THREE DOORS: Chapter 16

“But I wanna look cute,” Shay bitched, sifting through hangers of designer threads and shaking her head at the closet. “You know I don’t have any old jeans.”

Because of course.

After we’d crammed in the last bit of studying we could swallow for the week and, despite some reluctance from my fussy friend, we were finally prepping for our filthy Friday adventure. A few quick texts confirmed that our guys were in for the evening, likely crashed on their sectional, watching whatever sport they could summon on the screen. I kept my proverbial fingers crossed and hoped our excursion would spark that group fire again, even if just for the night.

“Wear leggings, you fuckin’ whiner,” Mia laughed from her seat on Shay’s perfectly made bed.

“No way. Not thick enough.”

I rolled my eyes behind Shay’s back and fiddled with my flyaways in her full-length mirror. “We’re taking towels, remember?”

“Speaking of, “Shay said, palming her hips and turning to us with a smirk, “towels aren’t gonna work. I need something like plastic wrap.”


“Okay, maybe you’re  onto something there,” I agreed.

“Shay, listen,” Mia lectured, slicing through the space with an authoritative chop, “you gotta get past this fuckin’ apprehension before we leave.”

“I know. I’m excited, but I’m just concerned, too.”

“Stop being such a snob,” I roasted with love and gestured to my tattered denim. “Think of the endgame here. You’ll be fine.”

A pretty smile tugged at her cheeks after my nudge to the master plan. “Can I wear some of yours?”

“Oh, I’d be fuckin’ honored,” I giggled with a chest palm, swerving from her ass swat as she left for my room.

Shay’s ridiculous, uppity ways often forced our loving groans, but she made a solid point about the towel option. Something plastic would be much more hygienic, all things considered, so I stood in the hallway as my girls finished up and chewed my bottom lip with careful consideration. Fuck, that’s it! I whipped open the bathroom vanity cabinet, plucked three scented trash bags from under the sink, and then folded them into tight squares.

“Okay, I’m ready!” Shay met us in the dining room minutes later as she smoothed palms over her final selections. Even in my worn, ratty jeans and a faded pink sweatshirt, she still looked like a million bucks.

“Shove these in your pockets,” I directed, then I passed our “protection” to my sidekicks.

Shay cringed, of course, then she unfolded her bag in the overhead light and inspected it for rips. “I hope there isn’t random jick on the floor.”

Mia laughed and adjusted her long locks over her gray zip-up, looking effortlessly stunning, as usual. “Hell, I feel dirty already, and I love it.”

I sucked in an anxious breath and checked the time. “Well, let’s go see if our boys will love it, too.”

~ • ~

We trotted down the stairwell and huddled once more at the front door of our sexy targets. I’m confident that the security guards assumed we were psycho ex-girlfriends at this point, but hell, at least we were fully dressed for this visit. Sure, we could’ve just planned this escapade in advance, but since we all got off of the element of surprise, why not make it interesting?

“We don’t have much time,” Shay whisper-yelled.

“Right. We gotta be quick.”

Mia knocked on the door and opened it slowly. “Guys?”

I heard muffled voices, then Judge greeted us with a shocked yet excited smile. “Wow! Hi!”

“Hi! Can we come in?” Shay asked, toying flirtatiously with her shiny hair.

Judge grinned and gestured for us to enter. “Always.”


We filed past the kitchen with purpose, the faint smell of pizza seasoning the air, finding Evan asleep on the couch and Deck stretched out in nothing but navy boxers. I peeped the access panel in the front and swallowed. Hard.

“What’s happening, girls?” he asked with a sleepy smile. He rubbed his dark, groggy eyes but thankfully made no effort to hide the hints of his impressive package.

Judge looked us over and stroked his scruffy chin. “You didn’t dress for Three Doors, not that I’m opposed…”

“Nope. Not tonight.” I grinned and glanced down at my rather rugged attire, noticing a grass stain on my purple crewneck.

