Twenty eight




lt happened here. Your distress scent is strong in this room. Amelia, tell me what’s wrong.

I don’t know whether to be relieved or worried. On the one hand, Rogers doesn’t know Raymond was here, but on the other, Rogers is still expecting an explanation from me.

“I… don’t laugh at me.”

“Do you see me laughing?”

“It’s just stupid.”

“Nothing that causes you distress is stupid to me.”

He just has to make this harder, doesn’t he?

“I had a nightmare,” I blurt out. “A really bad one. It was… well, I don’t really want to talk about it.”

Rogers sniffs the air again. “It must have been an awful nightmare.”

It was,” I insist, willing him to believe me. Can we just go to bed? Please?”

Of course.” Rogers’s expression clears suspicion. Now he looks merely worried.

“Come here.”

I abandon the pasta on the nightstand and crawl into Rogers’s arms.

I’m sure he can tell how tense I am, but he doesn’t say anything else. He just holds me close.

I try not to shake as silent tears escape out of my eyes and roll down my cheeks.

This is probably the last time Rogers will ever hold me like this.

The sun is rising by the time I finally fall asleep. I only wake up in the afternoon. Rogers is making lunch.

He smiles as I walk in.

“Hey, sleepyhead. I was beginning to wonder if you’d ever wake up.”

In some ways, I wish I hadn’t.

“Hey.” I sit down as Rogers hands me a plate. I pick unenthusiastically at the food.

How are you feeling?”

I force a smile onto my face. “Better.”

If I’m going to meet Raymond, I have to trick Luke into thinking I’m ok. I’ll have to sneak away while he’s asleep, and I can’t do that if he’s staying up to make sure I’m alright.

What did you want to do today?”

Uh, snorkeling.

We can’t talk when we snorkel, which should keep me safe from having to lie to Rogers anymore than absolutely necessary.

The day drags by. It’s like someone fixed the sun to move across the sky in slow motion.

I want to enjoy this last day with Rogers, but I can’t. I’m going to do something unforgivable tonight. He’ll be right to hate me for it.

I can imagine how Id feel if Rogers vanished without a word. How hurt and betrayed I’d be, even if he did it for a good reason.

Amelia? Are you sure you’re alright?”

I pull Rogers close for a kiss.

“I’m fine,” I lie for what must be the dozenth time today. I enjoy the feeling of his lips against mine but pull away after a few moments.

I’m not going to use sex with Rogers to hide my lies. I’ll have to do the best I can with words.

It takes Rogers a long time to fall asleep when night finally comes. He’s probably worried about me having another nightmare.

I don’t need to worry about accidentally falling asleep. My stomach is leaping with nerves and rolling with guilt.

I wait until Rogers has been snoring for a good hour before getting up. I know I have until dawn, but Raymond’s base is clear on the other side of the island, so it may take a while to walk there.

I grab some boots and the first pair of pants I can find. I snag a top but don’t take anything else. The more I move around in the room, the more likely Rogers is to wake up.

I get dressed on the opposite side of the house and quietly slip out of the door.

It’s more difficult than I’d anticipated walking in the dark. I have to resist the urge to go back for a flashlight.

I can’t risk Rogers hearing me. I just have to make my way as best I can in the moonlight.

It’s a good thing I left early because two hours pass before I’m even close to Raymond’s base – that’s if I’m reading the map correctly.

I’m just wondering exactly how well hidden this base is, and how I’m supposed to find it in the dark when the sound of snapping twigs has me spinning around to my left.


Try again.” I can hear the annoyance in Raymond’s voice, even if it’s too dark to see it on his face.

“Raymond.” I sigh.

I suppose it’s a good thing he’s here – now at least I won’t need to break an ankle trying to find his base at night.

“Come with me.”

He reaches out to take my arm, but I slap him away. “I told you, Raymond, you touch me and it’s assault.”

“Don’t be ridiculous, Amelia. I’m just trying to make sure you don’t break an ankle. I know this area. You don’t.”

I don’t need your help.”

I’d rather break an ankle than accept his help, which comes out to be the same thing.

Raymond sighs impatiently but doesn’t try to touch me again.


“This way.”

It’s enough to follow his silhouette.

We pick through the forest for a few minutes before Raymond stops.

He leans down and pulls something up. It looks like a door, which I’m guessing is disguised to match the forest floor around it.

There’s light coming from inside. I blink as my eyes adjust.

Raymond follows me in and closes the door.

“Don’t bother settling down, we’ll be leaving Soon.”

I sit down on the couch anyway. I’ve been walking for hours and my legs are not happy about it.

There goes the hope of stalling Raymond until Rogers wakes and follows my scent here.

