Trash of the Count's Family

Book 2: Chapter 208: Young Master Silver Shield, return of the legend (5)

Book 2: Chapter 208: Young Master Silver Shield, return of the legend (5)

However, Cale could not help himself from becoming annoyed.

‘What? A warning? Blow the Academy up?’

Even that motherfucking ‘ARM’ did not say something like that.

‘And how does it make any sense to send a warning in advance like this?’

Cale’s face became extremely scrunched up. Lock kept his mouth shut and warily looked at Cale.

Cale opened his mouth to speak. A sunken voice flowed out of his mouth.

“Raon, is there anything about them tracking down the culprit who sent the notice?”

“Yeah! And they caught the person!”


Cale’s eyes looked confused.

‘What did I just hear?’

He subconsciously turned to look at Raon.

Raon spoke in a bright voice.

“The crown prince said that they caught the culprit who sent the notice right away. He thought that you should know. That is what the message said!”


Cale let out a sigh.

“Who did it?”

“He says come to the capital to chat!”

Cale instantly understood what Alberu was trying to say to him.

‘I guess it isn’t anything much.’

That was why he didn’t ask for a call back right away and said they’ll just discuss it when Cale came to the capital.

* * *

Cale faced the crown prince with a light heart.

“Who was the culprit, your highness?”


Alberu scoffed in disbelief as soon as he heard that question.

“Some kids.”

“Academy students?”

“Yeah. But not Roan Academy students.”

Here is what happened.

Cale Henituse.

The news of the hero giving a speech quickly spread past the Roan Academy to the other academies in the capital and beyond.

A couple students of a private academy, who were jealous that Cale was not coming to their school, had sent the notice.

They hoped that getting the speech canceled or even delayed at Roan Academy might lead to a change of venue to their school.


Cale crossed his arms.

He could not understand it.

“Your highness.”


“Is my speech so meaningful that they needed to do something like that?”

Cale flinched after asking the question.

Scribble scribble.

Alberu, who had been authorizing some documents, stopped and stared at him.


“…Yes, your highness?”

“You are even more popular than me.”


“You are probably the most popular person on the entire Eastern and Western continents combined.”


“You are probably more popular than most gods-”

“Let’s stop there.”


The conversation quickly came to a stop.

Cale stood up. Alberu told him the aftermath of the bomb threat.

“The academy students responsible for the incident will be disciplined based on their student code of conduct. We’ve also decided to fortify the barrier around the academy just in case. Finally, we’ve agreed to use video communication devices to share your speech live to the other academies.”

‘Hold on.

I feel like I just heard something weird at the end?’

Cale looked at Alberu in shock but Alberu simply smiled majestically.

“What is it?”

“Wait, did you just say that my speech will be broadcast in multiple places, your highness?”

“Why? Should I play it in the capital plaza as well?”

Cale flinched.

His gaze headed toward the mountain-high pile of authorization documents as well as the Unbreakable Spear leaning against the wall.


The white spear continued to let out some mechanical humming noises.

AI Taerang was currently updating to allow them to play Raising my very own precious omnipotent god in this world.

Cale quietly shook his head.

“No, sir. I would like it not to play in the capital.”

“Yeah. I said no when they asked me for it.”

“I see.”

“Hey Dongsaeng, do you by chance want to be the Prime Minister?”


Cale looked at Alberu with a gaze that made it seem as if he truly had been wronged. It was Alberu’s turn to flinch.

Cale’s complexion looked good since his return from the Central Plains, but seeing this extremely hurt gaze tugged at his heart.

“…That was so mean of me.”

Alberu apologized and Cale happily accepted it.

“Yes, your highness. That was too much.”

The two of them quietly looked at each other before moving to do their respective tasks.

“The speech is the day after tomorrow.”

“Yes, your highness.”

The day Cale and Alberu meet again would be the day after tomorrow, at the Academy for the speech.