“We’re here to steal you,” Mia giggled.

“Come again?” Judge laughed, pausing the basketball game on the big screen.

She stepped up and poked his chest with fake authority. “Get dressed. Both of you. And bring the masks.”

Decker looked confused, blinking his thick lashes as if he were waking from a dream. “Wait. What time is it?”

“Around eleven.”

“What about that one?” Judge nodded to his snoozing roommate and our eyes followed. Evan lay sprawled across a straight stretch of the blue sectional, snoring softly through his parted lips. Fucking adorable.

“I got it,” Shay announced confidently with a cocky hair flip. She climbed over Evan’s lap and straddled his red gym shorts in those skin-tight jeans, then she rocked her pussy a few times over his nap-hardened wood.

This is the content I needed,” I whispered with an elbow to Mia’s ribs.

“Right?” she giggled and watched our girl move. “It’s fuckin’ working already.”

Shay moaned dramatically and grinded directly into the sleeping prince’s shaft. “Oh, Evan. Yes!”

Judge released a low-toned whistle beside us and shook his head. “Is it too late for me to fall asleep, too?”

This fuckin’ guy.

Evan reached for her hips with groping fingers and smiled in his sleep, leaving us to stifle a collective laugh.

“You feel so good,” Shay whimpered over him, rivaling the acting skills of our naughty nurses.

One bright blue eye cracked open, then he surveyed his surroundings with bewilderment as we anticipated his reaction. In textbook Evan fashion, he simply curled into a crunch and pulled a shocked Shay down to his grinning lips. She let him.

We are all so fucked up.

I stared at the sensual tease with the remaining thirsty crew members, watching their lustful tongues twist with hunger, but I regretfully had to interject once my girl tried to remove Evan’s shirt. “Shay, come on. No time for that.”

“I’ll be quick.”

“Shay!” Mia snapped with a spirited laugh.

“I’m joking. Chill.” She tossed palms with mock defense and slinked from her show, leaving a groggy Evan in her wake. He glanced around the room in a daze, then sat upright and adjusted his balls.

“What’s going on?”

“The girls are kidnapping us,” Deck answered with a chuckle.

Evan didn’t hesitate. “Cool. Where we goin’?”

That’s the spirit.

“It’s a surprise,” I told him. “Get dressed cause we can’t be late.”

“And nothing too fancy,” Mia added.

Deck, Evan, and Judge left us with unprompted cheek pecks, like the sweethearts they were, before disappearing to the hallway with muffled, manly mumbles. Of course, my nosy instincts kicked in, and I intentionally eavesdropped for any apprehension. I flattened my back against the living room wall out of view and covered my mouth with a finger to shush my girls.

Christ, how fuckin’ cute are they with this shit?”

Dude, I’m lost.”

“So are we.”

“Shay can ride a rod, though.”


Hell, I’m up for whatever they bring.”

Me, too. Literally.”

What’s with the jeans?”

Smiling at the excitement in their voices and satisfied that we hadn’t overstepped at this late hour, I motioned for my girls to join me in the kitchen while we waited. We turned the tables, poking around in cryptic cabinets and drawers, finding nothing more than nearly empty cereal boxes and a couple of random screwdrivers.

“Wonder what’s in here,” Shay whispered as her fingers lingered on the refrigerator handle. “Any guesses?”

“Milk, for sure,” I guessed, knowing that a tub of protein mix was surely stashed somewhere.

“Staged beer for the cooler,” Mia added.NôvelDrama.Org holds © this.

“And I’ll go with leftover pizza.” Shay whipped open the fridge door and we scanned the cold interior, finding all three of our predictions and nothing else.

“Oh. My. God.” I clutched my belly and fuckin’ lost it.

Shay shook her head and checked the expiration date on the milk jug. “No wonder they’re always at our crib.”

We heard rustling in the hallway, so Mia shoved the door closed. Evan popped out looking fine as fuck in those dark jeans. 

“Ready to go!”

