The Alpha’s Moon Child by Nocturnes Moon

Chapter 4

Chapter 4

What Am I? Saphira’s pov My heart dropped when I read my name on the vial I had taken from the dart. This is what they were using my blood for. To poison the ones they weren’t strong enough to capture. “Little one, is your name Saphira?” At that moment, I wanted to disappear. Lnodded my head and sank into a puddle on my bed. I waited for his reaction but heard nothing. I never in a million years thought they were using my blood to make a weapon. Every month like clockwork, the doctors of the pack had withdrawn. blood for me, saying they were using it for testing to teach the others. It was still confused, though. How could my blood have the power to hurt a werewolf so extensively? It had said cursed on the vial; what did that mean? Was I cursed? Did someone else curse it? I had so many questions. I lay down on my bed and tried to rest, 4 am would come early, and my back was still very sore from being whipped. I woke up to Xaiviers voice. “Little one, wake up.” I jumped at his voice and almost rolled off my bed into the wall. “Easy” he softly spoke, “I am sorry to wake you, but I can hear them coming, and I thought you would want to be awake before they got down the stairs.” Just as he finished speaking, the door burst open. Carl came in with another guard and a man I only see at the clinic on occasion.” They need more of your blood mutt.” My heart sank; it took two days for me to recover from the last time they took blood. “We had to use it all on him.” Carl spat, pointing at Xaviar. “We will need a lot 11:321 What Am I? 288 Vouchers more if we are going to take down the entire Royal Pack.” Royal Pack, that’s where I had heard that last name Cresent was the last name of the Royal family. I don’t know why I hadn’t realized it. sooner. The stories I had heard suggested that at some point,This is from NôvelDrama.Org.

many 100s of years ago, their Alpha had been mated to a Fae and their offspring carried traits of both the mother and the father. I hadn’t heard much else but judging on what Xavier looked like when he shifted; I wouldn’t be surprised if all the rumors were true. I got up and followed them upstairs into the room beside the Alphas office. They had set it up with an exam table and a few chairs, and a table. “This is where they will be drawing your blood now, Mutt.” It took them about an hour to get set up and get the blood drawn. The man that drew my blood handed me a cookie and a soda. Here eat and drink this to help. I was about to take a bite of the cookie when Carl Knocked it out of my hand. “No sweets for you until we are done with you.” Wait, what did he mean by we? Then four other men walked in. I didn’t know all of their names, but this wasn’t going to be good. I tried to get up, but I was dizzy from them taking so much blood, and I fell back down. “Get back here, you little b**h. We are going to have fun with you today. Since you got your blood drawn, Alpha has excused you from all your duties today. So no one will miss you.” He picked me up and threw me onto the exam table, and ripped my shirt off me while another one pulled my pants down. I tried to fight, but I was so dizzy, and the room kept spinning. I blacked out and didn’t come back to my senses until I realized I was being carried down the steps to the basement. Every muscle and bone in my body hurt. I could hear a deep growl from somewhere in front of us. “Oh, would you like a turn, big boy. Here you can have what’s left.” I could hear Carl laughing while the other Guard unlocked the door to Xavier’s cell. 11: What Am I 285 Nouchere Carl pulled me from his shoulder and threw me in. I braced myself for the impact, but it never came. Someone had caught me. I opened my eyes to see that Xavier had caught me in mid-air. How was he so n fast? Then the reality of the situation sunk in. I screamed and started to panic. “No, please let me go. No, not again.” He set me down, and I ran to the cell door begging for Carl to let me out. He just laughed and walked away. He slammed the door behind him, and I fell to my knees. I could hear the chains dragging closer to me, and I turned to him, still on my knees, and

accepted my fate. I bowed my head and tried to control my breathing and calm my body. I was shaking so much there was no way it wouldn’t anger him. It always p**d the other men off when I showed my fear. I could tell he was standing above me.” Please make it quick.” “What do you mean?” he asked to “make what quick?” “Please don’t make it hurt long.” I begged, “Little one, what do you think I am going to do to you?” Xavier’s POV It was getting very late, and Saphira hadn’t returned yet. I was worried. Thinking about her also made me think about my Mate and our son. Had they been captured also, Ren was much stronger than me, and my Mate Celia was crafty and would be able to slip away unnoticed, and I knew they would stop at nothing to find me. My son had taken over the Position as Alpha and ruler of the 12 Higher packs four years ago when he was only 25. He was a good leader, and all their people loved him. I wondered how he was handling this. Or how disappointed he was in his old man for allowing himself to be captured. The door abruptly being swung open brought me out of my thoughts. I could see What Am 203 Wouchero the Guard coming down the stairs, and the b a s t a r d in front was carrying a naked woman over his shoulder. Quickly I realized it was Saphira. My wolf howled in anger. Azra had been quiet for 90 percent of the time we had been captured. He’s usually much more vocal. I can only assume it has something to do with the concoction they used to capture us with. I wasn’t sure why I felt so compelled to protect her. She wasn’t our Mate or of any relation to us. However, I felt that if I had to give my life to save her, it would be a fair trade. Azra wanted out, but we were just too weak. But it didn’t stop us from letting out a loud growl that rocked the walls. The Guard turned toward me, and with an evil grin, he walked towards my cell. “Here, have your turn then.” He looked at the other Guard mind linking, no doubt. The Guard stepped forward and unlocked my cell door. The one carrying Saphira stepped in and threw her towards me. I quickly jumped up and caught her before she hit the ground. Goddess knows she didn’t need anything else

to cause her pain. She had closed her eyes, waiting for the impact, and when it didn’t come, she opened her eyes and looked up. The look she gave me almost broke me. I do not think I have ever seen that much fear projected from someone’s eyes in my life. She started to panic and thrashed around. I quickly set her down. As soon as her feet hit the floor, she was at the cell door trying to talk the Guard into letting her out. But he just smiled and slammed the door in her face. I quickly reached between our cells’ bars, grabbed the tattered blue blanket off her bed, and slowly walked towards her. She had fallen to her knees after the cell door shut. Even though I was trying hard not to look at her naked body, my eyes were drawn to her back. My wolf howled as we both realized why we felt so drawn to protect her. It looked like she had the mark of a Moon Child. I couldn’t be certain, and she would need to be examined by our elders, but it all made perfect sense how her blood could be used against our pack. What Am 288 Vouchers As I approached her, she turned towards me with her head hanging towards the ground. “Please make it quick,” she said. “What do you mean?” I asked. “make what quick?” “Please don’t make it hurt long,” she quietly begged. “Little one, what do you think I am going to do to you?” She lifted her head with tears falling to the floor,” You’re going to kill me,” she whispered…. I felt tears forming in my eyes. “No, little one, I would never hurt you. I just want to help you. Will you let me?” I asked. She nodded her head, but I could tell she didn’t believe my words. Gently I wrapped her in the blanket and picked her up. She gasped when I lifted her from the ground and began to shake. “Easy little one, you’re safe, I know you don’t believe me, but I promise you, you are.” I hoped my words had given her some type of comfort, but I knew they didn’t. I laid her down on the cot and slowly backed away and sat down in the corner.” Please rest, little one. I promise I will not come near you while you sleep.”

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