Stepbrother Desire (Erotica)


The top was gathered in the low cut area, giving it a ripple effect before the garment smoothed out over her stomach. The straps went up and tied around her neck, the ends growing thicker so that it looked like it was a collar of sorts.

“And the underwear up my ass? Can’t I just wear some black panties?”

Toni shook her head. “That really would look silly. We want people to see the new you.” She pulled up on the straps, and then let them fall, sending Alex’s breasts bouncing slightly. “What do you think about the hair?”

Alex looked up and smiled, despite herself.

“Aww… somebody likes it!” Toni teased.

“Don’t embarrass me, please,” Alex begged. Her hair was pulled up in a clip with a single strand hanging down on one side, her natural long curls accentuating the style of the dress.

She had to admit that she looked damn sexy.”

“Now, do you think you can handle staying like this while I get dressed real fast?” Toni asked.

Alex sighed, a smile finding its way to her face. “You really think guys will notice this?”

Toni snickered. “Sweetie, you probably won’t be able to hide. Boys will be talking to you and trying to impress you all night. Just remember, don’t take any drink that you or I didn’t pour, and always remain aloof, no matter how cute the boy is.”

“Is your boyfriend meeting us there?” Alex asked.

Toni grinned. “Yep!”

“Just promise me you won’t abandon me, okay?” she asked, turning a pitiful look on her twin.

Toni giggled. “You’ll be fine and no Alex, of course I won’t abandon you.”

After her sister had gotten dressed in a silver outfit that matched Alex’s, a fact that Alex didn’t find amusing, the two climbed into Toni’s new car and headed to the party, luckily avoiding any family members except for Sam, who had politely declined their invitation.

“She’s probably staying home and reading her bible,” Toni said, rolling her eyes.Material © of NôvelDrama.Org.

“Oh be nice,” Alex admonished. “She’s harmless.”

“She’s a goody-two-shoes,” Toni corrected.

They pulled up to a gargantuan gated house and got out so they could head inside. Several times, Toni had to grab Alex and stop her from running back to the car.

“Trust me,” Toni kept whispering.

They walked up to the steps, and Toni waved at a few people on the porch, all of whom were staring wide-eyed at the sisters.

Walking in, the party seemed to grow quiet as dozens of heads turned to watch the two girls enter. Silence hung awkwardly in the air as the boys stared in lust at the sisters, and the girls stared in surprise.

Toni’s friends, April, Denise, and Tina, all squealed excitedly and came running over towards her. The party seemed to resume then, but Alex’s heart was pounding. She could feel everyone’s eyes on her, especially on her ample cleavage and the slit running up her leg.

“Oh my God, you two look incredible,” Denise said, hugging Toni and then surprisingly hugging Alex. The other two did exactly the same thing, agreeing with Denise and then hugging the two sisters.

“Alex finally let me dote on her a little bit and we went shopping with Daddy’s credit card!”

“You look so sexy!” Tina said, smiling at Alex. The compliment caused her to blush but she thanked her shyly.

“You really do!” April said. “I love your dress!”

They continued like this for several minutes, before Toni excused herself and went to get some drinks for the two of them.

Alex looked around and saw the familiar faces of people from her school, all of them smiling and looking at her. Wade, Toni’s boyfriend, smiled and made a beeline for her.

“Hey babe! You look incredible as always!” he said grabbing her and pulling her into a fast hug. She felt his hand run easily over her ass as she began to protest and pull back.

“I’m Alex!” she warned, pulling against him.

He looked at her wide-eyed. “Holy shit!” he said, not releasing her immediately. The warmth of his hand was oddly comforting on her rear, his body towering over hers.

“Leave my sister alone you big jerk,” Toni said playfully as she brought a glass of wine over to Alex. “And get your hand off of her ass!”

“Damn, baby,” he said, still not releasing her, and in fact, pulling her tightly to him. “Can you blame me? When y’all dress alike, no one can tell you apart. You both look incredible, ladies,” he said. Before she could stop him, Wade leaned down and pressed his lips to hers. She whimpered softly, despite her efforts to control herself.

“Wade!” Toni scolded. “Leave my sister alone!” She slapped him on the arm a few times. He chuckled and finally released Alex and pulled Toni into a warm hug and kissing her.

“Sorry,” he said, grinning widely. “I got confused on which one was the real you, honest!”

Toni rolled her eyes and looked over at Alex. “Remember what I said, knee them in the balls if they get too handsy.”

“Ouch,” he said, wincing. “That’s a little bit harsh! Whatever happened to asking nicely?” He grinned and looked back at Alex. “Seriously though, Alex, you look fucking incredible tonight. I’m guessing Toni convinced you to let her dress you up?” he asked.

