CHAPTER 66 – Nick’s POV

Anger consumed me, a burning log that couldn’t be extinguished. Damn it! They had taken Zara away from me once again. I found out about it from Eugenie, and immediately rushed back to the island. As I arrived, I was met by a tearful Eugenie.

“Didn’t I tell you, Eugenie, to inform my people right away if there were any suspicious individuals? What is this? What kind of negligence is this?” I shouted at Eugenie, frustration and anger coursing through me. Everything I had worked for was on the verge of being destroyed.

Fuck it! Fuck it all!

Lucas! Yes, that devil’s spawn! He was the only one capable of doing this. But how did he discover our hiding place? How?

Then it hit me. Giselle’s sudden disappearance! That treacherous bitch had betrayed me!

I felt like I was losing my mind, spiraling into madness. I couldn’t accept this. No! No, I wouldn’t let this happen!

I couldn’t believe Eugenie was staring at me.

“Are you yelling at me, young master? I am Eugenie, the one who raised you! And now you’re behaving like this because of a married woman you stole!” Eugenie’s words silenced me.

But my mind and heart remained closed. All I knew was that Zara belonged to me.

“Eugenie, she’s mine. She’s mine alone, Eugenie, and I’ll do whatever it takes! Even if it means making mistakes again. I’ll do it, Eugenie!” I shouted, tears streaming down my face, losing control.

“You’re losing yourself, my child! You’re going mad with what you’re saying! I warned you that this wouldn’t last! There will come a day when the fire you ignited will turn to smoke. I warned you, but what? You ignored it!”

I fell into silence as Eugenie left, planning to depart as well. Everyone was leaving! Everyone was abandoning me! Everyone! Everyone! Damn it, I just needed her to stay with me. But why? I had given everything!

I wept as I stared at my cellphone. Zara was mine, the woman I loved deeply.

I would do whatever it took to reclaim her.

Someone had called me last night. I woke up surrounded by empty bottles of alcohol, a mess of sleeplessness and exhaustion. I was too tired to think about how to win her back.

Because no matter what anyone said, Zara was mine! That wouldn’t change just because she was married to a despicable man and had a child of her own.

So I was determined to get her back. I had a dark idea, even though it might not be approved by everyone. I knew it would add to my sins. I knew we might feel guilty.

But I didn’t care. I loved Zara so intensely that I had lost control of myself.

And last night, I received a call from Enrique. I woke up surrounded by beer bottles, a mess of sleep deprivation and exhaustion. I was too worn out from contemplating how to win her back.

Because no matter what anyone said, Zara was mine! That wouldn’t change just because she was married to a despicable man and had a child of her own.

I was determined to get her back, even if it meant resorting to a dark idea that may not be approved by everyone. I knew I would be adding to my sins and that guilt might weigh heavily on us. But my love for Zara had consumed me to the point of losing control.

Then, last night, I received a call from Enrique. It confirmed my worst fears. Lucas had taken Zara and would have her for a month. It felt like I was descending back into hell for another agonizing month.

But now, I was resolute. I wouldn’t let Lucas have his way again. I was going to take back what was rightfully mine. The memory of Enrique’s call replayed in my mind. It was around 8 pm, and I was still sober enough to be conscious.

“Hello, Uncle Nick?” my godchild cheerfully greeted me on the other end of the line.

“Yes, Kiddo?” I responded, my gaze lost in emptiness.

“I have some news for you. It’s late, but I wanted to tell you that Mom is back! She’s here with us again, Uncle!” he exclaimed with happiness.

That’s when the confirmation hit me. Lucas was the reason behind all of this. I felt a deep sense of despair and depression wash over me. I had gambled everything, invested so much time and effort, sacrificed my dignity, all for the chance to have Zara. And now, that despicable Lucas had snatched her away from me in an instant. I couldn’t accept it.

I wasn’t the type of man to surrender easily. I was the one who loved her first, who was always by her side. But why wasn’t I the one she chose?

A plan began to form in my mind, one that was both crazy and evil. It was my last chance, my last attempt to end my pain. I wanted Zara back, and if I had to lose everything in the process, so be it.

“Can you do me a favor, Kiddo?” I asked him, my voice filled with determination.

“What is it, Uncle?” he responded.

“Let’s meet up tomorrow morning, just the two of us. No bodyguards or drivers. You know how to commute. I want you to help me plan a surprise welcome party for your mom. But don’t tell anyone else about this. It’s our secret, okay?” I said, trying to convince him.NôvelDrama.Org content rights.

That was my plan. I had to fake a kidnapping and demand Zara as the ransom. It sounded messed up, but I didn’t care. If it was my last resort to have her, I would do it. We would be far away, and she would learn to love me. Because I couldn’t unlove her. She was meant to be mine from the beginning.

It was a risky move, but what did they know? They didn’t understand the depths of my pain and the decisions I had made. People couldn’t comprehend the scars and wounds I carried from overthinking. Inside, I was a man deeply wounded.

So, I took a shower, got ready, and hired a few of my men. Something big was about to happen, something I knew was wrong. But for her, I was willing to be a sinner. That’s how crazy I was for Zara. But damn it, couldn’t she see that?

I shaved my beard, dressed in something presentable, and met my godchild, Enrique. He looked happy, but I knew that happiness wouldn’t last for long. I had to do this.

“Uncle!” he began, bowing to me.

I could see the guilt and conscience in his eyes. But there was nothing I could do about it. The system had consumed me.

Slowly, I took a handkerchief from my pocket, one that was laced with a sedative. I covered my nose and mouth with it and handed one to my godchild. I saw the pain of betrayal in his eyes.

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