The billionaire’s true love


Part 11

“Hey, get up,” Trent ordered, disturbing my slumber.

“Go away,” I groaned, burying my head in my pillow. The bed I was sleeping on was so comfortable, I could sleep on it forever. Maybe I could work something out with Trent and live here permanently.

“It’s seven in the evening, shady, get up now, we have places to be,” he stated. I had no idea where he was standing since I had yet to open my eyes, but from the sound of it, he was standing pretty close to me.

“I don’t want to go,” I mumbled.

“But it’s mandatory for you to come. Wake up, we don’t have all day,” he replied.

“We can go some other day, but let me sleep right now,” I responded.

“You have been sleeping for more than half the day, get up now,” he said, but I ignored him, sleep was much more important than his orders.

“Don’t you have your clients to deal with?” Why did opening my eyes felt like a chore?

“They left hours ago, come on sleeping beauty, wake up now,” he answered.

“Sleeping beauty is still under the sleeping spell, so go away,” I responded. By now sleep had deserted me, but I still did not feeling like opening my eyes.

“You do know the prince kisses sleeping beauty and she wakes up,” he stated; I could hear the smile in his voice.

“My prince hasn’t arrived yet, so I’ll just keep sleeping,” I responded.

“How do you know he hasn’t arrived yet?” He enquired.

“Because if he was here he would’ve already kissed me by now, so I haven’t been kissed yet, that means he isn’t here,” I stated.

“So a random guy can come and kiss you and he’ll be your prince?” He queried.

“Well yeah, isn’t that what normally happens in fairytales?” To be honest, if some random dude kissed me I would slap him first and ask questions later, hottie or no hottie.

“So after he kisses you and you wake up, will you ride off into the sunset with him?” I felt the mattress dip, telling me Trent just sat down.

“Uh no, he’ll take me to his castle, like princes normally do,” I mumbled.

“Good. So get up, I am going to take you to a castle,” Trent stated.

That had my eyes popping open. I sat up and looked at Trent with disbelief. I didn’t care that my hair resembled a bird’s nest or that my eyes were puffy, I just couldn’t believe what he’d told me.

“Did you say castle?” Surely I misheard him.

Trent nodded. “Yes. I am going to take you a to a castle. So get up, your dress is in the dressing room, change into it, fix your hair and face and meet me outside in thirty minutes,” he stated before standing up.

“Where is the castle? Is the castle even a real castle? How do I know you’re not just making a fool out of me?” I narrowed my eyes in suspicion as I regarded Trent.

He chuckled. “Yes the castle is real and it’s about a forty minute drive from here. So hurry up,” he instructed.

“I don’t believe you,” I stated. And I really didn’t. If there was a castle over here, how come I didn’t know about it? If a real castle existed, wouldn’t it be all popular, since people would come to see it or admire it from afar?

“You don’t have to believe me. But you are getting up and changing, so don’t waste my time and go change,” he said firmly.

“No.” I crossed my arms over my chest in a show of defiance.

“Amanda. Don’t test my patience. I am giving you to the count of ten, if by the end of it you are not in the dressing room, I am going to change your clothes myself, got it?” His face told me he was not kidding.

“Oh please, you can’t do that.” I scoffed.


“Seriously. We both know you are not going to do anything of this sort,” I said.

“Nine.” He looked serious, like he had full intention of stripping me down and dressing me up if I didn’t do it on my own.

“Trent. Knock it off.” He wouldn’t really do it, would he?

“Eight.” Trent took a step forward, causing me to jump out of bed on the opposite side of him.

“Stop it. Your threats don’t effect me.” Okay, that was a lie. Trent didn’t look as if he was giving empty threats, and it was really effecting me.

“Seven.” He started to come forward, resulting in me looking left and right for an escape route, but the only way I could get out of here was through the door which was behind Trent.

