The Bad Boy’s…What?

Chapter 12 Sugar, We’re Going Down

“So, what did you do to my brother?” is the first thing Sammy asks as I climb into the small, candy apple red bug that belongs to Ruby, when they pick me up on Saturday.

“What do you mean?” I ask slowly as I take a seat in the back.

I did nothing to Drew, how the hell was I supposed to know that he had my number? The bad boy should give a warning before he blows my phone up.

“He’s been a little angry,” Sammy pinches her thumb and index finger to emphasize her point.

“It was just a little mishap,” I shrug sheepishly. Ruby and Sammy, both give me expectant looks as they wait for the fresh gossip.

Well, Khloe, you wanted some girlfriends so here you go. I heave a dramatic sigh, before relaying Friday night’s events, adding the fact that I ignored Drew after I realized it really was him texting me, and excluding the why Adrian would text me.

“This isn’t good,” Sammy shakes her head sympathetically from the passenger’s seat.

“How?” I huff.

“Look, the guys are what you could say bad boys, and when a bad boy has his eyes on a girl they tend to get jealous and possessive. Drew is the worst kind and you not texting him back about Adrian just set off a whole bunch of scenarios in his pretty little head,” Sammy explains while Ruby nods along in agreement. I find it hard to believe, the way they talk about Drew. Sure, he always seems mysterious and scary, but I never have seen him angry.

Could it really be as bad as Adrian and Sammy make it out to be? And to just what extent could Drew’s anger go? I have a feeling I might find out pretty soon.

“I’m not going to do what he says and I can talk to whoever I want,” I scowl at the way these guys think, plus I don’t belong to Drew.

“You know that, Ruby knows that, and I know that, the guys don’t have to know that. Do you think Adrian is any different? Please, he gets jealous of Drew, my brother. It is our jobs as the girls to make them believe they have the power, but in reality we all know that we’re their pimps,” Sammy explains while fixing her long, brown hair.

“Yes Khloe, you have to talk to him before he goes berserk,” Ruby pitches in as she looks at me from the rearview mirror.

“He already did, I’m telling you he’s pissed off, and come Monday he’ll most probably stake his claim,” Sammy continues.

I groan at the thought of butting heads with Drew, again. Why can’t this bad boy leave me alone?

“We’re here, have fun today and I’ll help you control my brother on Monday, okay?” Sammy reaches for my hand from her seat. I smile and nod, yet, my mind is buzzing with many dangerous and possible scenarios.

We head inside the mall and into the spa to get manicures, pedis, and facials, girl heaven. After getting pampered we head into various stores, trying on an endless variety of clothes and shoes, which Sammy and I purchase for Ruby. She deserves a little something. We currently stand in front of a massive dress rack.

“Try this one on,” Ruby hands me a little black dress. I look at it skeptically but then I remember that ever girl should have a little black dress. Audrey Hepburn, hello, so I take it back with me into the dressing room with a smile. It’s nice to do this with some friends. You don’t know you’re lonely until you have someone you could lose.

That thought has me fishing my phone out and looking at the last text from Drew.

Ignoring me isn’t going to work, cupcake. You’ll learn, I can picture the smirk he must’ve sent this text with. He can be so annoying sometimes but I have to admit, knowing that I’m one of the few people that see his more caring side is pretty awesome. I smile at the memories of Drew showing a somewhat nicer guy to me, I don’t think I ever want to see him pissed if Adrian’s right about Drew’s temper.

“Here try this one on too,” Sammy’s voice snaps me out of my internal rambling as a dark purple dress falls on top of my head over the door. The dark fabric gives off a shimmer as light hits it, the sweetheart neckline designed with a bit of sequins but not much. It’s simple yet beautiful, I try it on without hesitation.

“It’s cute but I don’t think I should wear it, I mean I’d have nowhere to take it,” I mumble looking down as I step out of the dressing room.

“Are you kidding, you look great and you totally do have somewhere to wear it,” Ruby exclaims as she steps out in a red vintage style number.

“Where?” I turn to look at her, appraising her choice with a nod.

“Adrian told me your birthday’s coming up in about a week, so you’ll wear it to the party I’ve planned,” Sammy informs as she steps out in a cute little black dress that completely goes with her figure.

“I don’t think so,” I say uncertainly.

“You’re going to your party, I’ve worked hard for this and Kohl’s going to give you a very special gift,” Sammy bargains.

“How can you plan a party so short notice, we barely know each other,” I question.

“Adrian told me and hello, my brother’s Drew, he can get anything done, you’ll know one day,” Sammy winks before turning back to the mirror.

Why do people keep acting like Drew and I, are a thing? There’s nothing there.

“Fine,” I finally give in causing the girls to squeal in excitement before heading over to pay for our choices. After buying accessories because we just had to, according to them, we finally head home. Sammy and I are dropped off on my driveway and Adrian immediately pops up out of nowhere to give his girlfriend a ride home. They make such a cute couple, her bubbly personality with his in complete contrast, is just cute.

“I’m home,” I call out as I head inside with hands full of bags.