She smiled. “Something like that,” she answered shyly. Her head was still swimming from their brief kiss. She began to feel all tingly for a second. His friends came out of another room and the whole thing began again with them falling all over each other to give her compliments.

The group moved deeper into the house, but true to her word, Toni didn’t leave her sister’s side, unless it was to get refills of wine for the two.

Alex couldn’t believe how much nicer people were being to her. It wasn’t like they were mean to her or anything, she just tended to be less visible than the others. If it wasn’t for her large breasts, she knew that they probably wouldn’t know that Toni even had a twin.

The hugging thing had initially creeped her out, but after Toni had explained, it made perfect sense. Ever since she’s started growing breasts, her friends Kenny, Bear and Eric had made attempts to look at her steadily expanding shirts and sweaters. They “accidentally” brushed against them when they were gaming together, or groped her when they tickled her. She’d felt like an idiot when she realized what it was all about, and didn’t know how she didn’t make the connection sooner.

When Mark Whittaker saw her in Trig every day, he always came over and hugged her, his hands sliding down the sides of her body. She thought he was relatively nice, and he was definitely easy on the eyes. It was no different at the party that night. As soon as he walked around the corner with the rest of Wade’s friends, he immediately came up and stared at Alex, but pulling her into a hug, his hands roaming down her back and resting on the top curve of her ass.

Toni winked at her as her boyfriend spoke with his buddies. “I told you,” she mouthed.

Someone pushed Mark away from Alex, so they could get a hug. She looked up at and smiled when she saw Alex Connolly beaming down at her. He hugged her and she could feel his hand briefly slide down the side of her breast.

She shivered briefly as the warmth of his hand oozed through the dress into her skin. She would glance at one of the dozen or so boys standing around her and her sister and catch them staring down at her cleavage.

All through her life she’d felt invisible, and now all these good-looking boys were paying attention to her. It was intoxicating. Toni stayed true to her word, though, and stayed constantly by her side throughout the evening.

They eventually made their way to a room where people seemed to be dancing. At least that’s what they were trying to do. Teenage hormones coupled with alcohol meant that the majority were just rubbing on each other to music. Alex found, to her surprise, that the boys were actually talking to her, and she got the sense that they were trying to impress her, as Toni had said. She knew from biology that it was a natural instinct for them to do their own typical mating dance for her, and she smiled to herself when she noticed all the different ways that they were fighting for her attention.

Some would talk to her, some would pull her onto the dance floor and haphazardly shuffle with her while they tried to awkwardly grope her or rub their erections against some part of her anatomy through their pants. Toni always came to her rescue though, and she silently vowed to be nicer to her little sister.

The flirting that the boys were doing was relatively harmless. At one point one of them grabbed her boobs full on, laughing while she desperately pulled his hands off and covered herself.

Wade threatened the guy with an ass kicking, and he sheepishly apologized to her.

“That goes for the rest of you, leave Alex alone,” he ordered, pointing a finger at the lot.

Alex felt warm inside, and instantly grew to like Wade a little more, feeling envious of her sister for a moment. Wade started to hover closer to her after that. She figured it was because he was feeling protective of her, or that Toni had said something. Maybe he even just sensed her unease with the whole situation. He wasn’t hovering so close that the other guys didn’t want to talk to her, and her evening seemed to be a lot less gropey after that.

Toni could definitely handle herself, though. Boys would dance with her and Alex would marvel at how she expertly maneuvered away when they tried to get too close.

Wade had been a perfect gentleman the entire evening, and though Toni hadn’t slowed her drinking, Alex had. She knew that she was going to have to drive her sister home. A group of girls came in at one point, including April, Denise, and Tina, and the attention of the boys was diverted from the twins, at least for some of them.

She found herself talking to Wade near the end of the night, sitting on some lounge chairs out by the pool.

“So you’re going out with that Kenny guy?” Wade asked.

“Going out with Kenny?” she said, turning a confused and surprised face at him. “No… he’s just one of my friends. I’ve known him since… third grade… I think. Why would you think that?”

“Oh, my bad,” he said, chuckling. “I’ve just seen you guys talking and figured…”

“That I was dating him? Girls can’t have guys that are just friends?” she asked.

“Girls that look like you can’t!” he said, smiling

She shot him a look.

He laughed and held up his hands. “I didn’t mean it that way. I just thought that it was always cool that someone as drop dead gorgeous as you was going out with him. I mean, he’s a cool guy or whatever, but you are miles and miles out of his league.”

Alex blushed and shook her head. “Kenny is a little bit of a nerd, but then again so am I. He plays video games, I play video games.”

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