“Cale, there shouldn’t be anything for you to deal with.”

Cale heard Alberu’s voice behind him.

“After all of our hard work last year… No other incidents should happen in the Roan Kingdom.”

At the end of their battle against the White Star…

Right now as they fought against the Hunters…

There was no reason for an issue to arise in the Roan Kingdom, especially at an Academy full of students.

At least based on what Cale and Alberu knew.

“…I agree, your highness.”

Cale agreed with Alberu and walked out.

However, his face was extremely unsettled.


For some reason, he felt uncomfortable.

That was why Cale gave an order to Ron, who came to the capital with him.

“Ron. See if there are any new rumors spreading around the capital and the Academy. It should be possible, right?”

The House of Molan had full control over the underworld of the Eastern continent.

They were changing themselves from an assassin organization to an information organization. That information network should have crossed over to the Western continent by now as well.

Cale expected this despite not having heard the details about the organization.

“It is possible, young master-nim.”

Ron Molan accepted it as if it was nothing as well.

“Young master-nim, I will then have to temporarily make my leave. Will you be okay?”

“Yeah. It doesn’t matter.”

Cale had something to take care of in the capital before his speech in two days.

Raon, On, and Hong… The three of them plus Lock were left in the Duke’s Estates in the capital as he visited somewhere.

It was a safe house the crown prince had prepared, a place where only a few people with permission were allowed to enter.


The thick iron gate opened and someone greeted Cale as soon as he walked inside.

“Hello, young master-nim.”

It was Beacrox.

Shh. He pulled off a pair of white gloves from his hands as he walked up from the basement.

Cale flinched for a moment but asked, sounding as if everything was fine.

“Where is everybody?”

“Right this way, young master-nim.”

Cale leisurely followed behind Beacrox. It could not be helped.

He had no idea what Beacrox had been doing, but Beacrox was taking off a total of three pairs of gloves from his hands.

‘It’s not like he had anybody to torture?’

Why did Beacrox have three pairs of white gloves on when Cale had not ordered him to do anything?

Cale suddenly had a thought.

‘Hey Cale. That punk Beacrox, don’t you think he’s worth raising?’

Team leader Lee Soo Hyuk. Cale thought of Sui Khan and opened his mouth.

“Where is Sui Khan?”

“He is in the basement, young master-nim.”

Sui Khan was supposedly in the place Beacrox just came from.

Cale observed Beacrox. His body was pretty drenched in sweat. This was not normal for Beacrox, who put significant importance to cleanliness and tidiness.


One corner of Cale’s lips twisted up.

He didn’t know the details but he was at least certain about one thing.

“Do your best to learn.”

Lee Soo Hyuk chose Beacrox as the person to carry on his legacy.

Embrace went to Cale.

His sword would go to Beacrox.

Beacrox flinched and stopped walking. Cale thought it was new and a bit funny to see Beacrox standing there stiffly without looking at him and patted his shoulders.

He shared some words of encouragement.

“I think that power suits you.”

Of course, he meant it.

Beacrox broke his silence and responded. He sounded extremely gruff. He sounded a bit discontent as well.

“I heard that the power is suitable for extremely stubborn people.”

He then turned around to look at Cale.

Cale cowered at the vicious gaze.

He then thought to himself.

‘H, how did he know?’

As Beacrox mentioned, Cale had said that because he thought Beacrox’s stubbornness to use the greatsword all the time would make him a good fit for the power.



Cale quietly observed Beacrox because he didn’t really have anything to say, until Beacrox turned his gaze.

He then quickly started walking.

Cale quietly followed behind him. That was why he could not see Beacrox’s face.

Instead, he heard Beacrox’s brusque voice.

“I will prepare some steak for dinner, young master-nim.”

“Okay. It looks delicious.”

Cale was smart about the situation and quickly answered.

He then rushed into his destination, the reception room.


Durst, the priest from Xiaolen, greeted Cale with a bright look on his face.

