” Yeah ” Alex shrugged his shoulder. ” Alright then, see you around ” Lani waved at him running off. Phew!!! ★ Next morning ★ ” Where are you going to Jenna?” Mrs Meyer asked but earned a scornful look from her daughter in return. ” None of your business ” Jenna replied blatantly. ” Did you just say that to me?” Mrs Meyer asked . ” Is there any else here? Weren’t you the one that asked me an unnecessary question? What is wrong with you mum? You can’t provide for me and so you have no right to ask of my movements ” Jenna fired crossing her hands to her chest. ” Jenna, you know our current situation why don’t you understand..” ” Understand what exactly? The fact that you failed as a mother? No tell m….” A slap landed on her face before she could complete her sentence. ” How dare you talk to mum in that manner? Have you gone mad?” Alex asked slapping her again angrily. ” Alex? You slapped me because of mum? I was only stating the obvious” she said hissing in pain. ” Say that again and I will disfigure your face right now, get back inside your room before I change my mind and beat you up forgetting you are my sister ”

He roared. ” I was about going out Alex, I go back in ” Jenna replied stubbornly. Alex stormed his fit grabbing her by her hair while their mum just sat there watching. She’s tired! Tired of everything happening around her. ” Ouch! Alex stop.. ” her voice hitched immediately she was thrown inside her room.

Alex locked the door taking its key with him. ” Son ” Mrs Meyer called trying to touch him but Alex shifted back in disgust. ” Don’t touch me mum, I have always told you to teach your daughters manners but you thought you were training them and enslaving Sadie now you see the result ” ” Your own daughter, no, your precious daughter just talked back at you, she insulted you to your face and you couldn’t do anything. Something Sadie will never do no matter the maltreatment ” ” As much as Sadie is changed now, she respects those who needs to. You thought sending her away was the best thing but you sent her into paradise ” ” Dad is there in the cell, if we can’t do anything before coming week, he will go to prison. As much as you hate Sadie, I believe she’s the only one that can help us right now with the position she is in now but guess’s what mum?” ” She doesn’t care, Sadie doesn’t Fu*king care about whatever any of you are passing through ” Alex said and walked off angrily. ??? OUTSIDE NEWYORK CITY:

ELENI TOWN, CALIFORNIA ???. ” Good morning Uncle Dave ” Max greeted as Uncle Dave entered his office. ” Morning son, how are you? ” ” I am fine Uncle how about Aunt Juliet? ” Max asked.

Aunt Juliet is uncle Dave’s wife. Uncle Dave smiled genuinely at the mention of his wife. ” She’s doing very great son, she is angry you haven’t visited her for a long time now” Max sighed, he knows Aunt Juliet will be mad at her. ” I know Uncle, I will try and go see her as soon as my schedule is free ” ” That’s okay, don’t give it too much thought. She just misses you so , are you done signing up for the new project? ” ” Uhh yes, I already signed it and oh Uncle, Dad is inviting you for a dinner, anytime you are free ” Max said. Uncle Dave’s smile widened…. He is glad his effort of saving Kelvin didn’t go in vain even if it took him so many years to wake up. ” Really? It will be an honour son, I will visit if you are back from your trip ” Dave said in excitement while Max frowned across the room. ” Why are you frowning?” Uncle Dave asked ” What trip are you talking about uncle?” Max asked.

It was now uncle Dave’s turn to frown. ” Your assistant haven’t informed you? You have a meeting with the new investors from New York ” uncle Dave said. ” Right? That doesn’t mean I have to travel so??” Max asked again. ” That’s the point son, they can’t make it down to California and you are to have the meeting in New York. You will be going to New York tomorrow and spending about a week before coming back “…This is from NôvelDrama.Org.

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