The CEO Is Obsessed With Me

Chapter Five; Please don’t fire me

I scurried out the door the moment I arrived at my department floor, sweat gathering at my temples as my breaths fell short.

My hands trembled at my sides, my steps faltering as my heartbeat drummed in my ears.

Oh no, this is the absolute worst time to have a panic attack.

“Aurelia!” I raised my gaze to find Caspian’s soft eyes looking down at me in concern. He held onto my shoulders firmly, and it was only then I realized that I had zoned out for a moment.

I must have bumped into him unintentionally, but still, I was really glad to see him.

Heaving out a sigh of relief, I lean on his broad shoulders. Caspian goes rigid against me, and my stomach churns painfully when he carefully pulls away, putting a foot’s distance between us as he clears his throat.

Hurt flashes in my eyes as he looks off to the side, his whole demeanor distant.

Not him too?

“Are you alright?” He asks in an unusually formal tone, but I don’t question him. I straightened up, squaring my shoulders as my hands moved to smooth the non-existent creases on my skirt.

I forced a smile, “I’m fine.” I answered him, the lie leaving a sour taste on my tongue.

Caspian nods curtly, not sparing me another glance as he continues on his way along the hall. I pull my bottom lip between my teeth as my throat worked, and with a newfound determination to find out just what the fuck was going on, I stormed towards my team’s studio.

The scent of new fabrics tickled my nostrils as I arrived at the studio, filling me with a brief sense of serenity. The room was a symphony of creativity, with racks of luxurious fabrics in every shade and texture imaginable.

Design sketches adorned the walls, each one a glimpse into the creative process that brought our collections to life. Mannequins stood proudly, draped in the latest designs, their forms a testament to the artistry of our designers. My colleagues bustled about, none of them had yet to sense my presence as they focused on their individual tasks.

Kendall was carefully inspecting a bolt of fabric, his trained eye discerning its quality and potential. Matthew was busy at work at a nearby table, his hands deftly shaping a new prototype. Olivia engaged in a deep conversation with Kendall, probably discussing the finer details of a new design. Mrs Juniper wasn’t at her workspace, and I didn’t bother looking for Caspian.

“Good morning everyone.” I ventured, my voice straining with farce delight. They all looked my way and I don’t miss how they each shared wary side glances on my arrival, undoubtedly confirming my suspicions.

They definitely know something I don’t, hell the whole damn building knows. And somehow I remained clueless.

“Okay, can someone tell me why everyone’s staring at me like I have crap on my head?” I snapped, desperate for answers and fed up with the awkward treatment.

“You don’t know?” Kendal broke the silence first, and Olivia cast him a warning glare which he casually dismissed with an eye roll.

“It’s obviously because of what you posted on the company’s platform.”

This again? I thought deliriously, it was the same topic those ladies were whispering about earlier.

But the fact remained that I didn’t post anything.

“What post?” I questioned, and they all shared puzzled looks.

“Have you checked your phone today, Auri?” Olivia asks softly, and I shake my head.

“Well, I advise you do,” Mathew adds gently, and I hesitate for a bit before reaching into my bag to retrieve the device.

Nothing could have prepared me for what I saw next.

“Oh no.” My hand slapped against my mouth, the color draining from my cheeks as my pupils dilated in horror. “Oh no no no no.”

This can’t be happening…

Why…. why is the sex bucket list on the company’s forum website?

“Shit.” Kendal gaped, his expression shifting into worry “She really didn’t know.”, but I could hardly hear him over the ringing in my ears.

“Aurelia.” I stiffen in my spot as Mrs. Juniper walks into the room, the older woman offers me a sympathetic smile, but I can easily sense the uneasiness hiding behind it.

I instinctively dreaded the words that would leave her lips next.

“The CEO called for you.”

My heart skips a dozen beats.

The CEO, Mr Luke Graham…the name of one of the men I had boldly placed on the list.

I gulped my spit, my grip on my phone tightening.

Only one thought came to mind at that moment.

I’m so screwed.


The walk to my doom was very silent. I trailed behind the petite secretary who led me down the grand hall leading to his office, my gaze darting about the large space as my heart raced with fear.

