The Cursed Human

Chapter 15

I stared into darkness.

I opened my eyes and then closed them. Everything was same.


Pitch black.

Everything was dark.

I took few steps forward, moving my hands in front of me to feel anything. But….


My body was Shivering from coldness around me, my bare feet crunching dried leaves under me. How did I knew there were dried leaves? From the sound when my feet made contact with them.

Was it okay to admit that I was scared.

I was terrified. I didm’t even knew how I got here in the first place, I just wanted to get out of here as soon as possible. This place was scaring me. Something was wrong with this place.

With this thought I frantically moved my hands for any support but couldn’t find anything.

Out of blue, a beam of light penetrated through darkness. I sighed in relief.

Now I could make it out of here. I could see tall trees standing proudly around me, dried leaves laying peacefully on ground.

As I moved towards the source of light, a shadow emerges through light. I could not see the face but a man with broad shoulders, tall statue was standing there. I smiled internally, atleast someone was here to save me. I ran towards the man, he was few feet away from me. I used my whole energy to ran towards him, but halted in my steps, my eyes widened and loud ear piercing scream left my mouth as I saw his face.

His eyes were red, completely. The whites of his eyes were red, his irises were red, his pupils were red, making me scream louder. His lips were turned up in a grin showing his piercing fangs reaching his jaw, his skin was covered with blood. My eyes involuntarily moved towards his hands, his claws were elongated and sharp making him look more? inhumane.

Oh… Oh my god!!!!

Wh…. what was he???

I stepped back as he moved towards me. Without thinking anything I turned around and ran from there.

I started running….. for my life.

The forest turned into Cliff. I slowed myself as I reached the end of cliff. My panic rose. I looked over my shoulder as I see no one behind me. I sighed in relief.

But my relief was short lived as all of sudden my foot slipped and fell from cliff. I screamed. I thrash my hands and legs. I closed my eyes. Wind hit my body as I screamed with it.

I was going to die.

Air turned into water as I felt something wet.

My eyes shot opened as I felt water around me. I was drowning, water filled my nostrils, air left my lungs, my eyes blurred. I move my arms and legs and as fast as I swam to the surface it kept rising just out of my grasp. My vision disfigured as I felt water filling my cavities, my mind blanked out. Dizziness over take. And I let myself drown. Was this how I was going to die? As my vision start blurring, I saw a shadow above the water, red eyes staring back at me, smiling wickedly at me showing me his fangs.

I shut my eyes waiting for death to come.

My eyes snapped opened, I was covered in a cold sweat, shaking like a leaf, heart pounding with ubnormal speed. I? looked around the room suspicious and paranoid that the horror may had followed me here, afraid that monster had followed me here.

I got up cautiously, shivering, and rubbed my head and eyes and tried to fully awaken myself. I stood from bed and Stumbled to the bathroom, and? looked in the mirror slowly, cautiously, as if not sure of what I would see. My face, chest was wet, one could easily think that I must had dropped a glass of water on me.

The sun shone brightly through the window, washing away the vestiges of the horror, leaving me relieved to return to my mundane existence. I sighed in relief.

It was a nightmare. A horrific one.

Calm down Sarah. You are safe.

I started brushing my teeth. After spending few minutes on front of mirror I started peeling off my clothes, getting ready for shower. I set my foot in tub filled with luke warm water, I closed my eyes in bliss as my body relaxed in water, scribbed the dirt and sweat off my body.

After good twenty minute shower, I left tub and grab a bathrobe from cabinet under sink and looked myself in mirror.

I was feeling refreshed.

I closed my eye lids and inhale sweet scent of lavender and blackberry filled my nostrils. I opened my eyes and stare at my reflection when suddenly I saw a shadow moved behind me in the mirror. I jumped as I instantly turned around.

No one.

There was no one.

But I can swear on my life that I saw something moving behind me in the mirror.

Fear paralyzed me. Again.

My eyes widened, I didn’t even realise when my hands started trembling, I wrap my arms around myself in order to comfort myself but nothing was working. My breathing was heavy.

I steadied my breath and tried to calm the panic. I was paralyzed to the spot, the menacing aura holding me in a tightening grip. Fear became a tangible, living force that crept over me like some hungry beast, immobilizing me; my brain, holding me captive.From NôvelDrama.Org.

I wasted no time and ran out of bathroom. And banged at the door.

“Help, s-some one! Please!!” I yelled out. My voice was shaking. I kept pounding as I looked behind me towards the bathroom. Nothing was scaring me more than that bathroom.

“Open…. Please!!!!”

Suddenly door opened with click. I moved backwards. I didn’t knew what came into me.

I ran towards the person who opened the door and hugged him tightly. Tears were covering my face. I was scared. I felt two strong arms wrapping around me, as I tightened my arms around him, afraid that the red eyed monster would kill me.

I cried hard. My sobs filled entire room.

“Calm down, Its alright.” A voice echoed in my ears. I paid no attention to who this voice belong to.

No nothing would be alright. Everything was ruined. My life was ruined. I wanted to scream but kept my mouth shut.

“Th… that monster. H.. he will kill me.” I said between my sobs. He rubbed my back comforting me. I clutched him tightly.

After what felt like hours, when my tears died down. I unwrapped my arms and looked at the person holding me. Warm, worried green eyes stared back at me as I tried to look myself in them. His arms were still around me. His warm embrace make me feel safe. His eyes were looking at me like I was….

His life??

His eyes darkened as he looked down at me. I followed his gaze and I looked down at myself and gasped when I realise my bathrobe was opened and my cleavage was on display, robe had slipped from my shoulders. My wet hairs were covering my face. His arm around my waist tightened as he pulled me flushed against him. I gasped from impact.

Distance between us shortened as he leaned in. I could feel his breath hitting my face.

“I don’t want you to hate me.” he wispered as his eyes landed on my lips. I gulped.

“Don’t you dare to take that Motherfucker’s name!!!!. As a matter of fact whether you like it or not you are coming with me, willingly or by force.!!!”

“I’m sorry but I have no choice left.”

“You k… knew i… it?”


“No, you are not going anywhere.!!!”

I pushed him away as his words echoed in my head. I immediately covered myself with robe and looked away embarrassed. I was half naked in front of him. He cleared his throat as he looked around avoiding my eyes.

He looked hurt.

What were you doing, dammit?

He betrayed you.

He was the one who kidnapped you and brought you here.

He turned your life upside down.

But he was the one who helped you with your panic attack. A voice said from back of my head.

I blocked out my thoughts as I hear him saying.

“I will t-take my leave,” he said as he turned around and reached for door.

“Thank you….. Falcon.” Words slipped my mouth. He stopped and nodded his head still not looking at me and exited the room. I kept looking at door from where he left. Tears sting my eyes.

I didn’t hated him but I was hurt that he lied to me all this time.

He knew what what hurted me most and he did it perfectly.

He betrayed me.

And I would never forgive him for that.

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