Sin’s Pov.

As we departed the building for the location of the yearly ball, I fixed my gaze on the woman seated next to me in my car. I initially refused to go to the ball because I didn’t want to pretend to get along with anyone when their only goal was to flaunt their wealth. However, Luca persuaded me that I should go this time even if I had to stay an hour, as opposed to skipping it like I had done the last time and many times before. I had only attended the ball once, when I took over from my father, and I had gone by myself with no companions. That was the same as every other party I’d been to.

I was going with a date for the first time, and for the better, I thought having Mani with me would be nice. She is incredibly stunning now that I have looked at her more. Her lovely blue eyes sparkled like precious stones. Her attention was focused out the window, her lips cast down with a pout, and I wondered what could have possibly made her unhappy.

As if she could feel my gaze on her, she turned to face me. Her eyes swept over my face before settling on her clothing. “Willow had informed me that you had personally chosen this outfit.” I nod when she says this. “So what do you think?”

I gave her evening gown a quick glance. “It is the ideal fit for you. I obviously have good taste.” She made a face at me, and I wanted to chuckle at how adorable she looked.

She pouts once more and turns to look out the window. I grin, grabbing her hand, and pull her focus back to me.

I kissed the back of her hand and whispered, “You look extremely beautiful with the mask off and unbelievably hot with it on.” I enjoyed the fire in her eyes.

“I must say, I feel different. more like a princess.” She chuckles, oblivious to my present rambling thoughts.

“A queen, that’s what you are. Mia Regina: “I played with her fingers seductively while teasingly letting her in on the fact.

I tried to hide my smile as I observed how she refrained from grabbing my hand. She is letting me know in silence that she is resistant to my touch.

“However, I’m not certain I like the idea of any male gawking at you.” As I continued to play with her fingers, my jaw constricted. Once more, I kissed her hand, this time in the centre of her palm. Her eyes had become darker. Good.  I thought with contentment. She wasn’t as immune to me as she believed she was.

“So tell me again about this ball thing that we need to attend.” Mani remarked, abruptly altering the subject. The pink marks on her cheeks were visible to me.

I answered by stretching my aching feet. “It’s just rich asses gathering to flaunt their money.”

She stared at me for a moment. “You do know you are a part of those rich asses?”

I shrugged my shoulders. “I hate to be in the centre of the public’s attention.”

“Because of your underground business.” I raised an eyebrow and chuckled.

“I find it meaningless.”

“Then why go?”

“Let’s just say I have been absent for way too long.” I replied, taking a hold of her hand and raising it to my lips.

The car came to a stop, and I got out of the car first, walking over to the other side of the door before pulling it open. Mani placed her hand on my outstretched hands.

I checked on my gun, i made sure it was tucked securely in my suit pocket just in case, and then placed my hand on Mani’s waist as we headed inside.


Mani’s Pov

My attention was immediately drawn to the fountain as soon as we entered the venue. A colossal statue of a lion with its mouth open stood in front of the enormous structure. The fountain was filled as water erupted from its mouth. It produced a sound reminiscent of roaring rivers that was almost relaxing, and I already adored the place.

A man led all of us towards the party hall. I walked beside Sin, taking in every detail of the place, as it was my first time attending a party such as this.

My eyes kept wandering around the place as the evening made it look more beautiful.

The group inside the ballroom hall stopped what they were doing and glanced at us as we approached. As soon as we became the topic of their whispered talk, they made me swallow forcefully.

I tightly grasped Sin’s arm as the crowd murmured and let out shocked gasps, trying my best to seem not to notice.

‘He’s here?  I can’t believe it. He never gets around to these things.

“How does he always look so stinking handsome?”

As we moved forward toward the ballroom’s centre, the whispering persisted.

“Who is that with him?”

“It has to be his date.”

She must be his new fling because Mr. Violenta never brings a date with him.

“She would probably be out of his life in a week.”

Ah..  I have been in his life for more than two months. I wanted to gloat at them but instead remained composed.

Each whisper grew in intensity, accompanied by furtive glances and the occasional dreamy sigh directed at Sin.

“You are probably right. Look at how she keeps clinging to his arm. A gold digger after his money.”

Lots of eyes were on me, and I felt uncomfortable with how they looked at me. I wanted to pull my hands off of him, but he didn’t let me go.

“What do you think you’re doing, amore?” He murmured in her ear. You shouldn’t listen to a word they say because it isn’t true. They only talk this way because they are jealous of you. Don’t let their words get to you,” he said. “Don’t give anyone even a second glance. I want you to stay glued to my side”. I looked into his eyes, confused.

“Why?”  I was even more puzzled.

“You look amazing and sexy in this dress. I don’t want anyone to have any nasty thoughts just because you look their way.”

“I still don’t understand.”Nôvel/Dr(a)ma.Org - Content owner.

“I don’t want them to mistake it for a form of invitation. Let’s try not to put a bullet into anyone’s skull tonight.” He kisses my knuckles and places my hand in the crook of his arm.

