Start With An Unexpected Affair

Suspicious Wife

Kyler watch Alex nod his head again and sigh in frustration, he has just told him about what happened at the party and he gets is a nod

“So what do you want to do now?”

“That’s the reason I came to you” he asked irritated y his nonchalant attitude to his problem

“What kind of advise do you want me to give? Date both women? Or divorce your wife and be with the other Lady?”

Kyler sigh in frustration at his words and fill the empty glass of wine in front of him

“You always know what you want Kyler Black and I’m sure you do now”

“All you want is just for me to encourage you and tell you it’s good”

“I hope your decision won’t hurt anyone of them much”

Kyler glance at him and pick up the glass for the second time gulping it all down

That is exactly what he needed, someone to tell him the decision he has made was right

After all, there might be no way to make the two happy but he could hurt her less.

“I need you to work with the legal teams then, make sure it doesn’t get out”

Alex nod his head and pick up his phone to make the call, his eyes watch him drink another glass and he sighs also frustrated.


Veronica wake up by the light tap and look up to see the house manager, her sleepy face cock in a frown

“What is it?” She snapped

“Sir has arrived”


Veronica’s frowned face turned excited and she scurry out of the little cloth she has used to keep herself warm

She rush to the door and almost collide into Alex who is accompanying Kyler

“He had a bit to drink”

Veronica look at him clearly upset, she has been waiting for him all day and he came back drunk

“Did something happen at the company?”

“No, he had to meet with old friends”

“Did he not travel?”

“He came back early and had to meet with them”


Kyler lips crack up in a quick smile listening to Alex excuse, he seem to be doing a good job without even asking him

“I will take him upstairs”


“We have to talk about business, just few things to round up”

“While he’s still drunk?” He could hear sarcasm in Veronica’s voice

“He’s not that drunk, you should please prepare some hangover drink”

Kyler was not sure why she believed t but she went ahead yelling out the maid’s name, he could feel the anger in the yell

“The bedroom or the study?”

“Study” he said quietly

They get to the study quickly and Alex immediately let go of him

“You’re so good at giving excuse, do you want to come live here?” He sarcastically asked

“No I love my privacy”


“Here, hangover medicine” he said and bring out a tablet from his pocket

“I don’t need it”

“It”s for your wife to believe you are really drunk”

As he said the words, Veronica enter the room with a cup for him to drink

“You look okay now” she said and place the cup down

Kyler pick the medicine from the table and gulp it down with little hangover drink.

“We need to work now”


Veronica nod her head and walk out without arguing but as soon as she close the door behind her, she let out a cussContent © NôvelDrama.Org.

She heard everything they talked about, he was pretending to be drunk? Why? To avoid her?

Something is definitely wrong now, only guilt would make Kyler Black do this

The thought of him having another woman come to her mind again and she quickly whip out her phone to call the secret detective as she walk upstairs

“Anything yet?”

“I got something, I plan to meet you tomorrow…”

“Let’s see now” she said and hang up the call

She quickly change the lace night gown into a strapless top and an asymmetrical skirt

She thought of putting n full face make up but decide against it not to waste time and go for a little but bold one

When she is done, she didn’t bother telling Kyler about going out but get into her car and drive out.


“Where did you get this?”

“One of Mr. Wilson’s parties”

Veronica frown her face at the pictures place in front of her not finding them satisfying enough

they might have confirmed her Kyler has something to do with that woman but it’s not good enough

“I followed after them when they leave the party hoping to catch them red-handed but he drop her off at her house instead”

“But, I did get a picture of them in the car”

Veronica pick up the new picture he just push to her and look dazed at it, soon anger fill her face making her eyebrows furrowed up

“Kyler is really cheating on me?” She asked herself to be sure

“I need you to follow after both of them and get me better pictures, I will double your pay”

She left the place feeling miserable and furious, it is almost unbelievable that Kyler would cheat on her with anyone at all

Did it start after what happened? Or was it before and she had just push him more into it? She might have actually help in this affair

But what if it started before that night, does this mean she was not the player but has been played all along

“Nahh” she answered

It must have started recently when Kyler changed towards her and start coming back home late, giving excuses just to be away from her

“Yasmin Cassidy” she mumbled the name under her breathe feeling angered at the sound of it

It seems now that she would have to be taken completely out of the way, there is no way she’s letting any girl steal Kyler away, not now.