“Trent. I am going to punch you. Or you can tell me if you’re really telling the truth, then I would come with you…willingly,” I added the last part as a bargaining chip, hoping Trent would believe me and let me get out of here.

“Six. I am telling you the truth,” he replied, taking two steps forward.

“Okay. Where is the dressing room.” I just wanted him to move a little to the left so I could get out of here.

“Through the door, to the left. Five.” He grabbed my wrist. The touch had ripples of electricity and pleasure rushing to my heart, causing it to beat faster.

“No, no. Let go. I-I’ll go to the dressing room.” I was breathing heavily by the end of it. I couldn’t believe it, Trent was serious; he was bloody serious. And despite my words, he still hadn’t let go of my wrist.

Without a word, Trent turned and led me out of the comfortable bedroom. I looked at the now messy bed with sadness, I would miss sleeping on it. Maybe I could buy this bed from Trent; he could detect the money from my salary.

“You know you can let me go now,” I said.

“I don’t trust you,” he responded drily

Damn it! Why did have to be so bloody smart!

Trent let go of me only when I found myself standing in front of the dressing room. With an audible huff, I stormed inside and slammed the door shut. I was not mad at Trent, I just did not like the way he dragged me out of the room. I mean, what if there were lots of people here, my self-respect would’ve been destroyed, all thanks to him and his domineering ways.

“Hurry up. Only twenty minutes,” Trent shouted from behind the door.

“What?! You said I had thirty,” I yelled back.

“Well you wasted ten minutes refusing to get out of the room, so that makes twenty minutes,” he responded.

“Hey! That didn’t count,” I argued, while stripping down to my underwear. I had yet to see the dress, but knowing Trent, it probably would be stunning.

“Of course it did. You might not know it, shady, but time is very important to some of us. And now you are left with seventeen minutes.”

Throwing a glare at the door, I yanked the dress from the hanger and hastily threw it on. It was only when I caught sight of my reflection in the full length mirror did I see the dress, the beauty of which had my jaw dropping.

The sleeveless, purple, chiffon dress was flowy with silk underneath. And the bodice had silver diamonds scattered all over it. The dress brushed the floor slightly, and I could tell no matter where I turned, the dress would flow as smoothly as water. I felt like royalty wearing the dress.

“Where are my shoes?” I asked Trent, looking around to find a pair.

“Inside the black box,” he replied, just as my gaze landed on the box itself.

“Thanks,” I shouted before picking up the box and removing the lid and paper. The shoes were a sexy pair of silver stilettos. I eyed the shoes, trying to remember what they were called. The heel was no less than eight inches, and these shoes gave off a sexual vibe.From NôvelDrama.Org.

Fuck me shoes!

Satisfied that I had the answer I was looking for, I wasted little time in putting them on. I felt considerably taller after putting on the shoes, was it possible I would be taller than Trent?

When I emerged from the dressing room, I frowned with disappointment. Damn it, Trent was still taller than me, even when I was wearing eight inch heels. Just how tall was he? I thought he was around six feet, but was he taller?

“How tall are you?” I questioned.

“That is none of your business,” he replied.

“Why not?” I enquired.

“Because we don’t have time. You have ten minutes to fix your hair and face. Go,” Trent ordered, pointing at the vanity table which was filled with make up and hair supplies. With a disapproving glance at my boss, I trudged all the way to the way to the vanity table.

“Don’t slouch,” he said sternly.

“I don’t slouch,” I argued.

“You were just doing that right now,” he countered.

“Well, now you know how much you irritate me,” I snapped.

“Less talk, more work,” he stated.

With another huff, I set about to work. Grabbing the hair brush, I quickly ran it through my hair, wincing every now and then when the bristles got stuck, trying to untangle my hair. My hair was a nightmare-I slept for a few hours, and it felt as if I had gone to war with my hair open with the way they got tangled. But sadly, nightmare or not, I loved my hair.

“So, is this castle yours or somebody elses?” I asked, glancing at him through the mirror.

