Her, his desire


??? OUTSIDE NEWYORK CITY:© 2024 Nôv/el/Dram/a.Org.

ELENI TOWN, CALIFORNIA ??? Max sighed nodding his head in understanding. He wasn’t prepared the trip but what can he do? . ” Alright uncle, I will just jsut round some few things up before tomorrow ” he replied. Uncle Dave Chu nodded standing up.

” Let me not take much of your time, I will see you later ” he said dashing out of Max’s office. Max put a call across to his pilot. ” Good morning Sir ” he greeted from the other side of the phone. ” Yes, please get the jet ready, we are flying out tomorrow ” Max informed ” Yes Sir ” Max sighed creasing his forehead tiredly when someone badged into his office. He narrowed his eyes seeing the lady standing fearlessly in front of him. She is the only one with such guts to badge into his office. ” To what do I owe this visit Tilda?” He asked furrowing his eyebrows. ” Is that how you welcome people to your office ? Such a di*k you are Max” Tilda hissed taking a seat without Max permitting her. Max couldn’t help but chuckle, she just entered and her first exchange of pleasantry that ought to be greetings was insult. She didn’t even knock at his door and she wants to be welcomed? Matilda will never change. ” Did you have to insult me now? ” He growled playfully. ” And good morning to you too Max” Tilda replied nonchalantly. She took Max’s coffee from the table gulping down everything. Tilda smirked at Max, they have been this close since childhood.

She is Matilda, Matilda Chu. Uncle Dave’s only daughter. ” Seriously? Was it for you?” He asked. ” But I have taken it anyways, so how are you ?” She asked taking in his appearance. ” Doing very well, you look beautiful sis ” Max said taking a look at her. She is truly stunning. Tilda scoffed irritatingly, how much she hates Max calling her sis. ” I am not your sister fuçking Max, I have told you to stop calling me that ” she fumed angrily banging the table. Matilda love Max since they were kids but he sees her as his younger sister even if they are almost the same age. It is so frustrating. Max covered his ears laughing so loudly, that is possibly the only thing that gets Tilda pissed off. He knew Tilda has a soft spot for him but the love he has for her is just normal brother and sister’s love. He tried to love her the from the perspective Tilda loves him from but it yielded nothing. She being seen as his sister is better than being in a relationship with her. How awkward.. how will it be? ” It’s okay, do not eat me alive beautiful ” he said raising up his hands in surrender. Tilda snarled turning away. Why can’t he just love her back huh? What is so hard? ” Are you angry? Fine! Fine! I am sorry, you are not my sister, I mean I am not your brother now happy?” Max said. ” I have heard that a lot of times but you kept repeating it over and over again”

