The Alpha Who Saved Me

The Alpha Who Saved Me By Stacy Rush Chapter 35

The Alpha Who Saved Me By Stacy Rush Chapter 35



Sometimes being an Alpha is a bunch of **. You get no time for yourself when you have a whole pack to run. I hated leaving Quinn in bed alone this morning, but *won’t get done around here otherwise. Knowing that I’ll spend time with her tonight will either help get me through the day or make my day long as *either way, me leaving her naked form can’t be helped. I want to take her again before I leave, but we’ve used the last condom, and I’ve already kept her up most of the night. Kissing her forehead, I leave quietly, hoping that nobody catches me doing the walk of shame from Quinn’s room.

Reports of rogues have kept me away from the pack house most of the day, leaving Carter in charge. Normally. I would send my Beta, but I needed to get out or else I was going to just say ‘*it’ and go find a certain *Alpha she-wolf.

Before leaving, I head down to the cells to check on my *Luna. There were no glares or hostility toward me, which was very surprising. She smiles sweetly when I enter her cell, putting me on alert right away, but did nothing. The she-wolf is docile the whole time.” m there, not once raising her voice, and she even apologies to me. I’m sure she’s just trying to get out of here, and me being the Alpha male that I am, I release her when she promises to be good from now on. Do I believe her? Hell no, but at least now she knows that I won’t hesitate to throw her *in here. In fact, I keep everything as is, because I’m sure she will be back in the near future.

I leave her at the entrance while I mind link my Beta to let him know of her release, and then I let Duke take over as we join the other warriors at the border of our territory.

When I get there, my men have three rogues in restraints soaked in Wolfsbane, so they can’t break free. All three are in their human form but refuse to talk. When I mention the Desert Sand pack, they all begin to look nervous, but still, they say nothing. I don’t know whether to take their response to the

pack name as them being afraid of said pack or because I’m close to the answer. Either way, the three will now be held in our cells for further questioning.

I should have been able to head back at this point, but then I’m informed that a couple of our security cameras that we keep on the borders were down. This is what has kept me away; having to find every camera that has been destroyed and then selecting a few warriors to patrol

the section until we could replace the cameras.

By the time I make it back to the pack house, it’s dinnertime. Something feels off, though. The moment I walk inside, I feel the loss. Her scent is very faint, and I take the stairs two at a time to get to her room. I knock a few times and when I get no response, I open the door, only to find it completely empty. I can barely scent her anymore, it’s fading fast.

Confusion sets in as I stand in the doorway trying to figure out what is going on. When my eyes sweep the room, I notice the envelope with my name on it on the bed. *it up, I tear open the envelope and let my eyes read her words carefully. My body slowly lowers down to the edge of the bed, and then continues to slide to the floor. One hand fists my hair as I continue to read her letter. I have to read it a second time in order for the words to really sink in.

Dear Declan,

I know that me leaving the way I did will probably come as a shock to you, but it couldn’t be helped. Had I waited to say this to your face. I know that I wouldn’t have the nerve to do it, and we would just be going around in circles.

First of all, let me just say that last night with you, was the best night of my life, and I don’t regret any of it. If anything. I wish we could have more nights like that, but we both know that it isn’t possible. I will always cherish that time with you.

Secondly, it’s time that we face reality. What we want is not always what we are able to have. I think what will help get me through all of this is knowing that you willingly chose me, although, obstacles got in the way, preventing us from being together, just knowing that I was your choice will have to be enough. What I need you to know is that somehow along the way. I fell for you, so I’m hoping that you, knowing that you are loved by me, will help you get through all of this.

I wish that I could be there for you to help you get through the craziness that I’m sure your Luna will put you through, but I don’t think that would be fair to either of us. Knowing that another woman is not only your Luna, but also carries your heir, it’s just too much right now. Maybe in the future, but not now, not yet.

