Taken by the Alpha’s Son

Chapter 4


Shit I am so screwed. Why did I take her like that? Ok, it wasn’t me, it was my wolf. He won’t answer me either, just said I had to. Then to top it all off I can’t keep my lips off of her. It feels like I am locked on.

At first glance she is nothing special. I could hardly even tell it was a girl when I first saw her. The bulky clothes and the hood of her hoodie pulled over her head made it hard to tell. Then she spoke and I looked into her eyes. No one ever looks in my eyes, but she did. She challenged me. Instead of getting pissed my wolf got possessive. Pulling her closer to me, wanting more. When he took over and carried her out of there I was surprised to say the least. But it was pleasant, I wanted it.

Now I am pulling into the pack house to explain to my dad what I did. That is something that I would give anything not to have to do.

When I hop out of my truck Deimos comes running up to me. His tongue hanging out of his mouth. Obviously he missed me. I’ll have to take him back with me too. “Hey boy.” I pat his head. “I’ll be taking you with me next time. Just hang on boy.” He jumps around me happily. He is a mutt dog. I can’t even tell what kind of breed he is, but he is the best companion that I have ever had. Hell he is the only company I had when we were at war a few months ago.

I start heading to the pack house when Sam and Curt come out of nowhere running up to me. “Where is she?” Sam asks. It kind of pisses me off that he wants to know. Like I said my wolf is possessive. He looks almost the opposite of me and that pisses me off when I think of Madi’s response. Only he has green eyes instead of dark eyes. Curt however is exactly how she described. Dark hair and dark eyes. He better keep his ass away from her.

“None of your business. She is safe.” I growl out. These are supposed to be my best friends and I am ready to rip them apart for her.

Curt is the one to ask next. “Dude, what is wrong with you? You never act like this. It’s like she has you under a spell or something. Although the way you were acting I wouldn’t say that it was in her favor.”

I round on him. “What the fuck is that supposed to mean?” I am seething.

He looks at me like I am kidding. “Dude you were digging your claws into her. I am sure that is not what she wanted.”

Fuck I did do that didn’t I. It was my wolf. He wanted her closer, she was fighting. “She healed.” I turned away from him.

Sam puts his hand on my shoulder. “What is going on?”

“I don’t know. My wolf took over. I’m working on it. Alright.” Fuck I say that word a lot. I am so nervous and messed up. “Right now I have to go talk to my dad.”

I shake off my friends. They wouldn’t understand. It’s not like I can control the wolf when he wants to take over. They know this, but they still don’t understand. Hell, I don’t even understand.

I march into my dad’s office, he keeps it downstairs close to the door. He says that way he can be the first to defend the pack house. He is a soldier first and foremost. He is sitting at his desk, like he is waiting for me. His hands are folded over on his desk. “There you are. I was expecting you. What is this I hear about you dragging a girl off of campus?” He points to the chair in front of his desk. I close the door behind me and take the seat he motioned to.

I sigh, this is not going to be easy, he is going to yell I can just tell. “I am not sure what happened. My wolf took over. She defied me, looked in my eyes. My wolf didn’t take it as a challenge. He took her instead.”

“What do you mean took her?”

“I took her to my safehouse. She is there now. He doesn’t want to let her go. It’s like he has claimed her as a possession.”

“Is she your mate?” He looks thoughtful, not pissed.

“I don’t know. She doesn’t turn twenty for two months.” I don’t see why we have to wait so long to have our mates, but that is the way it is.

“I see. I am assuming that you know her name at least.”

“Her first name is Madison. I don’t know her last name. She is from the new pack we acquired.”

He looks down at some papers, “Looks like there was only one Madison. She doesn’t seem to have any family either. What is your plan with her?” He looks back up at me.

“I think my wolf plans on keeping her for a while. When she asked how long, two months popped out of my mouth. He doesn’t want to let her go.”Têxt © NôvelDrama.Org.

He is quiet for a moment. “How do you feel about her?”

I rub my hands over my face, this is my dad we’re talking about. How can I honestly tell him how I am feeling right now? But if I don’t then he may not give me the leeway that I need. “Everything is confusing. I am drawn to her. I don’t want to keep my hands off her. I don’t understand it.”

“Is she pushing you away?”

“A little, not all the time.” I can’t even look in his eyes. This is so messed up. I am twenty one and I am talking to my dad about a woman that is driving me crazy.

He is quiet for what feels like eternity. “Well, then I suggest you get some supplies. I will take care of everything else. I’ll postpone both of your classes. I will take care of training. Just don’t fall behind. I am assuming it is the same safe house. The one that I don’t know the location of.”

“Yes, I have her there.”

“Good, keep it that way. Your wolf will feel safer knowing that you are the only one who knows where she is. Make sure you take that damn dog of yours with you. I will not be responsible for that beast.” He gives me a waving motion. Clearly he is done with this conversation.

I smirk and leave the office. It’s done and taken care of. I don’t have to share her with anyone. I find her scent to locate her room. It takes me up three flights of stairs and her room is at the end of the hall. I open the door and her scent hits me hard. I love that smell, it’s like coconut cream pie and an ocean breeze.

She just moved in, so she has boxes all over the place. I start digging around. I don’t like any of the clothes that she has here. They are all things that don’t fit her. I am just going to have to get her clothes that fit before I get back. All new clothes. I dig for her books. They are supernatural books. Doesn’t she get enough of that in her everyday life? Then I see sketch books. I take those and a few of the supernatural books. I grab her phone charger too. I am going to disable the service on it, then she can have it back for the music and only the music.

