The Mafia’s Obsession



I remain still, faking like I’m asleep. It’s an effort to keep my breathing regular. I hear Alessio’s footsteps coming toward the bed, and then he stops and flicks on the bedside light.

“Hello, Ayla,” he says in a rich, gravelly voice. “I know that you’re awake.”

Bullshit you do. I don’t react, my finger finding the trigger button on the stun gun under my pillow.

A pause. I hear him moving, and then a hand touches my shoulder.

Got you, fucker.

I launch into action, spinning around on the bed and thrusting the stun gun at anything I can reach. It emits a demonic crackling sound, the prongs sparking with electricity. Alessio grunts in pain, and he jumpsbackward.

“Fucking shit,” he snarls, clutching his bicep.

“Yeah, that’s right,” I say, leaping out from the bed and lunging with the stun gun. In this one moment, he’s disoriented and I have the element of surprise. I have to press my advantage. There’s no chance I’ll get through the locked door and escape if I don’t incapacitate him.This material belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

Alessio hops backward again, dodging my attack, and almost crashes into the desk. I swipe at him with my weapon, the sparks sizzling dangerously. He’s forced to sidestep into the kitchen.

His eyes narrow, and the fire behind them is all-consuming. “Think very carefully about your next move, Ayla. Surrender now, and I’ll bring you back to Bover City untouched. Keep fighting, and I’ll tie you up and make you my fucking whore.”

My jaw drops and I stare at him. He’s wearing leather boots, black pants, and a matching longsleeve that shows off his impressive musculature. Meanwhile, I’m in panties and a big T-shirt.

“Stay back,” I warn, sparking the stun gun.

He takes a step forward. “I told you, there are two options. Choose carefully.”

Our eyes meet, andfuck, I can feel the sexual hunger dripping off of him. Suddenly, I feel painfully small and feminine, his figure in front of me so big and dominating. A shiver runs through me, and it takes everything I have to hold eye contact as the imagery from my dream flashes through my mind.

It felt so right to let him take me.

“Put it down,” Alessio growls, eyeing my weapon. “Or I’ve told you exactly how the rest of this night is going to go.”

My choice.

I fire up the stun gun, swiping at him. He dodges, cutting an angle, and this time he grabs my arm, wrenching it out of my hand.

“Fuck you,” I grunt, struggling against his overwhelming strength. If he’s going to overpower me, he’s going to have to work for it.

Not that hard, apparently. He wraps me up in his arms so he’s behind me and tosses the stun gun away from us. It clatters to the ground in the corner by the door. Now he’s holding my wrists, enveloping me, and I can feel his warm breath on my neck.

“A girl who knows what she wants,” he whispers. “Now I’m going to do what I want.”

He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a pair of leather cuffs. I squirm desperately as he buckles them around both of my wrists, attached with a short chain. Then he lets go of my arms, and I’m forced to contend with how helpless he’s made me as he wrestles me over to the bed.

“There we go, don’t fight me. You can submit to me now or later, but you’re going to be a good little toy for me by the time I’m done with you.”

These words piss me off, and I start struggling again, trying to get away. He just laughs, bending me over with maddening ease and giving my ass a couple of spanks.

“Bad girl,” he growls, pulling up my underwear from the back so it strains against my crotch. I yelp, my hips starting to quiver with arousal. I didn’t realize how badly I needed to be treated like this.

Alessio forces me onto the bed so I’m lying on my back. He holds me there with a hand on my neck, as though daring me to move, then disconnects my hands from each other and starts threading some kind of rope through the D-ring on one of the cuffs.

I gasp as he pulls on the rope and my arm goes with it.

“Whatever happens tonight, I’m never going to fucking marry you,” I tell him with all the venom I can muster.

“Yes,” he says simply, a smirk in his voice. “You will.” He positions my wrist at the top corner of the mattress and secures the rope tightly to the bed frame.

I try to fight him as he does the other hand, and it’s a surprising thrill for me how easily he overrides my attempts. Then he steps back from the bed completely, and I realize I can’t move either of my hands, not even an inch. They’re both tied above my head, one to each bedpost.

Now I’mreallypowerless. All I can do is kick my legs, which only serves to make him chuckle.

“I like you tied up,” he says, sitting on the bed next to me. “Makes it much more clear what the roles are here.”

I start to hyperventilate as he pulls a small folding knife from his pocket. Making eye contact, he cuts through the seam at the neck of my shirt, slicing vertically all the way down the front.

“Very pretty breasts,” he murmurs, eyes flashing as he opens the flaps of my ruined top, exposing me. My nipples harden in response, my skin once again covered in goosebumps.

Two more quick cuts to the sleeves and the shirt is off. Now I’m tied to the bed wearing nothing but my panties. The amount of vulnerability I feel is off the charts.

Alessio walks to the kitchen, and I hear him open the fridge. He takes his time coming back, as though lording over me the fact that I can’t move, and he can.

“I’m going to get my bag from my car,” he tells me, winking. “We have a long night ahead of us.”


Alessio comes back with a suitcase, casual as anything. As though this ishishotel room now. I watch as he puts it down andopens it, my body shaking with anticipation. There’s no choice for me but to lie there and observe. He has all the power now.

I don’t know what terrifying instrument I expect him to pull from the bag, but it isn’t a bottle of whiskey. And yet that’s exactly what he produces, along with a cup. He puts them down on the bedside table, then carries a chair over and sits down, pouring himself a glass. The whole thing is leisurely. Helikesmaking me wait.

“How’d it feel when I zapped you with the stun gun?” I ask defiantly, trying to take some power back.

Alessio’s eyes flash. “Would you like to find out?”

My breath catches in my chest as he stands up and walks over to the door. When he comes back, he’s holding my self-defense weapon, playing with the buttons.

He sparks it, the crackling sound causing me to jump. “It hurt,” he whispers, and he glides the tip of the stun gun slowly down my naked chest.

“Fuck,”I breathe, adrenaline spiking through me. My eyes are glued to the prongs as they slide lower.

“Would you like to find out how it feels, Ayla?” Alessio pulls my panties to the side, a dangerous gleam in his eye.

I’m trying not to give him the satisfaction of an answer, but I can feel myself hyperventilating with panic. The stun gun’s dangerous prongs glide below my waistline, the cold metal grazing over my clit and causing my whole pussy to twitch.

“Oh fuck,” I gasp. “Oh fuck, oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck.”

He pulls it away slightly, a string of wetness forming a bridge between me and the stun gun. I don’t think I’ve ever felt my heart beat so fast.

“Please,” I whimper. “Don’t shock my pussy.”

A pause. And then Alessio smiles, as though satisfied, and puts the weapon down on the bedside table. I let out a deep breath, relief flooding me.

“See?” He looks down at me with heavy-lidded eyes, taking a sip of his whiskey. “When you submit to me, when you really submit, you get what you want.”

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