The Alpha Vampire

Chapter 35 The Hunt For Magic

Well, we have been down this road before. My heart bleeds for Breyden. Since the unfortunate event, he has been searching for a witch that can break the spell inflicted onTasnim. Now it would have been ideal if he approached the witch that cast the spell, but he somewhat accidentally killed her. Now the man has been searching for a witch that shall be willing to help him in his cause. But alas, he is yet to find one, which brings him to my doorstep once again.

Many of my kind prefer the company of mystical creatures such as witches. I, myself, have had many encounters with several of them in my younger years as a Vampire. There is one in particular that I have in mind, one that I have had several intimate moments with. This being said, I do not think it shall be wise to take Cassidy with on this one.

But I am afraid that she is kicking up a storm, so I have admitted defeat and given in to her demands. While she is changing for the hundredth time, I am seated with Breyden in the common room, and as he speaks, there is great concern in his voice.

“Lucas, I am afraid that Tasnim had gone too far; I underestimated the severity of her curse. It troubles me that she created a Vampire.”

“My concern is having a rogue Vampire running around. He shall not only go on a blood rage but will have the urge to create more of our kind.”

But there is something else that is troubling him; I have come to know Breyden well. He does not easily respond to being questioned, I have learned to give him time, and he shall speak freely when he is ready. So after what seems like an agonizing five minutes, he finally says.

“He shall keep coming for Tasnim. I do not know how much longer I can take moving them around. I might be immortal, but I am becoming tired of running constantly.”

“My friend, coming from a man that had to live in the shadows many years, I do understand where your pain comes from. You need to find your roots. Have you ever considered lettingTasnim live her life as she is?”

“No, never. I cannot see how this can be a comfortable life for her; she will never find someone that she truly loves.”

“But so is Teagen; she is a true Vampire; she will never have the luxury to find the love that humans crave.”

But no matter what I tell him, there is no way of reasoning with him. There is one thing that he has never considered. Do I even dare to mention this to him? It would not hurt to see the reality of what his actions may lead to. So after careful consideration, I do decide to speak my mind.

“My friend, you do know that if this spell is broken that Tasnim shall be human. She shall live a normal life and shall, in fact, she shall pass one day.”

“That I have considered numerous times, I cannot give up until I have done everything that I possibly can.”

“Then let me go find Cassidy so that we can leave at once.”

So I find myself making somewhat long strides as I head off to see what can possibly take this woman so long. But…

As I step through the door, I am blown away by what I see. Now how do you describe perfection? Well, it comes in ten-inch red stilettos, wrapped around a considerably tight red dress that looks like she only has a piece of material wrapped around the essential parts. Now, this is posing a problem, and as I smell her arousal, he can safely say that she is experiencing the same as me. So this begs the question.

“Lucas, do you think we have five minutes.”

“My beloved, you have already taken so much time, and I am incredibly hurt that you see me as a five-minute man. You know I love taking my time with you.”

“You make me sound like I am a meal.”

“But you are Cassidy.”

“Lucas, how you dare even say that.”

That horrible situation of putting my foot into things has gotten me into what she refers to as the dog box again. Now, who would ever put an animal in a box is beyond me, and for referring to me as an animal, well, that hurts my feelings.

But I have gotten to know my Cassidy, so I find myself right in front of her in that one wink that she had just taken. It takes me even less than that to find my lips resting against hers. Then the true animal comes out of me, for her lips become my playground, and do Iplay with them. I prick her bottom lip and slow suck a small delicious drop from it. The moment that it hits my sensation, it is the end of me. I scrunch that dress between my fingers and start raising it over her hips.

As soon as my arousal is at a peak, I find my fingers to where her panties should be. The girl had failed to put these on.

“My beloved, did you run out of fresh ones.”

“I just feel like a cool breeze today.”

“Oh, I am guaranteed that you shall feel it. Now about that, five minutes.”

“It is already up, my love; we can’t keep Breyden waiting.”

With that, she steps in front of me and heads out the door. I find myself trailing like a puppy behind her, and behind is where the real torture is. This mind is swaying those hips on purpose, knowing very well what she is doing to me.

“I am so going to spank that.”

“Lucas, where in the world did you come up with that.”

