The Alpha and His Contract Luna (Lauren)

31. Kidnapped

31. Kidnapped


I’ve been in a kind of a funk these past few days. Since I told Mayra the truth I can’t help feeling that

she pulled away from me. That she was keeping her distance. I felt like I was losing her and I didn’t

know what to do.

I thought that honesty was the best policy. She would have found out eventually so what was the point

of hiding the truth from her? It was better to hear it from the horse’s mouth. What I didn’t think about

was the possibility that I would lose her because how can anyone trust a cheater?

I wanted to give her space. I was giving her space to breathe and decide without having me confuse

things for her. It was hard though. So fucking hard.

I’ve never wanted anyone with the intensity that I wanted Mayra but here I was, there was a possibility

that I would eventually lose her. If I did, I was as good as dead.

Was this my punishment for what I did to Ren? Was karma finally catching up to me? If it were then this

would be the single most painful punishment dished out to me.

“What are you doing here all alone?” Sebastian sits next to me.

I had taken a break and I was in my office. The last thing I needed was my pack to see me brooding

during a celebratory party for my Luna.

“Thinking” I mumble.

I really wasn’t in the mood to chat.

Sebastian has become sort of a friend. We would never be close. Too much has happened for us to be

best buddies but we’re civil and we’re friendly. That was more than enough given he was Krystal’s step


“Does your thoughts have to do with Mayra?” he asks.

I chuckle at that. “Was I that obvious?”

“Not really, I just know how to look beyond what others see” he replies with a shrug.

Leave it to Sebastian Ashford not to overlook anything. This was one of the reasons he was the top

dog. The strongest Alpha and I’m saying that with nothing but respect. He never lets anything slip him.

He and Ren are truly a power couple.

“How come you never told me that Mayra was your fated?” I ask him curiously.

He frowns a bit. “Because it didn’t matter. We rejected each other so there was no need for anyone to

know that the goddess had paired us. I was in love with Ren and there was no fucking way I was going

to leave her, moon goddess’ will or not. Ren was mine, I refused to give her up”

“Weren’t you afraid of the consequences? Afraid that you would eventually fall out of love with her and

seek Mayra?”

I wanted to know because that’s what I did. I didn’t fall out of love with Ren but I was blinded by the

allure of being with my fated mate. I know that Ren thought I never loved her. Even when we were

mated but I did.

I just held a part of me from her because in the back of my mind I felt I wasn’t worth being with her. I

was afraid that she would eventually choose someone else over me like Miranda. She did choose

someone else but not because she hadn’t loved me but because I had royally fucked up and killed the

love she had for me.

“Fuck no!” Bash pulls me from my thoughts. “Mayra is attractive, sure but to me she doesn’t hold a

candle to Ren. Ren owns me body, mind and soul. She’s my mate in every way. She was fated to be

mine, that's one thing I believe…what’s this about anyway?”

I get what he’s saying. Didn’t I feel that way about Mayra? That she was my fated. Our connection was

real and tangible.

“I told Mayra the truth about what happened between me and Ren and what I did to her. She didn’t take

it well. In fact she’s been distant since them”

“Ah. Now the weird looks and tension between you two made sense. I’m going to be honest Darren,

you were a douchebag. An asshole of all proportions. I have other few choice words I can call you”

I wince at that. “Don’t hold back or anything”

He holds his hand up and silences me. “You were a bastard for doing what you did when she did

nothing but love you. That isn’t going to change. Any woman in her right mind would be skeptical about

you after hearing how you almost destroyed a woman that loved you.

Not to mention the fact that you cheated on her. It doesn’t matter if you did it with your fated or shit, the

fact is you went behind Ren’s back and fucked a woman that rejected you then proceeded to throw her


He wasn’t holding back and each word out of his mouth made me feel lower than scum. I have no

excuse for what I did. It was disgusting and so unlike me.

“I know you’ve changed and you finally pulled your head out of your ass. Everyone can see that.

Someone like May needs assurance. Show her that you don’t plan on hurting her. Show her your love,

your heart. Bare your fucking soul to her. Let her feel secure in your arms”

I was about to reply when I felt this gut feeling. Like I had been hit square in the chest. I rub it and stand

up. My head turned, trying to pinpoint why I was feeling like this.

“You okay?” Sebastian asks.

Before I can answer him, I feel a sharp pain in my head before everything darkens for a while. Shit!

“We need to find Mayra, I think she’s in trouble” I say and start moving once the dizziness subsides.

I rush out of the door. I try reaching her but nothing. That means she was unconscious. I was pissed off

and worried. Pissed because someone dared to attack my mate in my grounds and worried because I

was afraid I would be too late.

“Have you seen Mayra?” I ask Ren, she’s the first person I come across.

“Yeah, she went to the forest a few minutes ago…she was in a rush. Hasn’t she come back?”

“Shit!” I say and take off running.

This couldn’t be happening. I couldn’t lose her. I wouldn’t survive losing her.

“Mayra” I shout her name and follow her scent.

I hear Sebastian and others behind me but I don’t pay them attention. I needed to find Mayra. My focus

was on her.

I get to where her scent is strongest and my heart skips a beat. Her phone is on the floor and so is one Belonging to NôvelDrama.Org.

shoes. What has me stumbling back though is the blood on the ground. I sniff the air but her scent trails

end in that spot.

“Search the grounds. Find her” I growl and my warriors scramble to obey.

Shit! Let her be alive. With that thought I transform into Kai. Ripping my clothes in the process. My only

focus is on finding her on time.



I groan as my eyes flutter open. My head felt like it had been cracked open. I had pain from hell. I go to

move but I’m restricted. My hands are bound by silver chains. That brings back the memories.

Fuck! I was kidnapped by my fucking therapist.

“You’re finally awake” her voice brings my eyes to the corner of the room.

I had not noticed her there.

“Why Alice, why would you do this?” I ask.

I honestly don’t understand. What would she want with me? Why would she go through all the trouble

of taking me?

She doesn’t answer. Just stares at me with a dead look.

“What do you want with me?” I switch the question.

“I don’t want anything with you but he does” she says just as the door opens and my nightmare comes

back to life.


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