“You got the masks?” Shay reminded him.

Deck joined seconds later and tugged a navy hoodie over his bare shoulders. “Check.”

“Let’s roll.”

~ • ~

“Blindfolds on,” Mia instructed after we piled into my black crossover.

I chauffeured my curious crew through dimly lit streets on the outskirts of town to the address I’d found online. I was hella jealous of the group groping that was likely occurring in the back seat, especially with all the heavy breathing and whispered whimpers filling the cabin. I peeked in my rearview mirror a few times for the show, but I noticed nothing but shadows.

“Was this your idea?” Evan chilled in the front beside me, tilting his blond whiskers in my general direction. He looked so innocent sitting there, but I knew better.

“It was my idea,” I bragged with a bright smile he couldn’t see.

“Nice. I’m fuckin’ amped.”

Feeling emboldened by his enthusiasm, I found his big hand in the dashboard light and guided it across my lap, sliding his fingers between my thighs and shifting my hips against his touch. He bit his lower lip with a mutter and stroked me lightly below my zipper, forcing a flow of moist heat to my relaxed pussy.

The parking lot was mostly dark, with only a few other cars in the spaces, so I stationed my ride near the safety of the front entrance lights. The entire scene looked super fuckin’ shady, just as I had hoped.

“We’re here!” Shay announced.

“Masks off?”

“Not yet.”

“We’ll tell you when.”

Once we helped our dates from their seats, Mia took Judge’s hand, Shay guided Deck, and I tugged Evan along beside me. We paused in front of the disheveled brick building, exchanging hopeful, impatient grins as the guys blindly scanned the surroundings.

“Okay! Masks off!” I squealed.

We watched with intrigue as our boys yanked free from the blindfolds and blinked at our destination with disbelief, the mysterious signage casting a crimson glow over their widened eyes.

“What the…”

“No fucking way…”

“You gotta be kidding…”

Although several letters had burned out, the place showing much more wear in person than on the website, the red neon sign was clearly legible.

“The Back Door Theatre?” Judge asked in awe.

I glowed with pride as my plan unfolded. “Have any of you been here?”

Deck shook his head and stared. “No, but we’ve heard about it.”

Evan grinned down at me. “Are you sure about this?”

“Positive. Let’s go. The show starts at midnight.”

We swapped partners with no planning before passing through the front doors to the shady lobby. Shay and Judge casually intertwined fingers as they giggled over a raunchy display poster. Evan and Mia were already tonguing hard as they slow-walked ahead. Decker slid a possessive arm around my waist and escorted me inside.

The wild reviews online had served no justice. Conflicting shades of red coated every sleazy surface. Tacky and stained scarlet carpet. Grimy and smudged cherry wallpaper. A cracked and peeling burgundy ceiling. Hell, I couldn’t have produced a seedier scene had I written a fuckin’ script. Pure perfection.

“Wow,” Deck mumbled under his breath, his gorgeous, awestruck smile swiveling between the colors. “Classy joint.”

“Fuck, I hope not,” I laughed and bumped his hip with mine.

An attractive middle-aged man in a metallic red bow tie parked his paperback as Decker and I approached the small ticket counter. “Welcome to The Back Door!” Bow Tie welcomed us with a toothy smile and theatrical arms.

Deck matched his warm greeting. “Thank you, sir!”

“We need six tickets for the show, please,” I said.

“We have two main features every night. Which would you like?”

Well, damn. I hadn’t taken the time to pick a title. “What are my choices?”

Decker slowly slid behind me and lowered his head to my shoulder, that alluring shadow of scruff teasing my neck and distracting me from the task at hand. His thick, tight body hugged my curves, and I shivered with arousal under my old sweatshirt.

“We have two fantastic options tonight.” Bow Tie beamed. “The first is ‘Anal at the Aquarium’ and the other is ‘Two Chicks, One Dick.’”

