The billionaire’s true love


Part 19

After crying for another forty five minutes, I dragged my pathetic self to the bathroom, where I washed my face with cold water. Once I felt that I would no longer burst into another set of tears, I sat on the edge of the clawfoot bath tub. I took a few deep breaths, trying to get my hiccupy breaths under control.

Trent had practically told me that my career as a model was over, and all because I lowered my guard and trusted that bitch Tamara. And now, when I tried to tell him that I was innocent, he didn’t believe me. How could Trent think that I would do drugs just to spite him? How could he think so low of me?

Now that I knew that my boss didn’t trust me, I had to think of something to do. But first, I had to quit this job. Working with Trent was no longer an option, especially since he called me a junkie. Once this was over, I would take a few days to see what I wanted to do with my life. Maybe I’d convince Jose to move to another country or state. I needed a fresh start if I wanted to be a model. Right now, the fact that my pictures had never been published in a magazine was proving to be an advantage, since I was not popular, I had a chance of starting fresh. And this time, I would be smart about it. If I ever see that bitch Tamara again, I would end her career as a model, just like she did mine.

As soon as I got out of the bathroom, I marched towards the bed and grabbed my cell phone. I had no idea where I was right now, but I had to get out of here, and I could not rely on Trent; knowing him, he would order me to stay put, and I was done taking orders from him.

However, I dropped my phone when I realized that no one would come to pick me up. Jose was probably sleeping, and Hailey was busy with the twins. Other than those two, I had no one else who I could call for help. Maybe I could go out and ask one of the neighbors if any buses came or went. Yes, I could do that, but first I had to tell my stupid boss that I was quitting the job. I still found it difficult to believe that he accused me of doing drugs in public.

He has no right to accuse you of anything. Give him a piece of your mind.

Yes, that was exactly what I would do. Not only would I quit this job, I would make Trent realize what a mistake he made. I had to trust myself, and not expect anyone to be there for me. And I should not let anybody’s negative opinion affect me. I was better than that.

The door opened and the man responsible for my fury entered. He gave me a blank look before striding towards me. I schooled my features and got ready to face him. If he so much as mentioned the word drugs, I would kill him.

“I want to leave,” I stated, before he could open his mouth.

Trent shook his head, a clear sign that he was refusing. “We are leaving tomorrow. I told you that already,” he replied.

I raised my chin in defiance. “I don’t care. I want to leave right now,” I asserted.

“I am not taking you anywhere,” he said.

“Fine. Then I’ll take a bus.” I told him.

Trent’s eyes hardened. “Absolutely not. And no buses come to this part of the state.”

“Whatever. I’ll just walk home.” That was a childish response, but that was all I had.

The look that he gave me told me what we both knew; I could not walk home from here unless I wanted to die. But that did not mean I was okay with that. In fact, I narrowed my eyes, letting him know just how to furious I was.

“No you can’t. It was a three hour drive. You cannot cover that much distance on foot unless you have super powers, and we both know how you have none, shady,” Trent stated, before taking a couple of steps forward.

I crossed my arms across my chest defensively. “I couldn’t care less.” Now I was just blathering.

Trent sighed in a way that made me think that he thought I was a little kid who demanded to meet Iron Man and he didn’t know how to explain it to me that he was just a fictional super hero.

“If you don’t have anything important to say, then go to sleep. I have some work to do and I would appreciate it if I could get it done without any problem,” he stated.

The anger that I was trying so hard to keep at bay erupted like molten lava, scorching my core, causing my cells to sizzle. And I told him what I wanted to say, not caring about his reaction in the least.

“Actually, I do have something important to say.” Trent eyed me, telling me through those dark irises that he wanted me to get on with it. “I quit.”

His rection was unexpected. Trent burst out laughing as if I had told him the joke of the century. I glared at him as he laughed and laughed, covering his face with his hand, his laughter not dying until a full minute later. How he could laugh for so long was strange.

“Yo-You ca-can’t quit,” he said, trying to regain his breath.

“Yes. I can,” I replied firmly.

He suddenly turned serious, all traces of humor gone. “No, you can’t,” he repeated.

“You might hold the power to fire me, but you certainly have no power to stop me if I want to quit. And I quit, Trent. I fucking quit!” I raised my voice at the end, wanting him to know how serious I was.From NôvelDrama.Org.

“You know, two years is a long time. But it’s not long enough to make someone forget that they are bound by a contract, unless they are suffering from short term memory loss. So tell me, Amanda, are you suffering from memory loss?” He looked smug.

“My memory is fine. But I just don’t care about that anymore. I don’t care about the contract, and I’m sure that you don’t want a junkie as an employee, now would you?” Calling myself a junkie was difficult, but I had to say it. Trent had to know that him accusing me of using drugs was not acceptable.

“You are my employee; working under my rules. You don’t get to decide when to leave; nor do you get to assume whether I want you to work for me or not,” Trent responded, acting like the boss he was.

“I don’t care what you want. I just wanted to tell you that I quit.” I kept my gaze levelled with his to let him know I meant business.

“And I am telling you, you can’t. Not until I say so.” The confidence in his words shook my confidence.

“I don’t answer to you,” I snapped.

“Actually sleeping beauty, you do.” He flashed me a smug grin, causing me to scowl.

“No, I don’t,” I argued.

“You do actually.” Trent stepped forward until his lips were mere inches from mine. “You bend whenever I tell you to. You twist whenever I tell you to. You smile when I say, you pout when I say. So yes, bumblebee, you do answer to me.” His voice was husky, but that did not calm my ire.

