The Hockey Star’s Remorse

Chapter 36

Chapter 36

Chapter 36 As soon as that gavel hit the table, it was like waking up from a nightmare.

“Evie, you did it,” Timothy exclaimed, rushing toward me. | gasped as he wrapped me in a tender hug, twirling me around. | returned the hug, feeling the swell of pride and relief.

He set me down and | couldn’t help but laugh at the sudden look of embarrassment on his face, like he just realized what he had done.

“UH, sorry. Got a little excited...” He rubbed the back of his neck and | nudged him in the arm.

“It's fine.” | kept my hands on his arms, steadying myself with his weight or I’d tip over otherwise. | was still winded by the exhilaration of it all. “We're okay.”

As we pulled apart, the atmosphere shifted. Linda approached with a tight-lipped smile. Her tone was laced with sarcasm as she said, “Well, well, Evic. | have to admit, I’m surprised. | didn’t think you had it in you.”

I shot back with a smile of my own, “Well, Linda, let this be a lesson in not underestimating others. Especially if they were given the opportunity over you.”

The retort hung in the air, leaving Linda stunned. Timothy snorted beside me and | couldn't help but smile myself. Linda scowled. “You two clowns deserve each other,” she grumbled. With that curt comment, Linda stomped away. It certainly didn’t dampen our spirits.

As we began to make our way down the courthouse steps, the paparazzi descended upon us like a swarm of hungry vultures. Flashbulbs popped, and a barrage of questions assaulted our ears. The sudden attention left me feeling sheepish, as | had never been one to seek the spotlight.

“Evie, how does it feel to have won such a high-profile case?” “Mr. Timothy, what are your plans now that you've been cleared of the charges?”

The questions were relentless, and | did my best to answer with composure. “I’m just glad justice was served. Timothy’s future is bright, and I'll continue to support



Chapter 36

him in any way | can.”

Timothy flashed a confident smile at the cameras. “Agreed. I’m looking forward to moving on and getting back to the game | love, and | presume Ms. Sinclair's career will prosper all the same.”

As we attempted to make our way through the paparazzi gauntlet, it was clear that the victory had thrust us into the public eye. It seemed like the whole city was standing in the entryway.

Once we managed to break free from the paparazzi, Timothy turned to me with a smile. “So, about dinner tonight, what do you say?”

The question stunned me, and | found myself stuttering. Timothy peered down at his expression hopeful, as he awaited my response. me,

The silence would have lasted a lifetime if Aria and Lucas hadn't cut-off the silence as they stormed in squealing. | hadn’t even realized they had come.

“| knew you could do it!” Aria cheered, wrapping me in a hug.

Lucas held me after, his hug even more suffocating. “You're a rockstar! What are you going to do now that you're an elite lawyer?”

“Well, Evie and | were planning on doing something,” Timothy chimed in.

“Really?” Aria asked.

| felt the tension rise once again and | shifted my gaze from Timothy to my friends. A dinner with Timothy felt far too intimate. Timothy smiled abruptly, his eyes painfully tender. “Of course. The best lawyer in the world deserves a fancy treat. Dinner?”

“You know what? That sounds nice!” | said finally. “Would | be able to invite Aria and Lucas?” | asked him after a moment of silence. He eyebrows shot up at that and | added quickly, “It’s just that they helped so much, moral support and all. They should celebrate with us too, if that's okay?”

Something dark flickered behind his eyes and he kissed his teeth. | noticed hist attention linger on Lucas for a few seconds, and | saw the gears turning in his head. Suppose it would’ve been rude to exclude my “boyfriend” from the celebration.



Thu, 21 Mar G

Chapter 36


Only when some members of the press spotted us down the hall did Timothy nod exasperatedly, his focus broken. “That’s fine! Let’s just get out of here,” he said, then grabbed my hand as we followed him out of the room.

It was the fanciest restaurant I’d ever seen. The ceilings were lined with crystal chandeliers that gave the room an ethereal glow. The walls were an intimate velvet color that had flecks of twinkling gold.

As soon as Lucas and Aria arrived, the server took us to a round table draped in a white cloth. | took my napkin and laid it in my lap.

“Champagne, miss?” asked the server, who held a sparkling bottle above my glass. | nodded awkwardly and watched as he poured the amber liquid into my champagne flute.

“| haven’t been to one of these in a while,” Lucas said, already sipping from his drink. “Those burger joints can get pretty comfortable.”

“I've never been to one of these ever!” Aria spat, flipping through the menu. It had numerous delicacies, half of which | could hardly pronounce. It was all so elegant.

| couldn't imagine if Timothy and | had come alone, especially with the table. being so secluded. Even sitting across from Timothy, who would give me the occasional glance, was pushing it.

