The Luna’s Second Chance Mate

Being the nanny

Chapter 9 part 2


I forced myself to pace the entrance to the room that had been my abode for the past five days, despite my legs wobbling and threatening to give out. The sun had settled for an amber yellow, and soft breeze rustled through the surrounding trees and my hair, and even through my clothes. Or lack thereof. I remembered the sunset I spent with Richard before my accursed marriage. It was a beautiful sunset orange with dewy weather, and I was wearing a deep blue dress he had gifted me.

But here I was with a simple, white satin dress hanging loosely on my form, and the sun’s depressing glow adding fuel to fire. Like the fire in his eyes when he yelled at me. He was beyond angry, I could tell. But whatever did I do to him? My mate perhaps already hated me before properly meeting me, and the idea was more heartbreaking than the last two years of my life.

My words had been stuck in my throat at the villous way he spoke to me. I could literally feel the wind being knocked out of me and may have lost consciousness if the woman I’d come to know as Annalise hadn’t jumped in, regardless of the fact that his eyes blazed and she may have lost her head. She’d begged, telling him that I hadn’t recovered from the poison but simply regained consciousness.

He’d bawled. Oh he screamed at her and at me, and I couldn’t say a word. He wanted me to leave…I didn’t even have anywhere to go. I couldn’t return to my parents or the pack, where did he even want me to go? Fate had finally smiled at me after years of suffering, I couldn’t afford to let go of it just yet. I had to stay, no matter what.

I shivered a little, rubbing the welts that had formed on the skin of my arms. It was a lot colder here, and it didn’t even help that the fabric was thin as fuck.

Annalise emerged from the medical room to meet me outside. She was kind enough to spare me a warm smile, I returned a weak one.

“I need to see the alpha.” I said for the umpteenth time today, and watched her pinch her nose in what I assumed was frustration. She shook her head, then brought both arms to fold them.

“I’ve been telling you since yesterday, the only reason I stepped in was because I truly didn’t think you were well enough to leave -”

“I can’t leave just yet…I need to see him first.”

“The alpha doesn’t see just anybody without an appointment.”

“Please.” I tried to hide the desperation in my voice, clasping my hands together. “At least let me thank him for saving me.”

She cocked a brow. “You saw his reaction yesterday.”

I would take it over being mistreated timelessly. “Just take me to him.”

Annalise seemed to think for a moment before letting out a defeated sigh.

“Well…perhaps I can help.” She let out grimly. and sighed again, looking down to kick off the dirt from her shoes. “Follow me.”

I followed her through a long alley, unable to believe that we were in one building. It was one huge mansion, if I could call it that. Sure, I came from immerse affluence, but compared to this…my background may have been peanut sized after all. Her black stilettos clanked through the marbled floors as we walked, past a luxurious living area with high ceilings that I didn’t have time to study, until we reached a pair of wooden French doors at the posterior end of the living area and she halted.Text content © NôvelDrama.Org.

Clicking her tongue, she turned to look at me with an unreadable expression. “This is the alpha’s study. No one except for his beta and trusted men are allowed in, so don’t have high hopes for coming out with your head if you go in now.”

My eyes widened at her words and I gulped. What did she mean by that? For a second I felt blood drain from my face staring at her face. And with a small curve of her lips, straightened and walked away.

I stood at the door for a full minute, watching the guards walk past the entrance many times and spare me suspicious glances. Drawing in a deep breath, it was now or never.

I pushed open the door.

He looked up immediately from the desk to see who had open the door, and his expression contorted from one of displeasure to one of outright rage.

“What the fuck are you doing here?” He growled, clicking his tongue and pushing back the chair he sat on. He slammed the paper in his hands on the table with a violent thud, making me flinch.

“If there’s anything I hate more than liars, it’s repeating myself. I believe I asked you to leave.” He snapped again, glaring. I saw his eyes flash a fiery orange, but the entirety of his composure was rather calm.

