The Bad Boy’s…What?

Chapter 14 Becoming The Bad Boy’s…What?

Adrian manages to compose himself and offers his hand before pulling me up off the floor. Whatever, I made the floor look good, that’s my excuse and I’m sticking to it. I watch out of the corner of my eye as Drew coughs into his fist trying to hide his laughter while he stands a couple of feet away from us. Yeah, laugh it up buddy, I’ll be laughing in the end.

“Pay him no attention, make it look like you don’t care about him, like you barely see him,” Adrian whispers in my ear.

“I don’t care about him,” I bite back quickly. I mean seriously, Drew means nothing to me, except for he took Lucy away and the fact that he scares me yet makes me wonder at the same time, aside from all of that he means nothing to me.

“Suuure, and you’re not a klutz,” he remarks.

“It’s easy to trip on air, you can’t see it,” I protest with a scowl on my face.

“Come on,” he puts his hand on my back as he leads me away from that hall. I make a show of completely ignoring Drew, adding in a toss of my hair over my shoulder. That’s right I can be a bitch too.

“What was that, it looked like your neck was having a spasm,” Adrian points out as he leads me to the cafeteria. Our late arrivals making our appearance seem kind of pointless. I follow Adrian towards the lunch table where everybody sits, except Drew of course. Kohl’s eyes light up as he notices me, getting up and pulling out a chair for me right next to him. I smile and reply to everyone’s greetings, all of them knowing why I’ve been absent except for Ruby.

“Where have you been?” she exclaims as she takes in my disgruntled appearance.

Falling into a trashcan will do that to you.

“She fell into a pile of shit,” Adrian answers the unasked question.

Yes, thank you Adrian.

“I’ve just been out,” I give Ruby a lame excuse.

“Well, I missed you and the project’s almost done, Drew helped a lot in your absence,” she explains. I just nod and give her a tight smile at the mention of that wretched name.

Speak of the devil and he shall appear.

“Hey,” Drew mumbles as he takes a seat at the other end of the table. We all give him careless ‘hellos’ as we look away from him, except for Ruby, whose smile always manages to light up the place. I feel a shiver crawl down my spine as I feel that all too familiar stare on me.

“I’m gonna go to the bathroom, to fix this,” I point to myself as I get up from the table trying to get away from Drew.

“Wait up,” I hear Sammy’s voice calls out making me stop. She catches up with Ruby on her side, we all head into the restroom and they help me clean up.

“So, what’s up with you and Drew?” Ruby asks curiously.

“They had a falling out, my brother’s an ass,” Sammy explains with a scowl as she fixes my hair.

“Thanks,” I tell them both as I step down from the counter with a small smile.

We all head out and we go our separate ways as the bell rings. I head off thoughtfully on my route to Art class, why did I even come to school for one class only? Oh yeah, to get back at Drew. I step into class and head to my table where Adrian already slumps carelessly at.

“Nice job ignoring Drew,” he smirks as I take a seat. I nod before placing my head on the cold table.

“Your enthusiasm is riveting, really,” Adrian sarcastically remarks.

I ignore him.

“Okay, I’m going to need you to come outside with me so that I can finish our project,” he states while standing up with the outside pass and sketchbook in hand. I huff as I follow him into the small courtyard. I watch as Adrian sets up in front of a small tree, motioning to a swing that hangs there. I reluctantly move to sit on it. I am so not in the mood to play Venus de Milo. I don’t even smile as I sway lightly with the wind on the vine covered wooden swing.

“Come on Mona Lisa, you better smile,” Adrian teases making me crack a small smile. Who would’ve thought Adrian of all people would be the one to get me out of a slump? We continue on like that for the rest of the period, with only minor quarrels. We exit the classroom side by side, my day looking slightly better than the way it actually started.

“Okay, I gotta go talk to Drew, wait here,” Adrian orders. I nod and watch as he heads off to the grouchy bad boy. Lucas comes to stand by my side with a beaming smile on his face.

“Drew getting to you?” he questions.

“Why would he be getting to me?” I cross my arms over my chest. How could the cute, heartless bad boy with the captivating blue eyes be getting to me?

“You know why,” he sings playfully while nudging my shoulder causing me to scowl.

“No, I hate him, just like he does me,” I reply. Lucas moves to stand in front of me, blocking my view of Adrian and Drew as they speak.

“He doesn’t hate you,” Lucas shakes his head, I merely wave him off.

“I’ll prove it to you,” I step back as he leans in closer to me.

“What are you doing?” I ask nervously.

“Watch, it’s going to look like I’m about to kiss you to Drew, he won’t allow it,” Lucas smiles. I stand there with an unbelieving expression as Lucas leans in nearer and nearer, a mere breath away… a cough snaps our attention to the side. Drew wears a scowl alongside a smirking Adrian, somehow I think these two bad boys planned this.