“I'll give you a moment to look over the menu,” said the waiter, and he pulled out a notepad and pencil. “In the meantime, any appetizers?”

Aria smiled wide. “I wouldn’t mind some buffalo caprese.” “Aria!” | narrowed my eyes at her. “You won't even have room for dinner. You know how you are.”

“Hey, it’s a free meal,” she said, then clamped her mouth shut and looked shyly at Timothy. “At least | assumed it was... can totally pay!”

Timothy simply laughed and waved her off. “It’s my treat. I’ll pay for everything.” Lucas gave him a mischievous grin upon hearing those words. He picked up the 3-6

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Chapter 36

menu and started looking through it with sudden interest. “Everything, ch?” “Within reason,” Timothy growled at him, and Lucas snickered.

| lifted my menu

evening felt like “P, trying to mask the smile on my face. After everything, this

evening felt like a breath of fresh air. Timothy and | were both free to an extent, although that made me wonder about where we'll be once this dinner is over.

We were all startled when Timothy stood suddenly, clearing his throat. He took his champagne glass and lifted it in the air.

“| figured now was as good a time as ever to propose a toast,” he said, stealing a glance at me. Lucas and Aria giggled and exchanged knowing looks.

“Thank you all for being here tonight,” Timothy continued as a light blush dusted his cheeks. “Today is a day | will cherish forever, and | couldn't let it pass without. expressing my gratitude.”

| groaned, burying my face in the menu once more. There were some curious. patrons also looking in our direction.

“It was a privilege to work closely with Evie on this case. From the moment | laid eyes on her, | knew she was exceptional, not just as a lawyer, but as a person. She spent many sleepless night to get us to this moment, never one to back down from a challenge.”

“Timothy...” My eyes started burning and | wiped them furiously, fearing the tears. ready to come.

“But it’s not just her brilliance that | admire. It’s her kindness, her compassion, and the way she stands up for those who can’t stand up for themselves. And | want. everyone to know that this success isn’t just a win for our clients; it’s a triumph for everything she represents.”

“Aw!” Aria pressed a hand to her chest, her eyes glistening. The whole room fell silent, everyone captivated by Timothy's words. | let out a shaky breath, my bottom lip trembling as my resolve crumbled.

“So | want to say thank you again, Evie,” he continued. “Thank you for being an inspiration and a brilliant lawyer. To me, you will always represent true justice.”

He lifted his glass and announced his last words even louder. “To Evie.” 4/6


11:19 Thu, 21 Mar G Chapter 36

“To Evie!” echoed the rest of the room, who had lifted their glasses as well. A soft applause filled the room, and | was too stunned to comprehend it all.

As the others continued to cheer, Timothy returned to his seat and sipped form him glass. He then looked over at me and smiled warmly.

“T-Timothy,” | stuttered, sniffling. “Thank you. |... | don’t know what to say.”

He shook his head and reached over, his and cupping mine for the briefest of moments. “You don’t have to say anything. Just keep being incredible.”

As soon as Lucas and Aria settled down, he removed his hand and settled it back in his lap. Our gazes didn’t leave one another. As always, it was as if the whole world. was fading away, leaving us secluded in our own little bubble.

As the night came to a close, we were handed a hefty bill that Timothy paid for without even flinching. Lucas was dragging Aria to the entrance, since she’d drunken a little less responsibly. By the time we got to the parking lot, she was laughing hysterically.

While Lucas attempted to haul her into the car, Timothy pulled me aside. Before | could open my mouth, he leaned toward me, his voice low.

“What are we going to be after tonight?” he asked. While | had thought of that question as well, | was far from prepared to hear him ask it. He had become serious in just those couple of seconds.

“| don’t know,” | said truthfully, and even | wasn’t satisfied by that response. “I mean... we had a good run, working as a team.” “Don’t be vague with me, Evie. Please,” he said, his tone pleading. “Don’t tell me we’re just going to stop here.”

“Timothy...” | searched hard for the next words to say. | didn’t have time to fill the silence before Lucas called out to me from the car.

“| could use a little help here!” he shouted, attempting to shove Aria in the car.

“| want more croutons!” Aria screamed, gripping the car door.

| forced a laugh, even as my heart felt like it was being wrung dry. | gave Timothy


Chapter 36

one more look, and it hurt to see him so pained.

“| have to go....handle this.” | gave his shoulder a squeeze before stepping away. “I will keep in touch, okay?”

He nodded, shoving his hands in his pockets as he turned away. He didn’t budge. after a while, and | figured that the conversation had come to a harsh conclusion.

| was indecisive the whole ride home. While | had always wanted to end things with Timothy, it suddenly felt irrational now. SEND GIFT



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