“It’s mine, but it’s also somebody elses,” he answered, checking his watch.

I frowned. “Care to elaborate?”

“You’ll know what I mean when we’ll get there.” He told me.

“Alright. Up or down?” I asked.

“What?” Trent frowned.

“My hair. Do you want it up or down?” I clarified.


“Alright.” Once my hair did not resemble a bird’s nest anymore, I ran my fingers through it, trying to make it bouncy. I was aiming for a mussed up look, though I wasn’t sure if it was working or not.

“Does my hair look okay?” The only reason I could think of for Trent wanting to take me to a castle was that he wanted to show me off to other people as his model. That was why I was asking him whether I looked okay or not. No matter how much he pissed me off, Trent was still my boss, and I was not going to tarnish his reputation.

“Perfect.” That word had me blushing for some strange reason. “Now just apply some make up and we’re good to go.”

Not wanting to read too much into his words, I quickly applied make up on my face, trying my best not to look like a clown. Right now, I really wished I had a team of make up artists at my disposal, they would’ve made sure I didn’t end up looking like a cartoon.

“Is this okay?” I enquired, placing the tube of lipstick back on the table.

Trent caught my gaze through the mirror and it was as if he had frozen. His eyes widened and I heard the sound of a faint gasp escaping his lips. And for the next seventy five seconds, all Trent did was stare at me; so much that I was starting to wonder whether I had done something wrong.

I stood up and faced him. “Trent, are you okay?” I snapped my fingers in front of his face, which thankfully did the trick of snapping him out of his trance.

“Uh yeah. You look fine. Let’s go now, we’re already late.” Grabbing my wrist once again, he led me out of the studio and in his car. Trent made sure I was comfortably seated in the passenger seat of his car before closing the door.

He said your hair looks perfect, yet your make up looks fine! This guy is crazy…or blind…or both.

Trent didn’t say a word to me when he slid inside the driver’s seat and started the car. Glancing at me once, Trent drove away from the studio and towards the castle, giving me a chance to wonder about the actual reason we were going there.

“Trent?” I asked after five minutes.


“Why are you taking me to the castle?” I questioned.

“Because I want to,” he answered.

“Come on, that can’t be a reason. And even if it is, it can’t be the only reason,” I responded, frustrated.

“You’re right. It’s not the only reason,” he said.

My curiosity piqued. “Really? Then what is the reason?”

“I…want you to meet some people.” He told me.

“What kind of people?” It was so nice when he didn’t argue and answered my questions.

“Important people.” Came his reply.

“How important?” I asked.

“Extremely.” He emphasized on the word. “So you have to be on your best behavior. My repuation is in your hands right now.”

“Don’t worry boss, your reputation is safe with me.” I grinned at him.

“If it was, I wouldn’t he so worried,” he muttered.

“Hey! I’m not that bad!” I defended myself.

Trent laughed. “No, of course not, bumblebee. You’re not bad at all,” he said.

“I can smell the sarcasm, you know.” I scowled at him.

“Who said I was being sarcastic?” Trent raised his eyebrow in question.

“You are being sarcastic. And drive faster, I don’t want to be late, my boss’ reputation is on the line here,” I ordered.

“Yes Ma’am.” With a wink, Trent sped up and drove us all the way to the castle.

When we arrvied my jaw dropped and it felt like I had been transported in my own version of a fairytale. The castle that stood before me was exactly like how castles were portrayed in fairytales, complete with the turrets, towers and numerous windows. My eyes were glued to the structure before me, and I wished for my prince charming to show up and take me inside the castle.

“Wow, this really is a castle,” I said softly, in awe of the lofty castle.

“I told you,” Trent replied.

Tearing my eyes from the castle, I looked at Trent and asked the question that had been bugging me throughout the car ride. “So, will you tell me who I am meeting?”

The answer that Trent gave me had blood freezing in my veins;

“My parents.”

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