“Did they make you get something for our birthday?” Kohl pops out of the top of the staircase, carrying Lucy in his arms. I smile at my brother.

“Yeah, they did, thanks for the heads up about the party,” I complain.

“You know now, so what’s the big deal?”

“I also heard something about a present,” I bait causing him to smirk.

“Nope little sis, until your birthday,” he shakes his head before disappearing down the hallway. I head into my room to put all the stuff I bought away, good thing I have a big room. After a while I find myself bored out of my mind, I throw myself onto my bed face down. I dig my phone out of my pocket as I feel the vibration of an incoming text tickle me.

Time’s almost near my dear, things are about to change, – Unknown.

What is this supposed to mean? Is this a cryptic threat from Drew, or is Adrian trying to scare me? Did the freaking mafia finally find me and they want to recruit? No, I don’t think I’d make a good addition to the mob.

“What are you doing, you look like someone just told you leprechauns aren’t real,” Adrian’s voice taunts as he suddenly appears in my doorway. I need to remember to lock that door, he’s like a ninja, a rude and evil ninja.

“I got a weird text,” I mumble in a complete state of shock.

“Let me see,” my statement doesn’t seem to alarm Adrian as he takes a couple of strides towards my bed. He snatches the phone out my hands, never one for subtleties, and reads the text over.

“Shit,” he grumbles under his breath, nevertheless, in my quiet room I still managed to hear.

“What, what’s going on?” I will finally admit, reluctantly, that I, Khloe Mason, was panicking. My usual calm and composed demeanor finally crumbling as I realize the threat was real. Sure, I’d been afraid of Drew and the guys before, like pee your pants scared, but now this was something that sent a wave of fear strangely rippling through my body.

“Damn it, Khloe breathe, before I slap some sense into you,” I hear Adrian’s obnoxious voice in the background as I feel the walls closing in on me.

“Is Lord Voldemort himself out to get me?” I exclaim as I compose myself.

“You really are a nerd, aren’t you? And no, it’s someone else. Don’t worry about that right now. What you do need to do is figure out how you want Drew to find out, because sadly, you’re time’s up,” Adrian tosses my phone on the bed as he rubs a hand over his face tiredly.

“How do you know who it was from?” I cock my head to the side to look at him skeptically.

“I told you I know things and before you ask, no, I’m not telling you who it was because you’re not ready for that truth,” Adrian just thinks he knows everything.

“I don’t want to tell Drew, what if he goes all psycho on me, I’m not a cat I only have this one life and am very much attached to it,” I ramble.

“Look, he can’t get fucking mad, or at least too much, he handed Lucy to you and told you to run, so you did. Build a bridge and get over it, plus I have your back,” he shrugs carelessly.From NôvelDrama.Org.

Adrian really has no care, does he?

“One thing that has been going through my mind though, since when did you know Drew was Lucy’s brother, or ‘father,’ since that’s what you originally thought?” Adrian asks curiously as he looks at me before patting my head like a dog.

I think that’s his way of saying, ‘I’m here for you.’

“The first day you guys got to school, when Lucas was trying to flirt with me and you guys caught him. The moment I heard Drew’s voice, I knew he was the one that had given me Lucy that night,” I puff out a breath, making a few strands of hair to blow upwards.

“I’ve got to admit, you guys were tough to crack down. You guys know how to keep on the down low,” Adrian chuckles as he walks around my room. He stops in front of my dresser as he inspects an old photograph that’s hanging there. He grabs it before coming to plop down on the edge of the bed.

“Who are they?” he points at the laughing adults with the two infants in hand.

“My parents, we were two years old back then, I don’t remember it but the picture has all four of us together,” I smile as I look at the smiling figures of my parents. My infant body in my dad’s arms and Kohl’s clutched tightly by our mother.

“They seem like good people,” Adrian squints his eyes as he brings the picture closer to his face.

“They were cool, always tried to make time for us, until they sent Kohl to military school out of the blue,” I recall.

“I thought your brother was sent away because he blew up the mayor’s car,” Adrian remarks.

“Well, yeah, but Kohl had done worse things and they never would have sent him away. They were some of the most protective parents, they punished us when needed and stood up for us always. Sending Kohl away, so far away, it was so unlike them and I never knew why they did it,” I explain.

I never told all of this to anyone, not Claire nor Roger, but this question always invaded my mind. Why send Kohl away like nothing? It was so unlike them, it never made sense, doesn’t still, but I guess it doesn’t matter anymore. I can’t believe that I tell Adrian of all people.

“Maybe they had their reasons,” Adrian says thoughtfully, almost to himself.

“What could possibly have made them do that?” I ask incredulously.

“I don’t know, we’ll I’ve got to go and you’re definitely going to have to lay low and don’t talk to any strangers, I can’t stress this enough,” he orders as if I were a child. I mean, what am in going to do, head over to a van with the shady man asking for help to find his puppy?

“Yeah, yeah,” I wave him off with a yawn as he shuts my door with an audible click. I fall into a surprisingly calm sleep, my dreams haunted by a pair of familiar blue eyes.

