The Bratty Heiress

Chapter 6. Working Girl

So, what happened after college?

Well, four years of college finally ended, with the result of me getting my bachelor’s degree in psychology, then I was sent back to dad’s.

Megan and I graduated at the top of our class. She had majored in business and was quickly recruited by the Markov’s. And by that time she had known all about my mafia family.

She had managed to keep our family illegal business side a secret, while she runs the legal side under my dad. But seriously… with the offer that she received, she would take our identity to her grave. Aside from that, she loves me unconditionally. But yeah, she was the best recruit Markov’s managed to steal for their legal business side.

And dad was also keeping her close, to keep me on my good side with him. With Megan as one of his top employees, I was obviously warming up to him. Suddenly life was bearable with my best friend, in my inner circle.

I was employed at the same office as Megan, but I was lacking her drive in doing my work. Majoring in psychology, my father put me in human resources in the recruitment department, and it was boring as fuck.

That was until one day I found his file on my desk.

Ehh… what the hell?

I was opening the file, there was a picture of him that must’ve been taken recently. He had totally changed from the tall lanky pervert to a buff manly guy with a very defined chiseled jawline.

Wait, why am I even looking at his file? Damn… do you know the feeling when you know that the guy, might be just “the guy.”

Duhh… just because he’s cute and he tickles your spidey senses, it doesn’t mean anything.

Shit, I really need to get laid. I was just about to call Megan my trustee wing woman when there was a knock at my glorified office space that daddy dearest hooked me up with.

“Come…” I said to the person on the other side of the door.

“Well… well… didn’t expect that you’d be telling me to cum so soon just after my long absence, you really missed me huh?” Luka said with his signature smirk.

I was feasting my eyes, he was taller, his body was more define, his face was harder, one thing remains the same was his smirk, though I’d say it has gotten a bit sexier as it accentuated more by his chiseled manly jaw.

Clearing my throat, I just realize what he said to me replying to his knock on my door. Still a smartass!

“I don’t know who put your file on my desk, or why… so tell me what can I do for you?” I retorted a bit too quickly.


“Your words really made my day… let see…” he hung his words as he slowly sits his sexy ass on the chair across my desk, then relax back while crossing his legs and weave his fingers to his front as if he was in deep thoughts. His manly veiny hands were on display in front of me.

Damn woman! Snap out of it!

I was trying my hardest to ignore him, and start opening his file and start reading the fine print. The file said that he was to be consulted after a trail of a run-in with the government.

He was jailed, transferred within different facilities, and was even sent out of the country and served his sentence there for nine months. Until he was finally brought back here to a different government facility.

So this was why he was gone when I was still back in college. I gave him my scrutiny, as I start a new page on my large note pad.

A part of my job besides career counseling and assessments was also as a caseworker, where I would evaluate their current state of mind and help them cope with their issues. Then determine whether he or she would still be suitable, to continue working.

“Tell me, how are you feeling today Luka?” I asked as I decide to ignore his previous comments and continue with my assessment for him.

“I’m fine, look I don’t need this. Just tell your dad that I’m good and give me your pass so I can get to work.”

“It stated here that you had been jailed abroad, tortured, starved, and forced to work under duress. All less than two months ago…” I read his file for him to hear, while I was trying my hardest to put on my poker face.

What the fuck happened to him?! Why didn’t Nikolai do anything, why didn’t dad find him sooner?!

“Yes, and as I said before. I’m good now. Look, Olga, I know you’re good at what you do…”

“You know that I’m good? Well then, there shouldn’t be any problem…” I was pushing him, being as stubborn as he was.

Then he moved his hand to his mouth, his previous relax stance was changed to a nervous one. This was a textbook issue, where I had hit his button and crack his shell, now I just need to find the sledgehammer and break his defenses and make him talk it out.

He got up to his feet, I thought he was going to bolt and leave the session. But then he headed to the window, his hands were shoved down to his pants pockets. His eyes wander outside, looking at the traffic across our office building.

“I was trying to find my biological parents, I was deep into their system. Then I found out when I was stationed at your campus, that my parents were…” he paused as to compose himself back, then continue with his words.

I decided to put the recorder on and make us both coffee. He was still reminiscing, telling me that his parents were Russian agents that were captured when he was still a toddler.

He had been bouncing from one foster care to another until he was older and was curious about finding his birth parents. And that was what brought him here, into this country.

“When you find out about your parents, how did it make you feel?”

“Nervous, agitated, but…” his stare fixed to a building across the street. I thought that he was still reminiscing, but then he squints his eyes as if he could see better that way. Men! still a pervert I guess…

I rolled my eyes, then finish putting our coffee on my desk. It didn’t feel like he was going to talk on the sofa. It was our first counseling, I’d let him be as formal as he wants, just as long as I could knock down his barriers.

“Shit, Olga… duck! NOW!!!”

“Huh?” I looked up from the table then walk to him.

(Oh… come on, you must know by now, that I always do the opposite.)Copyright by Nôv/elDrama.Org.

I was about to reach him when he slammed his body to mine, making my face flat onto his chest. His hand protected my head from the wooden floor. Then I heard it, the cracking sound of my glass window as it shattered. And his steady stream of curses, when a bullet was embedded into his shoulder.

“… when I told you to duck, do not walk to me. Fuck! That stings!” He growled on top of me.

My mind was blank, I was instantly engulfed by his warmth. I could smell his aftershave, his faint cologne, and hear his erratic heartbeat as my face was still flat to his warm and hard chest.

Oh God! I really need to get laid…

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