The Cursed Human

Chapter 29

Sarah’s p. o. v

“How are you, My Lady?” Sandra asked, putting the plate of food down on table beside the bed.

I stopped talking about how I felt long ago because no one cared anyway.

Emotionally, I was done.

Mentally, I was drained.

Spiritually, I was dead.

Physically, I was broken.

I wanted to scream, I wanted to yell, I wanted to shout, but all I could do was lay there and shed tears. I didn’t even know what I was feeling anymore. Was it fear? Was it anger? Was it hatred? Or was the fragments of vulnerability was piercing through me. Everything felt so much hopeless, and there was no way to feel better. It felt like there was no way ever to feel good again. I felt worthless, a mere piece of hopeless meat and flesh.

I wanted to build walls around my heart and hide away in its depth.

“I’ll be okay,” I said lowly, wanting her to leave me alone. I wanted to drown myself in ocean of my sorrows and never come back on surface. I wanted my heart to burn, like fire, and turn myself into ashes, and wanted the wind of death to blew me away.

This…. this feeling felt so wrong, so endangered. In one moment I felt sad, depressed, anxious, lonely but in another I felt nothingness. And I wanted to stay that way. Feeling sad made me feel trapped, stuck.

Sandra had left the room long ago. Indicating that I was again alone, alone with my thoughts, alone with myself. Stuck with his hollowness, with his gloom, with his darkness, that will swallow me, one day.

Nothing seemed nice, everything’s seemed off, bland. It was like the happiness in my life was switched with sadness, sorrows with click of his fingers.

And that happiness was Mathew, my mind couldn’t believe that he was no more. That he would never hold me in his arms. That he would never say that he loved me.

I wanted to cry but my eyes refused to cry, but my heart was screaming with affliction, with agony, with discomfort. Every door of my freedom was vanished, like it was never there, leaving me with darkness, his darkness.

But why?

Why does it happen to me?

What was my fault?

Did I trust too much?

Or did I trusted wrong people?


Even god didn’t WANTED to see me happy, that’s why he snatched away my happiness, tossed me in hands of devil, an inhumane vicious being.

He didn’t feel any remorse for killing him, that’s because he has no heart!

He didn’t feel guilty, because he has no one to answer to!


He was a devil, and his name perfectly matched with Satan’s, Lucifer.

Why does—

“Hey, you there,”

Why didn’t they leave me alone, I just want to mourn him. Let me spend few moments with his memories, with myself.

I didn’t said anything, I didn’t felt like saying anything. It was like my voice was lost, muffled, like something was stuck in my throat.

‘I should’ve burned him!’

Mathew didn’t deserved that, damn it! I didn’t deserved him, I am responsible for his demise, for his unfortunate death. If I hadn’t told him I loved him, he wouldn’t be here, he wouldn’t be dead, he would be alive, living his peaceful life! Why god why!! He should’ve killed me! Why did he had to hurt me like that!!


I turned towards the voice. I didn’t see clearly who was standing there, but I could see their shadows. My blurry vision was restricting me from seeing. I blinked back the tears, that were threatening to escape and? wipe away my cheeks, clearing my vision.

“How are you?” Aphrodite said, coming towards me.

How am I?Owned by NôvelDrama.Org.

I myself don’t know.

Would they care if I said I’m not fine?

No, they wouldn’t!

“I’m fine,” my voice came out horse from all the crying I’ve doing since last week.

I heard her sigh.

“I get it, you are not fine,” turning towards the left she sit next to me.

Why does she care?

In fact she shouldn’t be here in first place.

“I won’t say I’m sorry, that’s because I didn’t know him. But I surely feel bad looking at you like this. I agree Lucifer was raged in his actions. But you can’t live your life sticking to his death,”

That’s it?



He took someone’s life, for gods sake!

But will it make any difference if I argue over this?

No! It wouldn’t!

Sensing my quietness, she continued,”You want to know who we are, who he is?”

I looked at her, do I want to know my captor?

“Do you want answers of your questions, do you want to clear your doubt’s,”

I wanted to! So badly!

But the question is will she tell me the truth?

Or will she lie, like everyone else!

And again will the truth hurt me.. Like everything does.


Wind blowed, touching their hairs. Her hairs flew on her back like waterfall of chocolate, smooth, shining with rays of sunlight. Chirping of birds sounded brings pure ecstasy in her heart, it felt like they were singing the songs of love, songs of joy.

Her daughter.