The next morning I wake up refreshed and strangely, the first thought to pop up into my head is Drew. I shake my head and giddily skip over to the bathroom where I take a long, relaxing shower and get ready for the day.

I finally emerge from upstairs to the kitchen in jeans and a grey pull over sweater. I find Claire cleaning up what I assume is an already full Lucy.

“Thanks Claire,” I smile sweetly as I grab Lucy from her working hands.

“It’s fine, why don’t you head out into the garden with the baby and I’ll have breakfast set up outside with the other guys,” she suggests. I nod excitedly, my mom used to love to have breakfast in that garden. I head out and place Lucy in her swing as I sway her gently causing her to laugh, I breathe in the crisp air as a smile lights up my face, I run back inside as I notice I didn’t put any sunscreen on the baby.

“Don’t panic, I’ll take her to get changed because she got dirty and I’ll put the sunblock on her, just head outside,” Claire notices my on the verge of panicking form. I sigh in relief before heading back out, enjoying nature I take a seat on the bigger swing that hangs from one of the willow trees. I kick my tennis clad feet as I push myself higher on the swing, the giddiness of a child filling my body with unreleased laughter, causing a huge smile to stretch across my face.

So much that I know I must look like the Joker.

Oh, who am I kidding, I’m Batman.

“I heard we were having breakfast out here,” Adrian stretches as he steps outside.

“Yep,” I chirp as my ponytail swings from side to side as I answer midair.

Roger and Kohl step outside and begin to set the long wooden table at the back, shaded under two willow trees. Adrian heads over to help as I continue to play with like a child at the park for the first time. They all head back inside to bring the feast out, knowing Claire, she’s cooked up a buffet.

“So, this is your hideout?” I hear a voice call out from behind. Too lost in my bliss I didn’t notice I had company, much less that it wasn’t wanted company. I hold my breath as I refuse to turn around, hoping, that if I believe I’m invisible, I’ll truly disappear.

My feet scuff the dirt as I bring the swing to a stop, my lungs refusing to breathe as my heart pounds wildly in my ribcage. I hear shuffling as Drew comes closer, I can feel his presence profoundly with each stride he takes.

“Cat got your tongue?” I don’t even have to look back at him to know that Drew’s smirking.

“Breakfast is ready,” Adrian’s bored voice sounds as he steps outside with a basket of biscuits. He stops his steps as he notices Drew, whom I have yet to look at, behind me. I can just imagine the look Drew has on his face right now, I know that Adrian’s shocked state doesn’t compare.

“So, this is why Adrian would be texting you, for a little rendez vous,” he says that last part with a certain malice in his tone that causes me to flinch.

“Did he tell you he’s my sister’s boyfriend?” Drew asks as he places a hand on my neck, not dangerously but definitely not caringly either.

“It’s not what you think,” I finally manage to utter a phrase, the most clichéd one out there, but the truth nevertheless.

“This is why you haven’t been doing your job right, Adrian, banging the subject?” Drew sneers towards Adrian.

“Whoa, hold up Drew, you know that I wouldn’t do that to Sammy or you,” Adrian drops the basket of biscuits as he pleads his case.

Man, I really wanted one of those biscuits. Stupid ants are going to enjoy my food.

Wait, did Drew just insinuate I was a slut?

“And you, Khloe, with one of my friends, really? You can’t be that stupid to not realize I had my sights on you,” Drew sneers as he brings my head back to look up into furious, darkening blue eyes. I pull myself roughly from his hold, fed up with his stupid assumptions.

“First of all, this isn’t a game of dibs, Drew. Second of all, if you fucking let us explain you’ll realize that Adrian was helping you out,” I yell as I stand up.

“Here come the pancakes and syrup… ay, should I say holy guacamole,” Kohl’s voice turns into confusion.

“What is there to know, that my best friend is a cheater, and on my sister no less?” Drew laughs humorlessly. I watch as Adrian comes closer to us out of the corner of my eyes.

“Don’t take another step Adrian, because I’m very close to beating you to a bloody pulp,” Drew warns. For once, Adrian looks vulnerable, they must really think of each other as family.

“I have Lucy!” I scream, not willing to be the reason these friends have a falling out.

Drew’s gaze snaps up to mine, giving me a look before resorting to the cold, guy I met that first day of school. Adrian rolls his eyes at me, not grateful that I just saved his ass.

“What are you talking about?” Drew questions much calmer than before.

“Lucy, your sister, who I thought was your daughter when you gave her to me. Adrian’s been staying here to keep watch but only because he said you had a lot to deal with and I was planning on telling you very soon,” I ramble nervously.

I think I know what Adrian meant about Drew’s anger now.

He seems worse than the Great Khali.

And that’s when all hell broke loose as Drew tackled Adrian to the ground, screaming a variety of profanities that could put a sailor to shame.

Shit definitely just hit the fan.

And as if the universe feels for me, Kohl’s phone begins to ring, blaring Fall Out Boy’s Sugar We’re Going Down.

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