Victoria The Billionaires Maid

One Hundred & Seven

Seth’s [POV]

Holy fuck, I was dead.

No, wait, I was still alive. That was oxygen puffing out of my lips against the pillow under my cheek. There were definite scratches on my back from-

I jerked up in bed, gripping my head so it didn’t revolve off my neck. I wasn’t in my bedroom at home. Swanky suite. Friday night in the summer, all booked up, but I got a room for sex because I was old town money. So that meant I got to fuck a beautiful girl on the fly since no one wanted to deny my dick a thing.


Christ, was I hungover? No. Fucked over. Completely. I’d had the best sex of my life, and now I was in an empty bed.

Eyes still half closed, I swung out and patted the sheets. Ice cold. She’d been gone for a while. Probably the moment I passed out.

And passed out about summed it up. I’d drained what was left of my smarts and my sense into that magnum condom and gone to sleep quicker than a drunk at the tail end of a bender.

Wasn’t completely my fault. I hadn’t had a childless night for a while, and my little girl tended to have a few crappy dreams. Monsters with snapping teeth. Wild dogs. Demons in closets I had to dispel with wise words and hugs in the dark.

I wasn’t even going to touch on exactly how long it had been since I’d had sex. Well, sex with someone other than myself. Self-created booty calls happened often, but with an actual flesh-and-blood woman? It had been a while. Hell, Ally was the woman, even if I hadn’t fully realized it before I’d presented her with that contract. I’d been rocking a boner ever since.

So yeah, I’d been kind of pent-up. Exhaustion had claimed me swiftly, and it had been much preferable to fighting to stay awake to talk about…

Way too much.

No wonder she’d sneaked out on me. Supposed best friend, and I’d dirty-talked her and taken her virginity-which was not my fault, since she’d never seen fit to tell me that little fact until we were getting naked-then fallen asleep as if it was any old night.

Jesus and I thought my brother was a douche? He had some stiff competition for the title.

Forcing my heavy eyelids open against the sun trying to carve my brain in two, I glanced around and wished for alcohol. Maybe there was something worthwhile in the minibar.

Those days are over, pal. They ended right about when the condom slipped when you were banging Marjorie in the Mustang. Now you’re a responsible father, remember?

I braced my head in my hands and sucked in a breath. Responsible, right? I had to pick up Laurie. It had to be mid-morning from the amount of sunlight, and I’d told Oliver I’d be there early.

Rubbing my eyes, I kicked off the sheets. And noticed a bright red splotch on the fitted sheet.

Christ. I’d tried to be careful, to take it slow, but I hadn’t at first. I’d rammed my fingers into her like a damn bull, and she’d never.

Before I could argue with myself, I fumbled for my phone on the nightstand. I had to know she was okay. She could hate me, probably did, but I couldn’t move from this room until I knew she was all right. She’d certainly come last night, and I was pretty sure she’d been right there with me for most of it, but she wasn’t here now. She was alone, and I couldn’t fucking bear it.

I typed out a quick text.

Missed you this morning.

Oh yeah, that was how to demonstrate my concern. By couching it in a healthy streak of douche swagger.

She answered swiftly.

Had an early shift at the diner. Eggs Benedict & burnt coffee wait for no man.

You didn’t even leave a note.

Good lord, I might as well have taken out my tampon with that statement. She was probably laughing at my pathetic ass.

From her next reply, it was close.

Was I supposed to? Didn’t realize we’d progressed beyond booty call status to something else.

I gripped the back of my neck. Yeah, so she was annoyed. Whether it was because I’d fallen asleep right after or because we’d had sex in the first place was anyone’s guess. The only way to find out for sure was to piss her off enough, to be honest.

I know you’re unfamiliar with booty call protocol, but yeah, it’s good to let the dude know you’re leaving in case he wakes up with a hard dick and wants round two.Content protected by Nôv/el(D)rama.Org.

Her response was instantaneous.

Sorry, Charlie, that was a one-time event. But good luck finding a more suitable partner. I hear Tinder is nice.

