The Alpha Who Saved Me

The Alpha Who Saved Me By Stacy Rush Chapter 4

The Alpha Who Saved Me By Stacy Rush Chapter 4


I can see the lights and hear the music coming from the back of the packhouse as we pull up. I look over at Amelia and smile, “Did you plan all this?

She shrugs. “I know what young people like.”

I reach over the seat and hug her from behind, “Thank you, Amelia!”

“Oh, don’t pretend that you didn’t know, Quinn. You are too smart for your own good!” The older woman chuckles as she squeezes my arms

“Well, I had an inkling that something was planned, but not all this!” I kiss her cheek before sitting back in my seat as Declan pulls up to the front of the packhouse.

Before I can open my door myself, it’s opening for me and Declan stands there with his hand held out for me to take, smiling. I can’t help but to smile back at him as I place my small hand in his larger one.

“Why thank you, Alpha.”

“Quit with the Alpha ***, Quinn,” he chuckles, “You know you and my mother are the only two that needn’t address me as such.” He kisses the top of my hand before he lets it go.

“How am I supposed to show a good example if you don’t allow me to call you by your rightful title?” I wink as I walk past him.

“Everybody knows-not to use you as an example for anything.” He chuckles.

I scoff jokingly. “You’ve wounded me, Alpha Declan!”

He rolls his eyes, “Whatever, get that little ***into the party before people decide to start leaving.”

“Pish, they won’t leave until the free liquor is gone.” I throw back over my shoulder but quicken my pace anyway.

Rounding the corner to the back of the packhouse, I stop dead in my tracks. In front of me, ***across the lawn are roves of people, most of them I don’t even recognize. What I do notice, however, is that there is an abundance of male wolves in attendance. When I hear the others catch up to me, I glance over my shoulder and give Amelia a playful stink eye.

“Really? You could have been a bit more subtle.” I raise my brow at her.

“Whatever are you talking about, dear?” Amelia plays ignorant as she observes the crowd.

Declan comes walking up. “Why aren’t you going in yet…” He drops his sentences the moment his eyes sweep the crowd.

I ***my brow at him as well, “Are you going to tell me that you knew nothing?”

The Alpha holds his hands up in defense, “I swear to Goddess that I had no idea. Mom oversaw everything, all I did was foot the bill.”

Cici comes up and grabs my hand, pulling me away from the others, “OMG, Quinn, have you seen all of the males that are here?” The she wolf squeals in excitement.

“It’s not like I could miss it, Cici,” I respond dryly.

“Oh, come on! How are we even best friends when we have completely different attitudes when it comes to men?”

I shrug, “They always say that opposites attract…”

I get one of Cici’s famous eyerolls, before she scoffs, “Okay, seriously, though, you don’t see anyone here that you find just a tad bit attractive?”

glance around my surroundings, “I literally just arrived, Cici, so I haven’t had time to notice, but yes, most of them are attractive, happy now?”

“You’re just saying that to appease me!” My friend crosses her arms in front of her chest and pouts.

I throw my hands up in defeat, “Oh good Lord, I can’t win!” I chuckle, “I’ll tell you what, I will give you fifteen minutes to walk me around the area just so I get a good look at everyone. Does that sound fair?”

Cici’s face lights up brighter than the sun, “Are you messing with me?”

“No, Ci, I’m not messing with you, and you are now down to fourteen minutes.” I reply.



She wastes no lime grabbing my arm and dragging me toward the first group of males that she sees, I feel like I may fall fat on my face because of the heels that I am wearing keep sinking into the soft ground, I try to scurry along without putting weight on the heels of my feet, but Cici doesn’t allow me to slow down at all. When she finally comes to a stop. It’s sudden and I run into her, causing me to stumble sideways

Large hands catch me before I can fall on my ***, and when I look up to give the person my gratitude, eyes the color of moss and a slight sparkle to them, gaze back at me. The guy is pretty cute and reminds me of someone else, but I can’t quite think of who.