Oh, honey,” Deck moaned with amusing enthusiasm before I could even utter a response. “I’ve always wanted to do it in an aquarium.” He rocked against my ass with that heavy shaft, and his tempting fingers danced at my frayed waistline.


I willed myself to fumble along through the humorous but seductive tease. “But baby,” I whined, playing directly into Deck’s compelling lead, “you know how I love watching two women together.”

Deck suddenly sucked in a harsh breath, then he snagged my earlobe between his teeth with a gritty growl of my name. Despite this little charade, there was nothing fucking fake about it. A dull, warm ache pounded inside my panties as fire rushed to my cheeks.

“You can’t go wrong with either choice,” Bow Tie interrupted, pausing our promising opening act.

I swallowed my desire and opted for the opinions of the others, but I found both pairs interlocked on opposite sides of the lobby and completely distracted by each other’s tempting bodies. Fuck, I guess Deck and I were making the executive decision on behalf of our sixsome.

‘Please?” I coaxed, covering his wandering hands with mine as they lingered on my belly.

Deck shook his head at Bow Tie with mock disappointment. “Whatever she wants, I suppose.”

“We’ll have six for ‘Two Chicks, One Dick,’ please!” I pinched my lips together after I repeated the risque movie title, blushing at the mere thought of what my parents would think of their once wholesome daughter.

Bow Tie clicked away with his ancient mouse and produced six old-school paper tickets. Deck offered to pay the way for the crew, but I insisted on presenting my debit card instead. My idea, my treat. Our host grinned with cocked head nostalgia as he slid the stubs across the red countertop.

“You kids help me keep the lights on, ya know. Thanks for coming.”

“Aww, you’re welcome! We’re super excited!” I told him honestly.

“Is it busy in there?” Deck asked.

“Oh, not too bad. Most people chose the anal special tonight,” Bow Tie informed us matter-of-factly, adding in a slight shrug. “You know how it is.”

“Of course.” Decker nodded with convincing seriousness.

“Don’t tell Mia we passed on that one,” I giggled under my breath as we beckoned for our deviant friends. “She’ll never fuckin’ forgive me.”

~ • ~

Deck and I held swinging hands between our hips as we ushered our pack down a shadowed hallway to the right, then we rolled together into the screening room. Bow Tie had already dimmed the lights, but I could distinguish rows of red, tattered cushions lining the seating area before the large blank screen. The place looked acceptably clean upon my initial inspection of the floor.

“Back row at The Back Door!” Mia laughed from behind me.

We scaled the slight incline of the ramp to the back of the theater. I noticed dark silhouettes of other presumed porn lovers scattered throughout the sketchy space. Most huddled in pairs, but a few singles and one interesting trio had also declined the aquarium option.

“I’m gonna check it out before we commit,” Shay whispered. “I don’t wanna sit in dried juices or anything.” Judge shifted his hips into the last row, with Shay apprehensively scooting along behind, both surveying the seats with the flashlight on her phone. They were about halfway down the aisle when they both turned around abruptly and shook their heads no.

“What’s wrong?” Deck whisper-yelled as they returned.

“There’s a giant wet spot on one seat and a used condom on another,” Shay bitched, offering me a stern glare in the shadows.

I shrugged. “Well, I guess we know why it was empty.”

Shut that fuckin’ light off!”

We all swiveled with surprise to the shadowed figures parked in the positions below.

You shouldn’t sit in the back row! Are you fucking new here?”

“Just find a fucking seat already and shut up!”

Decker chuckled down at me with a deep cringe. “Tough crowd.”

“Let’s just check another area,” Judge offered.

We found the third row from the back somewhat acceptable, with no visible body fluids spilled and the nearest dickhead patron several rows down. Judge boldly entered first again, squatting a few seats from the side wall, followed by Shay, Decker, me, Evan, and Mia. As I gave my seat one last inspection before sitting, I noticed no armrests, not even the optional fold-up style. The ratty chairs sat crammed together with wide-open access to the cushions on either side. Hell, I guess the spiffy owner wasn’t expecting people to sip from jumbo sodas and munch on buckets of popcorn. Bow Tie knew exactly what we were here for…

…and he was right.