Raymond gets his stuff together quickly. It’s easy to see that he’s been living here for a while- ever since Rogers and I came to the island, I’d bet.

“Alright, let’s go.”

I wonder if I should try to stall him?

If I can stall long enough, Rogers will wake up, find me missing and follow my scent here. That won’t break the rules Rogers laid out for me, so technically he can’t release the information for it.

But relying on Rogers to keep his word is a bad idea and I know it.

I trusted him not to cheat on me, and he did.

I can’t trust him with that, there’s absolutely no way I can trust him with this.

If Rogers spoils his plan, he’ll likely post the information publicly just out of spite. I sigh and get up. “How far are we walking?”

“Not far -just to the beach on this end of the island. I’ve got a boat ready for us.”

Raymond at least has a flashlight, so I don’t need to stumble in the dark. Every step I take, I want to turn around and run back to Rogers.

How could this happen? Rogers and I were happy…

Maybe it’s my fault. Perhaps this is karmic justice for not telling him I love him before I married him. Or not even telling him since then, for that matter.

Mind your step.

We’ve arrived at the boat already.

Raymond tosses his stuff inside and holds out his hand. I take it reluctantly, letting to the moment I’m inside the boat.

Far too soon, we’re back on the main island, and Raymond is hailing us a cab. We go straight to the airport.

He was honest about one thing – he really has been watching Rogers. He must know that Rogers will come to find me the moment he wakes. Raymond probably wants us to be far away from Rogers’s wrath when it breaks.

We’re standing in the line for a ticket when a police officer stops us. Not just any police officer. This one has a dog in one of those working-dog jackets.

Oh no. I bet they can tell that I’m not here of my own free will. They probably think I’m a victim of human trafficking, or that Raymond is using me as a drug mule.

Excuse me, ma’am, could you come with me, please?”

Raymond gives me a warning look, but I don’t need it. I know the consequences of messing up now.

“Of course.” I follow the officer down several corridors and into another room.

He gestures for me to sit down, which I do.

He sits opposite me. “My name is officer jeffs. I’m here to help you. If you are being forced into something, I can help. I can protect you. All you need to do is ask.”

He seems so sure of himself. I never thought I’d be tempted, but I find myself biting my tongue.

Does he have the power to stop Raymond from releasing the information he has? Can I trust him?

What is the best way to protect Rogers? That’s the only question that really matters.

I look up at officer jeffs, and I have no idea what to say.




lt happened here. Your distress scent is strong in this room. Amelia, tell me what’s wrong.

I don’t know whether to be relieved or worried. On the one hand, Rogers doesn’t know Raymond was here, but on the other, Rogers is still expecting an explanation from me.

“I… don’t laugh at me.”

“Do you see me laughing?”

“It’s just stupid.”

“Nothing that causes you distress is stupid to me.”

He just has to make this harder, doesn’t he?

“I had a nightmare,” I blurt out. “A really bad one. It was… well, I don’t really want to talk about it.”

Rogers sniffs the air again. “It must have been an awful nightmare.”

It was,” I insist, willing him to believe me. Can we just go to bed? Please?”

Of course.” Rogers’s expression clears suspicion. Now he looks merely worried.

“Come here.”

I abandon the pasta on the nightstand and crawl into Rogers’s arms.

I’m sure he can tell how tense I am, but he doesn’t say anything else. He just holds me close.

I try not to shake as silent tears escape out of my eyes and roll down my cheeks.

This is probably the last time Rogers will ever hold me like this.

The sun is rising by the time I finally fall asleep. I only wake up in the afternoon. Rogers is making lunch.

He smiles as I walk in.

“Hey, sleepyhead. I was beginning to wonder if you’d ever wake up.”

In some ways, I wish I hadn’t.

“Hey.” I sit down as Rogers hands me a plate. I pick unenthusiastically at the food.

How are you feeling?”

I force a smile onto my face. “Better.”

If I’m going to meet Raymond, I have to trick Luke into thinking I’m ok. I’ll have to sneak away while he’s asleep, and I can’t do that if he’s staying up to make sure I’m alright.

What did you want to do today?”Content property of NôvelDra/ma.Org.

Uh, snorkeling.

We can’t talk when we snorkel, which should keep me safe from having to lie to Rogers anymore than absolutely necessary.

The day drags by. It’s like someone fixed the sun to move across the sky in slow motion.

I want to enjoy this last day with Rogers, but I can’t. I’m going to do something unforgivable tonight. He’ll be right to hate me for it.

I can imagine how Id feel if Rogers vanished without a word. How hurt and betrayed I’d be, even if he did it for a good reason.

Amelia? Are you sure you’re alright?”

I pull Rogers close for a kiss.

“I’m fine,” I lie for what must be the dozenth time today. I enjoy the feeling of his lips against mine but pull away after a few moments.

