The Lady Gangster’s Mission For The Prince

Not A Good News

Adira quickly got out of the warehouse and went to where the van was parked, far away from the warehouse. Sebastian didn’t see the black car before he went inside the warehouse, where his son was.

She knocked on the window, and Sebastian’s mother immediately opened it. “My mission is over with the two of them; it looks like they just need to talk about their relationship now. Just take me to the house of my partner, the man you talked to about this mission.” The old woman just nodded, and she immediately got inside the van.

When they arrived at Simon’s house, Adira immediately came down after the bank check was handed to her. She didn’t look back and continued to enter Simon’s house without knocking. Simon was slightly shocked because suddenly there was someone in front of him.

While Simon’s eyes widened. “W-what are you? Why are you suddenly appearing?”

“I’m sorry, I’m in a hurry because the plane might leave without me.” while removing the clothes wrapped around her face.

“How was your mission?”

“It’s okay, I got an answer from Mr. Torres, but it wasn’t a direct answer.”

“What do you mean?”

“It’s just hard to explain, but are you okay here? I’m going to leave you again.”

“Don’t worry, I’m fine.”

She put down the clothes as well as the cap she used. “I’m just going to get my passport at my house, and then I’m leaving. Be careful here; call me if something happens again.” She took his hand and put a check on it.

Simon frowned and seemed surprised. “Why are you giving this to me?”

She smiled. “Use it as long as I’m not here. It’s better if you have more money to spend, and I don’t have a mission here. Rest, so your body gets better.” She let go of his hand and quickly left Simon’s house.

Simon smiled slightly at what Adira did.

When Adira got the passport, she immediately went to the airport, but when she got there, there was a problem with her flight time, so she had to wait two hours again. She just waited in the waiting area inside and sat in the chair that was there.

Suddenly, her phone rang. She saw General Agustin calling. She quickly answered, “I’m on my way back to the palace; my flight is just delayed.” She was stunned when General Agustin’s voice was not on the other line. “K-king Stephen?”

Even though King Stephen’s body was very weak, he was still able to find out what they did. “Yes, it’s me, young lady.”

She just closed her eyes and waited for him to say the next thing, and it seems that the king already knows where she was, so she doesn’t intend to lie anymore.

“I know you’re in your country now, and I also know that Prince Dylan went with you there. Even if Agustin keeps a secret from me, I’ll also know if he’s been hiding something for as long as he’s been serving me.” King Stephen coughed weakly. “I’ll also know what you two did there, but there’s a reason why I called you before you even got on the plane.”

“What is that?” she asked with a frown on her forehead.

“When you come back here again, you will not show up to Prince Dylan anymore.”

She sat back and frowned even more. “How can I do my mission if I don’t show up to the prince?”

“Secretly, Adira. You will secretly watch him from afar, wherever he goes. He is also good at handling weapons now, so you don’t need to show it to him.”

“But why?”

King Stephen looked at the side of his bed where General Agustin was standing.

“Prince Dylan can no longer approach you because he has already met his future princess. Here, it is not good for them to see if there is a young lady around a prince who is already destined for a princess.”

Her eyes became restless. “Princess?” I was confused by what the king was saying.

“The princess of Paradise Castle was found, and she and Prince Dylan met last night. That’s why I’m going to change the contract between us. You can return to the palace, but you can’t talk to or approach my son; as for your room, you can still stay there, but as much as possible, don’t make a noise that will make Prince Dylan wonder what’s inside. Do you understand the sudden change in the contract, Adira?”

She closed her eyes and sighed. “Yes, King Stephen.”

“Well, then be careful on your way back here.” King Stephen hung up the call, and she was stunned.

Meanwhile, before King Stephen handed the phone to General Agustin, he told him about Adira.

“Agustin, when Prince Dylan asked where the young lady was, said that Adira would never return to the palace.”

“I’m not sure if…”

“Just follow my orders, general,” King Stephen said emphatically.

General Agustin bowed slightly. “If that’s your order, I will do it.”

“I don’t want what you three did to happen again, is that clear?”

“Clear, dear king.”

“You can go out now.”

General Agustin bowed and left King Stephen’s room, and as he walked down the hall, he saw Prince Dylan, who had just woken up because the sun was about to rise when he got home to the palace because there was a problem while the soldiers were returning to the palace.

General Agustin was about to avoid the prince, but Prince Dylan called him. “General, where have you been?”

“In your father’s room.”

“What did you do there?”

The general looked away. “I checked to see if he was alright tonight.” Prince Dylan nodded. “If you don’t have any questions, I will leave.” With just one step on General Agustin’s foot, Prince Dylan immediately stopped him.

“I have something else to ask in a moment.”Content © NôvelDrama.Org.

General Agustin swallowed because he felt that the next question he would ask was about Adira. “Is Adira back yet?” It took a long time before General Agustin answered, so Prince Dylan got confused. “General, is the young lady already back here?”

General Agustin gently looked into Prince Dylan’s eyes. “I’m sorry, Prince Dylan, but she’s not coming back here to the palace anymore.”

Prince Dylan gradually frowned and was slightly confused by what the general said.

“What are you saying she won’t come back? She promised me that tonight she would come back here to Stalwart Castle.”

“She called your father and said she’s not coming back.”

Prince Dylan smiled bitterly. “What you say is not true, in general?” He shook his head a few times.

“I’m sorry, but that’s exactly what the young lady said.”

Prince Dylan turned his back on General Agustin. “Father told me that I couldn’t go near her or talk to her for a long time, but why did Adira suddenly say that she wouldn’t come back to my father?” His lips trembled with suppressed tears as he bit them; just don’t hear his sobs.

“I don’t know Prince Dylan either.” The generals lied.

Tears flowed from the eyes of Prince Dylan silently, and he did not hear or feel in general that he was so hurt by what he heard about.

“Then, I won’t believe in the word “promise” again if she doesn’t stand by that word.”

Prince Dylan walked away and never looked back at General Agustin.

General Agustin just watched Prince Dylan sadly until he entered his room.

“I hope you can forgive me for my words, which are not true, dear prince, but they are necessary. She will come back, but she can’t show herself to you anymore,” said General Agustin in his mind before leaving his position.

While Prince Dylan finally shed tears when he entered his room.

“Is that why I’m the first to come back because you’re not coming back to the palace?” he said absently and grinned bitterly. “Father is right; being happy is not a priority if I live as a prince and nobleman.” His eyes were full of tears, and the pain could be seen with every drop of tear on his cheek.

Meanwhile, Adira has boarded a plane and is now traveling through the air back to Stalwart Castle. She just stared out the window of the plane as if in deep thought.

A few moments later, the plane that Adira boarded had already landed. When she left the airport, she immediately called General Agustin.

“General, I’m here in front of the airport. I need a car to get there so that Dylan doesn’t know that I’m back.”

On the other line, “Wait a minute, I’ll tell the driver to go over there.”

General Agustin was about to hang up the phone when she stopped him. “Hold on, general!”

“What’s that?”

“The Prince, does he know I’m not coming back?”

She heard the general sigh. “He already knew, but he didn’t seem to believe it because he mentioned something about the word “promise.”

She was stunned for a moment. “I’m sure he hates me.”

“I can’t say because he didn’t show any emotion or reaction when I was talking to him. I’m going to hang up the phone and just wait for the car to pick you up because Prince Dylan might hear that I’m talking to someone and get suspicious.”

“All right.” And the general’s voice on the other line disappeared completely. “I’m going to do it even harder now. I’m sure Dylan hates me, but it’s okay, so he won’t know that we’re still in the same place.”

While waiting, Adira just sat on the side that has three blocks of stairs.

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