We finally settled just as the pre-porn advertisements flickered on the screen. Deck palmed my hand over his thigh, stroking my soft skin with a gentle thumb. Evan rested his fingers near my knee to the other side, his mischievous eyes sparkling as the commercials flashed before us. My heart rate ticked up several notches as both men claimed space on my body, adding in a few thumps that I could feel pulsing deep in my jeans. Although my girls and I had strategized over the grand finale last night as we readied ourselves for bed, we hadn’t planned any of this filler material. I couldn’t guess what to expect, but fuck, I was ready.

Evan turned to me with a flirtatious grin. “Just what did you get us into tonight?” he whispered.

“We may have some plans for you guys,” I teased under my breath. “We’ll see.”

“Look, it’s Joe!” Deck noted as a new promotion popped up on the screen. Our friendly neighborhood sex clerk appeared in his vivid showroom, explaining that The Basement had just received a shipment of top-of-the-line anal beads. I smirked to my left, finding Mia sprung in her seat beside Evan as she drooled over every word.

After a couple of quick videos showcasing a local liquor store and, oddly enough, a retirement community, the already low lights darkened even more around us. Decker squeezed my hand and cuddled closer, his warm breath shipping tingles down my spine.

“I definitely wanna retire somewhere that advertises in here,” he joked.

I giggled at his flirty nonsense as the filthy show began.

~ • ~

The no context fucking started from the opening scene, so I was immediately both disappointed and intrigued by the lack of a backstory. A tall, beefy man was fuckin’ railing a curvy redhead from behind within seconds of the title flash. The camera panned to reveal the sultry siren bent forward over a humming washing machine, her plump ass rocking, giant tits bouncing, and bare pelvis slamming. The male lead seemed attractive enough from the side, with ripples of rich, brown muscle flexing as he pumped, but the hammering didn’t allow for much determination of dick quality.

I was evaluating the laundry room detail, deciding if the washer was actually running, when Evan dipped his sneaky fingers to my inner thigh and squeezed. I turned at the request for attention, finding Mia’s pink manicure groping at the back of his neck and shoulders as they mauled each other. Evan’s thumb kneaded near my pussy, tempting me through his own arousal at the hands of my best friend. A blazing thrill rushed to my skimpy panties with his desire for me to watch, so I guided his hand higher and gave him silent permission to explore.

Despite the steam being created beside me, Shay’s muffled whimpering coaxed me to scrutinize the action on my other side. She faced away from me, Judge’s hungry hands tangled in the dark strands down her back as their bodies rocked with natural rhythm. I pulled my bottom lip through my teeth, watching his fingertips curl in desperation as she slid a bold leg onto his lap. A primal growl from the stacked stud on screen yanked me from my voyeuristic fetish, flushing my cheeks with a shameful pink and forcing my baby blues to sway. Under the shifting lights of the freaky film, I found my partner’s deep brown eyes fixated on only me.

A cocky smirk curled the corners of Deck’s lips as if he’d been waiting patiently for my focus, allowing my kinky indulgence to trump his own aroused anticipation. The seductive moment hung with heat in the stuffy air between us, our gazes drifting over each other’s shadowed faces. Invigorated by the prickly tension, I freed my fingers from his and dragged my hand up the inner seam of his jeans, finding his long, thickened cock bulging against his zipper.

Christ, he felt so big.

I rubbed slow, tempting strokes through the denim and left my eyes locked on his, my damp pussy aching as I waited for his reaction to my ambitious advances. He scooted his ass forward on the cushion, eagerly stretching to give me easier access to his shaft, so I thumbed his rigid tip with deeper pressure. He released a haughty sigh through grinding teeth, then he grabbed the back of my neck and forced my mouth to his.

