The Second Marriage Chance

Request of Trust

SarahContent is © by NôvelDrama.Org.

After lunch, I made my way to BM Technologies. Jakob’s surprise was palpable when I walked into the office, especially since it had been too long since he had seen me clad in bright green-a stark departure from my usual black attire.

I couldn’t help it; Philip bought me the outfit.

“Let me catch my breath first. We can delve into the questions and answers later,” I declared to Jakob.

He simply shrugged, offering me a seat and a glass of water as I settled into the swivel chair, allowing me a moment to compose myself.

“So,” he prompted.

“I was robbed last night,” I began.

“What? Where? What happened?” Jakob fired off questions in quick succession.

“It was Philip! He played a prank on me!” I recounted the events of the previous night, including the rejection by major hotels due to my tumultuous past with my ex-husband.

“I couldn’t even call you to figure out what was going on with the accommodation app. Everything was down last night, and it was all over social media,” I remarked.

A mischievous grin spread across his face, finding some humor in the situation. “Your ex definitely wants you back. It’s the only explanation for his antics.”

“Excuse me?” I retorted incredulously.

“Yeah, you know how men are,” Jakob replied with a chuckle.

As thoughts raced through my mind, I couldn’t shake the realization. “No, that can’t be true. Philip just craves the idea of having me at home, submissive, playing the role of the typical, old-fashioned wife. He doesn’t truly care for me.”

He killed my baby!

The pain surged anew as the memory of my lost child pierced through my thoughts. My fists clenched involuntarily, and the tightness in my chest returned with a vengeance. Damn it! I need to regain control. I don’t have any medication on hand.

“S-Sarah, are you okay?” Jakob’s concerned voice pierced through the haze, but I struggled to focus. His form seemed blurred, his words suffocating.

“Damn! Should I call for a medic?”

“No, just… I didn’t sleep well,” I stammered, hoping to deflect attention.

I couldn’t afford to attract notice in Bronn’s office. If he caught wind of my distress, Amir or Grandpa Mitchell would inevitably intervene. Pushing aside thoughts of Philip and our tragedy, I willed myself to regain control.

“I apologize,” I managed, turning to Jakob. “Last night’s events rattled me. Please help me track down those thieves. They stole my phone. Let’s find it.”

Just as I spoke, the office phone rang, momentarily breaking the tension in the room.

“Hello?” Jakob answered the call. “For Ms. Mitchell?”

I furrowed my brow upon hearing my name, wondering who Jakob was talking to.

“Alright!” Jakob said before hanging up the handset.

“What is it?” I asked, curious.

“You have a visitor. He said his name was Josh. He’s in the building lobby,” Jakob replied.

Although strict regulations barred unauthorized individuals from entering the building, BM Technologies maintained a vigilant team of information staff positioned in the lobby.

“Josh?” The only Josh I knew was Philip’s driver and bodyguard, who helped me last night. As far as I knew, Philip had suspended him. What did he need from me?

“Yes. You don’t know anyone named Josh?” Jakob inquired.

“Uhm, I’ll check,” I replied simply.

Jakob followed me as I headed to the lobby to meet the person looking for me.

My heart skipped a beat as I saw the figure in the lobby. Josh rose to his feet, a towering presence that exuded an aura of strength and command. Gosh! He was breathtakingly handsome, reminiscent of a Hollywood action star! I also noticed the bag beside him.

“Hello!” I spoke, trying to mask my surprise.

“Good afternoon, Madam Sarah,” he replied, stealing a glance at Jakob.

“Ah, I was just accompanied by Jakob. He was merely concerned about my well-being,” I explained, aware of their perception of me as the man’s secretary. “Anyway, do you require anything from me?”

I sank into the plush embrace of a lobby couch, my silent signal urging Jakob to depart. With a nonchalant shrug, he turned back inside, visibly reassured of my safety.

“Last night, you mentioned you’d fulfill all my wishes just to ensure your safety from the two intruders in your room.”

Sht! Yes, I recall that now.

“I apologize, Madam Sarah. I can’t bear the punishment from Boss Philip. I’ve only been on his team for six months, and I won’t survive without my job. I won’t receive anything, not even the bonus.”

His request hinted at financial strain, though Philip’s employees were typically well-compensated, with bonuses generously tied to Philip’s earnings.

“Are you saying you need money?” I vocalized my suspicions.

“No, Madam. Th-that’s not what I meant. I just want to return to my job. Furthermore, I handed the intruders over to the police last night, and they’re currently in custody.”

As his words reached my ears, a wave of relief swept over me. “So, you defied Philip? Aren’t you worried he might find out?”

He couldn’t answer directly, but his visible tension spoke volumes. “I don’t want trouble, but knowing Boss Philip, he won’t revoke the punishment. That’s why I need your help, Madam Sarah.”

“I’ll help you, but I need to know who tipped off those three individuals at the motel where I was. Their blatant entry into my room suggests someone informed them about the valuable items in my baggage.”

“I’ve obtained that information already, so no need to worry.”

His revelation startled me. Philip’s associates were astute; they wasted no time in taking action. “And?”

“It was Madam Cornell.”

My lips pursed, a hint of shock registering on my face. Only two people could have given Madam Cornell information about my presence in Nevada-either Megan or Philip.

After regaining my composure, my narrowed eyes betrayed my suspicion. Megan was the only one who had a motive to harm me, making her the likely informant to Madam Cornell.

Josh’s actions spoke volumes about his dedication to helping me. Not only did he ensure that the three thieves were apprehended and brought to justice, but he also went the extra mile to gather crucial information about the individuals plotting harm against me.

“I still have something for you,” Josh stated as he retrieved a duffel bag I had noticed earlier and placed it in front of me. “Since your luggage was destroyed, I’ve put your clothes in here. And apart from that,” he added, producing a white medicine bottle from his pocket, “I also found this medicine among your belongings. Are you currently taking Citalopram and Benzodiazepines?”

I hastily took the medicine from his hand, realizing that my secret might now be exposed. “This isn’t Citalopram.”

As panic began to grip me, I closed my eyes tightly, feeling as though I couldn’t breathe and growing dizzy.

“That’s odd. I checked the bottle’s contents out of curiosity, and I did find Benzodiazepines and Citalopram. They’re typically prescribed for panic attacks, depression, and other mental health conditions,” Josh explained.

“What?” I stammered, my lips quivering. “No… you’re mistaken. This isn’t for panic disorder, it’s…”

My trembling intensified, and nausea threatened to overwhelm me. I needed my medication-I couldn’t breathe!

Josh grabbed the medicine bottle, reluctant to offer me a portion of the tablet to ingest. “May I ask where you obtained this, Madam Sarah?” he inquired, seeking clarification. “If you’re experiencing panic attacks, it may be wise to consider changing your medication. These medications are too strong for a body that’s working as it should. It would be advisable to seek guidance from a healthcare professional.”

“No, it’s impossible! These are medications for heart failure,” I argued vehemently, though my body quivered with uncertainty as Josh persisted.

“No, I’m certain the pills in that bottle are for mental disorders. My mother suffered from psychosis, and those were the medications she used. Benzodiazepines are detrimental to the body. Overdosing can lead to both brain and heart damage. In moments of panic, when you feel breathless, it’s easy to mistake it for heart failure. The pills in that bottle could be the cause of your distress…”

I stared at Josh, disbelief and horror etched across my face. With a hard swallow, tears welled up and streamed down my cheeks. Someone was playing a dangerous game with me.

Someone wants to kill me!

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