“Mr. Violenta!”  A deep voice called out. A man not older than forty, dressed in a black tuxedo with a mask on, walked towards us. His arm was wrapped around a woman who was dressed impeccably and approached us with a warm smile on her beautiful face and a red mask covering her eyes.

“Mr. Violenta, it’s a pleasure to see you again.” The man said, bringing out an outstretched arm, which Sin shook.

“The pleasure is all mine, Mr. Bianchi. Sin says, giving a curt nod before turning to address the woman beside him. ” Lauren.”

“Only you could make an entrance as grand as this, Sin.” She chuckles, leaving the side of the man. She tucked both of her arms into Sins’ other arm while her eyes sparkled with delight, pressing her breast to his arm, and I wondered if she had no shame in doing that in front of her date.

“I’m so glad you decided to come. I thought this was going to be another gathering without your presence.” Great, I thought, with fake enthusiasm.

I didn’t realize my hold on Sin’s arm had tightened, not until he turned to look at me, the amusement in his eyes as he gazed into mine, and then my hand wrapped around his before he looked at my eyes.

When I realized what I was doing, I tried pulling away, but just like the last time, he stopped me before slowly removing the hands that looked like a vine on his right arm.

“You haven’t introduced the woman beside you.” The man asked, looking at me with a face filled with curiosity, the same as the woman.

“I don’t think Sin needs to introduce her, my love.” The woman said, her lips cast down in defiance. “She is simply irrelevant.”

“That’s where you’re wrong, Lauren.” Sin responds, his handsome face void of any emotion. “She is anything but irrelevant. Dopotutto sarà la donna che regnerà accanto a me” (she is, after all, going to be the donna, ruling beside me).” He said it in Italian, and while I wasn’t sure what he said, his words were enough to stun both of them.

“What, you can’t be serious?” The woman exclaimed, still looking stunned, and I began to wonder what he said. She turned her full attention toward me. “Her.”  She voiced out the word with a sneer.

I gave her a serene smile as I tilted my head up a little, giving her a firm look. Her eyes darted from my masked face down to my neck, where my necklace lay, and she gasped.

“You must really mean it, seeing as she is wearing the Violante family heirloom.” She says, her tone being bitter and full of jealousy.

“I hope you don’t take to heart my wife’s reaction; she is a bit shocked by the news,” the man said with a smile. “Though it would be nice to see the face that was able to grab the attention of a man such as Mr. Violenta, I sincerely give you my congratulations.”

Yet again, I had no idea what he was congratulating me on, but instead of querying him, I smiled, muttering out a thank you.

“I hope you don’t mind if I steal away your date for a while. I have matters to discuss with him that are of a private nature.” The man asked

I didn’t like the idea of being here alone without Sin, but I couldn’t turn down the man’s request, not when he had asked politely.

“Sure, why not?”

“No,” Sin said firmly. He removed his hand from mine, wrapping it around my waist. “I do not plan on leaving my date.”

I raised an eyebrow in his direction while the man’s face looked conflicted and the woman beside him had a pain-stricken face. But deep in my heart, there’s something lit in his words.

Nevertheless, I didn’t want to seem like an obstacle to whatever the man wanted. “Don’t worry about me, Nikolai.” I smiled sweetly in his face. “I’m thirsty; why don’t you handle your matters while I go get a drink at the buffet table?”


I shook my head while the smile was still playing on my lips, but my eyes hardened in his direction. “I’m fine here. It must be of importance since he requested some privacy with you.”

I heard him sigh heavily. “Okay, fine.  But don’t forget our promise.”

I rolled my eyes and smiled. “Sure, I will stay in your line of sight.”

“You don’t have to worry about her; my wife can keep her company.”

No! Please take her away. I wanted to yell, but instead I gave a fake smile.

Sin gave me a brief glance to see if I was alright with it, and I nodded, letting him know I didn’t mind.

“Fine,” he says, leaning down to peck my lips. “I’m watching your every move, piccola tentatrice. Don’t do something that we might both regret at the end.”

I tilted my head while grinning wickedly in his face. “Like what?”

His beautiful dark orb sparked too dangerously for my liking. I should have known that it was not a good idea to provoke him. He might be a civilized gentleman on the outside, but he’s still a barbarian on the inside. “Something like stirring my jealousy, amore. You do not want to know what happens when I get jealous.”

I gave him a coy smile. “Do I?”

He stalked my space even more. My heart gave a sudden jolt at his predatory gestures. I placed my hands on his hard chest when he finally closed the space between us.

“Why don’t you try, and let’s find out if you can handle my jealousy, Mani?”

“I’m just kidding, Nikolai.” I smiled warily at his dark eyes. “You should go now. Mr. Bianchi is waiting for you.”

Finally, he turned around and left Lauren and I in the middle of the centre of the ball room. As he signalled everyone’s attention inside, I quietly observed him. Everyone tries to catch his eye so they can get a chance to speak to him because he is such an influential member of society.

Now I understand the arrogance that comes with him.

Deciding not to look at them anymore, I turned my gaze to Lauren. Her eyes were almost spilling out fire, directed at me.

There is no way I’m doing this right now!

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