The Vampire King’s Captive



When Bran lifted his eyes and looked back at her, his throat dried up. Her beauty was so spell-binding, it rendered him breathless and for the life of him, he couldn’t remember what she’d said in answer to his question. So he decided to ask her again.

“Why didn’t you come when the man asked you to?”

“Because I didn’t want to.”

Bran would probably have been able to put up with her dismissive tone if she was looking at him, but she wasn’t and it irked Bran so much, he couldn’t really tell if it was because she was dismissing him or if he just hated not having her eyes on him.

Something told him it was the latter but he refused to believe it.Content © provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

He was simply angry that she would dare speak to a king in such manner.

“Look at me,” he commanded.


When he spoke again, the words came out on a growl. “Fucking look at me.”

She stared stonily ahead. “I said no.”

From Bran’s periphery, he could see that they were starting to gather a curious audience. Some of the children training-and even their trainers-had stopped and were now watching them avidly, no doubt surprised to see the vampire king arguing with a woman almost half his height.

He was just as surprised as they were. That she would dare to oppose him in the presence of others.

Letting her get away with slapping him behind closed doors was one thing. Letting her oppose him in broad day light while people watched was another.

And Bran was going to put her in her fucking place.

“You’re going to turn around and look at me right now, Maria.”

“Fuck you,” she retorted and that did it.

Bran reached for her to forcefully turn her towards him when suddenly, his hands froze mid-air, as if there was an invisible barrier stopping his hand from going forward. Like a wall.

He lifted his other hand and the same thing happened.

Instantly, he knew what was happening and his enraged eyes flew to Maria’s cunning ones, a cold smirk on her lips and a hand raised, fingers aglow.

“What are you doing to me?” He barked, trying not to freak out that she was using her powers on him. “Stop it this very minute, Maria. Now.”

“Not until you tell me why you sent for me in the first place.”

Bran gritted his teeth and fought against the powers with all his strength but his hands just wouldn’t move. When he saw that going forward was the problem and that he could go backwards, he took one backward step and then tried to take another one when suddenly, he couldn’t move.

His legs turned to two lead weights on the ground like they were cemented in and he couldn’t move.

“Maria, stop this.” He hissed, anger making the words came out fast. “People are watching. Stop this now.”

She simply cocked her head. “Tell me.”


How could he still find her hot even now?

“I wanted to inform you that we leave tomorrow morning.” He finally said. “The castle has been rebuilt completely, which means we can go back now.”

“And you decided to tell me because?”

“So that you can get ready, dammit.”

Her eyes flashed silver and Bran felt the hold on him tightening to a point of choking. “To get ready?” She asked incredulously. “Like we merely came here on a visit? Like this was nothing but a vacation? Like you didn’t bring me here without my fucking consent?” Her eyes were two flaming greys. “What would you have expected me to say? ‘Oh, thanks for letting me know. I’ll get my bags right away’?”

She shook her head and looked away.

“Remove this hold you have on me, Maria.” He couldn’t move and it was fucking with his head. “People are watching for fucks sake!”

“That’s what you’re thinking about right now? You’re not even worries that I might kill you?” She shook her head, lips pursed. “Two things. One, stop talking to me like your own personal maid. Don’t think whenever you call for me, I’m going to come running.” She warned as she dropped her hand and Bran felt the hold on his body loosen. He could breathe again. “If you do so again, I will not hesitate to show you the consequences.”

Now, this was exactly why Bran had not wanted to remove her collar in the first place. He knew that this was going to happen. That she was going to grow bold and start opposing him. It was a must.

If she’d dared to talk back at him even when she didn’t have her powers, she was bound to do more with them.

And with powers as great as hers? There was no predicting the extent she would go.

“You know, Maria, I could easily just take your powers back.” As he said it, he started to realize just how great of an idea it was. “I’d love to see how bold you can be without them.”

Bran regretted the words immediately when suddenly, his hand-hand that he’d been unable to move a few seconds ago-flew towards his face and connected with his jaw.

Again, again and a-fucking-gain.

He heard the unmistakable sounds of laughter and snickering behind him and his blood boiled with anger.

Not only was he a king that was pitied by his own people, he was now also a laughing stock to the demons.

Finally, the hand dropped and hung by his side uselessly, his body still under her control.

How fucking apt.

“Now,” Maria announced, loud enough for everyone watching to hear and Bran wanted nothing more than to sink into the ground right then and there. “If you dare bring that collar within ten feet of me, if you even think about doing it, you’re going to regret it and I am not bloody joking.”

Bran glared at her. Really fucking glared at her.

He wanted to talk back at her, to tell her to watch her fucking tone, but she was livid and her powers were unimaginable.

He might love being an asshole, but he loved his life more and she could decide to end it with a flick of her finger. Right there in front of everyone to watch.

The shame would be unbearable.

Seeing how much she truly hated him startled him, and wounded the mate inside him.

The mated vampire that lived inside Bran couldn’t accept that it’s mate loathed him so much.

Bran turned away from her, and he was just about to trace away when her voice stopped him.

“Oh, vampire?”

He lifted a brow as he turned to her, wondering why the hell she was smiling so sweetly at him after what just happened.

“You didn’t ask me what two was.”


Out of nowhere, a bucket appeared above Bran’s head and dumped water all over him, drenching him to his boots.

Bran’s eyes grew red with anger and the children’s laughter followed him as he traced away.

What a mate he had.

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