Chapter 185

Hardin’S POV

“Men! Saturday is going to be bloody!” Reign remarks.

I thought she was going to go into a panic attack when I tell her about upcoming battle, but right now she seems rather thrilled, and excited, if I may add.

She never seizes to amuse me with her unpredictable nature.

“I can’t believe you are not panicking about this”

“What exactly is there for me panic about?”

“Babe, this is going to be the bloodiest battle you will ever experience, you are supposed to be scared, especially in your condition.”

“Well, sorry to burst your bubble but I’m not scared. On the contrary, I’m excited and I can’t wait to get over and done with this battle” She explains confidently and I nod in defeat.

She won.

“Yes ma’am”

“Thank you for understanding.”

“You know, Kol told me dad appeared to him” I announce out of nowhere and her face brightens up with a smile.”

“He did?”

“Yeah, and I’ve never seen Kol so happy before. I actually feel bad that he didn’t get to know our father”

“I feel bad for him as well, but we all know we can’t bring back the past, let’s just be grateful that he got a chance to speak with him”

“Yeah, you are right.”

“You know…” She inches. Closer to me. “I really want this battle to be over already. I want our son to be born in a peaceful era. I want us to raise him right here, in this sale castle where you grew up. I just want our family to be perfect”

“It will be so Reign. If there’s one reason why I bust my butt everyday to ensure that we get this victory, it’s because I want to give you both a much better life and I’m going to do just that. We are going to win this war my love and peace is going to reign in our pack once more”

“I trust you to do just that” She says softly as she cuddles up in my arms and I kiss her forehead and gently caress her tummy.

I love them both with everything that has got life in me and I will fight until my last breath keep them safe.

That I swear.Exclusive content © by Nô(v)el/Dr/ama.Org.

“Babe” She calls softly.

“Yes love”

“Can you please get me some milk?” She asks innocently and I let out a heavy sight of frustration. Not because she has requested for milk but because that is not what she really wants and she doesn’t even know what she really wants.

The entire night is going to be about me ascending and descending the staircase getting her things she’s not even to like.

May the moon goddess save my soul.


It’s been days since both Kevin and I separated from our Alpha, Alpha Ralph.

The first thing we did was send both our mates to Goodland. As long as they are they, they are safe and sound. We have been roaming the woods like rogues and to be honest, I don’t really like this.

We deserve better than this kind of life.

“Kevin” I call as I sit on a nearby fallen tree trunk.

I’m exhausted from all the walking we’ve been doing all day to nowhere in particular.

“Anything wrong?” Kevin asks as he sits by my side and I look up at him.

“I think everything is wrong”

“Share with me”

“Don’t you think all of this is pointless?” I ask panting as beats of sweat come trickling down my temple.

As it is now, I’m exhausted and parched!

“All what exactly?”

“Us moving in about woods like rogues with no direction”

“Well, I think it is, but what can we do? We were betrayed by our own Alpha and it’s too boring to live in Goodland. We need a better life than just roaming about the woods like scavengers”

“You do know that the final battle is on Saturday, right?”

“Yeah, I know that and I can’t wait for it to be over. I miss the peace around here”

“Kevin, do you honestly think we will have peace once this battle is over?” I ask with all seriousness and he casts me a confused look.

“I don’t think I get you”

“You and I know that both Alpha Ralph and Alpha Lance are going to lose this battle. Alpha Hardin will win and he will become the next Paramount Alpha. That will literally be the end for us. Remember all what we have done to his mate, he is going to kill us both”

“He won’t if we repent and fight on his side”

“No! We can’t do that!”

“Why not?”

“Kevin, if we fight this battle with Alpha Hardin and he wins, no one in that pack will ever look at us different. First we will be strangers and they will never forget everything we did to them. They will hate us and we will live like outcasts!”

“So what do you suggest we do?”

“This might sound crazy to you, but I can swear on my life that it’s the best thing to do”

“I’m all ears”

“Let’s go back and fight with our Alpha”

“Are you high?” He asks aghast and I silently shake my head.

“No I am not, but to tell you what, this is the best thing we can think of doing right now. No matter what, he is still out Alpha and we have to fight for him!”

“He plans to kill us after the battle!”

“I know, but that plan of his will change once we go back and fight for him. Kevin this is the best thing we can do right now. No pack will accept us for who we are except our very own pack. If we go back and fight for our Alpha, he is definitely not going to move on with his plans of getting us killed. I can bet my life on that” I explain and he looks at me long and hard and I can very well see the uncertainty in his eyes. Even I will be uncertain about this decision, but I know this is the best thing we can do right now.

We need our Alpha and he needs us too, that is one thing for sure.

“Are you really sure this is what we have to do?” He asks quietly.

