The Mating Rules

Chapter 12

I’m staring at my mate, anger licking at my insides, did he really just tell me that he’s keeping information from my brother that could keep him safe? What a Jerk!

‘I uhhh’ he started uncertainly, his attention fixated on the crisp white linen covering our table, ‘I’ll tell him at our next training session’ he mumbled.

I nod, grabbing my napkin and waving it to my side slightly harder that necessary, to open it before laying it across my lap.

‘Your flammenküche Monsieur.’ I almost fell out of my seat at the rich French voice beside me, someone get this damn man a bell.

‘Mercy Louis’ Caden replied stiffly as the starter was placed between us. I inspect the flat dish between us, it looks like a pizza but I can’t see any tomato paste. Caden uses the accompanying knife and cuts into the thing, sectioning it into pieces you can pick up before placing the knife down and taking a slice.

Glancing up at me, he uses his fingers to push the tray closer to me, ‘it’s good’ he mumbles as I nod, breaking off a piece and biting into it. A small m**n leaves my lips as my tongue comes into contact with the toppings, this really is good!

I look up to find Caden staring at me, his adam’s apple bobbing as he swallows thickly, his own slice inches from his mouth, frozen in midair.

‘What?’ I asked, suddenly self conscious, looking around us again, ‘do I have food on my face?’

N . . no’ Caden stammers before clearing his throat again, ‘no, just uh . . . nice to see that you like the starter’ he finished.

I grinned, relaxing again, ‘It’s really good’ I agree, taking another huge bite, ‘I’d have just had this for dinner if I’d have known it tastes like this.’

We finish off the starter in record time and I don’t even manage to wipe my fingers on my napkin before the tray is gone and a plate of Steak in some sort of sauce is placed in front of me. There is also some sort of seasoning on top that I bend closer to sniff tentatively before picking up my knife and fork and cutting into the meat, raising it to my lips and pushing it into my mouth.

‘Oh my Goddess’ I g***n loudly, swallowing the mouthful, ‘this is like butter.’

Caden laughed at my enthusiasm, ‘it’s good isn’t it’ he agreed, taking his own bite, my eyes following the movement of his mouth automatically as I lick my lips. The movement draws his attention and a faint growl reverberates around us as his eyes darken, his own gaze now fixated on my mouth, making me lick my lips again instinctively.Belongs to NôvelDrama.Org - All rights reserved.

‘This is the best steak I have ever eaten’ I stumble, trying to break the energy that’s suddenly between us, ‘I would marry this steak if it was possible.’

Caden’s eyes lightened as he smiled, ‘I didn’t realise it’s possible to be jealous of steak’ he teased, ‘but here we are.’

I snorted, ‘please, like you are jealous of anyone’ I blurted out.

The Alpha studied me, ‘why would you think I don’t suffer with jealousy?’ he asked curiously.

I waved my fork toward him, ‘well because you are well . . you’ I retort, ‘all muscles and tall with hair that all the she wolves want to run their fingers through . . ‘ my voice trails off as I blush frantically. Great, I’m never going to hear the end of this, I just gave him ammunition for the rest of our lives.

Caden doesn’t look like he’s preparing to tease me though, in fact he looks . . pleased. ‘Is that how you see me Leeway?’ he purrs, inching closer to me, resting his elbows on the table. ‘Do you want to run your fingers through my hair?’

I gulp because now all I can imagine is my fingers in those short hairs, gripping near his scalp as he presses a bruising k**s to my lips. ‘I uh . . ‘ I mutter, flustered.

The Alpha’s smile widens, ‘you can admit it mate’ he whispers, his tongue caressing the title as I press my knees together. Hearing him call me mate does something to me, no matter how much I didn’t want this, I can’t deny the bond affects me.

‘I think you are an arrogant a*s’ I finally reply, forcing a playful smile to my face as I pop another piece of my steak into my mouth.

Caden looks stunned for a second before he throws his head back and laughs, ‘I’ll let you have that one Leeway’ he replies with a wink, ‘but just so you know, I’m only arrogant because I deserve to be.’

We finish our mains, managing to talk to each other without it being weird and when Caden asks if I’d like a dessert, I agree quickly, not even feeling annoyed when he orders for us both without asking me what I want.

I’m glad he did when two slices of cheesecake with a raspberry coulis is placed in front of us. Grabbing a spoon, I take a bite, heaven meeting my tongue as I do a little jig in my chair.

‘Good?’ Caden asks, watching me as I nod happily.

‘So good’ I reply, ‘I changed my mind, I’m marrying this cheesecake instead, sorry steak but you are now second in my heart.’

The Alpha gave me a pout, ‘hey, where do I stand in your heart?’ he asks, my spoon screeching to a halt as I raised my eyes to him.

‘ummm’ I say, as I pull at the neckline of my dress with my free hand, is it suddenly really hot in here?

‘It was a joke’ Caden murmured, scooping dessert into his mouth, no longer looking at me.

Dipping my face, I eat the rest of my dessert, the awkwardness back once again.

He returns to his own food, leaving me wondering exactly what parts of him he has earned the right to be arrogant about.

After the meal, I reach for my purse, pulling out my wallet as Caden frowns at me, ‘what are you doing?’ he asked as I started to count out bills.

‘Paying for my half’ I replied, not looking up.

A hand fell over mine, sparks causing me to shiver as I looked up, ‘it’s already taken care of’ he said firmly.

I shake my head immediately, ‘no, I pay my way’ I reply, picking the money up and pushing it toward him, ‘is this enough or do I need more? There were no prices.’ Yeah, that little omitance panicked me slightly, I’ve never been anywhere that’s so confident it doesn’t put prices on the damn menu.

‘Leeway, put your money away, the bill is paid’ Caden repeated, pushing my hand back toward me.

‘Caden’ I growled, annoyance clawing at me again, ‘I pay my way, now how much do I owe?’

The Alpha shook his head, crossing his arms over his chest so I couldn’t force the bills into his hands, ‘nothing’ he replied equally as stubbornly.

‘Caden’ I started again.

‘Jamie-Lee’ the Alpha growled back, ‘my mate does not pay for her dinner, now put your money away.’

Snarling, I shoved the bills back into my purse and slung the strap over my shoulder, standing up as Caden pushes his chair back and moves beside me, escorting me back out to his truck and helping me in.

We drove home in silence, awkwardness between us as he navigates the roads back to the packhouse. Once parked, I pull open the door and climb down before Caden had a chance to reach me, shutting the door and making my way into the packhouse and up the stairs to my room.

Reaching my door, I reach for the handle as an arm wraps around me, turning me around until I’m face to face with my mate. He drops his forehead to mine, breathing harshly as I drop my gaze to his chest.

‘I had a nice time’ he mumbled and if I didn’t know better, I’d say he sounded . . . uncertain.

I peeked up through my lashes at him, ‘I did too, thank you for taking me to dinner’ I sighed, my annoyance melting away as his scent surrounded me.

‘Can I take you out again on Tuesday?’ Caden asked quietly, surprising me.

‘Umm, OK’ I agree slowly, ‘maybe not a dinner though’ I added, making him chuckle.

‘How about dancing?’ he asked making me smile, I love to dance.

‘That sounds great’ I gush, ‘I love dancing.’

A smile spread across my mate’s face, ‘cool, I’ll pick you up at seven?’

I nod, smiling as Caden leans closer and brushes his lips against mine, surprisingly not deepening it, instead pecking them a second time and pulling back.

‘See you tomorrow Leeway’ he murmurs before pushing off the wall and walking away from me.

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