Demanding Decker clocked in for duty, benching the disciplined tease as he choked me with his hot, thrusting tongue. Both hands raked through my hair and tugged at my tangles, forcing my gasps against his dominant lips. He grinded his needy cock against my palm, pumping his pelvis desperately as we listened to the redhead moan through a breathy climax. I heard the change of scene on the big screen, but when I tried to tilt my chin for a natural, nosy peek, Deck wasn’t fuckin’ having it.

He aggressively cupped my jawline and snarled greedy teeth against my mouth, then drove his rough tongue inside for another agonizing round. The arrogant exercise of complete control left me clawing at his steel, begging for him to bend me over the row and fuck me in front of our friends until I couldn’t breathe.

I blindly fumbled with Deck’s button below, then jerked his zipper open over his boxers. Just as I grazed the fluff of his pubic hair, Evan tugged at the hem of my sweatshirt from behind. I ripped my panting lips from the kiss and threw a glance over my shoulder, finding my blond counterpart’s hungry, hooded eyes burning with lustful blue flames.

That blistering appeal pulsed deep in my pussy, my body nearly igniting as I stoked one friend’s cock while another demanded my attention. In my few heartbeats of hesitation, Evan twisted my purple top inside his fist and yanked me closer, then he buried his wet tongue between my lips and claimed the territory that Deck had just tasted.

I scratched at Evan’s hoodie as our mutual primal appeal blazed between us. Whimpers choked my throat as I emptied remnants of my previous kiss into his. His determined hand drifted north, snaking under my sweatshirt, ripping at my lace bra, and pinching my tightened nipples. Just when I thought this clothed, public pleasure could reach no higher peak, Deck’s dominant grip wrenched my clenched thighs apart and massaged my throbbing clit mercilessly through my jeans. The slick friction sent me spiraling between the competing fingers of the best friends, and I cried weakly into the dark jaws of the theater, only to find an enthralled Mia watching every move over Evan’s shoulder.

As I broke for breaths of relief, she shifted to her knees in the worn, red seat and licked Evan’s scruff, dragging nails down over his panting pecs and cupping his swollen package with a dominant squeeze. Just as Evan turned to meet her feisty mouth again, the noise of another scene change sounded on the forgotten screen. I sucked sweet oxygen to calm my burning lungs and blinked through the flickers to catch up. The rugged male lead had cornered a scrawny blond against the refrigerator, thrusting deep into her smooth, tight pussy as she writhed naked against the stainless steel. I rocked my soaked slit into Deck’s firm fingers, imagining a huge, hardened dick stretching me through my sticky juices.

Hold up. Who was this blond chick? Was there some appliance kink involved? What the hell was happening?

Decker’s earlier selfishness had clearly caused me to miss critical elements of the plot. As if my seductive sidekick had read my crazy mind and decided to plead for penance, Deck skillfully popped my button and forced down my zipper. His finger eased inside my panties and swirled over my plump clit, our aroused gazes locking as my hips reflexively jerked into his palm. His fingertip dove deeper as he watched my squirming body, dragging through my dripping pleasure and stroking my soft folds.

Shay wrapped a delicate hand around his neck and steered his scruffy chin to hers for a wet, tongue-twisting kiss, then navigated his boxer access and teased his heavy cock with nimble fingers. Judge appeared over her shoulder and sucked her earlobe between his sensual lips, his warm, sexy eyes meeting mine as he groped her perky tits from behind.

Christ, just kill me.

We were in way fuckin’ deeper than we’d ever been, Judge and Deck’s cocky flaunt of a potential threesome now seeming somewhat amateur in comparison. Each member of our secret society had flung themselves over this captivating cliff with no hesitation, humping and licking each other in these stained seats like we’d never been pleasured before. Although Three Doors may have quenched our collective thirsts for both friendship and fucking, this primal craving for group action coursed through not only my veins.