She will see her after twenty years, after agonizing long time. Nothing tore her heart apart more than knowing that her daughter was in hands of devil himself whose mind is controlled by demons.

All the negative thoughts came into her mind. How will she be? Will she recognise me? Will she accept me? Or Cassian? Or Perseus?

Most importantly, Will she be alive?

She shook her head getting rid of her imagination. No, she is alive and she will be with her soon, no matter what. If she has to risk her life for her daughter, she will do it gladly.

“We are almost there, mother,” Cassian’s voice break her trance. She looked up and saw forest getting sparse. She tried to control her breathing as they neared the end of forest. She never thought that she would visit this place again.

This place hold so many terrific memories, dreedful remembrance.

Cassian noted the silent and terrified look on her mother’s face and sighed.

“She will be safe, mother,” he tried to assured her. But himself was unsure. He had seen his older brother get killed when he was twelve and he was definitely was not ready to see her younger sister dead. Mere though brings sadness in her mind.

He still missed him. He still missed Raemann.

“How are you planning get inside,” he asked as they reached clear field just below the kingdom. Ignoring all the darkness emitting from the castle standing confidently at top of hill, surrounded by dark forest.

Forest of death.

“We can’t sneak in,” unsure of how will they get in. They had reached their destination but was oblivious of how to go forward.

Dark forest was not simple forest, it was filled with vicious and terrific creatures, whom Lucifer called his pets. It was beautiful from outside but held so many dark and dangerous secrets within including dreedful creatures.

Both of their minds were running wild, seeking for any entry, any opportunity.

Something snapped inside Kyleigh as she smiled.

“I have an idea,”


I followed her.

Step after another.

Heels of her pumps colliding with floor with every step she took. My hands in her hand, my eyes insure of what to see, why is she being like she cares?

I let her drag me wherever she wants to, I have lost right on my myself. I am just a mere puppet.

I don’t even remember when was the last time I laughed, what was that day? When did I lost myself, when did I become unknown to myself, when did that happen?

We crossed same hallway, same stairs, same living room. Everything was same but why does it felt so different at the same time. Why did beauty suddenly become so tedious,? so dull.

I almost crashed into her back as she suddenly stopped in front of large doors.

She didn’t knock, instead entered the room with me behind her. My body becomes stiffened seeing completely different surroundings. Suddenly coming to alert phase.

The room was bit strange, something I’ve never seen. It looked so much like library but at the same time it looked completely different from library with crystals balls decorating the room. Dark red drapes hiding the perfect view of outside. Large white desk at one corner with a large crystal ball in center. Walls covered with books. Strange books.

“Ah… your grace,” I jumped startled as a man, old man, appears in front of us out of nowhere. He was wearing a black cloak, hiding whatever was beneath them, his hairs white, matching his pale skin, and white beard reaching his chest.

“Alatar,” Aphrodite acknowledged. The man bowed his head in respect as he looked at me with small smile.

Strange. But at least someone smiled up at me since I’ve been here.

“This is Sarah,” Aphrodite motioned over to me. Something flashed in his black eyes as he again bowed in head.

“How can I help you, your highness,” Alatar asked.

“Um.. actually, we are here for some… um… answers,”?

He didn’t scared me like everyone else.

Alatar was only person who looked little sane. Maybe he was a monster too but he was too good to be a monster.

“I bet Sarah would like to spend some time here, maybe she will get answers to all her questions,” she said glancing at me.

Yes I wanted answers!

But I didn’t wanted Aphrodite to be here.

I wanted her gone.

Sensing my eyes on her, Aphrodite said, “okay, so I think Sarah would like to be here for quite sometime, so…. I’ll take my leave,”

As soon as she left, Alatar turned towards me with small gentleman smile on his lips. I wanted to return him smile but my lips were sealed, the more I tried to lift them the more they drop.

“Have a seat, my grace,”


I don’t like to be called with that title. This title makes me realizse what is happening around me, it makes me realise the position I am in.

“Sarah….. call me Sarah,” I said, moving towards his desk, to take a seat. A large red colored couch was in front of his desk, inviting me. My legs were worn out from standing.

“As you please,” I heard him saying.

He walked to me and sit next to my seat facing me. His white beard shining with light that was coming from little gap between the curtains. He was old with wrinkles covering his face, but his smile makes him young.

“So… what you want to know, Sarah,?”

What do I want to know?

Where do I start from?

What should I ask?


He sighed, rubbing his beard and soothing it.

