Scarred Luna

A Due Apology

Kieran’s POV

Growing up, I always thought I was cursed. I mean, what else could explain all the torture I’d been going through since the beginning of time? I’d realized it and accepted it to be the truth. That way, it made my view of everything I was passing through less painful. All I did was tell myself that none of the things happening to me were my fault and I would be okay again.


Honestly, I stopped thinking about it, and the moment Sabrina welcomed me with open arms, I genuinely thought that would be the end of it all. The end of my suffering, and an avenue to try to forget the kind of life I lived before. But I guess fate was a really tricky player and somehow I always found myself on the wrong side of life.

If that ant hadn’t run over my foot the other day, nobody would have known I was eavesdropping on their conversation and I would be able to go with my activities like every other day, without the constant thought of why Sabrina decided to switch up on me.

I could still remember everything that played out that day. After I’d screamed and the duo heard me, Xander was the first to call out to me. The moment his voice reaches my ears, my heart went into panic mode. It thudded wildly against my chest as I thought of the next thing to do.

Was I supposed to walk into the kitchen now that they had realized someone had overheard them? Or was I supposed to just stand out here for as long as possible, till they were convinced that whoever screamed was only a figment of their imagination?

Whatever idea I picked didn’t exactly sound like the right choice no matter how hard I thought about it. In fact, the more I thought of it, the more stupid everything looked.

The sound of footsteps approaching reached my ears and my panic levels rose immediately. I searched around frantically as I thought of my next step. Without giving it too much thought and before I would talk myself out of it, I dashed back upstairs.This material belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

I took the stairs two at a time, not bothering to look back. The moment I was in my room, I slammed the door shut, so hard that its hinges rattled throughout the whole house.

After that incident, I’d been doing my level best in avoiding both Alpha Xander and Sabrina. I had no idea how and what I felt towards the woman that once showed me nothing but care. I wanted to understand where she was coming from, but after what I overheard, I couldn’t bring myself to do so. For the next couple of days, I missed breakfast, lunch and dinner. Literally everything that would make me bump into her. I only left my room when I had a hunch that she would be nowhere near the kitchen or it’s environs, and once I was in there, a couple of snacks was more than okay to see me through the night.

Whenever she came to knock, I always feigned sleep and luckily for both of us, she never roused me from my sleep.

Xander on the other hand, I always avoided him as best as I could. The other day, I took another flight of stairs just because I saw him descending from the one adjacent to me. I had no idea why I was avoiding him, but you could say I was feeling a little bit guilty for running off the way I did. But what was I supposed to do? Stay till?…

Three knocks on my door cut me out of my thoughts. I stole a glance at the bedside clock next to me, before my gaze rested on the door again.

Who was that?

“Who is it?” I called unsurely. Slowly, I got off my bed and headed towards the door. After the count of three, I pulled the door knob and yanked the door open. “Oh.”

“Can I come in?” Sabrina hung around the threshold, a small smile on her lips. The atmosphere was tense and awkward, despite the friendly face she tried to put on.

“Yeah.” I drawled awkwardly. If I had known she was the one at the door, I wasn’t sure I would have opened it. “Sure, come on in.”

Silence filled the room the moment she stepped in. I rocked on my heels as I waited for her to go first, because in all honesty, I had no idea what I was going to say.

“Kieran.” She finally called out to me. “I know things have been rocky between us the past few days now.”

She was only putting it mildly, because it was definitely worse than that.

“I snapped at you when I shouldn’t have and I didn’t even try to make up for it.” Sabrina sounded really genuine if I was being honest and I found myself being seated by her apology. “I didn’t mean to.”

“But why did you say that?” No matter how much I wanted to forgive her, I had to know the reason behind her words. There was no way she would have said those kinds of things in the spur of the moment. She had definitely thought it through. “Is that really the kind of person you think I am?”

“No, no, no.” She shook her head furiously. With tender eyes she took a step forward as she continued. ” You have to believe me that I didn’t mean any of the things I said. At all. You see, I’ve been under a lot of stress lately.”

“And I thought I could handle it, until I realized I couldn’t.” She continued after a short pause. ” Managing the affairs of this mansion isn’t exactly an easy task, and instead of me trying to figure out a way to balance it all, I let my anger out on you. I’m sorry, Kieran.”

“It’s okay.” I let out a sigh of relief. “It’s fine. I guess I understand where you’re coming from.”

“Thank you.” Sabrina beamed, and in that moment, I was reminded of the woman that I first met when I regained consciousness. “You have no idea how…”

The door to my room swung open, the small creak it made cutting through my thoughts. I peeked from beside Sabrina to see who it was and my heart dropped to my feet immediately.

“Alpha.” Sabrina greeted him excitedly. “What are you doing here? Do you need something? I can go get it for you and…”

“No, thank you.” Xander cut her off immediately. “I’m fine. Why didn’t you tell me you were having a difficult time handling everything else by yourself?”

“I really didn’t want to bother you.” Sabrina replied with a small shrug. “You already have a lot on your plate so how could I burden you with that kind of thing.”

“It’s not a bother.” Xander replied. “In fact, I know what to do. Starting tomorrow, a new maid will be joining us. She’ll take over all of the kitchen duties and whatever else Sabrina assigns her to do.”

“What?” Sabrina and I chorused. While Sabrina’s cry was one of surprise mixed with shock, mine had a tinge of indifference in it. ” What do you…”

“You heard me.” Xander wasn’t mincing words. “She’ll start tomorrow.”

I wasn’t sure why, but there was something about the way he said it, something that didn’t sit right with me. Honestly, as he stalked out of the room, I felt my stomach churn with dread.

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