Priest Durst, young Blood Demon candidate Myung, and the two priestesses were residing here.

“Where’s Toonka?”

He didn’t see one person.

“He is in the basement, young master-nim.”

Cale flinched after hearing Beacrox say that behind him.

‘…The team leader and Toonka are in the same place?

Beacrox was there as well?

What are the three of them doing?’

Cale didn’t want to think about it and just ignored it.

Instead, he looked at the three people he brought back from the Central Plains as he spoke.

“Let’s chat separately.”

* * *

“Young lady Orsena has not had any improvement?”

His gaze was on the youngest young lady Orsena, who was still blankly staring into the air.

She did at least seem better than how skinny and unsightly she had looked when Cale saw her in the Blood Cult.

But she was still extremely skinny.

He looked at the former priestess who nodded her head.

“What the hell is a priestess?”

The former priestess had white hair and an extremely wrinkled face and neck, but… Her hands and arms were still young.

She was not as old as she looked.

She looked away from the priestess who could not speak and looked at Myung.

Myung was the one he wanted answering the question.

“How much do you know?”

Cale shared what he knew after hearing her question.

“I heard that the priestess’s role is to worship the Blood Demon, your god. I also know that this power of worship is required to create the omnipotent god.”

One of the conditions of creating a god was to have existences worshiping them.

“There is one other role for them.”

Myung was the only remaining young Blood Demon candidate. Her complexion was pale.

She hesitated before continuing to speak.

“…She is a plate.”

The worship toward the omnipotent god or the negative emotions of those who died…

The priestess became the plate to carry all of it.

“A new priestess is chosen as the priestess’s plate is about to become full.”

“And what happens to the former priestess?”

“She probably has to offer the things on her plate to the rightful owner.”

Cale looked toward the former priestess.

The woman with the face of an old lady slightly smiled.

He heard Myung’s sunken voice.

“…It means they die.”

Offer what is on their plate to the rightful owner.

Then the remaining plate dies.

“Is the rightful owner the omnipotent god?”

“That is what I was told. I know it as offering it to the person they are trying to turn into an omnipotent god.”

An heir to carry on the grand vision of the Hunters.

Was it being offered to that existence?

Cale stared at Myung after hearing a vague answer. Myung sighed and blurted out.

“I don’t know the details either. That task is completed by the Hunter sent by the Five Colors Bloods.”

‘The Five Colors Bloods?’

Cale had not heard of them in a while.

The existing five Hunter households…

The Black Bloods. The House of Huayans on Xiaolen.

The Blue Bloods. The Blood Cult of the Central Plains.

The Purple Bloods. The Dragons of Aipotu.

The Transparent Bloods. The Transparent Corporation of Earth 3.

The Five Colors Bloods.

He didn’t have any information on the Five Colors Bloods.

All he knew was that the Huayans patriarch died as soon as he mentioned the Five Colors Bloods.

Myung continued to speak after seeing Cale’s gaze that seemed to be urging her to tell him more.

“The person sent by the Five Colors Bloods takes the priestess and I don’t know the details of what happens after that. The dead Blood Demon probably knows, but… All I was told was that she was offered to god.”

The corners of Cale’s lips oddly curled up.


Myung flinched after hearing Cale ask with a twisted look on his face.

“In that case… A Hunter from the Five Colors Bloods was supposed to visit the Central Plains? They would need to take the former priestess.”


:But they are going to fail this time. We came here.”

“That’s right.”

Myung answered everything and Cale nonchalantly asked.

“What are the chances of the Five Colors Bloods finding us?”

“Do you mean the chances of them coming to find the priestess?”

Myung shook her head.

“No chance. There is no way for the Five Colors Bloods to find the priestess.”

“Are you sure of that?”

Myung flinched again after hearing Cale ask without any hesitation before answering resolutely.

“Yes. There is no way. The Blood Demon did not like the Five Colors Bloods keeping an eye on her priestesses. She didn’t want them taking credit for her merits.”