I had never been on the CEO’s floor, because before today I had no reason to interact with him. And I desperately wished it was in different circumstances. I’ve heard rumors saying he was ruthless and unforgiving, and that the people that worked closely with him walked on eggshells every day.

Just like I was doing right now.

But it was too late to escape, I was already on the chopping board, and the knife was only minutes away from landing on my neck.

We reach the double doors of the office, and the secretary presses the intercom button to inform him of my arrival. She gives me a curt nod before turning on her heels, leaving me to face my ill fate alone.

I inhale sharply through my nostrils, bracing myself as I push the doors open. I enter the office with careful steps, feeling a wave of calmness wash over me as I took in the air suffused with the intoxicating aroma of cinnamon, making me forget about my nerves for a brief moment.

The office screamed of wealth, sophistication, and luxury. The walls, adorned with framed fashion sketches and top magazine covers, exude creativity and elegance.

Gleaming marble floors stretch out beneath my feet, leading towards a grandiose desk crafted from polished ebony, adorned with gold accents. Behind it, a high-backed leather chair commands attention, fit for a fashion monarch.

The room is bathed in soft, diffused light emanating from crystal chandeliers hanging from the ceiling, casting a warm glow over the plush furnishings. Velvet chaise lounges and silk-upholstered armchairs beckoned invitingly, promising comfort and opulence.

In one corner, a meticulously curated display showcases exquisite designer accessories and haute couture pieces, each meticulously arranged like precious works of art.

As my eyes take in the scene, I can’t help but be swept away by the sheer magnificence of this modern-day palace of fashion. It was mesmerizing, enchanting even.

“You seem like you’re having fun.”

I jolted in my spot, snapping out my daze as I whipped my head towards the direction of the voice, and for the hundredth time today, I was left utterly speechless.

There he was, his silhouette cutting a striking figure against the backdrop of his opulent office. His shoulder-length dark hair cascaded in silky waves, framing his angular face with an air of untamed allure. Each strand seemed to catch the light, adding depth to the rich hues of his hair.

His features are like something out of a painting – chiseled and captivating, with an air of mystery that only serves to heighten his allure. My lips part in awe as I take in his striking appearance, but instead of reciprocating the admiration, his eyes narrow with an intensity that sends a shiver down my spine.

With arms casually crossed over his broad chest, he exuded an aura of quiet confidence and undeniable charm. His heterochromatic eyes, one a piercing shade of icy blue and the other a deep, mesmerizing green, held a captivating contrast that seemed to draw me in like a moth to a flame.From NôvelDrama.Org.

I find myself momentarily transfixed by the sharpness of his gaze, unable to look away as he stares at me with an unsettling focus. It’s as if he’s peering into the depths of my soul, unraveling my every thought and emotion with just a single glance.

At what appeared to be six feet two inches tall, he commanded the space effortlessly, his tall frame accentuated by a lean yet muscular build honed from years of disciplined fitness.

I brace myself as he pushes off the wall, every movement he made was deliberate, each step exuding a grace and poise that spoke of innate athleticism.

Despite the brewing storm of anger in his eyes, there’s an undeniable magnetism about him, drawing me in despite the tension that stretched like a tightrope between us.

His gaze lowered, slowly, and almost seductively, soaking in my form from head to toe. I blinked back to reality as he scoffed at me.

On impulse, I fell to my knees, keeping my head low as I steeled my courage.

“Please don’t fire me!” I beg desperately, mentally scolding myself for gawking at him like a peasant.

But I couldn’t help but be mesmerized by the intricate details of his appearance. From the faint stubble lining his chiseled jaw to the subtle flex of his toned arms beneath the fabric of his tailored suit, every aspect of him seemed to exude a raw magnetism that left me spellbound.

All the few glimpses I’ve got of him these past few years of working couldn’t even amount to the sheer amount of beauty he exuded from up close.

“Please,” I add breathlessly, my voice trembling at the thought of losing the job I’d worked so hard to secure. It was my lifelong dream to be a fashion designer, and now that I’ve finally achieved it, I wasn’t going to let it go so easily.

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