“Kevin, I have never deceived you before and this is not the time for me to do that. Just trust me on this and I swear you will never regret it.”

“Alright then. If you say so, then let’s go and fight with him”

“You are nit going to regret making this decision Kevin, I swear on that”

And I mean it.

If we join both Alphas in this battle, I’m very certain we will win and things are going to change for the better.

I can not have the Coltons rule for another one thousand years. That will be over my dead body.


The entire day has been about me organizing my soldiers for war. Saturday is around the corner and I need to get my guys ready. It’s going to be a blast!

Alpha Hardin has to win this battle at all cost.

In the past, my ancestors always teamed up with him to win and I am not going to break that chain. He is a good man and only he alone is fit to be Paramount Alpha.

If someone like Alpha Lance becomes Paramount Alpha, all the young girls in the various packs wouldn’t have decent lives anymore, he take it upon himself to make them whores and the young guys will become his laborers. I would rather die than have someone like him mount the Paramount throne.

Soon, there is a knock on my office door and when I signal whoever it is to come in, my Beta walks in with a bewildered expression on his face.

“What’s with the funny look?”

“It’s Alpha Lance”

“What about him?”

“He is here to see you” He announces and I go still.

Why is he here to see me?

I look up at my Beta and let out a heavy sigh of exasperation. I hate that man so much that just the sound of his name exhausts me. I hate having to talk with him and right now, I don’t even want to listen to what he has to say, but I have to listen because it will definitely say something I can use against him in this battle.

“Bring him in here” I order and my Beta nods as he exits my office. I quickly put away the attack plan I was drawing and make sure that my surrounding has no traces of information that could sell out my intensions of fighting with Alpha Hardin. If he knows I intend to do that, he’s going start attacking my subjects and throwing tantrums here and there.

Some dramatic Alpha he is.

Moments later, the office door creaks open and the self proclaimed mighty Alpha walks in graciously with his head help up high. He takes proud steps towards my table and as he approaches, I rise up from my seat with a smile plastered on my face.

“And to what do I owe this very pleasant surprise?” I ask I stretch my hand for a handshake and he takes it as he smiles broadly.

“Good evening to you, Alpha Damien”

“Good evening to you Alpha Lance, it’s so nice to have you here again”

“Thank you”

“Please make yourself comfortable”

He quietly takes the seat opposite mine and I walk over to my wine bar where I take out a bottle of brandy and two glasses. I walk back to the table where I serve the brandy in both glasses we take up our glasses as we cheer and sip the brandy.

I stare at him from my glass, wondering why exactly he is here and hoping that he is not here to request for something outrageous.

“You must be wondering why I’m here” He voices my thoughts and I smile uncomfortably.

“I’m about to die of curiosity right now”

“You must have heard that the final battle is coming up on Saturday”

“Oh, that! Yeah. The news is all over the place. Everyone is panicking”

“What about you? Are you panicking?”

“No, not at all. I’m not involved in the war, so I’m just going to make sure all my subjects stay protected in their homes all day till it’s over” I lie smoothly and he nods his head.

“I see”

“So, are you here to tell me anything about the war?”

“Uh, yeah. Actually, regarding the promise you made to me the last time we spoke. You said you were going to help me in this war if I ever needed your help” He explains and I nod my head as I pretend to remember the incident.

“oh… yeah. You are right. I said that! Oh…”

“Uh, yeah. Actually, our hands are quite tight right now. We don’t have either of our Elementals with us and ..”

“Really?” I ask surprised. “What happened?”

“It’s a long ugly story I don’t like talking about, but I know if you’d just assist us in this battle, we are going to win regardless because it will be three packs against one. Alpha Hardin will need a miracle to go against three powerful packs and win.” He explains confidently and I smile.

I’m not smiling because I concur with him, but because he has no idea what awaits him on that day.

He has no idea the plans we have for him and the others.

“I gave you my word and I’m not going to go back on it. I will help you in this battle”

“Thank you very much Alpha Damien, I really do appreciate you helping me out with this. I promise you that when I finally become Paramount Alpha, I will reward you and your entire pack will be second in command after mind” He flatters and I chuckle.

The Lance I know will never do that.

“So, how is it going to work?” I ask

“Let’s meet at the Wall Street Pack boundary at dawn on Saturday. I want us to attack very early in the morning. I can’t wait to win this battle”

“Cool then. My soldiers and I will meet you there.” I lie and he nods as he rises from his seat.

“Thank you very much Alpha Damien, I really appreciate you deciding to help me out with this battle”

“The pleasure is mine, Future Paramount Alpha” I flatter and he smiles and he shakes his head.

“I will take my leave now.

The moment he steps out of my office, I let out a loud chuckle and slump on my couch.

I can’t wait for Saturday.

I’m gonna have a good time killing them all.

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