The Alpha and His Contract Luna (Lauren)

12. If wishes were horses

12. If wishes were horses

I quickly leave my seat and go stand behind Sebastian.

I wasn’t sure whether my actions would be appreciated but there was no other choice. I start to rub his

shoulders. Trying to ease the tension I felt underneath them. Luckily for us, we were in a private section

so there weren't any eyes on us.

I had expected him to shrug my hands but to my surprise he starts relaxing. I was actually happy to see

his hatred for Darren and Miranda. Until that moment I had not believed that he hated Miranda

“I asked you what you’re doing Lauren” Darren’s annoying voice breaks my concentration.

I turn to look at him and I honestly don’t know why I fell for him in the first place. There was nothing that

screamed special about him. Sure he was good looking and had a great body but that was just it. I

must really have been desperate for a mate to choose him.

“What does it look like I’m doing? I’m having dinner with Sebastian” I sneer at him.

I wish he would just take his whore and leave. They were both sucking the life out of the small space

with their disgusting presence.

“I can see that, but with him. What are you doing with him of all people?” he asks in disgust. Grinding

his teeth.

Miranda just stands there. Her mouth gaping like a damn fish. Looking between the three of us. As if

she was an observer and not part of the scenario.

“What about him? There’s nothing wrong with Sebastian”

He looks at me in pure disbelief. Like I’ve lost my mind. Like I should be admitted to a psychiatric


“You can’t be serious. He’s the same guy that took Miranda from me. He took my mate” He yelled and I

wince. Thank the goddess for soundproof walls.

I fold my hands across my chest. “And I should care about that why? In case you’ve forgotten I’m no

longer tied to you meaning my loyalty no longer lies to you. Sebastian is a decent guy and I love him.

Besides, he didn't take your mate from you. Miranda is a gold digging whore who left you for him

because he had more power and money”

I hear Miranda’s shocked gasp right before Darren lunges at me. He doesn’t get close though.

Sebastian stands up and pushes Darren back. Darren stumbles, almost knocking Miranda off her feet. I

guess he’s still touchy where Miranda is concerned.

“If you ever try that shit again with Lauren, I’ll rip you fucking beating heart and feed it to the rogues”

Sebastian says in warning. His wolf shining through his eyes and his alpha aura leaking.

We were all struggling with his aura. Even Darren, despite being an alpha himself.

I get past my need to submit to him. My need to kneel before him and touch his arm. He turns to me

and upon seeing my struggle. He draws back his energy. Making me breathe in relief.

“Did you just say you love him? Is this what you’ve been doing instead of answering my calls which

concern Krystal” Darren asks, his tone venomous. “We’re you too busy spreading your legs for him

instead of taking care of your daughter”

Sebastian is about to lunge at him but I stop him. Stepping aside to stand next to him. I have the

strongest need to punch Darren but I stop myself. Reminding me and Blue that what we had in store for

him would hurt so much more.

“Don’t you fucking talk about Krystal. You and that bitch turned her against me, you fucking bastard.” I

pause before continuing. “Besides, who I spread my legs for is none of your fucking business. At least

with Sebastian I don’t have to fake my moans” I finish with a cruel smile. I hear Sebastian laugh a little

and it pleases me.

I wrap my hands around Sebastian’s waist for good measure. He doesn’t disappoint when he brings his

hand over my shoulder.

Miranda and Darren both stare at us in shock. As if they couldn’t comprehend what I just said. Of

course it’s a lie. I’ve never slept with Sebastian. I probably never will but they didn’t need to know that.

“If you have no more insults for me then leave. I would like to continue this dinner date with my man,

which hopefully will end up with both of us sweaty on my bed” I say. “Shoo, you’re both dismissed”

Miranda is about to say something. One look from Sebastian shuts her up though. She then grabs and

drags a reluctant Darren away.

Once they’re gone. I release Sebastian and jump away from him. We take our seats just as our meals

arrive. We eat in silence, each of us lost in our own thoughts. When we finish I ask him the question

that has been bugging. A question whose answer might break our deal.

“Did you know Miranda had a mate? When you took her as yours”

I’m afraid of what the answer will be but I also need to know. No matter how desperate I was to get

marked. I don’t think I would be okay with the knowledge Sebastian took someone else’s mate


He sighs before answering. “No I didn’t. She had told me her mate had died. It’s only recently I came to

know that she fucking lied to me”

“What about your fated mate?”

I see the moment he shuts down. The moment he decides he’s done sharing. I didn’t know much about

him except what the whole world knows. That fact alone left me at a disadvantage. Thinking back I

wonder how Sebastian never suspected anything. Especially during alpha conventions. Where Darren

spent most of that time glaring at the couple.

“Didn’t you suspect anything? I mean Darren never hid the fact that he hated you” I ask, changing the


“I did and I asked Miranda. Just like with everything she lied to me. Told me that Darren was an old

flame who became bitter when she refused to be his chosen. I investigated her claim but nothing came

up on their connection except that they had dated in college. Darren never came to me with the truth so

I believed that he was a scorned lover. She lied to me, and made a fool out of me. I can never fucking

forgive that.”

I nod in understanding. Didn’t Darren do the same? Make me believe he loved when he didn’t. Both of

them had made a fool out of us. I was going to enjoy bringing them down.

“Let’s go” Sebastian tells me while standing up. I guess dinner was over.

We walk out and I want to ask him about the bill. Noticing that he didn’t pay. Maybe he had a tab or


We get in the car and drive off. Unlike when we came. We make small talk this time. Soon enough we

arrived at my cottage. I get out of the car and he walks me to the door.

“I’m sorry for saying those things to Darren. I shouldn’t have lied about the sex part” I tell him while

disengaging the alarm system.

“You did what you had to do” he says in a deep voice.

We stand there in silence. Why was it awkward all of a sudden? I ask myself.

“Tomorrow we’ll be signing the contract. Have a good night Red” he whispers right before he gives me

a chaste kiss on my lips.

I hear the click of something and moments later Sebastian steps away from me. I watch him as he gets

in the car. Just as I catch the figure of a man with a camera.

Of course Sebastian kissed me because he knew the guy was there. As I enter my house and he

drives off, I wonder why I was disappointed.

Why the hell had I wanted him to kiss me because he wanted to. Not because we had to make this

believable, or because the paparazzi was following us.

And why the hell do I wish the kiss had lasted longer? Or had been deeper.From NôvelDrama.Org.

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