“Hmm. If that is the reason, then it is a bit believable.”

The Five Colors Bloods.

He had too little information about them.

“Usually, how many of them come to get the priestess?”

“Two of them.”


“It has always been two to my knowledge. The Blood Demon did not allow more to come.”


Myung closed her mouth after hearing Cale’s question.

She then contemplated for a bit.

Cale waited and Myung answered.

“I do not know much about the Five Colors Bloods. I haven’t personally been there as I have with Aipotu.”

One of the reasons Cale brought Myung with him was because she had been to Aipotu.

More specifically, she had been to the residence of the Dragon Lord, the leader of the Purple Bloods.

Myung continued to speak.

“However, the Blood Demon called the Five Colors Bloods the wall.”


“That she could not surpass them.”

‘Cannot surpass them?

They are at a level even the Blood Demon thought that?’

Cale’s face turned serious.

He focused on Myung’s voice.

“She said that the Five Colors Bloods were a group of pure humans. However, they are not humans. They have surpassed the human race.”

“Surpassed the human race?”

“That’s right.”

Myung hesitated again.

“…That is why I thought they were not human.”

“What do you mean by that?”

A group of humans but not humans? Cale scowled at this impossible to understand description and Myung sighed.

She seemed quite anxious as she spoke.


“I don’t care if it is your own hypothesis. Speak freely.”

Were Cale’s words effective? Myung stopped hesitating and answered.

“Do you know of the wanderers?”


It was unexpected, but Cale did know of wanderers.

Choi Jung Gun.

Choi Jung Soo.

Single-lifers who were qualified to become gods but rejected it.

Those people were called wanderers.


Myung continued to speak as Cale’s face stiffened.

“This is what the Blood Demon said about the Five Colors Bloods.”

As the young Blood Demon candidate who had been by the Blood Demon’s side the longest… As someone who was trusted enough to even visit Aipotu, Myung had heard quite a bit.

“The Five Colors Bloods exist everywhere but do not exist anywhere.

They do not reside in any world and wander without a home.

Furthermore, their time is not affected by fate. That is why they are able to trick the eyes of the gods.

Even the gods probably do not know their true identities.”

Myung had thought about the identity of the Five Colors Bloods after hearing that.

And as a result…

“I think that the most likely candidates who are capable of doing that are wanderers.”

Cale subconsciously commented.

“But the Hunters are the people hunting down the single-lifers?”

That was why Cale had been worried that Choi Han might be in danger.

Furthermore, Choi Jung Soo and Choi Jung Gun were fighting against the Hunters while helping the God of Death and others.

Plus, didn’t they have the qualifications to be gods?Original from NôvelDrama.Org.

They rejected that but were trying to create an omnipotent god?

‘The omnipotent god.’

Cale suddenly felt the meaning behind this term to be different.

A god versus an omnipotent god.

What would the difference be?

‘Plus, I haven’t met all single-lifers.’

It wasn’t as if Cale knew all of the single-lifers.

Wanderers. How many of them there were…

Cale had no idea.

Furthermore, he had no idea how many people were in the Five Colors Bloods.

Thinking about it, there really was nothing Cale knew about the Five Colors Bloods.

The Blood Demon had said it.

Even the gods probably did not know the true identity of the Five Colors Bloods.

“Ha, haha-”

Myung laughed for the first time. She looked at Cale as if he was a pure little boy as she spoke.

“Is it weird that the Hunters are killing single-lifers?”

She then asked Cale a question.

“Then do humans not kill humans?”

Cale was at a loss for words.

“Even if they are from the same race, many humans will kill their fellow brethren for personal benefit.”

Myung shared this fact that she had personally learned and continued to laugh.

It was as if Cale’s reaction was truly refreshing.

* * *

The morning grew bright over the Academy.

It was the first day of school.

Translator’s Comments

Here it comes! Here it comes!

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