“Thank you…”

“Gavin Gavin Davis.” He grins as he helps me to stand upright again,

“Thank you, Gavin Davis. It was kind of you to catch me.” | glare over at my friend, who is standing beside me, smirking.

*You must be the beautiful Quinn Night, Woman of the Hour.”

I feel my face flush as I nod, “Yes, that’s me. All except the beautiful part, that is.”

The guy named Gavin chuckles, “I sure do hope that someone gifts you a mirror, because it’s obvious that you haven’t looked in one for some time.”

Now I know i’m really blushing. I don’t do well with compliments from other people, I never know how to respond. I mean, I know that I’m pretty, but I don’t want to sound conceited by saying, ‘Gee, thanks, I know!,’ I never think about just saying thank you and leaving it at that.

His next words take me by surprise, “I was really hoping to feel a few sparks when I caught you,” he winks over at me, “I wouldn’t mind having you as my mate and future Luna.”

I choke on my own spit and Cici pats me on the back, “My apologies, I didn’t know that you were an Alpha heir!”

When he smiles, it lights up his whole face and I’m starting to wish that he ended up being my mate as well, “I try not to address myself as

such if I can help it, but I’m surprised that my cousin hasn’t introduced us yet.”

“Excuse me, your cousin?” i’m a bit confused.

“Yes, Declan is my first cousin on my father’s side. His mother is my father’s younger sister.” Now I know why he looks so familiar; I can see that he resembles Declan quite a bit.

“Oh, so you’re from the Blue River pack. Now that I think about it, I have heard Declan speak of you a time or two. Please forgive me my forgetfulness.” i giggle. I freaking giggle like a little schoolgirl!

“There is nothing to forgive, Quinn. It’s not like we have ever met in person. Although had I known you were a looker and could carry a decent conversation, then I would have insisted on meeting you sooner.” He grins into his glass, just before he tips it up.

Cici finally cuts in. “I’m so sorry, Mr. Davis, but I need to steal the birthday girl for a few moments. Do you mind?”

“Not at all.” Gavin replies, staring at me the whole time, as long as she promises to save me a dance.”

Again, with the blushing, but instead of dwelling on it, i nod, “I am pretty sure that can be arranged.” I give him a full-on smile.

He lifts his glass in farewell and then turns back to the group that he was chatting with before my clumsiness kicked in. I glance back at him as Cici pulls me away, and I find his eyes back on me. A polite smile graces his lips before I turn my attention back to my friend.

As the night moves forward, I’m passed around the dance floor, moving for one male to the next. I can feel eyes on me, and every time i look, Alpha Declan is watching me. I can’t quite make out the expression on his face, but it isn’t a good one. He seems almost ***off, but he does not move from his spot on the sidelines.

The song that I’m dancing to ends and I decide to go see if Declan is okay, but large hands wrap gently around my upper arm. The owner of the hand is Gavin, smiling down at me when I look up. “May I have this dance, Miss Night?”

How can I turn down a face like his, and his manners are amazing too! I smile back and let him drag me to the center of the dance floor. A slow song is now playing, so Gavin pulls me in close, taking my

hand with one of his while the other slips around my waist. It feels good being in his arms; it’s too bad that he didn’t turn out to be my mate.

“So,” Gavin breaks the silence between us, “Are you enjoying your birthday?”

* Actually, I am. At first, when I saw all these people that I didn’t know, I was weary, but everyone is so nice.” I reply.

Gavin snorts,” if you didn’t know most of the guests, that can only mean that Aunt Amelia has been hard at work trying to find a mate for


I chuckle nervously, “Yeah, well, if it makes her happy to search, then who am I to rain on her parade. I’m perfectly happy being single for the moment.”

Without missing a step, Gavin pulls slightly back and studies me, “You mean to tell me that you haven’t been dancing with all these males because you’re looking for a mate?”