“Okay so you yourself are unsure of what to ask, that’s not a problem. I will tell you everything I know and try to answer all of your questions which will be answerable.”

He stood up and walked towards his desk and picked up a book with red embellishments decorating it.

“So let me tell you a story, maybe e that will help you to decide what should you ask? Okay?”

“Okay,” he smiled warmly and opened the book and opened a particularly page. I couldn’t see what he was written because he was standing feeling feet away from me.

“Long time ago, very very long time ago, there was a women, who used to live in forest away from any civilization, away from any enlightenment. She lived with her family, her old mother, her old father and two younger siblings. They had their own small hut near the lake and a small yard on which they used to grow vegetables and other necessaries.”

“What does this have to do with me,” I asked cutting him off. Why is he telling me all this?

He sighed.

“If you want all the answers of your questions. Please bare with me, you—Sarah,”

I nodded feeling embarrassed.

“So where were we, oh yes—, they were happy with whatever they had, they were happy with each other. Everything was perfect but there was one problem. The women was married but was abandoned by her husband because the women was barren. She was infertile, she could never become a mother.”

He glanced at me and continued.

“Even though she was infertile, she never felt embarrassed about that. Her younger siblings were ten years younger than her, she loved them like her own, which she could never had.”

Why should someone feel embarrassed about being infertile?


But again why he is telling me all this,?

“They spent their days in the backyard, sowing seeds, growing vegetables, spending time with family, playing in lake and doing all the fun things. But nothing can always stay the way it is. One day her mother get sick, and started coughing blood. All of them got scared, they didn’t know what to do. They had no where to go, cause their home was in middle of forest. Her father told her that he was going to take their mother to village for treatment, which was? forty miles away from their home. She wanted to go with them but looking back at her siblings, she didn’t wanted to leave them alone too. Her parents went away and she stayed back with her siblings. Being twins, her siblings were quite naughty—”

He stopped like he was stopped by something, his face color changed, and his ears quirked up, his eyes widened for few seconds and then he nodded, like he was talking to someone.

“One night when she was making dinner, and called out for her little brother. After getting no response she called her sister next but still no response. She felt weird because her siblings never unheard her. She placed the dinner on table and went to their room to call them for dinner.”

“She didn’t find them there. She thought they must be playing near the lake and went there looking for them, but there was no sign of them. She called their names but didn’t get any response. She got worried. It was unusual for them to go somewhere without telling her. She take her cloak from door and moved towards the forest. It was dark, late at night but she was not going to back down till she found them.”

“As she was going further, she started feeling scared. She stopped as she heard yelling and grunting. And this get her more scared because no one ever come to this forest. She his behind the tree and peeked around the corner. She saw three men with their horses and two men setting up the tent. But that’s not what caught her off guard, thing which shaked her was that their stood a man bigger than rest looking at her way. Her eyes widened and she stated running away from there. She didn’t even get the time to take two steps, she was immediately tackled to ground by large body. She screamed as he looked up. A large wolf was hovering over her with his bare canines. She didn’t realize what happened but next moment her neck was punctured by his two canines.”

Scared. I was scared. I still don’t know why is he telling me this, but whatever he is telling is making me scared.

“She fainted. The next day when she opened her eyes she found herself at same spot where she fainted last night but this time it was not dark, the sun was hovering above the sky. Everything seemed same but she felt something different. She felt herself being tied, she tries to move but her body was restricted by something.”

“She felt scared and helpless. Her heart was beating drastically. She looked around herself but didn’t find anything, there was nothing, no one, but she was tied. Her ears shot up as she heard cracking of twig. She looked here and there frantically, and screamed with newly found energy as a large wolf come towards her. It was same one that attacked her last night. She wanted to get away but looking at that wolf made her scared for her life.”

“The wolf neared her and sniffed in the air. And looked down at her. And with a loud bowl he turned into a man. The women was scared, but seeing a man turning into wolf was unbelieving for her.”

“The man unshackled her and dragged her towards the opposite end of forest. Her protests, struggles were in vain. After reaching his camp, the man again tied her. Her mind was occupied with the thought of her siblings.”

“The man took her to his palace and kept her captive there. She tried to run away many times but failed miserably. The man would come to check on her but never laid a finger on her. ”

“She accepted her fate there. Never ever she tried to run away. She felt herself falling for him, maybe Stockholm syndrome. The man was already in love with her. He married her after a year. He knew about her infertility, and never mistreated her for that.”