I find a photo album in the bottom of one box, I’m curious so I pull it out and look through it. There are some pictures that are obviously her parents. Then there are a lot of her and some guy. It looks like they kind of grew up together. But what pissed me off is it seemed like his arms were always around her. I come to the end of the book and the last picture is of him kissing her on the cheek, he is holding the camera, or phone whatever. She has a big grin on her face. There is no date, but it doesn’t look like it was all that long ago.

Who the fuck is this guy? Why does he have his lips on her? Why does it make my blood boil? She said that she never kissed anyone before. Maybe he only ever kissed her cheek. Still pisses me off. What if she lied? What if this guy is her boyfriend?

I slam the book closed. No way am I letting this guy have her. I don’t give a fuck who he is. I shove the book back in the box and grab the bag with the books and sketchbooks in it. I need to get out of this room. I need to get back to her.

I open the door and Sam and Curt are standing right outside the door. “What do you two want?”

I push past them. Heading to my room. I don’t need much, most everything is at my house. My room is on the opposite side of the house, which is probably why I never saw her before today. Sam and Curt are right on my heels.

Sam groans, “What are you doing?”

“Packing, what’s it look like? I am going to be gone for a while.” I wave the bag I have, as if that makes my point.

“What the hell does that mean?” Curt is angry. He hates it when I disappear, but I don’t care.

“It means I am going to be gone for a while.” I repeat. I am not going into details with these guys. They are my best friends but they don’t need to know everything. It’s bad enough I had to express what I am feeling to my dad. I am not going to do it in the pack house hallway with these two.

“Why?” Curt is not taking my answer for an answer. He wants real answers.

“None of your business.” I growl out.

“What the hell is so fucking inticing about this girl?” Curt growls back. “I get it she is hot and she smells great, but you are causing problems with her. There are plenty of other girls throwing themselves at you every day. Drop her dude.” My wolf takes over again. I turn and grab Curt by his collar, then throw him up against the wall.

“Don’t you ever talk about her like that again. You keep your eyes off her and if you smell her it better be in passing, do you hear me.” My wolf means business. She is his.

Curt can tell it is my wolf not me. His eyes widened in panic. “Ok, dude. Won’t happen again. I promise.” His hands are up in surrender. He is not going to put up a fight with my wolf. He knows he will lose.

I release him and continue to storm into my room. I think I just need to get Deimos’s leash and collar. Then I need to shop for the rest of the supplies. She needs new clothes and I need to get food. Maybe I’ll find her some new books too.

Curt doesn’t follow me further, but Sam does. “Do you need help?” I get it he is trying to be my friend right now, he was always a better friend than Curt. I just don’t want him around right now.

“No, I don’t need help.”

“Really because you didn’t pack her any clothes. She is going to need those at some point.”

“Sam, I got it covered.”

He still follows me but he is quiet at least for a minute anyway. “Ethan, I get it. Don’t worry, I’ll straighten out Curt. Just be careful ok. Don’t go too far. Reign in the wolf. Don’t let him hurt her.” He sounds sincere.

“I’m not. He wants to keep her safe and away from everyone else. He thinks she is his. I can’t explain it. He just wants her.” I reach for my door handle. Pushing the door open. I just grab the collar that is inside the door. The leash is attached. Taking them, I close my door. “I get that you are trying to help Sam, I’ve got this though. She is under my skin, but my wolf likes her. He isn’t going to hurt her. I know he clawed her, but since then all he has wanted to do is be tender to her. It is scary how soft he is with her right now. I think now that she is alone with us he is different.”

He gives me a thoughtful look. “I trust you. Keep in touch, okay.” He pats my shoulder and walks off. I stood there for a second. That is why he is a better friend than Curt. He is meant to be my Beta, and he will be the best one.

I start to head off only to have my path blocked by someone else. Her name escapes me. She is always trying to get me to notice her. I could care less about her. My wolf could care even less. Especially now, she isn’t Madi.

She put her hand on her slender waist. Madi’s is better. She flings her long blond hair behind her shoulder. “Hey, Ethan. What are you up to?”

“None of your business.” I try to go around her. But she moves in my way.

“I heard that you dragged some girl off campus, please tell me it was a lie. You know you wouldn’t have to drag me.” She steps closer. My wolf lets out a growl.

“It’s true. Now move.” I narrowed my eyes on her. I let my wolf come forth. She needs to be scared.

She looks away from me. She wasn’t even looking in my eyes in the first place. “Ethan, I don’t understand. I thought…”

I don’t let her finish. “You thought what? I don’t even care enough to remember your name. Now, get the fuck out of my way.” She stumbles out of my way. Stupid wolf. I hate girls like that.

“It’s Carri,” She mumbles as I go past.

“I’m not going to remember after five minutes.” I state as I look down on her. She isn’t Madi, I couldn’t care less about her.

I manage to make it back outside without killing anyone. I just want to get back to her. But I need to get supplies. I whistle for Deimos. He comes running up to me. He knows he gets to go for a ride. He loves it when I take him with me. I don’t have a problem taking him with me to stores, I got him registered as a service animal so he can go anywhere. I don’t want to just leave him out in the truck. I had him trained, I feel bad that he doesn’t actually do that stuff for me, but he’s a smart dog.

I fasten him down to his loop and take off to the mall, not that it is a big mall but it has some big names in it. Victoria Secret being one of them. I plan to get her new everything. This brings a smile to my face.

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