“It’s the honest to Goddess truth, and in case you hadn’t noticed, every single one of those males that I danced with had grabbed me as I walked by, trying to escape the dance floor.” i quirk a brow at him and smirk.

“Hey, I’m not ashamed of doing the same thing. I fully understand why each one of them did it. Who wouldn’t want a chance to hold the beautiful Quinn Night in their arms? The look on Gavin’s face could almost make me fall in love with him.

“Mr. Davis,” I chastise him playfully. “Are you telling me that you accosted me just to cop a feel?”

His face turns a shade of pink, “Of course not, Quinn! I would never try to take those liberties without your permission.”

“Hm, is that why your hand is almost fully on my ***?” I inquire with a gleam in my eye.

Gavin’s hand shoots up my backside, so it now rests right above my hip. “My apologies, Miss Night, I did not realize the proximity of where my hand was. I was too busy enjoying the conversation with you.”

“Oh, Mr. Davis, flattery will get you everywhere.” I muse, and the poor guy finally relaxes a bit.

He chuckles, “Since we are being honest, I can’t say that I feel bad about you not finding your mate tonight.”

“And why is that?”

“Well, i’m sort of the whole ‘I saw her first’ kind of guy, and well, I don’t share well with others.” He studies me for a moment before saying anything else, “Quinn, I would like to see you again, maybe take you out to dinner.”

I’m not quite sure what to say to him; I’m stunned, that’s for sure. He knows that he isn’t my mate, but he wants to take me out? That is a one of the main ingredients for heartbreak. I’ve heard of some wolves turning down their goddess-given mates for a chosen one, but I could never do that. I remember all too well the kind of relationship my mom and dad had and that is exactly what I want, when the time comes.

With that being said, I smile up at Gavin, “I would love to see you again as well. I’ve had a fun time in your company, but I think we should keep it to friendship. I mean, we both have mates out there…”

“I understand your hesitancy, Quinn. I can wait, if necessary, and start with friendship, but I’ve been waiting five years for my mate. I don’t think she is showing up any time too soon.” He smiles sadly.

“I’m sorry to hear that, and I am very flattered that you would even consider me, but I have to give my mate a chance to reveal themselves before I jump into choosing my own mate.” The song ends and I go to step away, but he holds me in place. I’m starting to feel just a tad bit uncomfortable because while everyone around us is dancing to the fast song that has started, Gavin and I are just standing here staring at each other.

Movement in my peripheral view catches my attention and I look over to see the Alpha coming toward us slowly, and he doesn’t look so happy. I try to step away from Gavin, but his grip still holds me in place.

“Excuse me Gavin, but I think Alpha Declan may want to see me for a moment.” I’m finally able to pull my hand out of his when he loosens his grip a little bit.

“I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable, Quinn. It was never my intention.” Gavin let’s go all together and steps back as though he just realized what he was doing.

“It’s okay, Gavin, really. Let’s talk later, but now, I really must see what the Alpha wants.” I nod my head in Declan’s direction and Gavin turns to look as well.

“Oh fun, I see my cousin is in one of his moods.” Gavin mumbles.

“What do you mean?” I ask.

The male looks at me in shock, “You have lived in this pack for three years and you have never seen his temper?”

“Of course, I’ve seen his temper,” I chuckle, “but I wouldn’t call it a ‘mood’.” Content © copyrighted by NôvelDrama.Org.

“Hm, lucky you then. If he’s never been in one of his famous Declan moods in front of you then you must be doing something right.” He lifts my hand and places a kiss on top of it, “Thank you for the

dance, Quinn, it was a pleasure. I will now leave you to your disgruntled Alpha.” He winks

“***.” I mumble with a grin as Gavin turns to flee with a laugh that follows him.

I turn my attention back to the Alpha that looks as though he is on a mission, and I am that target. Taking in a deep breath, I put a big smile on my face and then exhale as I wait for the ‘moody Alpha to get to me.

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