Tinder, huh? Have you tried that? Is that why you couldn’t find anyone to finish the job?

Thank God you came along. Willing prick and all. You’re such a good Samaritan. When I can walk straight again, I’ll send you a thank-you note.

Pride surged first. I was a man, after all, and fucking a hot chick until she couldn’t move was pretty much every dude’s dream. But she wasn’t some random hot chick. This was Ally, and she wasn’t just a conquest.

She’d been a virgin, for fuck’s sake, and if she was hurting from my lack of finesse, I’d seen off my dick. Okay, maybe take a swing or two at it at least.

Ah, to hell with it. I was asking, straight out.

Are you all right? Physically? I was rough.

Fine. Dandy. All good under the hood.

I didn’t mean to fall asleep. Laurie wakes me up every night & super-charged to put me down for the count.

She took longer to reply.

Just as well. Talking makes stuff messy. We did it, it’s done.

While I was pounding a dent in the mattress beside my hip, she texted again.

How’s L?

Don’t know. Haven’t gone to get her yet. Just woke up. I should’ve checked with Oliver first, but I was worried.

Don’t be. I’m perfect. Thanks for not making this weird, okay? Gotta go. Work calls. Kiss L for me.

Al, come over for dinner or something?

I waited a few minutes for her to answer. When it became clear she wouldn’t, at least anytime soon, I headed into the bathroom and took care of business. The shower beckoned, but I wasn’t in that much of a hurry to wash her off of me. Especially since I was fairly certain this would never be happening again.

Forget making a baby. Our friendship was probably in shreds.

Never learn, do you? The last time you thought with your dick, you ended up married to a woman you hadn’t even intended to keep dating.

Of course, that was entirely different, and out of that relationship had sprung the best thing to ever happen to me. Sure, I’d been divorced by the age of twenty-five, but eh, shit happened. Especially in my family. The key was getting out of a bad situation.

With Ally, I’d been thinking practically. The kid thing had been building for a while. Approaching her about it had only come about after I’d mulled it over from every direction. Sure, they were sticky parts. I’ll admit I hadn’t expected the sex thing to go down so well. I mean, she was beautiful, no denying that, but I didn’t want to fuck every lovely woman I saw. And it was Ally.

So, yeah, the lust had been a surprise. Even more so? The morning after, I wasn’t regretting we’d done it so much as I was regretting we hadn’t done it again before she split. And there had been no babymaking involved.

Just Ally and her soft, lilac-scented hair and rain-soaked skin. Her full lips and her curves and those perfect thighs, spreading for me…

Swallowing hard, I braced a fist on the sink. Maybe I’d better take an ice-cold shower so I didn’t go to my brother’s with a damn hard-on.

A glance at my phone made me curse. Almost noon. Laurie was probably wondering where I was. Oliver too. My brother didn’t like his schedule being disrupted, so his lack of a phone call was surprising.

I texted him as I grabbed my jeans off the floor.

On my way. Sorry. She ok?

Who’s this? Not my derelict brother who was probably getting laid this entire time while I doted on his offspring.

Despite my bleak mood, I grinned. Leave it to O.

I wish they getting laid. More like sleeping it off.

Is it being the previous laying?

Gentlemen don’t kiss & tell.


Asshole. I’ll be there in a few.

I finished dressing and went downstairs to check out. The woman behind the desk didn’t wink or waggle her brows or do anything to indicate she knew I’d gotten a room for sex, but it was pretty obvious. I lived on the other side of the lake. Sure, my excuse of having a few too many to drive home might hold water, but small towns and suspicious minds went together.

As long as no one had seen Ally enter the hotel too, all good. I didn’t care what people thought of me.

“Thank you so much, Mr. Hamilton. Please come again. And give our best to Ms. Lawrence.”

I stared at the concierge for so long that my vision blurred. Then I shook my head and strode toward the door.

Maybe she knew Ally and I was friends. Sure she did. And maybe we’d be the hottest topic of gossip by lunch. Probably before then. I just hoped Ally didn’t have to deal with shit at the diner.

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