Taming Mr. CEO

Chapter 38: Ran Away

Logan’s Point of View

I casually checked my phone to see if there was at least one text that came from Alice but to my disappointment, there is nothing. Even at least a single period that was came from her, nothing. Breathing deeply, I shoved my phone back into my pocket and focus on the ring Alexis presenting to me. Then my eyes bore on to a simple ring yet made elegant and expensive by those diamonds around it. I bring it to my hand and scanned it closely then the image of Alice wearing the ring popped up in my mind. I smiled in delight thinking that she will gonna love the ring.

“I’ve chosen one.” I interrupted Alexis from tugging many boxes out of the glass cabinet. Then she walked over to me and her eyes brightened up upon seeing the ring I am holding.

“That’s looks good, couz,” she artistically commented and snatched the ring from me. “But you told me that you’ll buy a ring for engagement, right? This isn’t an engagement ring, tho. This is a wedding ring.”

“I’ll be going to buy two. That one is for our wedding and the other one is for the engagement. So, is there anything you can offer? Probably the best in your collection as I wanted the best for my wife.”NôvelDrama.Org holds © this.

She stared at me teasingly before she slightly punch my left shoulder. “So, Lyndon wasn’t lying as well as Yuri. Logan Ivanov is already tied up, huh?”

“Not just tied up. Caged… I am my wife’s prisoner, big time.” We both laughed and continued to find the best engagement ring for Alice in her collection.

Damn! Lying to her will be worth it cause these rings will make her happy. But that’s what I have expected until I came home with no Alice and Aisle on the house. And when I asked the maids, they were both hesitant to speak up and if I didn’t threaten them, I wouldn’t know that Alice left me, bring our child with her. Furious and worried at the same time, I drive to Lyndon’s unit so I could ask for his help knowing that Alice is very close to him. But when he called Alice many times, she didn’t pick up making me fly into a rage.

“Dude, calm your ass off.”

I glared at Lyndon’s bloodshot while he was driving the car to Helena’s apartment. “How can I, tell me?! She just leave me and bring our child.”

“I know Alice, she will not going to do this unless she was hurt badly.” I clenched my fists into tight balls and tried to remember if I have done something wrong.

But there is nothing. We didn’t fight either except for the things I have noticed since we came back from the beach house. After that night, when there is something happened to us, the following days I felt how she became sl distant to me.

“Are you sure you didn’t hurt her or do you perhaps make her jealous? Come on, dude… seriously? If you ever did either the two of them, I will punch you damn hard on your face!”

“Shut up, Lyndon, and just f*cking drive the car to her friend.” I paused, stared at the road, and breathed deeply before I have the guts to accept the conclusion built in my mind. “Fine. I maybe made her disappointed that day. But it wasn’t my intention, I have to go to the site because of the emergency.”

“What are you talking about?” he asked.

“So, I bring her to the beach house and something steamy happened to us and then the next morning, Daddy called, telling me the bad news happened in the site. You were out of the country that day so do Dad and Mom are out of town. I left with no choice, I am the only one who’s near the site so I leave Alice alone in the beach house without telling her. Then that’s it, the following days, she suddenly changed.” I heaved a sigh, remembering how I became so insensitive again over her feelings.

“You know what, you are an asshole, dude. If this isn’t for my niece, I will push your ass out of my damn car and never get you back. How could you do that to her?” I gritted my teeth.

Fine, that was my fault. I am completely guilty and I f*cking need Alice to come back. I need her and Aisle.

“Unbelievable,” Lyndon mumbled as he turned off the car after parking it in front of Helena’s house. Waiting for no second, I hurriedly jumped out of his car and headed through the gate-pushing the doorbell continuously.

And after many times of pushing the damn button, the door opened, giving Helena to us. But when she saw us, she hastily go back inside like we are sort of police and she was a criminal we are going to arrest. Losing my patience after she didn’t open the gate for us, I shouted outside. Not minding how Lyndon is stopping me, telling me I am already getting attention. But who cares? I don’t care. It was my child and wife we are talking about in here and I wi do everything-even the most shameful thing-just to get them back.

“What do you need?” Helena finally opened the door after thousands of seconds. “Are you aware that what you are doing can put you in jail?” She twitched a brow at me and then showed the disgust on her face.

“Look, I’ll go straight to the point here, Helena. Tell me where are Alice and Aisle.”

That made me catch her but the horrified on her face is then being hidden expertly. “What are you talking about?” she asked casually but she can’t fool me. No one did.

I saw it in her eyes.

“Come on, Helena… stop the act. Your face already says it all so just f*cking tell me where the hell Alice is or I will call the police and I will tell them that you are hiding them from me.”

“I don’t know what are you talking about…” but the shake in her voice tells different. “Just leave my house or I will call the police–”

“Go on, call the police so they can arrest you already. I am giving you the favor, Helena. Tell me where she is and I will not call the police.”

