The Alpha Vampire

Chapter 5 Be My Beloved

… Cassidy POV…

The minute I stepped through the door; I could feel it. The air between us was electrifying. I knew that I just had to have him here and now. I am not one to do things like this but all I want is to feel him near me. He is got this hold on me; he has got me under his complete spell.

I can feel his erection pressing into my thigh. I have never felt anything so good. I can feel the raw ache throbbing in him. He is a man with so much passion and so much desire. He can satisfy any women’s need. He can make a woman feel pure ecstasy. He can treat a woman like a goddess. I desire to be that woman.

He has got me pressed against the door. I can hear it crack as he keeps on moving into me. His big strong hands are driving into the skin of my ass as he slightly picks me up. I hear a deep moan escape from his throat.

He looks me deep in my eyes and bite down on his lip. God, he has to know how crazy that drives me because I swear, he is almost doing it on purpose.

He cups my face in his hand and slightly tilts my head. I feel him press his soft lips against my neck. Then I feel the slight pressure of his teeth sink into my skin. He gently starts nibbling, he tangles his fingers into my hair and pulls my head down further.

I can barely hear as he whispers underneath his breath, “Cassidy I cannot control myself.”

“Why don’t you just let go, this does not feel wrong,” I urge him to carry on.

“I am afraid I might hurt you.”

“Let me be the judge of that,” I beg him to please not stop.

“But you don’t understand,” he protests further.

I press my finger softly against his lips, “Ssshh, just for a minute, I want you just for a minute.”

… Lucas…

“Lucas, she wants you,” I say excitedly to myself. But she does not know what I am. What if she did? Would she still want me then? Should I then show her? I can always show her now. But there is a room full of vampires out there that would not think twice. If she is to be mine, then I need to complete this bond now.


“Yes Lucas?”

“Just a minute, I promise I won’t run away but if I say stop then we should stop right away,” I explain.

“Lucas, I…” I do not give her time to say another single word, my lips covers hers in an instant.

I stop for second, the small cut I made the night before is still there. The force of my lips has caused it to start bleeding just a tiny bit. To her eyes she will not even see it but to my senses I can smell it and now I am drawn to taste it again.

Before I know what overcomes me, I slightly bite into her lip. I wait for a second, she has not felt it. I can feel tiny droplets touch the tip of my fang. I take my tongue and lick it, the surge of power consumes my body again.

I start sucking at her bottom lip. The more I taste her the more I feel alive. It is increasing that warmth that she makes me feel inside. My desire for her is turning in to lust. But I pull away before I lose myself.

“Cassidy we must…” I start to say.

She places her finger softly on my lips, “Ssshh Lucas.”

She starts loosening every button of my shirt. She slowly pushes it over my shoulders. I am standing in front of her with my bare-naked chest. She runs her fingers over the ripples of my stomach, between each crevice of my muscles, “You are truly a magnificent creature.”

“You say creature. What kind of creature would I be?” I ask.

“The kind of creature I would love to feast on.”

“Oh Cassidy, I think I will be the one that would be doing the feasting.”

My lips cover her again. I lift her smooth legs up and gently wrap them around me. I uncup her stilettos and drop them down next to me on the floor. I tilt my hips a slight bit upwards and press my throbbing manhood hard into her clitoris.

My hunger draws me back to her lip, it is only tiny specks of blood, but I suck again. It feels like I am floating on air, the feeling rushing through me is beyond what words could ever describe. It is inflicting sensations I have never knew I was capable of feeling.

Her body starts to tremble as I run my fingers up her thigh. I draw them up in little circles. She near stops breathing as I slide in underneath her dress. I wrap my them in the elastic of her panties and slowly start pulling them down. I know I am playing with fire. But god knows I would love to get my fingers burned.

“Hold on my love,” I turn around and carry her to the table. The entire contents get thrown on the floor.

She unhooks her legs from me, and I lie her down. My fingers knot into her panties as I slide them over her knees and drop them down on the floor. I crawl up her like an animal and cover her body with mine.

