The Alpha Vampire

Chapter 31 The Battle Of The Vampires

If you have lived as long as I have, then you do not get surprised that easily, for by now, you have almost seen everything that the eyes can see. Now, what do you define a surprise as? Well, I do believe it to be an unexpected and astonishing thing. In saying that, I can safely say I have just been surprised, for I did not expect that click-clack sound to come from these feet.

And by the look on the face that is staring back at me, it is very clear that this very Vampire has no idea what it truly is doing. It is very rare to see fear from a creature that instills it himself, and if I did not know any better, then I’d say that it is radiating from its skin. That is why the big burning question is…

“What are you doing here, William?”

But then, as if with utmost flawlessness, the real click-clack that I was waiting for makes her grand entrance. She does come dressed for the part and taken by her tight black bodysuit; we do have a battle on our hands. I would be foolish if I for one second believe that she comes in here peace. It seems the very thing I truly expected her to have forgotten by now has now most certainly snuck up, and as they would say, it has come to bite me in the ass.

But I must say I am still very intrigued by William’s presence here tonight.

“William, I shall not ask of you again. What are you doing here?”

“Can your eyes not see that I am here with my beloved Genevieve?”

“I think I must have gone deaf from sitting in this hole. Did you refer to that Delilah as your beloved?”

“I do request that you shall show her respect.”

“I am your Master; you do not have the right to request anything from me. Now I say move out of my way, or I shall leave you and your so-called beloved down here.”

“I am afraid to say that it is not going to happen, Lucas.”

I truly believe that my near-death experience has indeed affected my hearing. This pathetic little man whose life I saved myself is telling me, his Master, what to do. If it were not for me, this man would have sat in the alley and bled to death. I found him pushed up against a filthy wall where his attackers had brutally stabbed him and left him for dead. I fought my incredible urge to feed off him and gave him a far greater gift than his human life would have ever seen.

Now he finds himself here with his beloved Genevieve thinking that he has the power to order me around. I do not know what their true intention is, but we shall for certain soon find out.

“Genevieve, what is the meaning of this?”

“Do you have any idea how long I have waited for this moment, Lucas?”

“I do believe it is almost a hundred and eighty years. Now you cannot surely hold that against me still?”NôvelDrama.Org holds text © rights.

“You broke my heart and kicked me to the curb. I was just one of your hundreds of women.”

“Genevieve, I do believe that you have no heart.”

“There you go and make fun of things. I do lack to see your humor in wasting someone’s time.”

Then from the shadows, my beloved Cassidy makes her appearance. Now I am not sure which one it is, but from the pure terror that consumes her pale face, I do believe that Genevieve did not expect this to happen. It seems that her dear beloved has failed to let her in on some details.

Even though I should not amuse myself, I do find their conversation rather funny.

“What is the meaning of this, William? I thought I made myself quite clear that they should remove her fangs.”

“My beloved…”

“Please, could you refrain from calling me that? I am not your beloved.”


“Just hush, you are an incompetent fool.”

It does seem that there is some trouble in their perfect little paradise. What seems to have been a well-thought-out plan has ever so pleasantly blown up in her face.

“Well, it seems that your plan hit a snag, my dear. Did you think you could come in here and just kill me?”

With my beloved by my side, standing her ground firm, she speaks for the very first time.

“Well, not even over my dead body. I did not like you from the moment I set my eyes on you, you and your curly messed up hair looking all dressed up as a tramp. You need to come through me before you can so much as lay a finger on his hair.”

And if that was not warning enough, I am not sure what could be. In less time it takes me to breathe, I see Genevieve launch herself at Cassidy.

“Genevieve, I would not do that if I was you.”

I still try to give her fair warning even though I might admit that I am looking much forward to seeing my beloved in battle.

My last thought has not yet but existed in my mind, and all hell breaks loose.

As Genevieve launches herself at Cassidy, my beloved steps aside and sends Genevieve tumbling face forward into the mud.

William that is standing in silence too watches as it all unfolds, but he somehow gets a brilliant idea himself.

… Cassidy POV…

If this lady thinks she can come here and threaten Lucas’s life, then she has picked the wrong day to come. I am hungry, annoyed, and not even to mention goddamn filthy from this forsaken place. All I wish to do is take Lucas and go home. But no, some bitch that does not know how to let go has to come to ruin my day.