So, in ending this, please know that I will forever be grateful that you are the one that saved me from the very beginning. I’d like to say that it was fate, but

Please take care of yourself, Declan, and try to be happy. You have an heir now and need to think about them. We will see each other again someday, but for now, I will keep my distance, so you can give yourself the chance to find that happiness without me.

With Love,




Gripping the note in my hand, I go in search of my phone. I tear through the pack house trying to find it only to find it right where I left it, in my office on the charger. I’m losing it already. Dialing Quinn’s number, all it does is ring, so I hit redial, just to get the same response. I’m not sure how many times IThis belongs to NôvelDrama.Org: ©.

try calling her, but I also send her texts in between, hoping that she will at least answer one or the other. I’ve also left her a bunch of voicemails as well, but they all go unanswered.

I feel like a teenage girl who is depressed because a boy that she has a crush on won’t call her back. I even have a tub of ice cream as I sit in my bedroom, moping over Quinn. The logical part of my brain understands what she’s doing, but my heart and my wolf does not. I’m messed up over a she wolf that was never my mate to begin with. I don’t understand why this is affecting me like it is.

Both my mother and my Beta try getting me to come out and talk to them, but I refuse to budge. How can I face them after the way I’ve acted since finding out that Quinn was gone. I had literally torn through the house, knocking *over and turning over furniture, just so I could find my phone, and not once did I give any of them a reason for my behavior. I can’t face them until I can face this situation, which means accepting that I no longer have Quinn in my life. For now, though, I’m going to sit here with my Ben & *Chocolate Peanut Butter Split ice cream and brood just a little longer.

ve kept myself busy over the next few months. Between pack business and taking Lila to her doctor visits, I’ve been able to stay somewhat sane. I keep telling myself that I have to do this for my heir. We found out a month after we rescued Quinn that we Lila and I are having a son. I think it was the first time that I had shown any kind of emotion towards the baby.

Once I started being more involved, Lila became more tolerable. She continues to try and get intimate with me, but I can’t go there with her. I don’t know why, but nothing stirs below the waist when it comes to that woman, but she continues to try. She still hasn’t been accepted fully, but I refuse to say anything because I know why they keep refusing to acknowledge her; they know she isn’t their true Luna. The only time i step in is when they are downright rude to her in my presence, after all, they are disrespecting me by doing so.

My Luna is now as big as a whale as her due date closes in. I feel bad that she’s gained all the weight and now has swollen ankles because she carries my pup, so when she asks if I can make a store run for her cravings or make her something, I’m happy to do it. I may not like the mother too much, but I’ve already begun to love my son, and will do anything for him.

Today marks one week before the baby is due to arrive, and Lila has asked me to make her some chocolate chip pancakes, with peanut butter smeared all over them. The first time she ever asked me to make them, I gagged, but then she made me try them, and they were actually good.

Lila is just coming into the kitchen as I’m plating up her breakfast. I move over to her quickly to help her sit down. Pulling out her chair with one hand while carrying her plate in another, the back door opens quickly and in bounds Cici. I haven’t seen her in a while, so I give her a big smile

“What are you doing here, little one?” I ask my Beta’s little sister.

‘I rode over with Quinn. Her and Cam have a few things to go over with Keenan about training techniques.” She doesn’t even stop to visit, just walks right on by and through the door to the hallway.

I stand here shocked after hearing what she just said. I haven’t heard from Quinn since she left. I read her letter every *day just to feel close to her, but I haven’t laid eyes on her in months. She usually sends either Beta Spencer or Cici in her place whenever a meeting takes place. I’ve *a few meetings and made sure that she knew just so she wouldn’t have to miss them all. I knew I was the reason that she wasn’t coming when I would hear through the grapevine that she had appeared at every meeting that I did not go to.

Lila’s squeak draws my attention back to her, and I see her, mid-sit down, holding onto the edge of the table and looking down at the floor. Glancing in the same direction, I notice a puddle of water at her feet.

My Luna stares up at me with wide eyes. “My water just broke, Alpha!”

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