“What do we need to talk about?” Drew grumbles.

“Not here, we’re going to Khloe’s house to have this conversation,” Adrian states.

“Fine, you need a ride?” Drew directs his blue eyes to me.

“No, thank you, I’m riding with Adrian,” I decline as I head to Adrian’s black and red car, not sparing another glance to those blue eyes. We drive silently to my house and pull up at the same time, one car after the other.

Claire lets us in happily as my coming out of my secluded haven has made her happier. We all head to the living room. Adrian, Sammy and Lucas all take a seat on the loveseat. I head for one of the armchairs, where Kohl places his butt on my side and Drew takes the other one. It’s quiet for a while, none of us saying anything.

“You have one minute to say whatever it is you dragged me here for,” Drew’s cold voice speaks up.

“I want you to bring Lucy back in here where she’ll be hidden safely, along with providing protection for Khloe,” Adrian explains.

“Why would Khloe need protection?” Drew shrugs.

Nice to know you care, bro, wait, why do I need protection?

“I wasn’t sure before but I just confirmed that she’s the girl your mom asked you to protect before she died,” Adrian continues, surprising us all. Wait, why the hell do I need protection? I need to stop getting so distracted in situations of duress.

“So, you knew that too and failed to tell me? You’re seriously fucking up, Adrian,” Drew snaps.

“I’ll have some guys set up around here and keep watch on her,” he adds before getting up.

“What about Lucy?” Sammy speaks up.

“She’s staying with us, now let’s go,” Drew orders but no one makes a move.

“Mom gave that job specifically to you, Drew. It must’ve meant a lot. You have to do this yourself,” Sammy protests.

“Wait, why do I need protection?” I question to no one in particular.

I’m dying to find out how my life is hanging on the edge of a precipice, sarcasm debatable.

“I said I’d have someone watching over her, now let’s go,” he orders once again getting the same reaction.


“You guys seem to forget who the boss is,” he sneers, wow, I like the way his eyes darken when he gets all murderous.

So not the time to think about the shade of his eyes Khloe.

“Drew, move Lucy back in here and let us all keep watch over them,” Sammy bargains.

“Nope,” he moves closer to the door now.

“Fine then, Lucy’s not yours to keep,” Adrian calls out, making Drew halt his steps.

“What the fuck are you talking about?” he turns back.

“Lucy is registered as Lucy Mason, with Khloe as her mother, technically you have no rights,” Adrian shrugs condescendingly.

Maybe it’s not so bad having Adrian know everything.

“What do you want me to do, move us all in here?” Drew scratches his eyebrow.

“Did I hear someone was moving in, how many rooms do I need to get ready?” Claire asks as she pops out of nowhere, wiping her hands on a white dish towel. We all seem to mentally debate over her question, how would this possible living arrangement work out? On the up side I’d have Lucy close with me once again, but two certain annoying boys would be here as well, and I’m not talking about Lucas. There’s silence before someone finally speaks up.

“Well, we could share, so maybe two?” Drew shrugs uncertainly causing Claire to laugh along with Kohl. He seems to have answered the question for all of us, I spare no thought of this bad boy being in close proximity as elation at the thought of being reunited with Lucy flows through me.

“Adrian’s room is still available, just prepare three more,” I smile at Claire.

“You sure you guys have enough room?” Drew asks.

“You’re so cute,” Claire gushes as she pinches his cheeks causing him to turn pink in embarrassment and us to laugh. She hurries of muttering something about calling for us when dinner’s ready.

“Where will Lucy stay?” Drew sighs as he plops down on the chair again.

“She has, had her own room,” I answer looking away, ignoring those captivating azure eyes.

“Well, I’m going to go change,” I state before getting up and heading to the winding staircase. I head inside my room with a smile and a different perspective on life. I can’t believe Adrian pulled through, wait, why do I have to be protected? No one ever answered my question.

I shuffle around my room grabbing some clothes before heading into my bathroom. Good thing most rooms have their own bathroom. I don’t think I’d like to share with a guy, it’d just be weird. I step out of the shower freshly cleaned, when I realize I forgot my underwear. I walk out into the room with the towel wrapped tightly around my body. I halt as Drew’s sitting on the beanbag chair in the corner of my room, while he carelessly looks at my books, failing to notice me.

“What are you doing here?” I exclaim as I clutch the towel tighter. That snaps him out of it, his eyes widen at my appearance and just then one of the hardcover books he misplaced falls on his head. He jumps up from his seat holding his forehead.

“You should get out, now,” I point to the door. He nods while making his way out of the room, why is he smiling? Is he laughing at me? I’ll kill him. I lock the door, double checking it before getting my things and finish getting ready. I finally emerge from my room and downstairs as a couple of muscular looking guys bring in some suitcases and a chest of some sort. I’m assuming that’s the guys’ stuff.