After what happened at the party on Friday night, Yasmin has been trying to reach Talia on phone but no positive result

It seems to her she has probably blocked her number because she do not want to talk with her

Although Yasmin isn’t sure what explanation to give yet but she still hope to talk to her and sort things out between them, the look on her face disturbs her heart

Her phone rings interrupting he attempted dial with Talia and Yasmin feel nervous seeing his name

She take two deep exhales before answering the phone and wait few seconds before saying the word…


The call ended with a big smile plaster on Yasmin’s face and she hurry to pick an outfit

He has asked her out on a date, their first date ever, she feel so nervous and excited at the same time.

Yasmin spend a long time going through her wardrobe dissatisfied with everything she touched, nothing seem perfect enough.

Her phone rings again and she reach to pick it up, it’s him on the line

“I’m here”

Yasmin gasps and put her palm over the phone, she check the time and realize she has spend the last forty minutes picking an outfit which was futile

“Can you give me like five minutes?” She manage to say to the phone and cut the call.


Kyler get out of the car after she cut the call, guessing from her voice it seems she isn’t ready at all and will take sometimes to

He has watch Veronica spend three hours dressing up to go for an outing and he can’t wait that long

He knock on he door and wait for her to answer, about three minutes later the door open and she stand in front of him holding a curler

“I’m sorry, I just need to do this once more time and I will be done”


He simply nod his head and walk in with his eyes on her, Yasmin turn to see if the sitting room is clean enough and feel relief

Thanks to Talia’s constant nagging she have nothing to worry about, expect for her room… what is she thinking now? There is no way he would want to see her room, right?

She close the door and walk to join him hoping to excuse herself to put on something good but he stop her

“Let me help you with that”

He takes the curler from her hands and bring her to sit on the chair, Yasmin try not to get nervous as he let the machine over her hair hoping he does not hurt her.


She said when he was done and turn to him to take the curler from him, she realize he is closer than she thought and gulp nervously

He reach out his hand and push her hair back slowly that she can’t believe she get arouse by it

“We can order in if you’re not ready”


She look away from lost in his eyes for a moment and try to look calm

Ordering in is good, she won’t have to worry much about what to how unfitting her outfit might be and people seeing them

“I guess we can”

“I’ll make the order”

He take the words out of her mouth and she nod her head excusing herself to go inside.


She came back with her hair pack in side ponytail and dressed in a top and trouser with light makeup

Kyler watch her eyes survey the foods on the table and her astonish expression that says it is too much

He has ordered a lot of different meals because he was not sure which one she love to eat and the ones she hates

“Why did you order so much?”

“I don’t know which one you would like” he answered and give her a cutlery

“You could have just ask me”

“I don’t want to go into your room”

Kyler watch her face expression change as she try to ponder why he had said that and he decide to answer it

“I might demand a compensation for keeping me waiting”



Yasmin pick up the cup of water to drink and calm herself down

She know Kyler to never hesitate and always says and do whatever he wants but she did not expect him to be this naught

“Let’s eat” she said hoping the food will distract her thoughts from what he just said.


Veronica could not wait anymore and call the investigator rather than wait for his call

Late night yesterday when. Kyler finally come to bed she has tried taking is phone and check if she can get a good evidence but failed

There was nothing on his phone to prove he is actually seeing the lady or another

So she has connected her phone with his Gps to find out his location and send it to the investigator to find out which house it is

“So? Did you find out?”

“Yes, it’s Yasmin Cassidy’s house”

Veronica cut the call slamming it on her palm, she pace around confused for a moment and decide to go over there

She hasten her makeup and dressing up asking a maid to help and rush out to get her car

Before she could step in, her phone rings and she ignore it entering into the car

She drive out in high speed not minding getting pulled over by the cops

The call drops and ring again, Veronica is force to pick up and snap a ‘hello’ at whoever it is

“Hello Veronica!”

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