Sinful Mates 1-3

chapter 44

chapter 44

My heart skipped a beat, nervousness kicking in. It wasn’t so long ago that I did a runner from

these very people. What a great fucking first impression that was. They probably think I am unhinged.

Maybe I am, now that I think of it, what normal person would be involved in their world. One thing I did

know was his parents don’t accept me that much is clear from what I overheard the last time.

I quickly grabbed the first thing I laid my hands on. A pair of tights and an oversized sweater. My

nervousness making me sweat already. Theo ran downstairs to Tobias to greet them. I didn’t realise

how bad my hands were shaking until I grabbed the bannister. My hand trembling, my palms sweaty,

sticking to the lacquered wood as I descended. I stopped halfway when I heard angry voices talking in

the loungeroom. I heard glass break and Theo’s father’s voice rise. I stopped and listened.

“I won’t give you any more time, the month is nearly up. If anyone finds out about her, we will have

the council breathing down our neck, especially after the little stunt you pulled with Tom.”

I heard Theo growl lowly at the mention of Tom’s name.

“Don’t you start, boy. I warned you both to keep her here until she decided. You think what you did

went unnoticed. For fuck’s sake. I can’t believe the pair of you. I thought you had more brains then to

take a weak human as a mate. Not only is it Forbidden but no one will accept her how she is.”

“Who we choose as our mate, shouldn’t even be anyone’s business but ours,” Tobias yelled.

“Anyone but a human, Tobias. You’re giving our family a bad name. She is fucking human. Either

fix it or I will, and you won’t like the consequences if I have to.”

I heard furniture crashing. I raced down the stairs in panic. Worried about Theo and Tobias. Theo

had his father by the throat pressed against the fireplace, the lounge lying on its side, which Theo must

have pushed out of the way when he grabbed him. His fangs bared at his throat.

“Nobody fucking touches her. I don’t give a fuck if you’re family. Threaten her again and I will

fucking end you,” he spat at his father.

“Please Theo, settle down. Let’s be rational here.” His mother tried to calm him, her hand on his

arm. No one noticed me standing there watching the entire thing play out, but one thing I would not be

seen as by this stubborn man was weak. I squared my shoulders and walked further into the room.

Theo let go of his father as soon as he seen me, his father straightening out his suit jacket before

turning and glaring at me. Like seriously who wears a suit this late at night or was it early morning, time

has escaped me.

Caroline walked past her husband giving him glare on her way past before extending her hand to

me. “I’m Caroline, it’s nice to finally meet you properly, Imogen.”

I shook her hand she squeezed softly, her eyes glinting oddly under the light. I let her hand go

before looking towards his father Josiah. Who was killing me with his eyes? I held my chin up refusing

to be intimidated by him. And I extended my hand.

“Hello Josiah, I’m Imogen the weak human,” I said my voice coming out strong showing none of

the fear I felt inside. He held my gaze for a second and I refused to look away. I raised an eyebrow

waiting, before I seen his lips tug slightly upward and he grabbed my hand shaking it.

“Nice to meet you, Imogen. I suppose my boys have told you about me then?” I nodded before he

let go.

“Yes, your names but not much other than that. Coffee?” I asked. I was impressed at myself with

how calm I sounded. I turned my back on him and started walking to the kitchen, not even waiting for

an answer. I see Tobias trying to hide his smile as I walked past. I am not going to be intimidated by

one old vampire when I lived with two, meant to be mythical creatures. I may look weak, but I won’t be

talked about and treated like trash, I don’t care how big and scary he is supposed to be, to me he just

looks like an ordinary man, the resemblance between Josiah and Theo though was uncanny.

They both shared the same light brown hair and green eyes. He was shorter than Theo though but

had a stocky build and looked like a man, used to getting his way.

I turned the kettle on before leaning against the bench, everyone filed into the room and Theo

came over and kissed my cheek before leaning against the counter next to me and crossing his arms.

Tobias got some mugs and handed them to me.

“Sugar?” I asked looking at Caroline and Josiah. She nodded before answering.

“Yes, two with cream” she said with a smile, I glanced at Josiah, but I had feeling he was a black

coffee no sugar type of man.

“Black no sugar,” he said, my guess correct. I busied myself making coffee.

I handed them their coffees before leaning on the island bench my coffee in my hands.

Caroline went to say something but was cut off by her husband.

“So, all this trouble for you, although I am surprised you even came downstairs, most humans

would run.”

“Well, I suppose I’m not like most humans then,” I stated. Making me question my own sanity.

Maybe there was something really wrong with me. I do seem to be questioning everything at the

moment especially my sanity.

“So, you don’t have a problem with your sons being bisexual but have a problem with me being

human, correct?”

“Correct, it is against the rules we have lived by for centuries. I have nothing against you

personally, Imogen. How could I? I barely know you. But you don’t understand the risk my sons are

taking by keeping you.” The way he spoke was like I was their pet, not a person. I nodded. I did

understand their reasons but that didn’t mean I was going to throw my life away for the sake of a few

broken rules. If no one knows I exist, why is it a problem?

Caroline cleared her throat awkwardly obviously fearing this was going to become another

argument that she would be stuck in between.

