Vampire King’s Little Killer

48. Wrong Move

Abducted: to force someone to go somewhere with you, often using threats or violence

TessaMaterial © NôvelDrama.Org.

The meeting with Chad went as expected, though the boss’s request was a bit different from what I was used to. Money was never an issue both for him or for me since I never did manage to spend more than I ever need. All the assignments were always to satisfy my killer instinct. It was never my intention to be bad, I always knew that I was born with it.

It still confuses me how I managed to feel love toward Nero. Maybe it only took a vampire king to wrap my heart around the feeling, or maybe because he’s dead and I always have a fascination with death itself.

“You’re telling me that he wanted me to kill Yubkin then also warned me that the guy will have security on him, his best men, twenty-four seven?”

“Yes, that’s why the Boss is offering you half a million to do the job.”

I nodded thinking that’s a lot of money for a one-man job. I really need to consider the risk. The thought of it makes me wonder, I have never been hesitant in taking any job since I rarely valued my own life. Thinking about when it was before, I’d always thought that when my time came, at least it was when I was doing what I needed to channel the urge to kill.

But now…

“Why? You seemed hesitant?” My handler asked as if the guy would ever worry about me.

I schooled my expression telling him that I just need to arrange my schedule. “I’m busy nowadays, Chad.”

“Yeah, I figured that too, you have your new crew of men.” He didn’t ask questions about the men I was with, not even a question about Nero. I was sure that Chad’s informant who saw me at the cage fight saw me kissing the vampire king after the kill.

“Anyways, the boss is confident that you’ll get the job done. Call me if you need further details.” Chad got up from the bench and started walking towards the park exit while I pretend to be engrossed in the book that I had in my hands. Uh-huh, of course, the boss was sure about my abilities, more so now because he knew that I have men to help me throw out his trash. I just need to word it better in front of the Vampire King.

I left the park ten minutes later and got into one of Nero’s cars that he insisted that I use. His human driver was already seated, he swiftly started the car when I told him to get me back to the den.

“He wanted you to do what?” Nero clearly didn’t approve cause I was sure with the super vampire hearing he can definitely hear what I said.

“Nero, stop asking me to repeat my words. My head is still swarming with questions. I wasn’t even sure that I was going to take the job, but then I tell myself why the hell not. But now you’re making me doubt myself and I’m not sure why I feel the way I do now… okay, now I’m blabbering and it’s getting annoying.”

Nero stopped my nonsense when he tilted my chin and kissed my lips, sucking the words out of my mouth. He was smiling, the vampire king was actually pleased that he got to stop me from my word vomit.

“Okay, as I said, I’m going to kill Yubkin. He’s the guy that headed the cage fighting ring. The Albanian mob boss wanted him dead. According to Chad, Yubkin has been coming up short with several deals that they did. It was due time to end their partnership.” I shrugged, and then I told him that Chad thinks Yubkin knows about me. That information managed to set off a change in Nero’s expression. But only for a couple of seconds until he was back to the cold mask he wear so perfectly.

“Well then, that changes the situation. I’m going to help you. You will do the deed but I’ll be there to supervise. I wouldn’t want to take the fun out of your workday.”

That… his words made me realize why he would be the perfect future something for me. He knows me.. he understands me. Anddd… he showered me with shiny new toys. What can a female with psychopathic tendencies ask for, am I right?

That night we made love and he took me to the edge several times until I was teetering high towards ecstasy as we both climaxed in each other’s arms.

When morning came, I woke up late just before lunchtime, and started my research on Yubkin Komarov. Then, it was another two hours until my phone buzzed with an incoming call from an informant of mine who said that he had information on Yubkin.

I was not a fool, I took everything seriously in great detail. But there was something in his voice, the urgency and the background noises telling me that he was sneaking out of his way to give me information on Yubkin.

“I have a friend, whose girlfriend said that she was close with Yubkin’s woman. She told my friend that she knows where Yubkin might be this afternoon.”

“Hmm… I’m not sure about my schedule,” I lied. Everything was a bit shady before nightfall, meaning I have to trust Nero’s human guards, which I don’t. I never did trust humans. But vampire… vampire is a whole other story. I might not trust them completely, but I trust that they will guard my life better than Nero’s human guards.

“Come on, Beauty, when did I ever give you the wrong information?” The man was a cheeky one, he had been my informant for almost three years now and he had never given me the wrong information, yet. Still, I was no fool. There’s always a first time for everything.

There you go… there I go again with my stupid doubt. I huffed and brushed my doubts away and told him that I’d check out the restaurant.

Shaking my worries away, I get to our room, get dressed, sheathed my guns and knives, and called the human driver telling him that we were going to go to the city center. I texted Nero’s phone and also Aldrich telling them my destination and who I was going with so they didn’t have to ask anyone when they were both awake. Nero will need to feed Marshall, and Aldrich can touch base with my human driver or whatever it is they usually do when guarding their future queen a. k. a me.

Everything went incredibly quickly when I got to the restaurant. It completely took me by surprise when I stepped into the restaurant’s entrance and was greeted by guns. Lots of guns pointing at my pretty face. I could hear the strangled sound of my human guards being shot. Then my hands were quickly bound when I tried to reach my weapons.

“There… there, you are truly as beautiful as your code name aren’t you, beauty?” Yubkin, the balding pale-looking guy smirked at me before his fat hand slapped my cheek hard and I tasted blood.

“That’s for killing Dimitri and his crew. You had cost me a lot of men and I had to shut down our underground cage fight because of you.” Next, he went to slap my other cheek. The second one reached my eye. It throbbed and I could feel it started to swell, my ears hurt from the sheer blow of his overly fat hand.

“Has anyone ever told you that you slapped like a girl?” I licked the blood as I felt it trickling at the corner of my lips. I know I said the wrong thing when he punch my gut and it knocked me off my feet. “Fuck… you are so… going to… get in trouble… for this.” I struggled to get my words out when it turns out that fat guys can surely pack a punch.

He laughed telling me that it was wrong for me to work for the Albanians. “You should be working for me instead. I’ve been watching you. You would’ve been such a good asset to me. But now, you’re going to spend quality time with my best interrogator. He too, likes to collect pinkies, but he wouldn’t stop at one finger. Or so I’ve been told.”

I didn’t have time to reply to his smug attitude when I felt a needle prick my skin and everything went dark.

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