With Decker occupied now, both his mouth and his cock being handled by my girlfriend to the right, I turned to check on the wild things to my left. Mia had reclaimed Evan in my absence, riding his thigh with slow pussy thrusts as they gagged each other with a suffocating kiss. The eerie cinema lights danced over their delicious bodies in the dark as I stared at their soaked lips. Moisture glistened between their muffled gasps, and I wondered if she could taste me on his tongue.

Despite the dirty deeds around me, I wasn’t left lonely as the scandalous scenes continued on the big screen. Deck’s fingers still danced inside my panties with promise, so I sank back into my tattered chair and watched the arousing actors. Our hovering hunk was standing before both the busty redhead and the slim blond as they huddled together in a cheap living room setting. The models rested hip to hip on an ugly plaid couch, completely naked and listening to the male lead with eager breathlessness.

Fuck. Had the chicks been making out and I missed it?

The guy puffed his brawn and gave a compelling speech about adoring both of them, explaining that he loved being their roommate and fucking them both, but he was having difficulty choosing just one.

Roommates? Nice.

Deck interrupted my preference for the porn plot again, this time panting beside me with loud, laboring breaths to the ceiling. I glanced at his darkened lap to find Shay slowly stroking his full, bare length as it sprung from his boxers. She met my eyes and nodded slightly to prompt the planned conclusion of the erotic evening, so I turned to Mia and tugged on her gray sweatshirt. She left Evan’s lips with a wide, wet grin of approval.

I pulled Deck’s dirty hand from my panties and, even as he perched on the peak of his pleasure, he resisted my efforts to part ways. He dragged firm fingertips hard over my puffy clit, leaving me seriously and selfishly considering the abandonment of my original plan. I composed myself through a few skipped beats as I zipped my jeans, then I snatched the folded trash bag from my back pocket and slid from my red seat. Deck watched my every move with dark, puzzled eyes.

Shay, Mia, and I had strolled into this seductive scenario with full intentions of sucking some shaft, leaving our peen partners to chance until we naturally paired off within the theater. As both of my besties mimicked my moves in front of their somewhat assigned guys, I clumsily arranged my plastic barrier on the floor before a shocked Decker and dropped with sexy submission between his thighs.

While we paused with anticipation before our next deviant step, I surveyed our three delicious men as the flickers of the forgotten movie flashed across their stunned faces. There was something incredibly perverse about these best friends, side by side with no lingering pride, waiting anxiously for these public blow jobs.

Decker abruptly curled over me and cupped my cheeks, kissing me with sensual softness. I parted my lips along his sharp jawline, trailing sweet smooches up his neck and tickling his ear with a warm, moist breath. “I can’t wait to taste you,” I whispered. “I’ve waited so long for this.”


I discovered Deck’s long cock rigid and ready to fuck when I returned to his lap. I thumbed the round tip, swirling his early stickiness and meeting his smoldering eyes again. A wicked thought crossed my mind as Shay and Mia tempted the other boys from my peripheral vision.

“I want you to watch the other girls,” I mouthed up to him. “Watch them lick and suck your friends as I make you come.”

Fuck,” Deck mumbled under his breath.

As if the pleasure gods had offered a timely gift, the screen heated up with obvious oral behind me. One of the leading ladies gagged and moaned, the male star’s deep voice begging her to suck harder and faster. Practically in unison and within unexplained chick sync, Mia, Shay, and I lowered our faces to our presented groins and sucked the three throbbing cocks between our thirsty lips.

I dragged my hot, wet tongue under Deck’s impressive length, lapping with lust as I palmed the base of his thickness with slight strokes. When I reached his curved ridge, I swallowed him whole, letting his smooth, stretched skin ride inside my mouth. Christ, I hadn’t tasted a bare shaft in so long, finding myself bobbing and blowing with unbridled enthusiasm as he shifted with exhilaration before me. When I nearly choked as his pulsing tip breached the edge of my throat, I licked my way back to breath and pumped him with rapid thrusts.