One day her mind again drifted back to her family, she wanted to know what had happened to them. She asked the man to take her there and he agreed. They went there and she saw that her family was still there. She told them all about him. And she asked her siblings where were they that night. They told her they were in cave behind the lake.

Her mother was healthy now and so was her family. The man treated her family like his own. During their stay there, she started observing the behavior of her sister, she was acting weird. She tried to ask her what happened but she refused to tell her anything.

One day she wake up early and saw her sister going towards the lake. She followed her. Her breath hitched as she saw her sister flying. Brown and Greg wings flapped behind her as she flies higher.

She didn’t said anything, but had so many questions. She would follow her sister daily and spend time looking at her, flying.

One day She decided to ask her. Her sister told her that on that night when they were in cave she saw a women with silver hairs and she give her a leaf to eat, after that she started felling dizzy and when she woke up, her back was covered with small feathers.

She believed her and didn’t tell anyone about that. Soon the women and man returned to their kingdom

After reaching their kingdom, they started spending more time with each other. They knew that they will never have children but they didn’t cared as long as they were together.

On very sunny day, she decided to take a walk to her kingdom’s village. She spend her time in village talking to people and spending time in orphanage.

The man was happy that her wife was happy.

While returning to castle, the women saw a women kneeling on ground and talking to trees. She felt strange, she went to her and asked her what is she doing. The other women had closed on her body. She said that she had nowhere to go. The queen felt pity and offered her to stay at her kingdom. The women thanked her and give her a leaf. She queen stared at her in bewilderment. The women said it is her offering and if she will eat it she will never get old. The queen didn’t paid any here to her words but ate the leaf.

The king and queen was enjoying their lives. One day the queen fainted near the garden. The king started feeling worried. The physician told the king that queen was pregnant. The king was stunned with this news. He was happy and shocked.

The queen thought maybe the leaf that women gave her made her like this. She felt very joyful. Since the king was half human and half wolf, A queen give birth to a son after five months.

The queen started feeling changes inside her. She felt powerful, strong. She was changing, her black hairs were turning brown. She observed that she could feel nature.

As time passed, she come to know that she had some powers within her. She could control the blooming of flowers, shedding of leaves, and she could feel her surroundings change with her mood. It was all happening because of the leaf that she ate.

But she didn’t reject her powers, she embarrassed them with love nad pride. Her son was growing fast. He didn’t not had any powers like her but he had the power of shape shifting like his father.

The time passed, days converted into weeks turned into months, and months turned into years. Her son was now twenty seven years old and she was pregnant with other child. But her body didn’t changed with time. She was still flawless.

The leaf. All was happening because of that leaf.

The king was immortal, several years older than her. And she felt like she was also becoming immortal. She gave birth to her second child, a son also. He too was on his father.

Both brothers were werewolves. In other words, shapeshifters.

Their father would teach them how to fight. They were strong, well built.

She was again pregnant with her third child. But this child born after nine months, which took them off guard. After the birth of child, the child didn’t cried. Everyone went worried, the child’s heart beat was constant but eyes were closed.

They took the child to every physician, every medical consultant but child’s eyes were closed. It had been five months now. But the child’s eyes were still closed. The queen was restless, so was the king.

Eight months passed in blurred but nothing worked. One day the king was informed that someone wanted to meet him, he agreed and meet the person.

There was a women standing near castle gates. She gave king a leaf and said give it to your child. King didn’t wanted to believe her but this was last option. He feed the leaf to child and immediately child’s eye opened.”

“But at same day they were called to another kingdom for a banquet. The queen wanted to reject the invitation but the king insisted. Little did they know they were being deceived. They were held prisoner by the lord there. The lord of that kingdom killed their eldest son. Their other two children were back in home. During the tragic incident, their kingdom was attacked by the lord. They were freed by lord himself after a week. They were shocked that why did he freed them. As they reach their kingdom they didn’t find their any other two children. The king was angry and devastated. Their one son was dead. Their other son was injured but their third child was missing. After looking for two months for their lost child they recieved a dead body of child near the river behind their castle. The believed that the body belonged to their child. Their eight months old child was killed.”

He looked at me.

“Do you want to know their names,?” He asked. I nodded my head.

“The name of women was Kyleigh, and the name of king was Perseus. Kyleigh’s siblings were Aphrodite and Oya.”

I looked up at him shocked.


He sighed again.

“That child was you, Sarah,”

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