Victoria The Billionaires Maid


Laughing I said, “He usually does.” He hadn’t packed anything paper. There were real china plates and linen napkins and glass champagne flutes.

He remembered about Vicki breastfeeding and he’d packed apple cider instead of champagne. There was a tray of exotic cheese and hard salami and another of prosciutto.

He’d packed a baguette and even some beautiful French pastries. While we ate, I took the opportunity to ask her something that I’d been thinking about. “Have you ever been out of the country?”

She looked at me like I was crazy and said, “I’ve barely been out of Los Angeles.”

“I was thinking that maybe you and I could take a weekend and go somewhere… anywhere you’d like to go… somewhere you’ve always wanted to go…”

“Oh, I think it’s a little too soon for that, don’t you?”

I raised an eyebrow and smiled at her. “You just agreed to move into my room.”

She laughed. “I guess that did sound a little backward, didn’t it? I meant that it’s too soon to leave Michael.”

“Then we won’t leave him. We’ll hire a nanny this week and we’ll plan the trip for next weekend. Michael and the nanny can go too.”

“Well…” My phone rang before she was able to finish.

“Hold that thought… as long as it was a yes,” I told her with a wink. “Hello?”

“Alex, it’s Amanda.” Amanda is my personal assistant. I could tell just by the sound of her voice that something was very wrong.

“Hey, Amanda, what’s up?”

“It’s not good, boss.”

“Okay… what is it?”

“Variety has a two-page spread about your “love child.” It names his mother and it also says that she was in a relationship at the time and working as your maid. They of course failed to mention that you and Cassandra were in the middle of a divorce at the time.”

“Damn it! Where did they get their information?”

“I don’t know, but it’s pretty accurate.”

“Do whatever damage control you can. I’ll talk to Vicki and she and I will decide what we want to do. I’ll let you know.” I hung up, pissed that my good mood had been blown out of the water just like that.

Vicki was looking at me with big eyes waiting to hear what had happened.

“Variety did a story about my supposed infidelity and the birth of Michael. They named you in it and said that you were my maid when you got pregnant. I guess they made it all sound pretty seedy.”

Vicki looked like she was about to be sick. “I’m sorry,” she said.

“You’re sorry? For what? You didn’t seduce me… I was separated at the time and you and that bozo you were with were “on a break.” We didn’t do anything wrong and you have nothing to be sorry for. We have Michael and we have each other and the rest of the world can go…”

She smiled and put her fingers on my lips.

“I get it. Thank you. You’re so sweet. I just worry all the time, Alex… I worry that I’m not going to fit into your world. I worry that I’m going to embarrass you, or cause trouble for you…”

I took her hand and I looked into her eyes. With every last bit of sincerity in my body I said, “First of all, you could never embarrass me. You’re beautiful and intelligent, and you have more class in your little finger than most of the women I know. Second of all, if anyone thinks that you don’t fit into my world… they better keep it to themselves. They will be very, very sorry if I ever hear them say anything of the sort… okay?”

She nodded, but I’m not sure she believed me. We finished our picnic, but the mood was much more subdued than it was. When we made it back to the house, Amanda was there. I wanted to choke her for showing up and not just calling me. I had a feeling that she was about to say something to make Vicki feel even worse… and I was right.

“Who is Rita Lawton?”NôvelDrama.Org holds text © rights.

“I have no idea….”

“She’s my mother,” Vicki said. Suddenly I was the one who felt sick.


“Excuse me!” I turned and ran for the stairs. I could hear Alex calling after me but I was feeling like I was about to be sick. I ran up the stairs and vomited all of that beautiful food I’d just eaten on our picnic. I don’t know how long I sat there in front of the toilet, but by the time I finally dragged myself up, brushed my teeth, and drank some water, Alex and baby Michael were waiting for me in the master bedroom.

“Are you okay?” he asked me, as he bounced our baby up and down. My heart swelled. I am so in love with him.

“I’m fine,” I lied. I still felt sick and I wanted to cry. “What did she say about my mother?”

He patted the bed next to him. I went over and sat down and took Michael out of his arms. I hugged him to me. When my baby was in my arms I felt like I could take on the world.

“She said they interviewed her. She left me a copy of the article. I haven’t read it yet. I’m not sure what you’re afraid she said but it doesn’t matter Vicki, I promise you. I will have my staff do damage control on this. I’ve already called Noel, my attorney and I’ve called my PR guy Vic… we’ll get through this.”

“How will this affect Michael’s future?”

“It won’t. It’s the twenty-first century. Babies are born out of wedlock more often than not. He’ll have every advantage, I promise you.”

“What about your parents? What must they think of me?” He rolled his eyes.

“My parents are in Tuscany and were barely fazed when I told them they were grandparents. Being parents was inconvenient to them. I hardly imagine they plan on putting themselves out to be grandparents. They’re not planning on returning here for anything other than a visit now and then, so it’s not like anything can hurt them at this point. Whoever leaked this to the press is petty and vindictive but we’re not going to let them win. I want you in my life… in my bed… you’re in my heart, Vicki and I hope that I’m in yours.”

I was crying… again. “I’m sorry. I can’t seem to control these tears lately.”

“You just had a baby, from what I’ve read, I think it’s normal.”

I nodded and said, “You are in my heart, Alex. That’s why I worry so much. I’m so afraid that all of this mess is going to ruin what we have together.”

“Then stop worrying, now. This is not going to affect you and me and I am never going to let anything hurt Michael… so we’re good, no matter what the article says.”

I put my sleeping baby up on my shoulder and said, “I’m going to lay him down and I’ll be back. I know it’s a form of self-torture but I have to read the article.”

He smiled sadly and nodded. I think he expected me to say that. He leaned in and kissed the baby and I went and laid him down in his crib. When I got back, Alex was reclining against the headboard of the bed. I sat down next to him and he put his arm around me, kissed the side of my face, handed me the magazine, open to the article. The headline read:

“Billionaire Alexander Reigns steps out on wife to have a torrid affair… with his upstairs maid!” I knew that I should stop there, but it was like watching a train wreck… I couldn’t. I read on:

“A source close to the couple states that while Mr. Reigns was still married to his wife, Cassandra, he became involved with his upstairs maid. The maid is a twenty-four-year-old woman by the name of Victoria Lawton. Our source also tells us that Miss Lawton was involved in a serious relationship with another man at the time… in fact, she was engaged! Last week, Miss Lawton gave birth to a baby boy. Mr. Reigns was quick to dump his faithful wife Cassandra and rush to Miss Lawton’s side and meet his heir apparent….”

I handed the magazine back to Alex. “I can’t read anymore.”

He nodded and took it. “You don’t want to know what your mother said?”

“I can imagine. I never told her you were the father of my baby. I’m sorry Alex. She’s a mess and money means more to her than anything… looks, and money, that’s what make her world go around. I’m so ashamed.”

“Please don’t be,” he said, pulling me into his side tighter. “We’re going to be okay… all of us, I promise.”

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