Tolerating The Player

Chapter 27

“Where the hell could Joe be? He’s just a kid Maya!” I yelled as we walked back to her car. I couldn’t process anything as my mind was filled with worry of who could have picked him up.

“Relax, it could have been my mum” Maya suggested and I felt a little relieved in myself, of course it could have been Grace but then she wasn’t at home.

“But she was at work,” I said.

“Perhaps they went out together” she replied, “but hold on I’ll call you confirm”

“Please do so” I said as I rubbed my temple. She dialed out Grace number and Grace picked on the third ring, I was getting impatient even though it rang just thrice.

“Hey sugar plum!” Grace squeaked from the other side of the phone to the point that It made me cringe.

“What’s the reason, you never call me” Grace asked and I watched how the both of them argued on who used to call who. None of them was talking about Joe and it seemed like Maya forgot the reason she called at first. I was running out of patience as I snatched the phone from Maya.

“Hey Grace” I greeted through the phone, she responded with the same enthusiasm in her voice.

“What are you girls up to?” She asked.

“I kinda want to know if Joe is with you” I rushed out my words eager to know her response.

“Joe? No he isn’t, why is everything okay?” She asked immediately and the tone of her voice fell.

“Actually No! No there’s a problem Grace!” I said almost cracking at the end. Joe wasn’t in school and his teacher said someone had picked him up but didn’t know who. How the hell would I find the person in this large city, Joe doesn’t even have a phone, what if he was in trouble.

“What happened?” She asked and I realized the call was still on.

“I… we went to Joe’s school to pick him up but his teacher said someone else had picked him up and she doesn’t know who the person was” I cried.

“Be calm Isabella, I’ll be right there” Grace said and ended the call.

I tried to stay calm but there was no way I could idle while my little brother was on the loose with God knows who. What if it was a kidnapper or a psychopath who took Joe.

“Let’s check your house” Maya suggested and I nodded my head. Even though my house was the last place I would want to check, I had no other options but to go there.

The drive to my house was the actual time it took but it felt slower today and I kept on bugging Maya to increase the pass but she would throw me a glance of death.

“Do you want us dead or arrested?” She would ask. But then if I was the one driving the car without her in it I wouldn’t mind ending up dead or arrested for my brother as long as I will be able to find him.

Maya suddenly pulled over and I stared at the small house before rushing into it, then Maya followed behind. The doors were not closed and it seemed the television was on. Perhaps my father was at home.

“I don’t think Joe’s here” I whined and turned my back to leave.

“You didn’t even check Isabella!” Maya rolled her eyes and folded her hands under her breasts.

“There’s no point, my father would have never cared about picking Joe up from school, hell does he even care if we went to school or fed, he doesn’t care at all!” I said almost in a loud tone.

I was about to turn my back when I heard the TV station changing and one of Joe’s favourite cartoons was playing. I heard Joe’s voice immediately after.

“Joe!” I yelled as I opened the wooden door.

“Isabella!” He responded with the same energy as he ran to meet me. I noticed my Dad staring at us with a smile on his face, it wasn’t a genuine one but a sad one. He was probably on drugs again and how dare he pick up Joe from school without my permission.

“Maya take Joe to the car please” I said and Joe carried his backpack with him as he followed Maya out.

“I didn’t give you the permission to pick Joe up from school!” I roared immediately I couldn’t hear their footsteps anymore.

“Maya, it’s been a long time since we talked and not even a single greeting from you?” He asked but I cut him short immediately.

“Who the hell gave you the permission to pick Joe up from school?” I asked again with rage in my veins.

“I don’t need your permission to pick my son from school Isabella so watch your tongue” he raised a finger at me.

“Oh so he’s your son now? Huh, you now remember you have a son? After abandoning us with no food and nothing, coming home drunk everyday, giving us no attention, eating our last food but he’s your son now?”

“Where were you when I was caring for him in every way, I was the one who he would run to when he had nightmares, I was and still am the one who would struggle for him to eat, I bought him books and shoes, I was the one who have been picking him up from school and I have been the one performing the duty of a parent not you Ezekiel!” I roared with every rage in me.

His facial expression fell and changed into a sad one, he wanted to say something but closed his mouth back. It was easy for one to tell that he wanted to cry or perhaps it was the drugs that started to kick In.

“I heard what you told Maya” he blinked his eyes trying to contain the tears.

“What I said was nothing but the truth” I replied while staring at him in the eye. Even though he was taller and huger I had nothing to be scared of, not to talk of being scared of a big drunkard and addict.

I turned my back and left for the door while he stood in the same spot, he didn’t want me to see him cry so I would be giving him that chance to cry.

“Just know it has also been hard for me and I love you both!” He said but it was too late for me to give him another piece of my mind as I slammed the door really hard hoping his face was closer to the door, a little damage on his face wouldn’t hurt.

I stormed my way inside the car, Maya was seated on the driver’s seat while Joe was seated at the back seat sipping one of the juice boxes Maya always kept in her car.NôvelDrama.Org © 2024.

“Babe you okay?” She said and I nodded my head but realized she was still staring so I turned to look at her and gave her a reassuring smile before she started the car.

I had no idea why my heart was pounding faster than usual and my hands were shaking on my laps. I decided to blame it on the cold weather and folded my arms under my breath for warmth and perhaps to stop it from shaking.

We finally arrived at Maya’s house and met Grace panicking all around the house.

“Hey Mrs Anderson!” Joe flashed his scattered set of teeth to her and the moment her eyes fell on Joe, the wrinkles on her forehead disappeared and she brought him into a tight hug. Like I had been saying, I love the way Grace treats Joe like her own son.

“Christ I have been so worried!” She squealed in excitement while Joe was still tight in her arms.

“Where did you find him?” She asked

“My Dad picked him up” I replied and the excitement on her face vanished.

“Ezekiel?” She asked and I nodded my head. I didn’t understand why her excitement vanished at the mention of my father. She tried to back on a fake smile as she bent her head to. look at Joe.

“How about we make pasta for the family?” she asked.

“Fuck yeahhh… I’m starving” Maya sluggishly said as she collapsed on the couch.

“Let’s go make pasta Joe” she raised his chin and flashed her another smile.

I watched how they both went into the kitchen and how Joe helped her by bringing out the equipment and utensils, even though he wasn’t much of a help she seemed to be enjoying his company which made me glad.

The food was finally ready and the whole house got prepared to eat, Mr Anderson came in almost right on time for the dinner and so we are in peace and quiet.

“So mum, what did you do about it when we called that Joe was missing?” Maya asked right before she shoved a meatball into her mouth.

“Joe went missing?” Mr Anderson chirped in and Maya nodded her head. I looked at Joe but he was not bothered about what we were discussing but was battling with a meat stuck In his teeth.

Mr Anderson was about to ask another question when Grace suddenly interrupted.

“Oh i paid a visit to the school principal” she replied with no emotion on her face.

“So what happened next?” Maya asked but Grace raised a finger up telling us to wait till she was done with the pasta In her mouth.

“The teacher got fired,” she said and sipped her juice while Maya and I stared at each other with surprise.

The dinner was going smooth and great before I started feeling a little bit strange. My head was spinning and my vision was blurry, I noticed my hands shaking again. It could probably be because of the stress.

“Thank you for the nice dinner, I’ll be upstairs Maya” I said and excused myself from the table.

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