She pouted. Max stood up walking over to her, he held her hands standing her on her feet then he hugged her. Tilda felt so at peace, her cheeks reddened, her legs became weak. She was surprised Max hugged her and the feeling is overwhelming. It’s been years since Max hugged her, that all stopped after he discovered she has feelings for him. Uncle Dave is also aware but he can’t force them to be together, he can’t force Max to marry his daughter for her happiness. Max is also like a son to him, he practically watched him grow into the man he had become and Max happiness is essential to him too. ” I am sorry ” Max raised her chin giving her a kiss on her cheeks leaving Tilda in great shock. ***************** ” Are you ready?” Mia asked Sadie and she nodded confidently. She already gave her resignation letter to LBC as ordered by her dear husband. She is having an interview in a right now and since she is not with any agency, Sadie asked Mia to accompany her as her manager. This interview means a lot, it will bring her more fame and exposure to different brands to endorse her. ” Alright then, you go ahead. I will be watching from here ” Mia said as she helped Sadie climb the stage preventing her from her massive fans that were turning the world for Sadie. * You look so beautiful Sadie* * Can I have an autograph role model? * * Your dress cost a lot of Fortunes, you must be really blessed * * Your smile is intoxicating * * You are so perfect Sadie * Sadie smiled and waved at them. It is a good thing she has this huge people supporting her and they are all here to watch her interview. Can she be more happier? ” Lets welcome Sadie Meyer to the stage” the interviewer director Ming said and a loud shout and applause was heard from the croud. ” Welcome Sadie, it is a very big pleasure to have you here. We thought you won’t attend an interview like ours, please have a seat ” director Ming said pointing at a well polished seat at the middle of the stage. After her appearance in the CQ magazine, she haven’t made a public appearance like this very one. ” Thank you director Ming ” Sadie said politely, that made her fans screamed more. Not so many models out there are very polite like her. Most models display mannerless attitudes on the stage but here she is seated calm, polite and collected. Why won’t they love this soul? Director Ming smiled nervously. ” You know Sadie, this organization is mostly for celebrities gossip mill. We will love to know a lot of things about you, if you won’t mind ” he said. ” It’s fine director Ming, I will answer anyone that I can ” Sadie replied. Director Ming clapped his hands excitedly. He is so happy they are already making a lot of money from this. Imagine the crowd that turned up for just an interview, the all paid for the ticket with quite a whole lot of money and those that will turn their television to their channel just to watch the interview. ” Good, lets start with this. We noticed you have the same surname with Carly Meyer, are you two related?” He asked. Sadie’s face went blank for a moment and then she smiled. People watching the interview nodded, they haven’t given it a thought all this while. ” It is a pure coincidence, we are not related in any way ” Sadie said with her best smiled plastered on her face. Director Ming nodded in understanding, it happens like that a lot of times. ” Okay, okay! Can you tell us why you came back into the modeling industry after you left for so many years?” He asked. Sadie gave everyone a goofy smile shaking her head. ” Well, I left because I wanted someone close to my heart to take the fame ” she answered truthfully. The viewers became more interested, who does that? Give out your position to someone else? ” Then why did you come back?” Director Ming asked. ” Circumstances, and besides. The person already has the fame ” she replied with a shrug ” So how did you feel when the CQ magazine made a hit after publication?” He asked. Sadie breathed out. ” I felt so happy, I didn’t put a lot of effort in the magazine yet it came out amazing. I was overly excited about the outcome ” she replied. ” Oh wow! If you didn’t put all your efforts in that magazine that is still ranking number one till now then, then we are waiting to see more of you” He said laughing while Sadie laughed along. ” Yes, you will see more of me ” she replied laughing. ” The next question is very personal but we will still ask anyway ” Director Ming grinned childishly which made Sadie chuckled again . She nodded her head with saying anything. ” Okay, here we go. You know, as beautiful and as talented as you are. A lot of bachelors out there will want to have a relationship with you and so, we all want to know your relationship status ” he said. The crowd became so quiet that you could hear if a pin drop. It was as silent as the graveyard. Everyone is interested in Sadie’s love life. * Yes we are waiting * * Please tell us Sadie * The crowd yellled anxiously. ” I am married ” Sadie replied waving her ring casually. Different gasps filled the air as everyone tried to process the news. Sadie is married? That is amazing!!! ” Woah! Wow!! Wow!!! I never thought of that, congratulations Sadie but this new information has gotten us more curious, can you tell us who your husband is?” Director Ming asked…… Meanwhile, very far from the audience, Nathan was seated in his tinted blacked Masarati with a smile plastered on his face. He felt so happy Sadie admitted that she is married, that is a big step. This is enough to make his entire day…. He hugged Kaleb unconsciously. Kaleb’s eyes widened. What is wrong with his young master? His young master behaves like a kid sometimes. As much as Kaleb love this his new Young master, Love has turned him into something else, if this is a definition of love. Kaleb want his young master to be in love forever… ” He is someone you won’t want to know, besides. We’ve decided to keep our marriage a secret for the time being ” Sadie replied but that led to a loud screamed. * We are your supporters and we want to know who your husband is * * We want to know your husband Sadie* * Tell us who he is* * Is he that very powerful?* * We are just eager to know who captured our Sadie’s heart * * Please don’t keep us waiting * .. ” It seems I am not the only one eager to know this ” director Ming said laughing. Sadie sighed with the smile not leaving her face. Thinking of what to do, she knows she won’t be able to escape this question and so an idea struck her mind. ” Okay let’s do it this way, I will call him and connect the phone with the speaker. If he is ready to reveal himself to you then…. so be it but if he refused to tell you who he is, I won’t answer the question again ” Sadie replied. ” That is going to be fun ”

They audience yelled.

Director Ming connected Sadie’s phone with the speaker so everyone could hear whatever her husband was going to say. They all hope he agrees to tell them who he is. Sadie threw her head back as she put the call across Nathan. Nathan picked immediately the phone rang. ” Hey baby, how are you doing angel?” Nathan’s voice rang across the place. It felt so domineering yet so cool, smooth and friendly. Everyone stayed quiet with different thoughts running through their mind. That voice sounded sexy. He must be so handsome. They all wish to scream but at the same time, they want to listen. Sadie blushed bowing her head. ” I am fine…” She replied shyly. ” Are you sure? Did you need me to come meet you baby? ” Nathan asked playing along like he doesn’t know what was going on. The crowd only wished and admired them making them more curious to know who is talking. There must be a strong bond between them. ” No, no! You don’t have to, I just called for something else ” Sadie smiled. ” Shoot already, I am always available for you ” he replied huskily. Director Ming cleared his throat. This two are obviously flirting, don’t they have no shame? ” Well, I am at the interview and they all want to know who my husband is and so I decided to call you to tell them who you are ” Sadie said. Nathan chuckled lightly. ” Do they really want to know me? ” He asked teasingly and the audience screamed a yes to his hearing. ” We have decided to keep our marriage a secret, my identity rather because you all already knows she is married, we will let the whole world know when we are ready. Now, no one should pester my wife about this. Take care baby, don’t stress yourself too much to answer questions. I love you “

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