She goes to my buckle and eagerly starts working her fingers. She rubs her warm hand deeply over the bulge in my pants, instantly burning my craving stronger. Hunger now consumes me but before I could even protest, she somehow has my pants pushed down to my knees. I am in all my manhood bare and vulnerable before her.


“Yes Lucas?”

“I want you to be mine,” I say with somewhat of an urgency in my voice. “Will you be mine my love?” 

She opens her eyes and looks deep into mine, “I will be yours in any way you will allow.”

“You do not know what you are asking for my love.”Text © owned by NôvelDrama.Org.

“Then please show me,” she asks as she slowly close her eyes again.

I slide her dress up over the curve of her waist and bring it to stop at her bosom. The glory that makes her a woman is laying nude for me to take. The thought of how wet she must be from her arousal is driving my senses wild. Oh, how I want to taste her. But is it her sex or her blood that I desire? Where do I want to run my tongue through the most?

I lay down on her and once more take her lips for mine. My erection lays hard and throbbing against her wetness. Gently she takes me in her hand and slowly run in smooth motions up and down. I feel like I am burning inside, warmth is shooting to every corner in my body but the most glorious warmth she is making with her hands.

I want her, I need to be ever so deep inside her, I want us to be as one. If I was a mortal, then this would be when I die. She is about to slip my tip through her tight entrance. The sensation shocks me, it overwhelms me completely. Not being able to control my limbs, I bite harder into her lip. Blood comes out pouring. In an instant my fangs are exposed.

“STOP!!!” I jump off her and rush to the corner. “I am sorry, but I can’t do this.”

“Lucas what did I do wrong?”

“I am sorry that I bit you.”

“It is just a little blood,” she says. “Don’t worry about it.”

“Dear Cassidy, it is more than just a little blood. I will dress and meet you outside,” I gather my clothes and dress before she can protest any further. A few minutes later she joins me outside.

I hook my arm into hers and lead her to the ballroom. “Let me go introduce you to some of our guests”.

She looks at me with a seriousness in her eyes, “I don’t want to be rude, but they all look a bit stuck up, you know like they can be real old.”

“Oh my love, if you only knew,” I laugh as I pull her even a bit more closer into me.

When we step into the ballroom, not a ballroom in the true sense of the word but more like where we and our guests mostly feed. Though the feeding won’t be taking place here tonight as some of our guests do not know our true nature.

Lilith is the first to intercept our path, “And where did you two disappear off to my brother?”

“I gave Cassidy a tour of our house, my dear sister.”

“The same tour that Damien is giving Miss Eva?” A mischievous smile corners her mouth as she asks.

“I am afraid to say that it was not the same one.”

She looks at me and does the most peculiar thing. But only once she has finished, I realized what she has done. There was a small speck of Cassidy’s blood still in my mouth corner which she ever so elegantly rubbed off. But she does not rub it from her hand, she gently sucks from her finger.

“Oh, how delightful. Lucas you sure have acquired yourself a fine woman here,” Lilith hooks her arm into Cassidy’s and whisks her off into the crowd.

Breyden who has been standing in the corner watching as the situation unfolds, slowly steps forward, “I saw that look my dear friend.”

“Nothing ever escapes your eyes,” I turn around to face him as I see Cassidy disappear into the crowd.

“You know that you are damned?”

“That is some of the wisest words you have ever spoke Breyden. I so desperately want to be with her, but I cannot control what I am. Tell me how you do it?”

“My friend we are creatures from different spectrum. But what we both have in common is the craving to feel loved,” Breyden says as he places a comforting hand on my shoulder.

“I will never be able to love her. I am not capable of doing so. I know I feel something,” the desperation is clearly coming from my voice as I try to explain.

“You were human before. You know what that feeling is that is building inside,” he says, reminding me that it is very true.

“Yes, my friend, but I am dead and she is alive. I will never feel her the way I should, I will never truly feel love.”

“What if I tell you that there is a way?”

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