“Oh, my beloved, there is still a lot you need to learn about me.”

And soon, we find ourselves driving out the driveway towards our destination. There are two ways this can go, and let us hope that it is a favorable way. But as I watch Cassidy, this woman is here with a purpose. She has seen what my scorned lovers are capable of doing. Her reason for wanting to come with me is purely to protect me. How much I love her, she shall do anything not to lose me, and if that means doing something she does not feel comfortable doing, then that is exactly what she shall do.

So after several hours of driving, with Breyden refusing to at least stop to at least stretch our legs, we pull up off from the main road. We wonder our way through the forest and a gravel road. As we go in further between trees that tower up to the sky, there is a dead silence that fills the air. It only means one thing, we shall see the wooden house come up in front of us. But that is as far as we can go. Within seconds she had cast a protective spell around her and the cottage.

That only means one thing: it is time for me to put on the charm and persuade her to let us in. So I find myself standing in front of the car with my most charming fake smile on. In a fraction of a wink, she is standing in front of me.

“Well, look who has found his way to my doorstep again. To what do I owe this pleasure?”

“Beatrix, it has been a while, but as always, it is a pleasure to see you. Pardon the rude interruption, but I have come to seek help; I have a friend that has been given quite a nasty spell.”

“And you have come to seek my help in removing it?’

“Yes, may we come in and explain our situation? I can honestly say that these woods gives me the creeps.”

“Very well, but be warned that I shall act swiftly if I at any stage feel threatened.”

“My love, I shall never harm you.”

With that, I realize the meaning of the words that ran over my lips; I might have created a whole new problem for me, for I can immediately sense the very thing that might get me into trouble.This belongs to NôvelDrama.Org: ©.

And with that, she lets us through with nothing but a smile on her sinister face. She is soon shocked to reality when she sees Cassidy steps out of the car; she immediately put the pieces of this strange puzzle together. This might take a little more than begging, but the question begs, how far will she go.

So we all take a seat in what she calls her living room; I guess she calls it by that names, for she is mainly in this room for most of the day. In saying that, what do witches do with themselves the whole day? But that is not why we are here, and this then starts my attempt to convince her why she should help us.

“Beatrix, we have come to ask you to help in breaking a spell that has been cast on a very young girl that does not deserve every minute of living it.”

“What type of spell are we talking about?”

“Well, let me tell you the story behind what happened.”

“Do I need a cup of tea for this? We both know that it is hard for you to come to a point.”

Well, I know exactly what she meant by that; I hope that Cassidy did not put that sentence together how Beatrix intended it.

“The story goes… Two girls came in the pathway of a Vampire one night; the one girl was bitten and left for dead. Then when the Vampire turned his attention to the other one, my friend here, Breyden swept in and killed the Vampire.”

“So, where does this curse come in?”

“The Vampire was not alone; he was with one of your kind. So when Breyden killed this Vampire, the witch tried to cast a spell on him, but it did not work. See, Breyden is, in fact, an angel.”

“Wait, backtrack a few steps. Did you say, angel?”

Well, I did not particularly want to reveal that information, but she would have asked more questions than I wanted. To her, this is very appealing because of the great power that an angel holds. I am sure that Breyden knows the risks he faces with given this information to a witch. But now to finish my story.

“The witch then turned to the girl that was still alive and cast a spell on her. Now she has received the curse of a Vampire, but she only turns in moments of pure ecstasy.”

“Which means she can never come close to a man and therefore she shall never love. But there is something more to this story?”

“She has turned a man into a real Vampire, and now he is running around looking for her.”

“Ah, forbidden love. Why not just leave her the way she is. Heis a vampire, and she had, in one cruel way getting the man that she shall love.”

This is the very thing that I have told Breyden this morning, but there is no reasoning. I vowed to always stand by his side, no matter how skewed things will get.

“Breyden does not wish for her to live this life.”

“Mmm, I have never done this kind of spell; I shall need to go read up on this. Lucas, you can accompany me, while the two of you can make yourself at home.”

So I find myself being forced in a room alone with this woman who could never keep her hands from me. And as I watch the pained expression on Cassidy’s face, I only shrug my shoulders and hope that this does not go as they would say… south.

And as we step through into her spell room, I only realize then what has just happened…

But it is too late…

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