Yearning For The Badboy Mafia’s Love

Chapter 103


I walked back downstairs in a hurry, attracting Luciano and May’s attention to myself. They seem to be having a talk until I walked in. I’ve forgotten that I’ve just arrived to my new home and I don’t even know much ways around here. But I need to go out, I need to see her. Her voice was shaking and it seems something is gonna happen to her if she didn’t find anyone to talk to.

I know I shouldn’t be worried at why out of everyone, she choose to talk to me. I mean, Charlotte and I are so not in good terms.

We both know that pretty well. We disliked eachother almost immediately so it’s kind of odd what she wants to see and talk to me. Remembering how she had dumped me in a rain one time, that should be enough reason for me to say no to her right?

But I couldn’t. Her voice, her tone of voice is one I’ve never heard. Charlotte used to speak with confidence, authority and she have a high tone but not this time, her voice was surprisingly low.

“Lucia …” My father called my name.

Making me to stood on my track and turn to look at him, he stood up and start approaching me. He was looking worried.

Perhaps he might have think I’m trying to run away.

“What’s wrong? You don’t like your room or is their something you need?”This belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

I looked away. Everyone is kind of acting weird. Why is that? Cause of my new identity or nah!

Having someone ask and care for me the way Luciano does right now , makes me feel a little different. Moving away from Richards back then had made me forgot what caring for someone feels like.

“I got a call from my friend. She’s not feeling and she wants to see me.” I bite my lower lips. Since when did Charlotte became my friend and not to talk of me addressing her as one?

“Who… Emma?”

I was surprised to hear him say that name but that wasn’t long cause I remembered he had meet Emma back at the hospital. He must have bore her with questions while I was still asleep.

“Not Emma… Charlotte. Her name is Charlotte” I bite my lower lips. He looked at me weirdly and nods.

“You can take one of the cars…. Have three or four of my solider follow you”

My eyes widened. “what!?” I exclaimed and he looked at me confused. I nervously laughed.

How can I forgot that everything is changing and I need to get used to my new identity? As the daughter of a Mafia Boss.

“Four guards? For what!.. I told you, she’s my friend and I don’t think I need a security. I can take care of myself”

“Listen to your father Lucia,” May approaches us.

“We were just talking about the best way to protect you.” She added. I turn to look at her, raising my eyebrows in confusion.

“Protect me!? From what..?” She looked from me to Luciano, muttering on him to speak up.

He turns to look at me. “You see Lucia.. I don’t think you know what being a Mafia queen really is. You can’t go out alone, I’m sorry about what.”

“What nonsense!? For the past years of my life, I’ve lived my life freely and I won’t have you cage me down. Otherwise I’d just walk out of that door.” I couldn’t even believe I just threatened my new Dad.

“You don’t understand angel. Listen, you can start going out alone after the ball party tomorrow. For today, trust me… You don’t wanna go alone.”

I looked from him to May, and she just nodded. The ball party. Their was a sharp pain I felt inside of me. I’m supposed to be Chase’s date for tomorrow’s ball party.

Had that changed too?.

I was already running late and so, I couldn’t stand and keep arguing with him.

“Fine. But four guards are too much. Three is too much too, I’d just go with one.”

“I’ll let you go with two.” He interrupted me.

I rolled my eyes and nodded, then walks away. I noticed him wave at two guards and it seems like a signal cause they both understand him immediately.

One went to get the black jeep Wrangler ready while another waited outside the door, to open it for me.

Geez! I feel like a princess and I know I should be happy that new daddy is rich and I don’t have to live under the debt of Richards whether or whether not it’s true and I won’t have Chase break my heart again.

But no, I don’t even see myself enjoying all of this. I always see myself doing it out of no option.

I entered the car and he shut it and went to sit in the front, next to the other guard who is driving.

They’re both huge and frightening. I might have forgot to say this but I’m even scared of them.

“Where are you going, Young mam?”

Young mam!? Oh hell sake, you both have to stop treating me this way.

“The name is Calista…” Then I bite my lips when I remembered my real name is Lucia, but still I prefer Calista.

“Or Lucia..” I said slowly.

I heard one of them chuckle but didn’t say anything. Yea! I appreciate that too.

“Just drive to the 3rd Ally McBeal restaurant. I’m meeting a friend.”

None of them said anything, instead he stepped on the gear and increased the speed. I looked down at my phone and brought it closer to my heart, I couldn’t imagine meeting up with Charlotte.

And I’m so worried what she’s cooking up or better still, what she’s needs my help with. She had says something like ending her life.

And this was the reason why I’ve decided to meet up with her. If she needed someone to talk to about something she feels might kill her, then I’ll put away the past and try to offer the most help I can.

Everyone deserves a second chance after all.

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