“First off, I would like to thank you for saving me the other day. I may have died.”

“And that was a mistake I hate to hear again.”

“I know you know we’re mates.” I tried with pleading eyes. “Please don’t send me away.”

He snorted instead, wearing a frown soon after.

“You couldn’t be more mistaken, Larissa. My mercy has reached its limit, and I have no interest in dealing with you. You’re alive and well, so leave my pack now!” He thundered, shaking me to my core.

What? Did I just get rejected by my mate a second time? It couldn’t be. No…no…even if I was being rejected, I couldn’t leave. I would rather die here in his pack as a slave than leave.

“Please…” My voice cracked, coming out more like a wobble than a confident plea. What confidence did I even have left? “I can’t go back to where I came from… they’ll kill me. I did nothing wrong.” I continued, looking down at my fiddling fingers.

“And where did you come from?”


Kaden’s POV

I could see tears brimming in her dark eyes, even though she was trying so hard to blink them away. She was more stubborn and persistent than an annoying cockroach, what was more frustrating was the fact that my wolf, my dense wolf, was dancing around the moment she stepped into the study. He just didn’t know when not to act out.

Leaning into the chair, I smirked watching her bite her lips in agitation. Of course, the fucking cheat couldn’t talk. She just stood there like a miserly fool, and the thought that she was going to come up with lies to dig herself out of this web was irritating.

“A very, very bad place.” She finally spoke up, and I raised a brow. She blinked multiple times, looking up to meet my eyes. “It’s a bad place.” She repeated.

I felt my stomach do backflips when she looked at me. She stood far away from me, but I noticed the glisten in her eyes. It was just like the day in the woods. I hissed in irritation, if only I could simply bundle my wolf that didn’t know his place and throw him out the window. Even if I would regret it immediately.

“I know you don’t want me around, but please don’t send me back.” She continued frantically, falling to her knees. Well, wasn’t that surprising. She may have thought that her little act was going to tug at my heartstrings, I just found it disgustingly dramatic.

‘Don’t do that to her, you’re so harsh.’ My wolf spoke up again and I shut him right away, irritated by everything. I looked back at her, and she was staring right back at me.

“I’ll do anything. I’ll earn a living, I can work for you instead. See me as your slave, I won’t stay here for free -”

“Oh for fuck’s sake, stop spitballing!” I raised my voice, forcing her to shut up. She was looking at me with so much hope, even though I wanted to kick her out, I didn’t want to. If my wolf said one more word, I swear I was going to lock him up without regrets.

“I’m…I’m sorry.” She muttered a small apology, gripping the hem of her dress. Taking one last look at her distressed self, maybe I did have a use for her after all. The look on her face said it all; since she didn’t want to leave, she would leave on her own.

“You’ll do anything, you say? I have just the job for you.” I said with a smirk. She whipped her head up quickly, glow returning to her pale face.

“I’ll do it.” She cheered. If only she knew what was coming.

“Can you handle it?”

“Yes!” The enthusiasm in her voice was sickening. But that was the least. I wanted to watch the despair on her face when she finally realizes what she’s getting herself into.

I felt the smirk on my face grow and the expression on her face morph into one of confusion. As if on cue, the door flew open with two figures running into the study; one of whom was panting like he’d been chased by a hyena.

She gasped in confusion, rising to her feet at the the smaller figure who ran to my chair much faster than the guard could keep up with. Fucking weaklings.

Patting his head and hissing when he flinched, I shifted my attention to the woman who had her lips parted in question.

“You can do anything, right?” I started slowly, letting the smirk on my face grow at her trying to comprehend the situation. “You’ll be taking care of this bad boy here, guard him with your life since you’ve pledged loyalty to me. If a hair of his head is lost, I’ll have your head in return.”

Her expression fell flat at that, watching the figure fiddle with the paper in his hand.

“Er… may I ask who he is?” She croaked out.” Feeling the smirk widen even further, I chuckled harshly.

“He’s my son.”

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