As I swept my saliva under his rim, rubbing firm friction along the underside with my wide tongue, I peeked up to see if Deck was following my illicit instructions. Much to my satisfaction, his smokey eyes were narrowed to our side as Mia’s shimmering locks bounced in Evan’s lap. Deck rubbed clenched fists into his thighs, then he turned back to catch me watching his hunger with excited eyes over his steel.

He suddenly thrust his hips forward with dominance, driving his cock over my heated tongue and forcing me to choke on every inch above my fist. I swallowed the urge to gag and lowered my head to his will, my blond waves falling over cheeks as I let him fuck my slick, tightened lips. My soaked pussy clenched deep inside my jeans as the need to be fucked nearly dizzied me with desire.

When I raised my eyes again, beating hard as I puffed on his thickened tip, I found Deck gazing lustfully at Shay as she slathered sultry kisses near Judge’s heavy sac. I picked up my pace, gliding over his round ridge and dipping quickly to join my jacking fingers with my sliding lips. Deck suddenly grabbed two fistfuls of my hair, then he urgently rocked his cock with rapid jerks over my tongue. He tugged wildly at my strands until his fingertips trailed across my temples, then he fell back into the seat and unloaded his steamy, sticky finish directly down my throat. I swallowed over and over, the salty juice smearing between my lips as I watched him unravel above me. That dark scruff tipped to the ceiling, and his muscular shoulders shuddered inside his sweatshirt as I lapped up every drop from his tip.

Once Deck was spent, I wiped the job from my tingling mouth, feeling prideful that I’d remembered enough sucking skills to make him spill. He blinked with disbelief and found my flushed cheeks grinning in the darkness. The looming porn dialogue momentarily distracted us as the three horny roommates organized a fuck schedule for each partnership. The big guy announced that on weekends, they would all screw each other. Our amused eyes twinkled in the highlights as we stifled ironic laughs together.

Decker tucked his recovering package in his boxers as Mia helped Evan adjust beside us. I gave his marvelous member a final love pat of appreciation, and he offered me a humored smirk, then he opened his arms wide with an invitation.

Shay was still going strong beside me, so I climbed up on Deck’s thighs with eagerness to watch Judge finish. My once reluctant friend now darted over his groin with no shame, her black strands hiding the intensity as her gorgeous partner groaned under his breath above her. I heard her whimper through a rough choke, but Judge finally tipped his head back over the seat and released a throaty sigh as he exploded through his peak.

Deck tucked a gentle hand around my bare waist under my top and cuddled me closer to his buff chest. The rolling light of the film credits caught the pleased glint in his eyes as he gazed at my lips. His stubble scratched at my jawline as he inched his way through my waves to my ear.

“That was unbelievable, Callie,” he whispered.

“Well, believe it,” I gushed as he tickled my earlobe with a sweet kiss. “I’m right here.”

~ • ~

We waited until the other porn patrons retreated before gathering our handy trash bags and heading for the exit. Bow Tie looked up from his book again with a bright smile as our naughty crew returned to the red lobby, all six of us holding hands like the kinkiest but proudest fuckin’ group in town.

“Thanks for dropping by!” he called. “We have a Wednesday lunchtime special each week if you’re interested!”

“Hell, embryology isn’t that important, is it?” Deck joked under his breath.

“Thank you, sir!” I responded with a wave. I laughed to myself as we strolled to the exit, wondering just what crossed the owner’s undoubtedly wicked mind as he witnessed his customers crawling from the shadows.

Our sixsome stepped out into the chilly night together with no words yet spoken about the impact of our crazy fuckin’ field trip. Judge climbed in the front seat with me, then he swept in with those soft lips and kissed my cheek as I started the engine. “I loved watching you tonight,” he breathed against my neck. “I sat too far away to enjoy that sexy body of yours.”

“I liked watching you, too,” I swooned, our eyes meeting in the glow of the dashboard lights. “You’re fuckin’ fire when you get off, ya know.”

Those adorable dimples made an appearance as he shot me a cocky smile. “Callie, you’re literally killing me.”

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