The love of a Mr. CEO


I pull out an oversized maroon knitted sweater and pair it with a pair of denim jeans. I add a fuzzy grey infinity scarf and pull out a pair of combat boots. Stripping from my clothes, I grab the sweater and was about to put it on until all of a sudden the doors fly open. Standing their in all his glory was Ivan and his eyes immediately darken as he takes in my state. I use the sweater to cover up my underwear clad body from Ivan’s wandering eyes. He stalks towards me like a predator and I slowly begin to back up until my back hits the wall. Startled at the cold surface against my back, I drop the sweater on the floor leaving me in only my undergarments. My face goes scarlet and I try my best to avoid Ivan’s gaze. He stops in front of me and uses one hand to tilt my face towards him.

“So beautiful” he whispers huskily before smashing his lips against mine heatedly causing me to gasp. I try to bring my hands up to his hair but he uses his other hand to pin mine above my head. I moan into the kiss as his mouth dominated against my own. My entire body was ignited with lust and his close proximity wasn’t helping. He uses one hand to trail up my body teasingly running his fingers across my breasts. I moan even louder and begin to whimper as his hand slowly massages my breast. He pulls away completely leaving me cold at the loss of contact. I open my eyes to see him gazing at me with a smirk and I groan in irritation.

“You can’t just kiss me senseless and then completely pull away leaving me unsatisfied” I snap at him and his chest rumbles in laughter. Feeling annoyed, I wait until he’s done before speaking again.

“If you think you can get away with that, you’ve got another thing coming” I explain to him as my eyes light up in excitement.

“Whatever do you mean, mi amour” he asks feigning innocence and I smirk before slowly sauntering over to him, swaying my hips slightly. I stop in front of him and cross my arms across my chest making his eyes immediately follow my movement.

“Tu descubrira pronto lo que quiero decir, Ivan” I reply in Spanish making sure to add a seductive wink at then end. (You’ll find out soon what I mean, Ivan)

I turn around and walk back into the closet before getting dressed. I put my hair in a low ponytail before walking back out to see Ivan standing where I had left him. I smirk while putting on my boots before standing up straight.

“What’s the matter, cat got your tongue” I ask innocently propping my hands on my hips. He finally snaps out of his daze before glaring at me.

“That wasn’t very nice Amelia” Ivan scowled with a pout on his lips. I giggle before going over and grabbing his hand, leading him out of the room. He continues to grumble behind me about how much of a tease I was but I keep walking ignoring him. We walk back into the kitchen causing Giada to look up before standing up with a smile.

“Are you ready to go Tesoro” she asks me and I nod with a grin.

“Here’s my card, buy whatever your little hearts desire and Amelia I mean it. If you see anything that catches your eye, buy it” he tells me pointedly while handing me his card.

“If I bought every little thing that caught my eye, I’d end by buying the entire shopping center” I joke taking the card and putting it in my purse.

“If it’ll make you genuinely happy, then so be it mia cara” he tells me seriously and my eyes begin to water at his gesture. I pull him into a hug before whispering a small thank you. Pulling away, I turn to Giada with a mischievous smile.

“Well you heard what he said Giada, buy anything that our hearts desire” I tell her deviously and she laughs.

“Let’s go Tesoro, we don’t want to be late to the spa” she replies while walking towards the door. I turn to Ivan once again and give him a quick peck before rushing out the door as well. Walking down the pavement, we get into her car and she starts the engine.

“You know, you’re the first girl he’s ever introduced me to” Giada tells me while driving. I look at her confused knowing Ivan dated plenty of women in the past.

“Hasn’t he dated several women before me? Wouldn’t you have met them at one point” I voice my confusion while looking at her.

“I know he’s dated many women but I guess none of them were important enough for me to formally meet them. I’m glad, I don’t think I would’ve enjoyed talking to any of those air heads” she explains momentarily taking her eyes off the road to look at me. I giggle at her remark, my stomach fluttering at what Giada had told me.

“It’s nice to know that this isn’t some fling and that he wants to be with me just as much as I want to be with him” I tell her turning my attention toward the fleeting scenery out of the window.

“Oh Tesoro, you’re very important to him. I can see it in the way his eyes light up when you walk into a room or how he’s always wanting to touch you. It warms my heart knowing my Ivan has found someone worthwhile” she tells me her accent becoming more prominent as she said his name. My smile becomes so big that my cheeks began to hurt but I didn’t care.

“I really care for your son Giada, he’s finally given me something worth looking forward to everyday of my life” I tell her as a tear slides down my cheek. I sniffle trying to keep calm and my little sniffle doesn’t go unnoticed by Giada. She pulls into the parking out before stopping and turning her attention to me.

“What’s wrong Tesoro” she asks alarmed and I shake my head before smiling.

“Nothing, I just get a little emotional thinking about certain things” I tell her trying to dismiss the topic and thankfully she does. We both get out of the car and make our way into the spa. Walking into the lobby we’re immediately greeted by a small woman.

“Good afternoon ladies, do you have an appointment” she asks with a friendly smile.

“Yes we do, under Stone” Giada responds and the women immediately checks us in before guiding us into a room.

“You guys will be starting off with a full body massage. After we will proceed to the skin soothing facials and will end with the sauna” she explains to us and we both nod before she continues.

“I need you to take off your clothes and put on these robes. Your masseuse will be with you shortly” she tells us before leaving us. We follow her directions and both strip from our clothing and get into the robes. I fold my clothes and set them aside before sitting on one of the beds.

“Have you ever been here before” Giada asks me and I simply shake my head.

“I wasn’t really one for luxury all the time and would much rather sit at home watching movies” I tell her with a smile remembering my collage days. Not long after, two women arrived to gives us massages and our day of relaxation began.

We left the spa at around 3:30pm and decided on grabbing a quick lunch. My body felt relaxed after our session and my skin felt like it was glowing.

We decided on going to a cute outdoor restaurant we stumbled across while looking around. Getting a table for two by the windows, we take our seats before picking up the menus. I browse the options for a few moments before settling on a chicken Cesar salad with a glass of lemonade. Giada ordered a lemon and pesto pasta along with a sparkling water.

“What was Ivan like as a child, if you don’t mind me asking” I ask Giada curiously waiting for her response.

“Ivan was always a creative child growing up. He often sat with his toys trying to find ways to put them together while the other kids would play outside. He was our only child for quite awhile until I gave birth to a baby girl. From then on he made it his duty to make sure his little sister had everything she could ever imagine. He’s obviously the CEO of the largest business in the country but he never once became arrogant about his success” she tells me and I nod remembering him telling me about his sister. Our food arrives and I dig in utterly hungry.

We made small talk as we ate, but we were both too hungry to keep a conversation going for too long. After we were finished, we paid and walked back to the car, ready to go home.

“How long are you staying in the city” I ask her as she was driving.

“I leave in about a week and will be going back to Miami” she tells me and I nod before leaning my head against the window. The drive back to Ivan’s house was comfortable, both of us engrossed into our thoughts. In about fifteen minutes we pull up outside of Ivan’s house. I turn to Giada and pull her into a hug.Belongs © to NôvelDrama.Org.

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