Taken by the Alpha’s Son

Chatper 9


When we pull into the pack house driveway, I am nervous as hell. I don’t want to lose it, but she looks too damn sexy. I just want to claim her now. I wouldn’t have brought her, but it is getting harder to be away from her. The thought of leaving her behind made me sick. The thought of bringing her made me on edge. I chose to be on edge.

I pulled her down from the truck and put a possessive arm around her. I want everyone to understand that she is with me. Curt and Sam are the first ones to my side. They know to be on my side and not hers, if they were on her side I would kill them.

Sam nods to me. “Are you ready for this?”

Curt cuts him off. “Better yet, is she ready for this? You know this is a big deal right? Their pack is almost as big as ours, if they want to call a war there would be no stopping them and there would be a lot of death.”

I squeeze her close. “She is ready.”

“She is right here.” Madi grumbles.

“Sam, Curt, this is Madison.” She just nods to them.

“The assistant kidnappers. I remember.” She smiles at them.

Curt laughs, “I guess she is ready, just keep the smart ass comments down to a minimum. Don’t want to actually cause a war.”

“Don’t try to kidnap anyone tonight and I think we can make this happen.” She smiles back.

“Ahh, come on baby, you love that I kidnapped you.” I look down at her, she is carrying herself really well.

“Yeah, well, some other people may not like it so much.” She looks up in my eyes, giving me a smile that I love to see on her face.

“I think as long as you don’t bring up the kidnapping then we should be fine.” I kiss her forehead.

“Darn, that was what I was going to open with. Now I got nothing.” She smiles up at me. Madi has a great sense of humor.

We step into the pack house and are met with my dad. Everyone bows, but me. His eyes catch on Madi, who doesn’t look directly in his eyes, out of respect but not fear. “So this is the girl that captured my son’s interest?”

She holds out her hand. “My name is Madison, Alpha.”

He takes her hand and smiles. “I like her.” He nods to me. “They are due to arrive any minute. Keith and Jack are coming down, your mother is coming as well, but she will probably be late, you know her. Sam, Curt are you bringing any one?”

“No sir.” They both answer.

He looks back at me. “I am assuming that you two have not marked yet. It would probably be best not to introduce her as your mate then. We should say companion.”

“I don’t see why we should do that.” I retorted back.

Madi cuts off my anger though, she slides her arm around my waist. “That will be fine, Alpha.” I look at her, my anger shifting to her a little bit. I understand where she is coming from but I still want everyone to know that she is mine.

Before I can say anything else Jack and Keith join us. They both introduce themselves to Madi, who is the only one here who doesn’t know who they are. She is polite and respectful. She is doing perfect, hell better than me at this point.

We are all standing in the front room when three SUVs pull up. Three very burly men climb out. Followed by three women, who definitely spent a good deal of time getting ready. The man in the lead must be the Alpha. He is a little older than me but younger than my father. He is wearing a suit and has his brown hair combed back in a relaxed manner. The woman on his arm is clearly his mate. She is dressed in a floor length dress like Madi, but hers is red. Her hair is blond.

He comes up to my father, extending his hand to him. “Alpha Thomas, it is good to finally have this meeting.”

“I agree, Alpha Tyler.” My father meets his gaze and handshake.

I keep my hand around Madi, I see a few younger men behind the Alpha and his cabinet, they keep sparing her glances.

My father introduced us first. “This is my Beta Jack, my Delta Keith. Their mates are out of town right now, sorry about that ladies. My wife will be down soon, she always takes way too long to get ready.” He laughs. “This is my son, Ethan and his companion Madison.” He motions to me and Madi, we both bow our heads in respect. “His Beta Samual and his Delta Curtis.” They also bow their heads in respect.

Alpha Tyler proceeds with his introductions. “This is my mate, Amelia.” She smiles and nods to us. “My Beta Charles and his mate Katherine. My Delta James and his Mate Lauren.” They all nod to us with smiles. So far this is going rather well. “This is my nephew Justin, he is to succeed me at the moment.”

One of the younger men who was standing behind the cabinet comes forward, He puts his hand out to shake my father’s hand. Then he comes to me. Extending his hand, but he doesn’t look at me, he looks at Madi. “It is so nice meeting you.” I pull Madi even closer. I still shake his hand just out of protocol and everyone is watching.

Alpha Tyler looks annoyed. “Yes, well, shall we eat?”

My Father nods, “Right this way.” He points his arm out towards the dining room and then leads the way.

We all make our way into the room with the guards staying outside the room. An Omega shows everyone where they should sit. I take a seat at the far end with Madi on my right and Sam on my left. Curt is next to him. Across the table from us is Justin. Of course they are going to put all the young people close together.