“Genevieve, I suggest you take your lap dog and go home. Just pray that your face shall never cross paths with mine again.”

“What is a little girl like you going to do? You are not even a week old; I shall snap you like a twig.”

“Then I do urge you to give it a try.”

With that said, I expose my fangs and snap at her, hoping that she would back off. But the stupid woman still launches at me. I see Lucas as he only but smiles and warns her against doing so. I casually step to the side and watch as she stumbles face-first to the ground.

As she gets up from the muddy floor that her face just barely missed, I can see by the look in her eyes that things are about to get two horrors scarier than hell.

Her feet gather their grip on the slippery floor; she steps two steps closer and storms towards me. She slams her hands square into my chest. My body snaps back. I fly through mid-air, and with a crack, my back hits against the wet dungeon wall.


I hear Lucas gasp, but he waits until he sees me get up. I watch as Genevieve stands there with one big satisfied smirk on her face. What she does not know is that in less than… one… two… three… I smack the damn thing so hard her head snaps to the left. I am very pleased with myself to see that I am the first one that has successfully drawn blood.

She grabs me by the hair, and with all her force, she pulls me down. Much to my shock, she raises her knee and smashes it firmly into my gut. I gasp for but a second at the forceful impact. I grab her around the knees and rip her legs from underneath. She soon finds her fat ass flat on the floor.

I raise to my feet and drive the tip of my red stiletto into her chest. I watch as Lucas is smiling at me; the man is enjoying every moment of this. Much to my surprise, this William is just standing there in shock.

“I would say I am not bad for a week, young Vampire.”

Then I make my biggest mistake; I take my eyes from her for a second. She pushes me down and pins my back to the floor. She straddles me and furiously starts to pound at my face.

In the background, I hear Lucas’s voices echo as he orders for Genevieve to get off from my body. The only reason he does not interfere is that he knows fair well that I shall scold him if he does so. Shortly after his voice fades away, there is a battle that begins between him and William.

Before she can pound at my face for the fourth time, I get a grip of her arms smash her back into the pillar. I jump to my feet and launch through the air. I push her even further into the brick. I grab her shoulders and fling her to the side. I glide to where she is busy getting up. I ram her chest and drive her back into the far side wall of the dungeon. The impact is hard, and all I can hear is a crack. She drops to the floor with a loud thud.

Satisfied she won’t move, I turn my back to head over to Lucas. But I do not get far, for I hear her stir, and next thing I know, she is on top of me again.

… Lucas POV…

Now, William, I thought he was a clever man, but it does seem that love makes a man do the stupidest things. From what I can remember, the sex is not that spectacular; therefore, I do not know which other thing this man is so hooked on Genevieve for. But every man to his own, he might just be truly in love with her. Take my Cassidy and me that my dear friend is love. But I do wish that he did not try and take me on.

“William, I do beg for you to put that dagger down. You know I am far stronger than you, and I do not wish you harm.”

“I made a promise to Genevieve, and I am not to become a man that goes back on my word.”

“Really, my friend? You saw what Cassidy could do. Do you truly believe that your beloved is going to walk out here alive?”

“Lucas, you do not understand; I love this woman.”

“Believe me, I do understand, but what you think you are feeling is not love. She has only but used you for her vicious plan to get back at me.”

And with saying that, William concedes and hands his weapon over. But much to my surprise, again, I see Damien appear behind him. He looks at me, and all I do is give him one nod of my head. He effortlessly slides a dagger from his side a drives it through William’s dead heart. He crashes to the floor; I am saddened to see that a man I thought was a friend does now lifelessly lie at my feet. I am afraid to say; you do not take on The Master and just get away.

I give Damien a welcomed hug, and I can see that there is much relief in his face that he has found me alive.

“Thank you, my brother. I knew that you would come for us.”

“Us? Where is Cassidy?”

I turn around to where she and Genevieve were only but a few moments ago. I am very shocked to see that both of them are not around. I only took my eyes off them for what was a few minutes. Cassidy was in control, and she had Genevieve firmly pinned against the pillar. But the dungeon, it seems, has gone quiet as well. There is not the slightest of noise; I cannot hear their scuffle.

“She must be around the corner.”

Damien races around the corner to find my beloved. As panic sets in, I soon hear his voice shouting out to me.

“Lucas, you better come quick!”

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