“What’s in the chest?” I ask Lucas who is hurriedly trying to take it upstairs.

“It’s, uhm, it’s, special clothes,” he rubs the back of his neck and I nod my head to his obvious lie.RêAd lat𝙚St chapters at Novel(D)ra/ma.Org Only

“Am I ever going to know just what the hell you guys are involved in?” I ask the question I think we’ve all been waiting to know the answer to.

“A gang, duh,” Lucas answers without hesitation as he tries to haul the heavy looking chest upstairs.

Wait, what?

“Wait, a freaking gang, what the hell, why?” I ramble, well, I was sort of right when I thought Adrian was part of the mafia.

“Because that’s the way things are,” Drew states as he comes into the room with Lucy in his arms. Her face lights up as she notices me standing there. I walk over to him slowly. He sighs before handing her to me, making us both smile widely.

“Can you show me to her room, she hasn’t been sleeping well and she seems tired,” he asks. I nod as I lead him upstairs and into the lilac room, located next to mine.

“Whoa, what did you do buy Toys R’ Us?” he teases as he steps in. I roll my eyes as I place Lucy in her crib.

“I guess I did go a little crazy,” I smile sheepishly.

“So, you and Lucas, huh?” he asks as he leans on the wall, his eyes seem to darken as he waits for an answer.

“A gang, huh?” I use his same tone.

“Does it bother you?” Drew’s blue eyes lock me in place as they always do, waiting for an answer.

“I don’t know,” I answer honestly. I don’t know how to feel about this situation? I mean everybody has a reason for what they do in life, why can’t he? Oh my god, a thought just crossed my mind, I’m now living with the gagster boys, scary but it sounds cool.

“Sorry for you know, acting like an asshole,” he apologizes looking away. Guess somebody’s not used to apologizing.

“It’s cool, you were mad, but why a gang, if you don’t mind me asking?” I bounce in my shoes as I wait for his answer.

“I was born into it,” is all he says.

“Oh, here you guys are, I’ve already showed the others their rooms, come along now,” Claire chirps as we follow behind her, past my bedroom and into the one next to it.

“This will be your room Drew, it’s closer to Lucy, and Khloe’s right next door if you need anything,” she states before leaving, that woman always seems to be in a hurry.

“Looks like we’re neighbors,” Drew smirks leaning on his new doorway, I don’t know why but that smirk seems a bit unnerving.

“Just don’t wake me up too early in the morning,” I state as I turn to walk into my room.

“And Khloe,” his voice makes me shiver as he stands behind me, his breath hitting the back of my neck. Are we seriously back to that intense bad boy persona, you know, the one that seems to stalk me all the time? This feels like Edward stalking Bella, seriously? It irks me, the way I feel his presence so vividly.

“Yeah?” I squeak not turning around. I feel his hands on my waist as he turns me directly into him, now why does this feel like déjà vu?

“I tend to be a jealous guy, so, if your lips are going to be moving, they better be on me,” I have no time to ponder over his words as his warm lips envelop mine, sending small sparks through my body. At first, I just stand there in shock as if a clown slapped me, but his coaxing lips make me move mine eventually. I find myself wrapping my hands around his neck as his hold tightens around my waist. Just like that the bad boy took my first kiss. I vaguely remember something in my mind about making this bad boy pay, but his lips have made me jumble everything and I really can’t tell right now.

“I told you this would work,” Adrian’s voice snaps me out of the state of bliss as I pull away with a flushing face. I turn around to see Lucas high fiving a smirking Adrian, why the hell are they smiling so crazily?

“Told you he’d get jealous,” Lucas smirks as Drew scowls.

“Well, I gotta go,” I mumble with a burning face. I turn to head back into my room, only to slam into the wall adding to my embarrassment.

“Smooth Khloe, smooth,” I hear Adrian’s voice laugh. I don’t spare the guys a glance as I step into my room and shut my door, sliding down the wooden plane and onto the floor.

What just happened? Did I really just kiss Drew? I always thought I’d like a quiet, nerdy guy like Spencer Reed on Criminal Minds, but the bad boy just gives me a certain thrill.

This is how I became the bad boy’s… what?




Awesome super hero who lurks in the shadows and rocks a bat costume?

How about all of the above? How do things go from here, obviously there’s going to be more awkwardness from me since Drew can’t keep his mouth to himself, but I’ve got to admit, that boy can kiss. I mean, things are sure to get interesting when you add three bad boys and a bubbly girl into the household. What the hell was in Lucas’s chest? How will my clumsiness along with Drew’s arrogance clash? Why are my lips tingling, did Drew try to poison me? That is no way to a girl’s heart, Drew.

Oh, and why do I still not know what I need to be protected from, curse Drew and his sinful lips. This is not supposed to happen to me, I’m Batman.

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