The love of a Mr. CEO


“Get the pot pie, it’s legendary” he replies smirking before adding ” I think I’m just gonna get the classic cheeseburger and fries”

“Good luck getting fat” I tease to which he laughs.

He shakes his head at me amused before a waitress comes over to take our order.

“What would y’all like to drink today” she asks with a thick southern accent.

“I’ll have an iced tea” I respond.

“And I’ll have a Diet Coke” Connor replies. With a nod she walks away from our table to fetch the drinks before coming back again.

“I’ll have the chicken pot with no peas” I order slightly grimacing at the thought of peas.

“I’ll have the cheeseburger and fries” he responds adding a small smile in my direction.

Shaking my head I turn my attention back to the waitress. She was about middle aged with blue eyes and blonde slightly grayish hair. She looked like one of those innocent grandmas in those movies who wouldn’t harm a thing.

“Ok well I’ll be back with y’all’s order in about 10-15 minutes” she tells us before nodding and walking away. I watch as she retreats and I’m snapped out of my daze when I feel something hit my head. Startled, I whip my head towards Connor to see him full blown laughing. I look down to inspect what he threw at me to see a bunched up straw wrapper on the table.

“Way to be mature Connor” I reply sarcastically planning on getting him back later.

“The l-look on y-your face was priceless” he says still laughing and holding his gut.

“Sometimes, I wonder how the hell you even got the job at Stone Industries” I reply shaking my head with a small smirk.

“I’m the best employee Stone Industries has ever seen” he exclaims with a huge grin.

While we continue to bicker, we don’t notice the waitress return with our food. She smiles at us and sets our food down in front of us. Before she leaves she says something that had me blushing and wanting to wring her neck.

“Y’all are such a cute couple” she says walking off without looking back. I look over at Connor beet red to see him smirking at me. He winks at me and I kick him under the table.

“Damn it women, what’s your problem” he asks groaning and cradling his knee under the table.

“I’m so sorry, My leg started to cramp up and I needed to stretch it out” I reply with mock innocence, slightly smirking at the end.NôvelDrama.Org: owner of this content.

He ignores me and begins eating his food mumbling incoherent curse words under his breath. I begin to eat and the first bite was heavenly. Not being able to contain my content, I moan and start stuffing my face probably looking like a starved animal. The rest of our lunch consisted of us eating and making small talk but over all it was a comfortable time.

“You’re bringing me here whenever I’m craving a pot pie” I respond jabbing my finger into his side as we walk to the car.

“If it means spending time with you then of course” he replies cheekily with yet another wink.

“My leg is starting to cramp again” I say to no one in particular but get the desired reaction when Connor starts running to the car. With a laugh, I quicken my pace to get to his car and we ride off together to Stone Industries.

Once we got back, we part ways and I head towards the elevator up to the devil himself. Stepping inside, I can’t help when my thoughts wander over to the man I’ve taken a fascination towards. Something about him had me constantly wanting to explore him not to mention the wicked kisses we shared. Immediately my mind starts replaying those memories effectively getting me hot and bothered. I’m snapped out of my daze once I make it to the top floor and I walk in to see Mr. Stone already glaring at me. I slowed my pace but continued to walk towards his desk not exactly knowing what I did wrong.

“Mind telling me why you’re 15 minutes late Ms. Winters?” He asks with a glare hard enough to make anyone scared. I turn around towards the clock to see it was in fact 2:15pm. Slowly turning back around to him, I straighten myself up before responding.

“I went out to eat with Connor and completely lost track of time” I reply eyes on the floor. I hear him get out of his seat before I feel his presence in front of me. His addictive cologne assaults my nostril and I refrain from sniffing it like a dog.

“That’s no excuse Ms. Winters. It appears Connor is the main reason for your tardiness lately. I’ll have to talk with him” he replies his expression getting colder when I mentioned Connor. Shocked, I quickly look up and try to persuade him from punishing Connor.

“Connor had nothing to do with my tardiness. As an adult, I shouldn’t allow my mistakes to be put on someone else. I take full responsibility and it won’t happen again, just please don’t fire Connor” I plead, my voice getting softer towards the end.

“It seems you really care for him Ms. Winters” he accuses still glaring.

“He’s the first friend I made here and is a really great person. Of course I care for him” I respond slightly blushing. To this his nostrils flare and he brings his face closer to mine.

“Just know you’re mine Amelia, and I don’t like sharing” he whispers huskily to which I gulp before unconsciously nodding. Looking content he steps away before leaning against his desk. I snap out of it getting slightly annoyed to what I had agreed to.

“I’m my own person and quite frankly we’re not together so there for you have no claim over me” I snap crossing my arms over my chest. His eyes immediately flick to my chest and his gaze darkens before he looks back up at my eyes.

“Then go on a date with me” he demands with a lust filled expression.

“Isn’t it wrong to date your boss” I ask secretly wanting to scream yes to his question.

“I could care less what people think. When I want something I get it” he replies before walking towards me. Once there’s absolutely no space between us he leans down, our lips almost brushing before adding “And I want you.”

Not being able to think straight, my eyes wander down to his plump lips before focusing back up on his eyes. Seeing the smirk and want on his face, I get an idea.

“Alright asshole, you’re gonna have to work a lot harder to win me over” I sass wanting him to know I wasn’t effected by our close proximity. He leans in even closer but this time towards my ear.

“Is that a yes then” he asks purposefully breathing on my neck. I think it over knowing I wanted this but not sure if I was willing to risk my reputation. I’m snapped out my thoughts when he places an open mouthed kiss on my neck. My sharp intake of breath makes him smile against my neck and I knew my answer. I push him away from me before answering his question.

“It has to be a private date” I reply out of breath and slightly nervous, eyes on the floor. “I don’t want anyone to think I’m some slut who’s after your money” I add wanting to clarify my insecurities. I feel his large hand gently tilt my head up leaving sparks where our skin touched. We continue to stare at each other until he caresses my cheek.

“You’re not some gold digger and all that should matter is that I want you for you, no ones opinion is going to change that” he replies softly caressing my cheek once more. I blush and grin making sure to show my all my teeth. His laugh makes my insides tingle and his smile was such a beauty.

“You have a beautiful smile” I stupidly blurt out but cover my mouth with my hands. Not know where that came from, I step out of his embrace and walk towards my desk trying to save myself from further embarrassment. I take my cardigan off feeling slightly warm before turning around to see Ivan still staring at me with want and adoration?

“What shall I get started on” I ask still flustered to what I had just said. He snaps out of his daze before straightening himself.

“Actually you’re free for the rest of the day” he tells me to which I smile hugely again. He chuckles at me and I grab my purse before walking towards him. Feeling daring, I grab his tie and pull him towards me before smashing his lips against mine. I slightly bite his lips to tease him but pull away before he had the chance to kiss back.

“Goodbye Ivan” I reply seductively walking away making sure to sway my hips a bit. I don’t look back to see his expression but instead walk straight into the elevator. Leaning my head against the wall, I smile feeling happy with how I handled my previously stupid comment.

“If he thinks he’s won me over then he’s got another thing coming” I whisper to myself smirking as an idea formulated in my head.

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