Skyler’s Revenge


#Bella’s P. O. V

“Hey John”I greet the head of security as I enter the house.

“Your mom is looking for you princess” John says pointing to the kitchen.

“Okay”I smile at him and I enter the huge kitchen where my mom and dad are making out.

“Ah! My eyes I can’t see”I dramatically yell covering my eyes and turning around.

I mean I love my mom and dad but they some times behave like teenagers and by some times I mean always

“You can look now”My mom says and I uncover my eyes and look at her and my dad.

“So I heard you were looking for me”I put on my best innocent face but she doesn’t buy it.

“You glued your teacher to his chair”My mom says like its the craziest thing in the world.

“I swear Mr Jonas was asking for it. I mean he gave me detention for saying the quiz we organized was absolute shit “I try to defend myself.

“Wait Mr Jones is your maths teacher as in H. L Jones?”My mom asks with wide eyes. I nodded my head yes and all of a sudden she starts laughing.

“Why didn’t you say so honey. Mr Jones hated me”She explains giving me a hug.

“I’m so proud of you for standing up for yourself.”She smiles and I’m left dumbfounded I mean wasn’t she gonna punish me.

“Wait so I’m not in trouble?”I ask looking at my mom. she shakes her head and kisses me on the cheek.

“Well seems like you took your mother’s tendency for trouble”My dad laughs.

“Hello family”My brother Alexander yells entering the kitchen holding a gun.

“Hello munchkin”He calls me with a stupid grin as I send him a glare. He knows I hate being called that.

“Heard you got into trouble again”He shakes his head like he’s disappointed.

My brother doesn’t go to school. We were both home trained but I stopped it and went to school he continued and so got to finish it faster and now he helps my dad with the mafia biz.

I roll my eyes and cross my arms glaring at him till my dad starts talking.

“Alexander are you ready for the meeting?”He asks my brother who nods his head.

“Wait a meeting with who?”I interfare looking up at my dad in confusion© NôvelDrama.Org - All rights reserved.

“We’re meeting up with the new American Mafia leader since Alberto Stark just died”My father explains.

Alberto is Andrew’s father. I didn’t know he was dead. Suddenly a deep feeling of sympathy for Andrew comes over me I mean now he has no parents since his mother died giving birth to him.

“Wait so whose the new mafia leader?”I ask. I mean isn’t Andrew the only son of Alberto.

“Its Alberto’s first son who just came back from Russia” My brother adds.

“Wait so can I come. I’d like to meet the new American Mafia leader”I tell them crossing my fingers.

“Sorry sis you can’t come its for men only and you don’t have a d-“Alex starts but my mom interrupts him.

“Alexander Ethan Dante don’t you dare finish that sentence” She warns sending him a death glare.

“Sorry mom”He looks down and I try my hardest not to laugh I mean each time your parents use your full name you now your screwed.

“Sorry honey but its too dangerous we don’t trust the new leader and you know we haven’t been good friends with the American mafia.”My dad explains and I nod my head ‘yes’.

“Now stay safe okay”my dad kisses me and my mom before he and Alex leave for the meeting.

“So it’s just us girls”My mom grins mischievously sounding like a teenage girl

“Do you want to go do something fun”She suggests and I of course nod my head.

“Come on”She says and I follow her down the hallway to the guards kitchen where some of them are drinking coffee even John is in there.

“I took this away from Alex when he was 11” My mom pulls out a toy snake that looks really realistic. It has tiny wheels on its belly so it can move around and its very flexible, its controlled by a remote.

She puts the snake on the crack of the door and gives the remote to me.

I didn’t even wait for her to explain. I activate the remote and drive the snake into the room where the guards were

The moment they see it they all start running around the kitchen. some of them try to kill it but they can’t. I drive the snake directly towards John and…

“Ahhhhhh!!!”He screams in a high pitched girly voice and I just can’t contain my laughter .. me and my mom both fall on the floor while laughing so hard.

I mean I never thought I’d see an intimidating man such as John scream like a little girl.

“See told you it would be fun”My mom says in between laughs.

“Uhmm uhmm”Someone clears there throat and I look at my Mom with wide eyes only to find her with the same expression.

We both slowly turn around and look at the Intimidating men with looks to kill and a very angry John who so happens to be holding the toy snake.

We’re so dead


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