When she let out a deep sigh, I know, she already surrendered. And after confronting her, asking her too many questions, I made her confess everything. Thanking her after getting the information I needed, we headed straight to the airport and flight to where are Aisle and Alice now.

“You can run but you can’t hide, Alice… you’ll end up in my arms always.” I grinned, imagining how would she look upon seeing me standing in front of her.


Alice’s Point of View

When the plane landed at our destination, I instantly carried Aisle in my arms after getting my stuff in the luggage bins. And in the departure area, Auntie Juanita waves her hand on us. It’s been a long time since I last saw her, my mother’s older sister. After coming up with the decision to leave Logan’s house, I decided to go to my mother’s province. I also strictly warned Helena not to tell Logan where I and Aisle are. I trust her. I believe that she won’t be going to break her promise. Though I doubt that Logan will look for us desperately. He maybe look for us for a couple of days or three but in the end, he will give up. After all, I am giving him the freedom to get laid in different flowers. It was a favor I am giving him…

“Is this Aisle?” Auntie Juanita gently pinched Aisle’s tiny noise before she greet her. Aisle greeted back and unlike while we are on the plane, the sadness on her voice and face lessen.

We ride Auntie Juanita’s car towards her house and when we reached it, Aisle instantly demand to go in a sleep which I granted. And when she is already sleeping, I get down in the kitchen. Auntie Juanita is cooking our foods and smiled when she accidentally threw her eyes in my direction. I walked over to her and bent down fair enough on her pot and then smelled the aromatic smells coming from it. As far as I remember, she was cooking the dish my mom usually cooked for me. And that dragged me to the reverie. Me, while watching my mom cooking my favorite foods.

“How was life in the city?” Auntie Juanita asked while chopping potatoes. “Tell me you’re living there fine and good.”

“Yeah, I’m fine, Auntie… nothing to worry about.”

She darted her eyes on me and they twitched a brow. “Is that true? You know what, I am not asking you because I wanted you to tell me voluntarily. And based on what I have noticed, you are hiding something from your auntie.” She grimaced. “But anyway, where is her father? Helena once told me that you were living with him. Where is him now?”

I let out a sigh and then locked my eyes on the potatoes she was cutting. And I couldn’t help but compare myself to them. I’m sure they are hurt as well because my auntie is mercilessly cutting them into tiny pieces. Just like my heart that feels like being stabbed by thousands of knives until the pain becomes unbearable. How I wished that I can shut down my sense so I will be numb for everything, especially in this pain.

“That’s what I suppose to tell you, Auntie.” I lifted my eyes to her. “Her father and I are already separated that’s why we are here–” my words were cut when I suddenly felt the urge of vomiting. I tried to surpass it but it was too late when my feet pushed me to the nearest sink and I puked up hard.

Darn it!

While puking up, I felt Auntie caressing my back with a random sigh passing through her mouth as I continue to puke up. I washed my mouth and drink up a glass of water when I finish. And when I twirled around to face Auntie, I saw how her eyes is burning-shooting me with her glares.

“You’re pregnant, aren’t you?” Instead of hiding it, I just nodded casually before I weakly took the seat beside me. “Does he know about that child?” she asked again.

“No…” I uttered silently. “And I don’t want him to know…”

“And why is that so?”

“Because…” I trailed, remembering the pictures I have seen. “Because… he was cheating behind my back. He has another girl that is why I am here together with my child and unborn one. He hurt me too bad, Auntie… he hurt me too bad…” And then I cried which later on got stopped with the help of Auntie Juanita.

That night, I cried hard but the cries coming from me were so silent, I controlled myself not to create any noise. I was afraid and worried at the same time that Aisle might witness how I cried again because of his father. And even though I was mad at Logan, I wouldn’t endure that Aisle will be mad at him too. He didn’t hurt Aisle, he did everything for our child. It was me… only me… whom he killed without him knowing it.

The next morning, when I woke up, Aisle us no longer beside me so I just finished my morning routine and climbed down the kitchen, thinking that she was there with Auntie. However, upon reaching the kitchen, I didn’t see her nor Auntie and even though I have roamed the whole house, I couldn’t find them. That’s when I decided to go outside, sure that Aisle is on the shore since she loves the sea and Auntie Juanita’s house is facing the sea. But when I opened the door and walked through Auntie’s garden, I saw someone I didn’t expect to see. He’s facing his back on me but I am sure of who is he.

Heart beating erratically, I managed to get his attention and he instantly face me with a bright smile on his lips. How the hell did he know where I am?!

“What are you doing here?” I asked.

Lyndon walked forward and grin when he was already towering over me. “Before I answer your question, milady, let me give you the message that came from my highness. He wanted you to know that…” he trailed and continue afterward.

“You can’t just leave me easily, my dear wife,” Lyndon said, mimicking Logan’s hard and deep voice which made me shiver.

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