Werewolf Committee

Chapter 32: Ch 31

Chapter 32: Ch 31

I stared at Ryan for a full minute in complete and utter silence.

Then I did what any sane person would do. I clutched my stomach, leaned over and started laughing at him.

He sure as hell was funny!

"T-that's hilarious!" I wheezed out as I fought to breath.

After a few minutes I wiped away the tears of laughter and focused my gaze on Ryan. Ryan stared at me blankly and there was no trace of humour on his features.

"You're funny. But seriously, what do you want?" I asked with an amused smile lingering on my lips.

"I already told you. I want you to mate with me," Ryan said in complete seriousness and the smile on my face vanished.

Oh crap. He was serious.

"You really are insane," I muttered as I took a small step back.

I would've shifted but I came to realize I can't use my Elemental powers whenever I'm in werewolf form.

That was crossed off the list.

"Don't even think about it," Ryan hissed with narrowed eyes as I kept taking steps back.

To run or to not run..

I picked what anyone in my position would do. I spun around and ran as fast as I could.

I was ready to jump over the rocks to cross the river, but suddenly, a wall of fire appeared in front of me and I gasped jumping back.

I quickly raised my hand and water shot out of my palm, making the flames sizzle loudly as it slowly vanished.

I spun around and gave Ryan a death glare. He almost burnt me!

"You little bitch," I snapped as I angrily raised my palms and forcefully pushed forward.

Ryan was shot hard in the chest with water, making him fly backwards and hit a tree. His breath hitched at the contact and he struggled to breath for a few seconds.

He stood up and walked forwards, stumbling slight as he lifted his finger and drew circle facing upwards.

I watched him, confused. But I was in a defense position ready for what was to happen next. Suddenly, flames erupted from the ground and circled around me. It rose up to my waist level and I stayed completely still, careful not to touch the flame.

"I can't hurt you as you are still needed. Though, I can always trap you," Ryan bellowed with a sadistic grin.

I raised my palms once again and spun in a slow circle, extinguishing the fire around me.

"I'ts going to be harder than that," I muttered as I narrowed my eyes.

Ryan sighed a dramatic sigh. He was still a healthy distance away from me but he took a step forward.

"I didn't want to have to do this. But you leave me no choice," he sighed and raised his arms.

I took a step back and stopped as if I took another step back I'd fall into the lake.

Ryan shot out his palms and before I can react, two fireballs hit my palms and I gasped in shock.

The pain hit seconds later and I screamed out in agony. The bastard burn't my hands!

I couldn't help but sob as my hands throbbed in pain.

"There, there. Of we go," Ryan said and came to pick me up.

Before he could come near me, the ground beneath his feet started shaking violently.

I looked up at him alarmed and glanced around to spot a man in the far corner of the trees.

He looked middle aged and harmless, but his palms were held out facing Ryan.

Ryan stumbled to the ground and over and over again, struggling to get up.

I remembered the pain and kneeled down by the lake. I gently placed my hands in the water and winced slightly.

If fire healed Ryan, why shouldn't water heal me?

Complete Percy Jackson moment, I couldn't help but think.

"Elina!" a desperate voice called out. My head shot up and spotted Tate on the other side of the lake.

He glanced over at Ryan and then down at my hands. A growl left his lips and he started running over.

I glanced down at my hands to see it was healed and I gasped as they felt better than ever.

Slowly standing up I turned around to see Ryan had finally stood up and his eyes were narrowed on the man that had began making his way to us.

However when I saw Ryan I hissed in anger. I shot out my palm and motioned to the floor.

Ryan was knocked over by the force of the water and was lying on the ground, dripping wet.

His eyes snapped back to mine.

Before I could attack any further, I felt warm hands grab my shoulders and spin me around. I was pushed into a hard chest and I stumbled slightly.

"Elina," Tate whispered.

He held me tightly and looked up at Ryan and at the man growling loudly. NôvelDrama.Org holds text © rights.

The man held up his hands in peace while Ryan shot out his palms.

Tate pushed me to the ground and dodged the fireball as he growled at Ryan.

"What are you doing here?" Tate said through gritted teeth.

The man who controlled the ground, rushed over and helped me up.

"To take Elina over here of course. So she can mate with me and give birth to my hybrids," Ryan said smugly.

All of a sudden Tate froze. He stopped mid growl and stared at Ryan in silence. His face must've been terrifying because Ryan took a step back.

From behind, I saw Tate's body start to shake.

"What the fuck did you just say?" Tate said in a mere whisper. His voice sounded dangerous and I almost gasped at his choice of words.