“I’m not changing. I don’t want to be like Tobias or Theo, I like my humanity,” I said not taking my

eyes off him.

“You won’t be given the choice if that’s the case, Imogen. There are only two options for you: death

or change. You need to hurry up and embrace one.” I heard Tobias growl behind me. It was low and

deep in his chest. It gave me goosebumps.

“I never asked for any of this. My choice has already been taken from me. I have been held

prisoner here for weeks, and now you’re saying I don’t have choice, yet I’m still alive. If you’re going to

kill me, get it over with then,” I challenged. His lips tugged up into a sly smile.

“I like her, she has sass, but you boys are aware it’s going to get her killed,” he said looking at both

of them behind me. I knew they wouldn’t allow their father to hurt me. Them standing behind me, I felt

safe enough to say what I needed to say. This choice they were trying to make wasn’t theirs to decide

but mine and I am fine with being the way I am. Either they all except that or I leave, one way or

another. I didn’t want this man deciding my fate.

I looked at the grandfather clock, it was a little after 4AM. Noticing the time made me yawn. I

quickly swallowed my coffee down hoping to give myself some energy.

Josiah kept his eyes on me the entire time. I was very aware of his gaze. Reminded me of a snake Original content from NôvelDrama.Org.

about to strike.

We sat and stood in awkward silence for a few seconds everyone drinking their coffee.

“If you refuse to be changed, what sort of future, do you see yourself having with my son? You will

grow old and then die. I am not sure if they told you this but a mate bond…” Tobias cut him off.

“She doesn’t need to know anything else father, I won’t have her decision swayed because your

speaking nonsense.”

“She has a right to know, not that it will matter when she is dead which by the sounds of it will be

sooner rather than later, son.” Tobias went to say something, but I stopped him speaking first.

“I want to know, finish what you were going to say.”

His father grinned triumphantly like he won.

“Like I was saying, a mate bond doesn’t just stop or go away after you die. If something were to

happen to you, they would never be able to take another woman again. Mates are for life not like you

humans with this whole death do us part nonsense. Something happens to you, they will forever be left

with each other, and that’s only if your death doesn’t send them crazy. Losing a mate, I have heard, is

equivalent to losing part of your soul.”

His words made my heart skip a beat. They knew even if I said no that me leaving could destroy

them, yet they marked me anyway. Did they just assume I would bow down to their needs? The

thought scared me; I didn’t want to be the reason for their destruction. I also never asked for any of

this. Yet if I choose wrong either way I die or be killed the options weren’t all that appealing. I also

worried that eventually aging looking beyond their immortal age, I would be older than them if I did stay

human. Would they still want me when I’m old and wrinkly like a worn-out leather handbag?

I looked toward them, Theo and Tobias who were watching me. “You knew marking me could

destroy you yet you still did it?”

“You will understand once the mate bond kicks in, Imogen. Don’t think too much of it right now,

please. Ignore my father he is just rambling,” Theo said. The mate bond everything comes down to this

invisible bond we are supposed to have. I find myself more needy of them, but do I feel the same way

as they do about me, I wasn’t so sure.

“Something to think about, Imogen,” Josiah said. I nodded but didn’t answer to busy stuck in my

own head, which was trying to grasp what the hell Tobias was thinking when he marked me.

“We will head off; I will give you as much time as I can boys, but either convince her or” He

glanced in my direction, he didn’t finish the sentence instead stood up, his wife following after him. I

followed them to the door, his mother kissed my cheek softly. Before getting in their red convertible.

I turned and walked inside with Tobias and Theo chasing after me.

“I’m sorry, Imogen. I didn’t know they would show up before the month ended,” Tobias said when I

shut the door.

“How long do I have?”

“Pardon” Tobias asked. I could hear the fear in his voice, like he thought I had already chosen

death. To be honest I was planning on remaining human, but after what his father said could I really go

ahead with my decision knowing how badly it will affect Tobias and Theo?

“How long do I have before I have to decide.”

“Till the end of the month,” Theo spoke up moving next to me. So, we had nine days that was it.

“What are you thinking?” asked Tobias, his gaze softening from his usual penetrating gaze.

“I don’t know what to think, but it’s clear I never had choice in anything, you took that choice, and

one thing I can’t fucking stand Tobias is not being able to control my own life. You made sure of that

when you bloody marked me, knowing full well what the repercussions were going to be” I said pointing

at him. I was so mad at him right now. Not only is he forcing my hand in this, but he also put Theo at

risk too. What he did was selfish, if he hadn’t marked me, our lives would never have changed and

none of this would have happened, and I would still be clueless to what they are.

“It’s not that simple, Imogen. You don’t know what it’s like when you find your mate because you

are human. We would have marked you eventually anyway, we wouldn’t have been able to help it, the

bond doesn’t give us a choice” I giggled, they probably thought I lost the plot because I was laughing

about this entire situation, I was so over, hearing about this bloody stupid mate bond.

“Fuck you, Tobias, and you can shove this whole mate bond up your ass. I’m done.” I turned to

walk toward the stairs, only to spin around and smack into Theo who was glaring at me. I rolled my

eyes and pushed past him, only for him to grab my arm. I turned to look at him, but the look on his face

made me take a step back. I glanced at Tobias his face also holding the same deadly stare.

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