Werewolf’s Heartsong

Chapter 16

Chapter 16

Chapter 16

Serenity’s POV

I watched her cry, the she-wolf who had shown such amazing power just a short time ago. The glowing

happiness I had seen in her at getting praised by the Alpha’s was gone. I felt almost like the sun had

suddenly disappeared, leaving nothing but darkness and despair in it’s wake. Darien had told us it was

her parents calling when she had first stopped smiling, when they all had stopped smiling.

Then she answered the phone, and that horrible shrieking began. The things that voice threw at her,

those vile words. How could they? How could a parent say those things to a she-wolf like Alora. She

was such an amazing she-wolf. I had never believed any of the rumors about her.

I had always secretly wanted to be her friend. I had never approached her because I was too shy.

She had always been dressed in hoddies and baggy track pants. Hiding her true self away from

everyone. Now I’m beginning to wonder if they were to hide, not her true self, but something worse. I’d

always admired how smart she was. She was brillient. I don’t know how many people knew she was

going to be a Doctor after finals. She had been taking collage courses.

I knew because my mom was a computer technology professor at the Pack University, and I was often

there to visit with her. I had always disbelieved the rumors, thinking them fake because Sarah and her

cohorts were always the first ones to start them. But the conversation I had with my mother the day I


her on campus after school hours confirmed that all those rumors, had to be complete bullshit.Content © NôvelDrama.Org 2024.

“Hey mom, why is that girl still here?” I’d asked her. “Huh? what girl dear?” so I had pointed at her.

Mother seeing who I was talking about had smiled “Aw now I know who your talking about. Alora, is

special. She is in a doctorial program and is advancing faster than any student we’ve ever had. She

takes two after school courses every day of the week to accelerate her education. She’s been interning

at the pack lab three days a week for a year now. She’s been taking summer classes here at the

University since starting junior year, And has been approved to keep her internship at the lab through

the summer as part of her accelerated learning program.” I had been amazed.

Then another thought had hit me. “But, doesn’t she work at the burger place too? I know I’ve seen her

there.” I say.

Mom nods “Yes she does, she’s part time there.”

All I could think at the time was, there was no way the rumors could be true, she didn’t have time for

them to be true. I was glad I never believed them, it had only made me want to befriend her more. And

that day Sarah came at me, I decided to put her in her place, not just for me, but for Alora too. It had

felt great to punch Sarah.

She has been avoiding me ever since then. After the glow of first meeting my mate died down enough

for me to stop being brainless, and fully realize who my mate was, I was ecstatic. Darien is Alora’s best

friend. I would

finally have a real reason to talk to her and become her friend. That had made me happy.

When I did finally get an introduction, it was only to watch in horror as she’s rejected. Her mate

Rejected her for that horrible she wolf, and then her sister goes and attacks her, shrieking that Alora

was stealing her male. But Alora didn’t just accept being rejected, rejecting him back. When she did he

collapsed with the pain of the shredded mate bond.

Good, he should be in pain for rejecting such an amazing she wolf for the psycho he chose over her.

While every one stood stunned for a moment we all quickly had shaken it off. I turned around and stood

in front of Sarah’s posse and growled at the she wolves to keep them from -Alora. Darien hovered

around me but

didn’t get in my way. (3)

My brother Galen was in front of Matthew making sure he didn’t get involved, although he was still on

the ground pale with pain. Kian grabbed Sarah’s hand to keep her from slapping Alora any more than

she already had. Sarah was then shrieking, falsely accusing her of trying to steal Matt from her, then

spewing more bile. My brother fired back and put her in her place.

My brothers, Alora, Darien and I all walked to the Coliseum Arena for our training exams. I got to watch

Alora in a whole new way then ever before, her power as a fighter was amazing! Even when I was

worried she would choke my mate to death, I was still in awe of how strong she was.