I’m not going to use sex with Rogers to hide my lies. I’ll have to do the best I can with words.

It takes Rogers a long time to fall asleep when night finally comes. He’s probably worried about me having another nightmare.

I don’t need to worry about accidentally falling asleep. My stomach is leaping with nerves and rolling with guilt.

I wait until Rogers has been snoring for a good hour before getting up. I know I have until dawn, but Raymond’s base is clear on the other side of the island, so it may take a while to walk there.

I grab some boots and the first pair of pants I can find. I snag a top but don’t take anything else. The more I move around in the room, the more likely Rogers is to wake up.

I get dressed on the opposite side of the house and quietly slip out of the door.

It’s more difficult than I’d anticipated walking in the dark. I have to resist the urge to go back for a flashlight.

I can’t risk Rogers hearing me. I just have to make my way as best I can in the moonlight.

It’s a good thing I left early because two hours pass before I’m even close to Raymond’s base – that’s if I’m reading the map correctly.

I’m just wondering exactly how well hidden this base is, and how I’m supposed to find it in the dark when the sound of snapping twigs has me spinning around to my left.


Try again.” I can hear the annoyance in Raymond’s voice, even if it’s too dark to see it on his face.

“Raymond.” I sigh.

I suppose it’s a good thing he’s here – now at least I won’t need to break an ankle trying to find his base at night.

“Come with me.”

He reaches out to take my arm, but I slap him away. “I told you, Raymond, you touch me and it’s assault.”

“Don’t be ridiculous, Amelia. I’m just trying to make sure you don’t break an ankle. I know this area. You don’t.”

I don’t need your help.”

I’d rather break an ankle than accept his help, which comes out to be the same thing.

Raymond sighs impatiently but doesn’t try to touch me again.


“This way.”

It’s enough to follow his silhouette.

We pick through the forest for a few minutes before Raymond stops.

He leans down and pulls something up. It looks like a door, which I’m guessing is disguised to match the forest floor around it.

There’s light coming from inside. I blink as my eyes adjust.

Raymond follows me in and closes the door.

“Don’t bother settling down, we’ll be leaving Soon.”

I sit down on the couch anyway. I’ve been walking for hours and my legs are not happy about it.

There goes the hope of stalling Raymond until Rogers wakes and follows my scent here.

Raymond gets his stuff together quickly. It’s easy to see that he’s been living here for a while- ever since Rogers and I came to the island, I’d bet.

“Alright, let’s go.”

I wonder if I should try to stall him?

If I can stall long enough, Rogers will wake up, find me missing and follow my scent here. That won’t break the rules Rogers laid out for me, so technically he can’t release the information for it.

But relying on Rogers to keep his word is a bad idea and I know it.

I trusted him not to cheat on me, and he did.

I can’t trust him with that, there’s absolutely no way I can trust him with this.

If Rogers spoils his plan, he’ll likely post the information publicly just out of spite. I sigh and get up. “How far are we walking?”

“Not far -just to the beach on this end of the island. I’ve got a boat ready for us.”

Raymond at least has a flashlight, so I don’t need to stumble in the dark. Every step I take, I want to turn around and run back to Rogers.

How could this happen? Rogers and I were happy…

Maybe it’s my fault. Perhaps this is karmic justice for not telling him I love him before I married him. Or not even telling him since then, for that matter.

Mind your step.

We’ve arrived at the boat already.

Raymond tosses his stuff inside and holds out his hand. I take it reluctantly, letting to the moment I’m inside the boat.

Far too soon, we’re back on the main island, and Raymond is hailing us a cab. We go straight to the airport.

He was honest about one thing – he really has been watching Rogers. He must know that Rogers will come to find me the moment he wakes. Raymond probably wants us to be far away from Rogers’s wrath when it breaks.

We’re standing in the line for a ticket when a police officer stops us. Not just any police officer. This one has a dog in one of those working-dog jackets.

Oh no. I bet they can tell that I’m not here of my own free will. They probably think I’m a victim of human trafficking, or that Raymond is using me as a drug mule.

Excuse me, ma’am, could you come with me, please?”

Raymond gives me a warning look, but I don’t need it. I know the consequences of messing up now.

“Of course.” I follow the officer down several corridors and into another room.

He gestures for me to sit down, which I do.

He sits opposite me. “My name is officer jeffs. I’m here to help you. If you are being forced into something, I can help. I can protect you. All you need to do is ask.”

He seems so sure of himself. I never thought I’d be tempted, but I find myself biting my tongue.

Does he have the power to stop Raymond from releasing the information he has? Can I trust him?

What is the best way to protect Rogers? That’s the only question that really matters.

I look up at officer jeffs, and I have no idea what to say.

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