I can hear the Alphas striking up conversation. This is a meeting to determine if we can make an alliance, so it is not surprising that the Alphas are going to be as talkative as possible. I don’t mind, I don’t want to be a part of their conversation. I don’t really want to be in a conversation with Justin but it would appear that I don’t get a choice in that matter.

“So, what does that mean, companion? Does that mean that you two are not mates?” He keeps looking over at Madi. I want to ring his neck.

“That means she is not yet twenty and we don’t know yet.” I growl back. Madi puts her hand on my thigh clearly trying to calm me down.

His eyes light up. “Oh, really. That is interesting. I didn’t know that wolves would lock themselves in like that, I mean before they knew who their mate was.”

“I don’t see that it matters. I am pretty sure that we are mates, we are just waiting a few more days to be sure.” I try to shrug his comments off.

“I mean, but what if you aren’t, wouldn’t that be awkward? You two are spending all of this time together. Shouldn’t you be more open?” When he says the last part he looks over at Madi. I can see the hunger in his eyes. It is the same look I see in the mirror.

She tried to smile politely back at him. “I have no plans to be more open as you put it. I am quite happy with Ethan.” That makes me a little smug, she is happy with me.

He looks a little taken back. “Well, that hardly seems fair, you haven’t met everyone. What if the more perfect man for you is right around the corner, or maybe across the table.” He winks at her. The fucking asshole has a death wish.

I can feel the growl growing in my chest. I am ready to lunge at this guy but Madi takes my hand and stands from the table. “If you will excuse us. I am feeling a little sick. I think I need Ethan to show me the way to the health room.” She doesn’t wait for an answer, pulling me along behind her.

As soon as we are out of the dining room she turns around on me. “Where is your room?” I point up the stairs, what the heck does she have in mind? “Well, lead the way.” She motions for me to take the lead. She doesn’t need to tell me twice.

I take the steps two at a time pulling her up behind me. We are getting weird looks but I don’t give a shit. My dad links me, “Where the fuck are you son?”

“I need to cool down, before I have to deal with Justin again. He is pushing my buttons, if I don’t calm down I am going to rip him apart.”

“You have fifteen minutes. Pull it together.”

“I will.”

I make it to my room faster than I ever have in my life. Madi giggles as I pull her into the room. She pushes me up against the door. “What are you doing baby?” I look in her eyes, she clearly is taking charge here.

“You need to relax, that guy is trying to piss you off and you are playing into his hands. I am afraid I am going to have to make you relax.” Then she slams her lips into mine. Shit that feels good. I feel her hands start to unbutton my shirt. She kisses her way down my chest. I have no idea what she is doing, but I don’t want her to stop.

When her hands reach my belt buckle I have a pretty good idea what she is going to do. “Baby, are you sure?”

“Relax.” She orders.

“Yes, ma’am.” I lay my head back as I feel my pants slide down. Oh, my God is she really doing this? I feel her lips meet my already erect cock. Madi has never done this before. She is perfect at it. Her tongue reaches out and glides up and down my shaft. Her lips wrap around the whole thing, taking as much as she can in her mouth. Her hands are gripping my ass as she slides me in and out of her mouth. “Shit baby, that feels so good.”

I dig my fingers into her hair. Thank God she left it down for dinner, it’s easy to fix. She keeps bobbing and sucking. That feels so good. It has been so long since I have been pleasured, it’s been just me for the last month and a half. I can’t hold on for very long. I can feel it building. I pull in and out. I am straight fucking her face at this point. “Baby, I’m going to cum.” She keeps going. Almost with more urgency. “Shit baby.” I moan and I release. I can’t believe she swallowed it all down.

She gives me one more lick then comes back to my chest, giving me a kiss there. “Can’t have you making a mess now can we?” She pulls her bottom lip into her mouth and fuck I want to go again. “Are you calm enough to return to dinner now?”

“Oh, fuck yeah. But I can’t wait for it to be over, you are going to regret this when you get home.”

I pull up my pants and she starts buttoning my shirt. “Maybe you were right. There isn’t a point in waiting.”

I grab her shoulders. “Are you saying what I think you are saying?”This text is © NôvelDrama/.Org.

She looks up in my eyes and smiles. “Yeah, I think so.” I slam my lips into hers. Holy shit she wants to be my mate. I have to wait until we get home and that just seems too far away. She pulls away from me. “Now, behave yourself for the rest of the dinner. I can’t keep bringing you up here.” She scolds.

“You got it baby.” I finish tucking in my shirt. Doing a once over in the mirror I see that I look the same. I look over at Madi and see that her hair is still a little messy, it doesn’t take much to get it back in line. I take her hand. “Alright baby, lead the way.” I like her taking charge.

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