To hear those things from this amazing wolfs parent shrieked at her

broke my heart, she deserved to be treated better. I watched as the Alpha had hung the phone up for

her, her tears had been silently falling down her cheeks. The Alpha then pulled her into his arms and

she silently sobbed, breaking my heart for her even further. 2

I look up at Darien, I could tell from the look on his face that he was just as torn up about what just

happened to her. I reach out and grab Darien’s hand, he turns to look at me his eyes sad, I reach my

other hand up and place it on his cheek, he nuzzles into my hand closing his eyes. His mom whispers

something to him, he nods his head his cheek still in my hand.

He pulls away after a moment opening his eyes, he looks down at me, his eye’s still sad. “I need to

explain things to your parents.” he said, his voice soft. I nod and we face

my parents, still holding hands. My brothers were standing next to them. And from their expressions

they wanted to hurt someone, preferably the people who had made that strong Alpha she wolf cry. She

didn’t deserve what has happened to her.

Darien clears his throat, he takes in a deep breath, lets it out, then begins to tell us about Alora. With

each word said more and more of the horrors Alora has gone through are revealed. To say I was upset

was an understatement. At the end my mother was leaning into my father, his arms wrapped around

her to provide comfort and support. “Oh that poor pup, how could they? All this…to their own pup.” it

takes my mom a moment to calm down.

“I’m glad she changed her name, every she-wolf with that marking on her hip was a Heartsong, it’s only

fitting.” mom says. I’m confused for a moment. “What do you mean mom?” I ask her. “Well the

Heartsong females are decedents of the Moon Goddesses Daughter. The first Alpha, Luna Moon

Heartsong.” I had forgotten about that legend, then mom continued.

At this point everyone was listening, even Alora, her tears dried, her despair momentarily lifted in the

wake of curiosity. “The crescent moon and star marked Luna Heartsong as the Goddesses daughter.

And all the acknowledged female descended from her bloodline have this mark.” she pauses. “But it

brings to question why Sarah and Alora’s mother both don’t have the mark.” 2

“What do you mean by acknowledged descendent?” Alora asked, “You’ve been acknowledged as a

daughter of

the Moon Goddess and you are meant to bear her next generation of Heartsong’s.” Alora laugh’s, were

confused as to why she’s laughing. After she stops she explains. “My parents are about to lose the high

status they’ve been enjoying among the family most of their lives, because they failed to produce a

powerful she wolf.”

I’m the one that asks “But you are a powerful she-wolf, why would they lose status?” she looks at me.

“Because I changed my name, I severed my ties to the family by doing that, I am no longer their

daughter, the only one they have is Sarah.” I connect the dots and start laughing, I had finally gotten it.

The daughter they treated like a princess, the one they chose to acknowledge and actually care for,

placed at the bottom of the training


structure. She was basically an omega. And the powerful Alpha she wolf they had abused for all of her

life to the point she changed her name so she could escape them, was the one that could have kept

them at the status they’ve enjoyed. That means they would blame her for their misfortune. I believe the

Alpha had already been aware of the danger to her. “Darien we should go with your dad to help Alora

pack and move. I’ll go up to her room with her so it’ll be faster.”

“That’s a good idea Serenity, you’ll both go with me and Alora after the tournament ends.” he looks to

his mate “Will you make sure her room is aired out and fresh?” she goes up and kisses him. “Of course

my dear.” I look at Alora, she’s staring at me stunned. “Thank you.” she said. “I could use the help and

it would be nice to have another friend.” I take

3:27 her hand.

“I’ve been wanting to be your friend for forever but I’ve been to shy to say anything. I’m glad you’re best

friends with my mate because now I get to be your friend like I always wanted too.” she smiles at me,

happy once more.


“Hey don’t forget about us, we want to be her friends too.” complained Galen teasingly

Alora is laughing as she says “I’d like to be your friends too.” the bell rings then. It’s time to go back in

for the next portion of the tournament exams.

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