Tate never cussed.

"Y-You heard me," Ryan shot back trying to sound bold.

Tate let out a low chuckle. It had no humour in it. It was plain cold and full of venom.

"I'm glad I did."

With that, Tate transformed into his dark wolf in a split second. He lunged for Ryan who was rooted to his spot in shock.

Tate's large wolf towered over Ryan's body as Tate sunk his claws into Ryan's shoulders.

"Get off!" Ryan screamed as blood pooled around Ryan's body.

Ryan grabbed Tate's fur and clutched tightly. Tate growled and got of him in such speed, he was meters away from Ryan.

I gasped as Tate's fur was burn't. It must've gone down to his skin because he growled uncontrollably.

I raised my palm up to Tate and gently shot water at him, making his body and fur dripping wet and he gave me a grateful nod.

Tate shook his body making the water shoot out. He went into an attack position, ready to lunge at Ryan, but the man near me moved forward.

He raised his palm again and suddenly the grass grew unnaturally long and thick. The vines wrapped around Ryan's legs and held him still.

"Don't try and fight it boy. I have many years of practice on you," the man said in a gruff tone and I looked at what he was doing in shock.

"Who are you!" Ryan yelled as he tried to lift his legs.

"Me? I'm glad you asked. I'm the earth Elemental. If you haven't noticed," he chuckled but no one laughed.

Ryan gave up trying to fight the vines. His head shot up and glanced at Tate's sudden movement. Tate had shifted back and I don't know how, but wore on just a pair of dark jeans.

"Give me one good reason why I shouldn't kill you," Tate asked but I knew him better. Either way he was willing to kill him.

"I don't have one," Ryan said in a smug tone as he shrugged his shoulders.

Ryan quickly raised his hands and shot out a massive fireball towards Tate. Tate was to fast and moved out of the way, however the fire ball grazed the side of his torso making him drop to his knees.

"Tate!" I gasped as I ran over to him.

But before I could, a wall of fire circled around Tate and I moved back.

I raised my palms to drench it but nothing happened. I tried again and looked down at my hands confused.

"Your hand might be as good as new, but you have to wait at least an hour to use them for your powers," Ryan said casually and I growled at him.

The man near me raised his hands angrily at Ryan. The vines began to wrap around his arms to stop him, but Ryan quickly burnt them and shot a fireball to the man.

The earth Elemental hissed as it caught his leg.

I glanced over at Tate to see the flames were nearing him and I began to panic.

"Stop! Ryan Stop!" I screamed as I stood on the other side of the flames.

"Mm," Ryan grinned, "Say my name again," he said with a loud laugh.

Tate growled loudly as Ryan freed himself and stalked towards me.

I noticed Tate glance around him and brace himself. I quickly shook my head at him.

"Don't even think about it," I said to him sadly.

"Now," Ryan said in a fed up tone, "-we can go."

"No," I growled and I felt something in the pit of my stomach.

"Get rid of the flames," I demanded and pointed towards the fire around Tate.

It was his turn to say no as he shook his head with an amused grin.

"No. He's going to burn alive. Just like I did," Ryan paused with a malicious smile.

"Except he's going to die. He's going to feel the pain and suffer."

I began seeing red. The sensation in the pit of my stomach spread around my body like wildfire.

"No!" I screamed and my eyes zeroed in on Ryan.

Ryan's eyes widened and suddenly he too screamed. The flames around Tate vanished and Ryan clutched his stomach.

My eyes didn't leave Ryan and the sensation I felt in my body was leaving me in waves and was directed at Ryan.

Ryan screamed loudly and began coughing violently. I felt like I was in a trance and couldn't move a muscle, even when Tate appeared and stood by my side. I couldn't even blink but only stare Ryan down.

I knew I was causing Ryan the pain but I couldn't control it.

"S-Stop," Ryan gasped as he fell onto his knees, in new fits of coughs. Suddenly he made chocking noises.

That's when he began chocking up water and the earth Elemental looked at me in shock.

"Stop?" I said taking a step forward.

"Stop what? This?"

I felt another wave of energy leave me. That's when the water Ryan was coughing up turned into blood.

He clawed at his throat and fell to the ground withering in pain.

..and then he went limp.

The energy I was feeling came rushing back like a slap in the face and I stumbled back.

"Elina?" Tate whispered as he held my face in his hands looking at me in concern.

"What the hell did I just do," I whispered back as I looked at Ryan's body with wide eyes.

The earth Elemental walked over to Ryan and examined him.

"Well. You seemed to have drained him of both water and blood."

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