“No. I don’t answer to you. I said I want to go home and I will go home, by myself if I have to,” I stated.

“Alright, go on. Let’s see how far you can go.” Trent stepped to the side a little, giving me room to walk out of here. Which is precisely what I did; with my chin raised and my eyes on Trent, I gave him one final nod before I all but ran out of the room. The footsteps following behind indicated that my crazy boss just didn’t know when to leave me alone.

“I am leaving right now, and don’t you dare expect to come to the studio tomorrow.” I told him, not bothering to look behind me to see how to close he was.

“We’ll see about that.” I nearly jumped out of my skin when I realized how close his voice sounded, meaning he wasn’t very far behind.

As soon as I reached the front door, I threw it open; but before I could take a single step, Trent came and slammed the door shut so hard the windows rattled. This cottage needed stronger windows, I had to tell him to change them. But right now I had more pressing matter to deal with, like an arrogant boss.

“Let me go!” I shouted, as Trent leaned against the door with his arms crossed over his chest, effectively blocking my exit.

“You need to calm down, bumblebee,” he commanded softly.

“Calm down?! Fuck you! Get out of my way,” I ordered.

“Calm down, Amanda, I won’t tell you again. You are not going anywhere on your own, so go back to your room and try to rest,” he replied as calmly as if we were talking about what we wanted for lunch.

“The only place where I’ll be going is out. So get aside I have to go.” This man was horrible for my mental and emotional wellbeing.

“You’re not. Go to your room,” Trent ordered, this time being a little more forceful.

“No! Let me go or else,” I threatened.

“Or else what?” Trent asked, his eyebrow arched.

I looked around trying to think of something to do when I spotted a gorgeous vase sitting on a table. Jogging over to it I picked up the vase and faced my boss.

“Let me go or else I’ll break this vase,” I warned.

“Go ahead. Let’s see what you can do,” he stated.

Without thinking twice, I raised the vase a little before finally allowing it drop. The vase smashed as it hit the floor, the sound resonating throughout the room; glass shards scattering everywhere.

Trent glared as he eyed the remains of what was once a beautiful vase. “You’ll pay for this.”

“Oh no. It’s your turm to pay now.” I told him before heading to the kitchen. Opening the cabinet, I picked out a plate and let it drop, causing it to shatter. I continued doing this-grabbing and dropping plates, the sound of glass plates breaking was music to my ears.

Before I could drop the second last plate, Trent grabbed my wrist and snatched the plate from my grip; his glare making the hair on the back of my neck rise in terror. I tried to give him the same deathly glare but failed.

“That’s enough. I’ve had it with your childish tantrums.” He gritted out.

“No, I’ve had with you and your bossy attitude. I want to go home, right now!” I yelled.

“The only place you’ll be going to is in your room,” Trent stated while dragging me out of the kitchen and back inside the room which we just vacated moments ago. He slammed my body against the wall, causing pain to explode in my back, before pinning me to the wall.

“My room is back in my apartment,” I retorted.

He rolled his eyes. “For the love of God, just shut up.” And he sealed his lips to mine.

The kiss had my eyes rolling in the back of my head as pleasure exploded in my core. This kiss was nothing like the one he gave me when he left for two years. That kiss was soft; this on the other hand was fucking me up real bad. Even though Trent was only kissing my lips, it felt like his lips were touching every cell in my body, igniting every molecule, heating the blood in my veins.

I was angry at him. I was raging mad. But that kiss managed to extinguished that fire, managing to replace it with a more calmer, yet more erotic version of it. I had no idea what Trent was trying to convey through the kiss, but I conveyed my anger, my frustration.

Trent pulled away for a couple of seconds. “I’m sorry,” he whispered before capturing my lips once again.

Why did he apologize? What was he apologizing for? Did I even hear him right? Or did I just imagine him apologizing? The kiss was messing wth my mind, making my senses go haywire; that now, I could not remember why Trent was apologizing.

Ask him…Ask hi…Ask h…Ask…Ask…Ask…

My subconscious was trying to tell me something, but the spell which Trent’s kiss was putting me under, made her seem insignificant; which had me ignoring what my subconscious was saying, and focusing solely on the kiss.

His hand travelled from my cheek to my neck and lower until it finally settled on my waist. Trent tugged me closer, dominating my mouth with his. It felt like he was eating me alive. There was no corner where he didn’t run his tongue over. From my lips to every corner of my mouth, Trent licked and sucked; not stopping his brutally erotic assault on my mouth.

“St-Stop,” I whispered breathlessly, as Trent kissed my chin and jaw.

“Why? Give me one good reason,” he said.

“Please,” I replied, my core tingling with pleasure.

“No.” I moaned when Trent suddenly bit a spot on my neck, before sucking and kissing it.

Before I could come back to Earth, Trent led me to the bed, gently pushing me to lie down. Once I was lying flat on my back, Trent pulled the comforter over me, before sitting down beside me.

“I am not going to sleep. I am not tired,” I said, which was surprising considering the whirlwind of events that took place today.

“You will sleep, I’ll make sure of it,” he replied, confidently.

“How?” I enquired, curious to know what method he would be using.

“Bumblebee, I’ll kiss you until you fall asleep.” Without waiting for my response, Trent leaned down and silenced me with a tender kiss, taking me to a blissful world far, far away.

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